Analyzing with Spark

Db2® Warehouse includes an integrated Apache Spark cluster environment that is optimized for use with Db2 Warehouse. You can run Spark applications in this environment to analyze data contained in the database and to write results to the database.

Use one of the following methods to deploy, launch, and manage Spark applications. To launch, test, or monitor Spark applications, you can also use the automatically installed and configured Apache Livy server as described in Launching a Spark application through an Apache Livy server.
You can use cURL (or another REST command-line tool or client) to issue commands directly via the REST API. cURL is an open source REST command-line tool that can be downloaded from the internet at no cost. The examples shown in the topics that describe how to use the REST API to launch and manage Spark applications use cURL syntax.
Note: By default, Db2 Warehouse is set up to use a self-signed SSL certificate for secure connections. Your version of cURL might reject this certificate if cURL cannot validate it. If cURL rejects the certificate, specify the -k option when calling cURL to disable peer verification. For more information, see