Handling invalid spatial geometry data
Invalid spatial geometry data can be loaded into tables if the DB2_GEO_ALLOW_INVALID Db2® registry variable is enabled. The attempted insertion of invalid spatial geometry data is identified with a SQL20397W message. The warning message indicates that you must fix the invalid geometry entries in the table.
For more information about updating
registry variables, see Setting
registry and environment variablesSetting registry and environment variablesSetting registry and environment
variables.SQL20397W Routine "GEOFROMTXT" execution has completed, but at least one error, "GSE",
was encountered during the execution. More information is available. SQLSTATE=01H52
Invalid spatial geometries are treated as analogous to empty geometries, or, where applicable, as
null when the registry variable is disabled. However, some property functions, in particular
ST_IsFormat, ST_SrsId, and, if the type was identified, ST_GeometryTypeID, plus the output function
that matches the format of the invalid geometry, are the exceptions. For example, an invalid
geometry with format WKT
can be retrieved with the ST_AsText function,
and an invalid geometry with format WKB
with the ST_AsBinary function.
For large geometries, it is possible that the length of the data content in the transport format
exceeds the capacity of the ST_Geometry data type. In that case, the content is cut off and marked
with a ..
at the end and you must fix the original source data. You can find and
select invalid geometry entries with the existing ST_IsValid function. The ST_IsFormat function returns the format of the stored geometry, in particular, format
for valid geometries, and otherwise the transport format, for example,
Usage scenarios
In the following usage scenarios, examples are given of cases where invalid geometry data was identified.
- Scenario 1
Inserting an invalid geometry with id
and srs-id1
:insert into points1 values (999, st_point('point (3.5 4.5, 8)',1))
SQL20397W Routine "GEOFROMTXT" execution has completed, but at least one error, "GSE", was encountered during the execution. More information is available. SQLSTATE=01H52
- Scenario 2
Geometry properties, with invalid geometry in id
that was inserted similar to scenario 1:select id, st_isvalid(g) as valid, st_isformat(g) as format, st_ismeasured(g) as msrd, st_is3d(g) as threed, st_numpoints(g) as numpoints, st_geometrytypeid(g) as geotype, st_srsid(g) as srsid from polygons1 order by id
ID VALID FORMAT MSRD THREED NUMPOINTS GEOTYPE SRSID ------- ----- ------- ----- ------- --------- ------- ----- 1000 1 SDE 0 0 0 16 1 1001 1 SDE 0 0 5 16 1 1002 1 SDE 0 0 5 16 1 1350 1 SDE 1 1 5 19 1 1400 - - - - - - - 99999 0 WKT - - 0 -1 1 6 record(s) selected.
- Scenario 3
Distance function, with invalid geometry in id
in table POLYGONS1:select p1.id point1, p2.id poly2, st_distance(p1.g, p2.g) distance from points1 p1, polygons1 p2 order by p1.id, p2.id
POINT1 POLY2 DISTANCE ------ ------ ---------------------- 0 1202 - 0 1203 - 0 1300 - 0 99999 - 1 1202 +5.94629380370664E+001 1 1203 +5.98910761299211E+001 1 1300 - 1 99999 - 2 1202 +7.38241153011670E+001 2 1203 +7.37902432574931E+001 2 1300 - 2 99999 - 100 1202 - 100 1203 - 100 1300 - 100 99999 - 101 1202 +4.66826777295390E+001 101 1203 +4.77035889635151E+001 101 1300 - 101 99999 - 999 1202 - 999 1203 - 999 1300 - 999 99999 - 24 record(s) selected.