To configure IBM Spectrum Protect client for LAN-based backups, you must run some
manage_tsm commands and change the node passwords for IBM Spectrum Protect
Before you begin
- The IBM Spectrum Protect server administrator must register the system nodes with IBM Spectrum
Protect server.
- All nodes must be externalized.
About this task
Do this task as the bluadmin user.
Run one of the following manage_tsm commands:
- If you use default values for the configuration of IBM Spectrum Protect client, run the
following command:
manage_tsm --servername name --serveraddress address --configure-api
Note: If
the configuration files exist, you must reconfigure IBM Spectrum Protect client by running the
manage_tsm --servername name --serveraddress address --reconfigure-api
configuration:[bluadmin@node0101-fab - Db2wh ~]$ cat /head/tsm/api/node0101-fab/dsm.sys
servername tsm_name
tcpserveraddress tsm_address
commmethod tcpip
passwordaccess generate
tcpport 1500
ssl yes
passworddir /head/tsm/api/node0101-fab/cred_store
- If you do not use default values for the configuration of IBM Spectrum Protect client, run the
manage_tsm --serveraddress address --servername name --commmethod method --tcpport port number --passwordaccess access method --ssl yes or no --configure-api
the following example, the configuration is done on all nodes
[bluadmin@node0101 - fab - dashDB /]$ manage_tsm --serveraddress tsm_address--servername tsm_name --commmethod tcpip --tcpport 1600 --passwordaccess generate --ssl yes --configure-api
Request the original node password or node passwords for IBM Spectrum Protect client from IBM
Spectrum Protect server.
Change these node password or passwords for IBM Spectrum Protect client by running the
manage_tsm --password-change
The following example shows the password change on a three-node
[bluadmin@node0101-fab -dashDB /]$ manage_tsm --password-change
Updating IBM Spectrum Protect API password
Update the password for node0101-fab:
* Tivoli Storage Manager
* API Version = 8.1.2
Enter your current password:
Enter your
new password:
Enter your new password again:
Your new password has been accepted and updated.
Connection to node0101-fab closed.
Update the password for node0102-fab:
* Tivoli Storage Manager
* API Version = 8.1.2
Enter your current password:
Enter your new password:
Enter your new password again:
Your new password has been accepted and updated.
Connection to node0102-fab closed.
Update the password for node0103-fab:
* Tivoli Storage Manager
* API Version = 8.1.2
Enter your current password:
Enter your new password:
Enter your new password again:
Your new password has been accepted and updated.
Connection to node0103-fab closed.
You can now use IBM Spectrum Protect client to back up and restore data in a LAN-based