db2se unregister_spatial_column command

The db2se unregister_spatial_column command removes the registration of a spatial column.

This command removes the registration by:
  • Removing association of the spatial reference system with the spatial column. The DB2GSE.ST_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS catalog view continues to show the spatial column, but the column is no longer associated with any spatial reference system.
  • For a base table, drop the constraint created on this table to ensure that the geometry values in this spatial column are all represented in the same spatial reference system.


The user ID must hold one of the following authorities or privileges to run this command:
  • DBADM and DATAACCESS authority on the database that contains the table to which the spatial column that is being registered belongs
  • CONTROL privilege on this table
  • ALTER privilege on this table

Command syntax

db2se unregister_spatial_column command

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramunregister_spatial_columndatabase_name-userIduser_id-pwpassword -tableSchematable_schema-tableNametable_name -columnNamecolumn_name

Command parameters

Specifies the name of the database for which you want to remove the registration of a spatial column.
-userId user_id
Specifies the database user ID that has DATAACCESS authority on the database indicated by database_name.
-pw password
Specifies the password for user_id.
-tableSchema table_schema
Specifies the schema name for the specified table_name. If you do not specify a schema name, the value in the CURRENT SCHEMA special register is used as the schema name for the table or view.
-tableName table_name
Specifies the unqualified name of the table for the specified column_name. The table_name value is converted to uppercase unless you enclose it in double quotation marks.
-columnName column_name
Identifies the column to be unregistered. The column_name value is converted to uppercase unless you enclose it in double quotation marks.


The following example unregisters a spatial column named MYCOLUMN in table MYTABLE.

db2se unregister_spatial_column mydb -tableName mytable -columnName mycolumn