db2se disable_autogc command
The db2se disable_autogc command disables autogeocoding.
This command prevents Db2® Spatial Extender from synchronizing a geocoded column with its associated geocoding column or columns. A geocoding column is used as input to the geocoder. Each time that values are inserted into, or updated in, the geocoding column or columns, triggers are activated. These triggers invoke the associated geocoder to geocode the inserted or updated values and to place the resulting data in the geocoded column. The information about geocoded columns is available from the DB2GSE.ST_GEOCODING catalog view.
- DBADM and DATAACCESS authority on the database that contains the table on which the triggers that are being dropped are defined.
- CONTROL privilege on this table and DROPIN authority on the DB2GSE schema.
- ALTER and UPDATE privileges on this table and DROPIN authority on the DB2GSE schema.
Also, the user ID must have the necessary privileges on the Db2 server to create or write to the exception and messages files.
Command syntax
Command parameters
- Specifies the name of the database for which you want to disable autogeocoding.
- Specifies the database user ID that has DATAACCESS authority on the database indicated by database_name.
- Specifies the password for user_id.
- Specifies the schema name for the specified table_name. If you do not specify a schema name, the value in the CURRENT SCHEMA special register is used as the schema name for the table or view.
- Specifies the unqualified name of the table containing the specified column on which you want to disable autogeocoding. The triggers created to synchronize the geocoded column are dropped. The table_name value is converted to uppercase unless you enclose it in double quotation marks.
- Specifies the names of the geocoded column that is maintained on which you want to disable autogeocoding. The column_name value is converted to uppercase unless you enclose it in double quotation marks.
The following example disables the automatic geocoding for a geocoded column named MYCOLUMN in table MYTABLE.
db2se disable_autogc mydb -tableName mytable -columnName mycolumn