Database users

By default, IAS comes with two user groups for database users:
  • bluadmin
  • bluusers
User bluadmin, a member of the bluadmin group, is the default database administrator. Initial password for this user is set during the installation process. As the database administrator, bluadmin can create additional user ids with database administration privilege, or create additional user ids that can be used by database applications for performing regular database operations.

Database users can come from an IAS internal directory server, or from external directory servers such as Windows Active Directory or other OpenLDAP servers.


To learn about external directory server configuration for database users you need to refer to the knowledge center of the standalone Db2® Warehouse product. Note that in IAS, you can't run docker exec -it Db2wh configure_user_management commands that are described in Db2 Warehouse documentation. Instead, you use either the web console Settings > External User Management, or the apsetup interactive script from the command line (1: General Appliance Settings > 2: User Settings > 4: External LDAP Settings).

Detailed steps for configuring an external LDAP server for database users can be found in Setting up an external LDAP server for Db2 Warehouse.

For guidance on configuring Microsoft Active Directory server for database users, see Setting up a Microsoft Active Directory server for Db2 Warehouse.

Database user management is performed via the web console. This includes creation, modification, deletion and password management. For more detailed information regarding database user management, see Db2 Warehouse database user management.