Literal and columnar expression arguments
When you use a combination of literal and column expression arguments, you invoke a correlated table function.
A correlated subquery (also known as a repeating subquery) is a special table, row, or scalar subquery that includes a reference to an outer table. A correlated subquery is evaluated separately for each input row of the outer table, and consequently usually results in poor performance. A Db2® instance offers limited support for correlated subqueries.
A lateral subquery is a special form of correlated subquery that appears in a FROM clause and includes a reference to an outer table that appears earlier the same FROM clause. The LATERAL keyword typically identifies this type of correlation, although the TABLE keyword can be used as well. In a Db2 database, you cannot use the LATERAL keyword and you can use the TABLE keyword only for UDTFs (not for SQL subqueries).
- With inner correlation, the table function is invoked
once for each input row. The table output contains all of the output
rows that are produced for that input row plus the corresponding input
row. If the table function does not produce an output row for an input
row, the input row is omitted from the table output. Also, if the
table function produces an output row for an input row, but the join
qualifier evaluates to false, the input row is omitted from the combined
mydb.schema(usr1)=> SELECT t.cust_id, f.product_id FROM orders AS t, TABLE ( parsenames(prod_codes) ) AS f WHERE t.cust_id='AB123456'; cust_id | product_id ----------+------------ AB123456 | 124 AB123456 | 6 AB123456 | 12 AB123456 | 121 AB123456 | 87 AB123456 | 182 (6 rows) mydb.schema(usr1)=> SELECT t.cust_id, f.product_id FROM orders AS t, TABLE ( parsenames(prod_codes) ) AS f WHERE t.cust_id='AB223456'; cust_id | product_id ----------+------------ (0 rows)
- With left outer correlation, the major difference
is that in cases where the input row does not produce output or in
cases where the join qualifier evaluates to false, the UDTF displays
the result of the table function with NULL values in its columns.
For example:
mydb.schema(usr1)=> SELECT * FROM orders AS f LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE(parsenames(f.prod_codes)) ON product_id='121'; ORDER_ID | CUST_ID | SALE_DATE | PROD_CODES | PRODUCT_ID ----------+----------+------------+-----------------------+------------ 150 | CD876543 | 2010-09-05 | 80,43,55,12,4,67,92 | 142 | AB664353 | 2010-09-04 | 1,145,52,53,93,98,100 | 124 | AB123456 | 2010-08-26 | 124,6,12,121 | 121 143 | AB123456 | 2010-09-05 | 87,182 | 120 | AB876123 | 2010-09-05 | 28,36,80 | 131 | AB643623 | 2010-09-02 | 12,88,41 | 132 | AB643623 | 2010-09-04 | 121 | 121 125 | AB987657 | 2010-08-26 | 8 | 126 | AB456754 | 2010-09-01 | 32,5,76,65,121,98 | 121 (9 rows)
- It cannot occur in a RIGHT OUTER JOIN where it is laterally correlated to the table that is being joined on.
- It cannot occur in a FULL OUTER JOIN where it is laterally correlated to the table that is being joined on.