Adding static routes

This topic describes how you can add static routes using the apsetup utility of IBM Integrated Analytics System.


  1. Log in as any member of the ibmapadmin group.
  2. Start a screen session with screen -S apsetup_session.
  3. Run the apsetup command inside the screen session.
  4. Select Network configuration > 3: Configure hostnames, IP addresses, gateway and static routes > 5: Add static routes.
  5. Provide the following information:
    • external target IP
    • subnet mask
    • gateway IP
    • interface name
    Note: The static route is added only if it is not already existing. If the static route already exists, a notification appears.
  6. Select 7: Safe Config and Exit (without applying) or 8: Save config and apply config from the apsetup script to save or save and apply the changes.