
The general state of your IBM® Integrated Analytics System is determined by the state of two components: platform manager and the appliance application.

Appliance states

The following table describes all states of the appliance.
Table 1. Appliance states description
State Description
Activating The startup procedure has begun.
Active Platform Manager is activated, system is being monitored, and policies are active. Containers, including Db2 Warehouse are stopped.
Deactivating Deactivating process has begun.
Inactive Platform Manager is started but no monitoring takes place, the policy engine is not running.
Starting The appliance containers are starting.
Ready System (Db2 Warehouse) is ready for handling user requests.
Down Db2 Warehouse is down and cannot be recovered automatically.
Recovering Db2 Warehouse recovering is in progress.
Degraded etcd cluster is not accessible from a node. Platform management is deactivated.
Started_Unknown Appliance containers are started but Db2 Warehouse state cannot be reported
Started_Down The platform is monitored and at least one appliance container is started but Db2 Warehouse HA component is stopped.
The following table presents how the overall appliance state is determined by the state of the platform manager and the state of the appliance application.
Table 2. Appliance states based on components
Platform Manager state Application state Appliance state
Stopped   Stopped
Inactive   Inactive
Activating   Activating
Deactivating   Deactivating
Degraded   Degraded
Active Stopped Active
Active Waiting_For_Nodes Starting
Active Starting Starting
Active Containers_Started Starting
Active Started Started
Active Down Down
Active Ready Ready
Active Failed Down
Active Recovering Recovering
Active Stopping Stopping
Active Started_Unknown Started_Unknown
Active Started_Down Started_Down
The following table lists all possible application states.
Table 3. Application states description
Application State Description
Waiting_For_Nodes Waiting for enough healthy nodes to start the appliance application. A healthy node means that the server status is OK and GPFS file systems are mounted.
Starting Starting application containers.
Containers_Started Application containers started and waiting for Db2 Warehouse to start.
Down Unable to start application containers.
Failed Db2 Warehouse cannot start.
Recovering Db2 Warehouse recovery is in progress.