Starting the appliance software stack

You can start the appliance software stack using the apstart command.

About this task

The apstart command starts the management software stack, that is both, the platform manager and the appliance application. You can also start these components separately.


  1. Depending on the component that you want to start, issue one of the following commands:
    • Use apstart to start both, platform manager and the appliance application. The following status is displayed:
      Successfully activated platform, appliance activation request sent.
    • Use apstart -p to start only the platform manager. The appliance application will not be started, but if it works, platform manager will detect it and change application state accordingly.
    • Use apstart -a to start the appliance application only. Platform manager must be in state ACTIVE for this command to work.
    For more information on the command options, see apstart command.
  2. You can issue ap state to monitor the startup process. You will see the system state changing, until the status is Ready. You can also run ap state -d to view the status of each component separately:
    ap state -d
    System state is 'Ready'
    Application state is 'Ready'
    Platform management state is 'Active'