Installing EMC NetWorker client and NMDA

Important: This topic only applies to IAS versions prior to

Run the emc_client install command to install and configure the EMC NetWorker client and NetWorker Module for Databases and Applications (NMDA).

Before you begin

  1. You can purchase the two tar.gz files (EMC NetWorker client RPMs and NMDA RPMs) from the Dell website.
  2. Confirm that the EMC NetWorker client and NMDA tar.gz files are in the shared directory. It’s advisable to save the tar.gz files in a shared directory, for instance /opt/ibm/appliance/storage/scratch. In the example, the location is accessible from inside the database environment container as /scratch.
  3. Request the server fully qualified domain name, Data Volume Pool and Log Volume Pool from the EMC NetWorker Server administrator.
Remember: Run the scripts as the bluadmin user in the IAS database environment:
ssh bluadmin@master_node_name -p 50022
Command syntax:
emc_client install [-h] --server <server> --dvp <dvp> --lvp <lvp> --client-libraries <client_libraries> --nmda-libraries <nmda_libraries>
More detailed information about the command options is provided in emc_client command reference.


  1. Use the emc_client install command with all parameters specified. The configuration files for EMC NetWorker are generated and the database is updated as on the example:
    [bluadmin@iiasgk-node0101 -Db2wh emc_cleanup]$ emc_client install  --server --dvp Default
     --lvp Default --client-libraries /scratch/emc_rpms/nw9212_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz 
     --nmda-libraries /scratch/emc_rpms/nmda921_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz 
    Checking if nodes are externalized
    Getting IP address and hostname of the EMC NetWorker server
    Extracting Bundle: /scratch/emc/nw9212_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
    Extracting Bundle: /scratch/emc/nmda921_linux_ppc64le.tar.gz
    Getting EMC NetWorker client RPMs
    Installing EMC NetWorker client RPMs....
    Creating nsr directories
    Generating server files on all nodes
    Adding EMC NetWorker server details to /etc/hosts on node: node0102-fab
    Adding EMC NetWorker server details to /etc/hosts on node: node0103-fab
    Adding EMC NetWorker server details to /etc/hosts on node: node0104-fab
    Adding EMC NetWorker server details to /etc/hosts on node: node0105-fab
    Adding EMC NetWorker server details to /etc/hosts on node: node0106-fab
    Adding EMC NetWorker server details to /etc/hosts on node: node0107-fab
    Stopping EMC NetWorker services
    Successfully stopped EMC NetWorker services.
    Starting EMC NetWorker services
    Successfully started EMC NetWorker services
    Checking nsrexecdInstalling NMDA RPMs....
    Verifying NMDA libraries
    Linking NMDA libraries to db2
    Confirming if NMDA library linked to db2
    Updating database configurations
    IMPORTANT: Please exit out from the database container and restart the system using 'apstop' and 'apstart' commands.
    Once the system is Ready, run 'setup_nmda_cfg -set-hostnames' inside database container as bluadmin to finish the installation setup.
    Setting up NMDA configuration files
    Successfully installed and configured EMC NetWorker client and NMDA on all nodes.
    NOTE: HA Management is RUNNING. 
    For more info see /scratch/bluadmin_BNR/logs/emc_client_20180821152721.log
    In a case of an error, fix it and retrigger the command.
  2. Exit the database container and restart the system using apstop and apstart commands. Once the system is Ready, run setup_nmda_cfg -set-hostnames inside the database container as bluadmin to finish the installation setup. For more information on the command, see Configuring EMC NetWorker by using the setup_nmda_cfg command.
  3. Confirm that EMC client and NMDA RPMs are installed by running:
    rpm -qa| grep lgt
    Example output:
    [bluadmin@iiasgk-node0101 -Db2wh ]$ rpm -qa | grep lgt
  4. To view configuration files, run:
    cat /nsr/apps/config/nmda_db2.cfg
    cat /nsr/apps/config/nmda_db2_tlogs.cfg
    Sample outputs:
    [bluadmin@iiasgk-node0101 -Db2wh ~]$ cat /nsr/apps/config/nmda_db2.cfg  
    [bluadmin@iiasgk-node0101 -Db2wh ~]$ cat /nsr/apps/config/nmda_db2_tlogs.cfg