Overview of IBM i2 iBase

IBM® i2® iBase provides powerful solutions for configuring, capturing, controlling, analyzing and displaying complex information and relationships in link and entity data. iBase is both a database application and a modeling and analysis tool.

Entering data

As a database application you can do all the things you would expect, such as adding records, deleting records, and importing, and exporting records.

Modeling and analysis

The modeling and analysis facilities are based upon the concepts of entities and links. Entities are the things that are being represented, such as people and addresses. Links represent relationships between entities, such as 'shareholder' and 'account holder'. For each entity and link, there is a database record.

Analysis is made easy in a number of ways; entities and links can be grouped together in a variety of ways using sets. Sets can be analyzed to find common members. There are sophisticated visual query facilities that allow you to construct queries as simple or as complicated as you need to reveal the information in your database. Data can be reported upon using flexible reporting tools.

Additional features

The features available in iBase depend on the type of database you have. If you have an SQL Server database, you may be able to manage data on a case-by-case basis, and add alerts to monitor when records of interest change or are viewed. Search 360 provides powerful tools for both simple and complex searches.

Integration with other IBM i2 products

iBase is closely integrated with IBM® i2® Analyst's Notebook® and IBM® i2® Text Chart. If these products are installed on your machine, you can use:

  • Analyst's Notebook as a 'front end' or interface to iBase, so you can use it to create records for example, and you can send records from iBase directly onto an Analyst's Notebook chart for further analysis and presentation.

  • Text Chart to enter records into your iBase database. This method of working is an alternative to entering records manually or importing them.

  • IBM® i2® iBase Geographic Information System (GIS) Interfaces to send iBase data to third-party mapping applications.