Create Cluster Admin Domain (CRTCAD)

The Create Cluster Administrative Domain (CRTCAD) command creates a peer cluster resource group object which represents the cluster administrative domain. The cluster administrative domain provides synchronization of monitored resources across the active nodes in the domain. The cluster nodes which are defined within the cluster administrative domain will participate in the synchronization process. The cluster administrative domain name is the name of the cluster resource group which is being created. The nodes defined in the domain node list are the nodes in the recovery domain of the cluster resource group. Successful completion of this command results in a new job started as a system job. This job has the same name as the name of the cluster administrative domain being created.

To add nodes to the cluster administrative domain, use the Add Cluster Admin Domain Node Entry (ADDCADNODE) command. To remove nodes from the cluster administrative domain, use the Remove Cluster Admin Domain Node Entry (RMVCADNODE) command. To start the cluster administrative domain, use the Start Cluster Admin Domain (STRCAD) command. To end the cluster administrative domain use the End Cluster Admin Domain (ENDCAD) command.

This command will do the following:



Start of changeEnd of changeStart of changeEnd of change
Keyword Description Choices Notes
ADMDMN Cluster administrative domain Name, *GEN Optional, Positional 1
DMNNODL Admin domain node list Single values: *ALL
Other values (up to 128 repetitions): Name
Optional, Positional 2
Start of changeSTARTend of change Start of changeStart indicatorend of change Start of change*YES, *NOend of change Start of changeOptionalend of change
Start of changeCFGPCYend of change Start of changeConfigure policiesend of change Start of change*YES, *NOend of change Start of changeOptionalend of change
SYNCOPT Synchronization option *LASTCHG, *ACTDMN Optional
Start of changeCLUSTERend of change Cluster Name, * Optional

Cluster administrative domain (ADMDMN)

Specifies the cluster administrative domain to be created.

This is a required parameter.

Start of change
The cluster administrative domain name will be generated by PowerHA.
End of change
Specify the name of the cluster administrative domain.

Admin domain node list (DMNNODL)

Specifies the list of nodes that compose the administrative domain. Nodes in the administrative domain must be unique cluster nodes. Each node must be active in the cluster.

You can specify up to 128 nodes for the administrative domain.

Start of change
Add all nodes in the cluster that are not currently in a cluster administrative domain.
End of change
Specify the name of an active cluster node.
Start of change

Start indicator (START)

Specifies whether or not the administrative domain is to be started after the creation of the administrative domain.

The administrative domain will be started.
The administrative domain will not be started.

Configure policies (CFGPCY)

Specifies whether or not recommended policies are automatically configured for the administrative domain after the creation of the administrative domain.

Recommended policies will configured for the administrative domain. Policies can be modified with the Change High Availability Policy (CHGHAPCY) command.

The following policies will be configured:

Policy           Qualifier         Value

Recommended policies will not be configured. Policies can be configured with the Add High Availability Policy (ADDHAPCY) command.
End of change

Synchronization option (SYNCOPT)

Specifies the synchronization behavior when a node joins a cluster administrative domain.

The last change that was made before the node joined the cluster administrative domain is processed by all nodes in the active domain. The last change could have been made in the active domain or on the joining node while it was inactive.
Only changes made on active nodes in an active cluster administrative domain are processed. Changes made on a node while it was inactive are not passed to the active domain. When a node joins the cluster administrative domain, it will be synchronized with the values from the active domain.
Start of change

Cluster (CLUSTER)

Specifies the name of the cluster.

The cluster that has been configured on this system is used.
Specify the name of the cluster.
End of change

Examples for CRTCAD

Creating a Cluster Administrative Domain With a Three-Node Administrative Domain

         DMNNODL(NODE01 NODE02 NODE03)

This command creates a cluster administrative domain called MYDOMAIN in the cluster called MYCLUSTER. The administrative domain consists of three nodes, NODE01, NODE02 and NODE03. The last change to monitored resources will be applied when a node joins the cluster administrative domain.

Error messages for CRTCAD

*ESCAPE Messages

Start of change
Cluster administrative domain
Cluster administrative domain &1 not created.amp;1 not created.End of change