Change Contact Information (CHGCNTINF)

The Change Contact Information command enables you to change the local service information that helps you contact, or be contacted by, various support centers.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
CMPNY Company Character value, *SAME Optional
CONTACT Contact Character value, *SAME Optional
CUSTOMER Customer number Values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list Optional
Element 1: Customer identifier Character value, *SAME
Element 2: Customer description Character value, *SAME
CONTRACT Contract number Values (up to 5 repetitions): Element list Optional
Element 1: Contract identifier Character value, *SAME
Element 2: Contract description Character value, *SAME
TELNBR Contact telephone numbers Element list Optional
Element 1: Primary Character value, *SAME
Element 2: Help desk or pager number Character value, *SAME, *NONE
FAXTELNBR Fax telephone numbers Element list Optional
Element 1: Primary Character value, *SAME, *NONE
Element 2: Alternative Character value, *SAME, *NONE
MAILADDR Mailing address Element list Optional
Element 1: Street address line 1 Character value, *SAME
Element 2: Street address line 2 Character value, *SAME, *NONE
Element 3: Street address line 3 Character value, *SAME, *NONE
Element 4: City or locality Character value, *SAME
Element 5: State or province Character value, *SAME, *NONE
Element 6: Country or region Character value, *SAME
Element 7: Postal code Character value, *SAME
LNGVER National language version 2902-2998, *SAME, *PRIMARY Optional
EMAILADDR Electronic mail addresses Element list Optional
Element 1: Primary Character value, *SAME, *NONE
Element 2: Alternative Character value, *SAME, *NONE
CALLCSS Call central site support *SAME, *NO, *YES Optional

Company (CMPNY)

Specifies the name of the organization that owns or is responsible for this system.

The value does not change.
Specify the company name, enclosed in apostrophes.

Contact (CONTACT)

Specifies the name of the person in your organization who is responsible for repairs and maintenance on the system. This person may be called by the service provider with information or assistance for a system problem. Also, parts or PTFs may be sent to this person.

The value does not change.
Specify the contact person's name, enclosed in apostrophes.

Customer number (CUSTOMER)

Specifies the IBM-assigned number which uniquely identifies the customer. This number is used in various business and service transactions with IBM. Up to five sets of customer numbers and associated descriptive text can be specified.

Element 1: Customer identifier

The value does not change.
Specify a unique number that IBM has assigned to the customer. The value cannot contain blanks and must contain only digits 0-9. The customer number is either seven or eigth digits.
There is not Customer for the contact person.

Element 2: Customer description

The value does not change.
Specify the customer description, enclosed in apostrophes. You can specify up to 256 characters of descriptive text.

Contract number (CONTRACT)

Specifies the IBM-assigned number which uniquely identifies the customer's services contract. This number enables the look-up of all customer purchased services under the identified contract. Up to five sets of contract numbers and associated descriptive text can be specified.

Element 1: Contract identifier

The value does not change.
There is not Customer for the contact person.
Specify a unique identifier that IBM has assigned to the customer's services contract. The value cannot contain blanks and must contain only digits 0-9 and uppercase letters A-Z. The contract number identifier is either six or seven characters.

Element 2: Contract description

The value does not change.
Specify the contract description, enclosed in apostrophes. You can specify up to 256 characters of descriptive text.

Contact telephone numbers (TELNBR)

Specifies the telephone numbers where the contact person can be reached.

Element 1: Primary

The value does not change.
Specify the complete telephone number where the person specified for the Contact (CONTACT) parameter may be reached most often. This number should include the area code, exchange numbers, and the extension.

Element 2: Help desk or pager number

The value does not change.
There is no help desk telephone number or pager telephone number for the contact person.
Specify the complete help desk or pager number. This number should include the area code, exchange numbers, and the extension.

Fax telephone numbers (FAXTELNBR)

Specifies the facsimile (fax) telephone numbers where information for the contact person can be transmitted.

Element 1: Primary

The value does not change.
There is no primary fax number for the contact person.
Specify the complete fax telephone number where information for the person specified for the Contact (CONTACT) parameter can be sent. This number should include the area code, exchange numbers, and the extension.

Element 2: Alternative

The value does not change.
There is no alternative fax number for the contact person.
Specify the complete fax telephone number where the information for the person specified for the Contact (CONTACT) parameter can be sent, if the primary fax number is not available. This number should include the area code, exchange numbers, and the extension.

Mailing address (MAILADDR)

Specifies the mailing address of the person specified for the Contact (CONTACT) parameter.

Elements 1,2,3: Street address

The value does not change.
No additional street address information is provided. This value is valid for elements 2 and 3, but not for element 1.
Specify the postal number and street name of the location to which you want your service provider to send parts or assistance for the problem. This should not be a post office box. Up to three lines of street address information can be specified. Each line is a separate parameter element, which can be up to 36 characters long, and should be enclosed in apostrophes.

Element 4: City or locality

The value does not change.
Specify the name of the city or locality to which you want your service provider to send parts or assistance.

Element 5: State or province

The value does not change.
There is no state or province.
Specify the name of the state or province to which you want your service provider to send parts or assistance.

Element 6: Country or region

The value does not change.
Specify the name of the country or region to which the service provider should send parts or assistance.

Element 7: Postal code

The value does not change.
Specify the postal code for the location to which the service provider should send parts or assistance.

National language version (LNGVER)

Specifies the preferred language version to be used for program temporary fix (PTF) cover letters. PTF cover letters are initially written in U.S. English. Some of the cover letters are translated into other languages and may be ordered in the other languages. If the cover letter you ordered has not been translated into your preferred language, the cover letter will be sent in U.S. English.

The value does not change.
The language version for the currently installed primary national language on the system is used.
Specify the preferred language version to be used for PTF cover letters.

Electronic mail addresses (EMAILADDR)

Specifies the electronic mail (e-mail) address for the contact person.

Element 1: Primary

The value does not change.
There is no primary e-mail address for the contact person.
Specify the e-mail address where information for the person specified for the Contact (CONTACT) parameter can be sent. For example, ''.

Element 2: Alternative

The value does not change.
There is no alternative e-mail address for the contact person.
Specify the e-mail address where the information for the person specified for the Contact (CONTACT) parameter can be sent, if the primary e-mail address is not available.

Media for PTFs (MEDPTF)

Specifies the media to be used for program temporary fixes (PTFs).

The value does not change.
The system will automatically select the media to be used for sending PTFs. If the system does not detect any device, the default value will be *DVDROM.
PTFs will be sent on CD-ROM media.
PTFs will be sent on DVD-ROM media.

Call central site support (CALLCSS)

Specifies if the customer wants their Central Site Support desk called by IBM customer engineer (CE) or the Product Support center.

Element 1: Call central site support

The value does not change.
The customer's central site support is to be called.
The customer's central site support is not to be called.


Example 1: Change Contact Telephone Number

CHGCNTINF   TELNBR('1-507-345-6789')

This command changes the primary telephone number for the contact person. No help desk or pager number is provided, so the help desk or pager number does not change.

Example 2: Change Contact Information Values

            TELNBR('1-507-123-4567' '1-507-123-7654')

This command changes the contact person name, the primary and help desk or pager numbers and the primary fax number.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Error detected while processing support contact data.