What's new for IBM i 7.5

Read about new or changed information for the Installing, upgrading, or deleting IBM® i and related software topic collection.

Start of changeIBM i 7.5 supports POWER9™ and later hardwareEnd of change
For more information on models and releases supported, see Releases supported and system model information for IBM i upgrades.

Start of changeWhat's new for IBM i 7.5 installs and upgradesEnd of change

Start of changeRequirements before you install IBM i 7.5 Licensed Internal CodeEnd of change

The IBM i 7.5 Licensed Internal Code requires more storage on the load-source disk unit than IBM i 7.3 Licensed Internal Code. To upgrade to IBM i 7.5 Licensed Internal Code, all systems will require up to approximately 8 gigabytes of system ASP free space before IBM i 7.5 can be installed. Your upgrade will stop during the installation of Licensed Internal Code if you do not have this space.

Start of changeIf upgrading from IBM i 7.4, the required free space was already checked during the prior release installation.End of change

Upgrading IBM i from prior releases
Start of changeAn IBM i 7.3 environment on a POWER9 or POWER10 processor-based server or an IBM i 7.4 environment on a POWER9 or POWER10 processor-based server can be upgraded to IBM i 7.5. End of change
Start of changeSecurity changes related to Service Tool IDsEnd of change
Start of changeSigning on to Dedicated Service Tools (DST) is required when IBM i is started in manual mode or when accessing service tool functions. Before you can start an installation, you must sign on with an enabled service tool user ID. During Licensed Internal Code installation using D-Mode IPL, service tool user IDs are restored from installation media. End of change
Start of change
  • If saved system media is used, any service tool ID that was valid at save time can be used.
  • If using IBM i 7.5 installation media, service tool ID QSECOFR is created with default password QSECOFR.
End of change
Start of changeService tool IDs 11111111 (eight ones) and 22222222 (eight twos) are removed from IBM i 7.5.End of change

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, the IBM documentation uses:
  • The Start of change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End of change image to mark where new or changed information ends.

In PDF files, you might see revision bars (|) in the margin of new and changed information.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.