The IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS table function returns a table of objects contained in the starting path name or accessible from the starting path name.

This information is similar to what is returned by the Retrieve Directory Information (RTVDIRINF) command or the Qp0lGetAttr()--Get Attributes API.

No rows are returned for remote file system objects. This means that for the QNTC file system, only a row for /QNTC is returned. For the Network File System (NFS) and QFileSvr.400 file systems, no rows are returned.

Some file systems, including QDLS, are not threadsafe. Accessing information from these file systems might not return some rows. If this happens, an error or warning is returned based on the IGNORE_ERRORS parameter setting. See the Usage Notes on this page for the list of threadsafe file systems: access()--Determine File Accessibility.

Authorization: The caller must have:

For file systems other than QDLS and QSYS:
  • For each directory included in the path name used to start the search, *X
  • For each directory processed recursively, *RX and *OBJMGT
  • For each object returned, *OBJMGT
For the QDLS file system:
  • For each directory included in the path name, except for QDLS, used to start the search, *X
  • For every object being returned or processed recursively, *RWX and *OBJEXIST *OBJMGT *OBJALTER *OBJREF
For the QSYS file system:
  • For the library or object included in the path name used to start the search, *USE
  • For each library or object processed recursively by the service, *USE and *OBJMGT
  • For each object returned, *OBJMGT

To return values for OBJECT_AUDIT and OBJECT_AUDIT_CREATE, the caller must have *ALLOBJ or *AUDIT special authority.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS ( START_PATH_NAME => start-path-name,SUBTREE_DIRECTORIES => subtree-directories,OBJECT_TYPE_LIST => object-type-list,OMIT_LIST => omit-list,IGNORE_ERRORS => ignore-errors)
An expression that returns a path name for starting the search. A relative path name is relative to the current directory. If an absolute path name is not specified, the current working directory is used in combination with the relative path name to resolve to the object.
An expression that indicates whether all subdirectories should be recursively processed or not.
Only objects in the directory identified by start-path-name are processed.
All subdirectories for the directory identified by start-path-name are processed. This is the default.
A list of one or more object types that should be returned. One or more blanks separate multiple values. The default is the empty string, indicating all objects are returned. Values include all the standard system object types, for example *PGM or *STMF, and the following special values:

Select all directory object types. This includes *LIB, *DIR, *FLR, *FILE, and *DDIR object types.

Select all stream file object types. This includes *MBR, *DOC, *STMF, *DSTMF, and *USRSPC object types.

Select all database file member types.

Exclude all QDLS file system object types.
Exclude all QOPT and QNTC file system object types.
Exclude all QSYS.LIB object types. This includes all objects in the QSYS.LIB file system and all independent ASP QSYS.LIB file systems which are available when the function is invoked.
A character string containing one or more path names to exclude from processing. All objects and sub directories accessed from this path are excluded as well. The default is the empty string, indicating no path names are excluded from processing.
The root path ('/') must not be included in the list. If more than one path is provided, the values are separated by one or more blanks. If a blank exists in a path name, the path name must be enclosed in either apostrophes (') or quotes("). When delimiting a path name and there is an apostrophe or quote (matching the enclosing character) in the path name, the embedded character needs to be doubled. For example, the following are valid path strings.
  • One path name. No delimiter needed:


  • Two path names. No delimiter needed:

    /dir1/content /dir1/dir3

  • Blank in path name, path delimited with apostrophes:

    '/dir1/content string'

  • Two path names. Blank and apostrophe in first path. First path name is delimited with apostrophes and the apostrophe in the name is doubled. Second path is does not need to be delimited:

    '/dir1/dir2/my file''s content' /dir4/test'123

  • Two path names. Blank and apostrophe in first path. First path name is delimited with quotes. Second path is delimited even though not required:

    "/dir1/dir2/my file's content" "/dir4/test'123"


A character or graphic string expression that identifies what to do when an error is encountered.


An error is returned.

A warning is returned.
No row is returned when an error is encountered. This is the default.

The result of the function is a table containing rows with the format shown in the following table. All the columns are nullable.

Table 1. IFS_OBJECT_STATISTICS table function
Column Name Data Type Description
PATH_NAME DBCLOB(16M) CCSID 1200 The path name of an integrated file system object.
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR(10) The object type.
SYMBOLIC_LINK DBCLOB(16M) CCSID 1200 The symbolic link for this object.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *SYMLNK.

ASP_NUMBER INTEGER The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) in which the object is stored.

Contains the null value if the object does not reside on this IBM® i.

TEXT_DESCRIPTION VARGRAPHIC(50) CCSID 1200 The text string associated with the object.

Contains the null value if there is no text string.

FILE_IDENTIFIER_NUMBER BIGINT The file identifier number of the object. This number uniquely identifies the object with a file system.

The file identifier number, generation identifier, and file system identifier used together uniquely identify the object on the system.

GENERATION_IDENTIFIER BIGINT The generation identifier associated with the object.

The file identifier number, generation identifier, and file system identifier used together uniquely identify the object on the system.

FILE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER BIGINT The file system ID to which the object belongs. This number uniquely identifies the file system to which the object belongs.

The file identifier number, generation identifier, and file system identifier used together uniquely identify the object on the system.

FILE_IDENTIFIER BINARY(16) An identifier associated with the referred to object.
FILE_ACCESS BINARY(4) Bit string containing information including the file type and file mode
CREATE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The time the object was created.
ACCESS_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The time that the object's data was last accessed.

Contains the null value if the object has never been accessed.

DATA_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The time that the object's data was last changed.

Contains the null value if the object's data has never been changed.

OBJECT_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The time that the object's data or attributes were last changed.

Contains the null value if the object's data or attributes have never been changed.

LAST_USED_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The date the object was last used.

Contains the null value if the object has never been used or if usage data is not maintained for the IBM i type or the file system to which an object belongs.

DAYS_USED_COUNT INTEGER The number of days an object has been used. Usage has different meanings according to the specific file system and according to the individual object types supported within a file system. Usage can indicate the opening or closing of a file or can refer to adding links, renaming, restoring, or checking out an object. This count is incremented once each day that an object is used and can be reset.
LAST_RESET_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The timestamp when the days used count was last reset to zero.

Contains the null value if the days used count has never been reset.

ALLOCATED_SIZE BIGINT The number of bytes that have been allocated for this object.
DATA_SIZE BIGINT The size, in bytes, of the data in this object. This size does not include object headers or the size of extended attributes associated with the object.
CCSID INTEGER The CCSID of the data and extended attributes of the object.

Contains the null value if there is no CCSID.

CODE_PAGE INTEGER The code page derived from the coded character set identifier (CCSID) used for the data in the file or the extended attributes of the directory.

Contains the null value if there is more than one code page or if the CCSID is not a supported CCSID.

EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT BIGINT Number of extended attributes associated with this object.
CRITICAL_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_COUNT BIGINT Number of critical extended attributes associated with this object.
EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTE_SIZE BIGINT The total number of extended attribute bytes.
HARD_LINK_COUNT INTEGER The number of hard links to the object.
OBJECT_READ_ONLY VARCHAR(3) Whether the object can be written to or deleted, have its extended attributes changed or deleted, or have its size changed.
The object can be changed.
The object can only be read.
OBJECT_HIDDEN VARCHAR(3) Whether the object can be displayed using an ordinary directory listing.
The object is not hidden.
The object is hidden.
TEMPORARY_OBJECT VARCHAR(3) Whether the object is a temporary object.
The object is a permanent object.
The object is a temporary object.
SYSTEM_FILE VARCHAR(3) Whether the object is a system file and is excluded from normal directory searches.
The object is not a system file.
The object is a system file.
SYSTEM_USAGE VARCHAR(6) Whether the file has a special use by the system.
The file is a generic stream file.
The file is a network server storage space.
The file is a virtual volume. Examples include tape and optical virtual volumes.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

DEVICE_SPECIAL_FILE BIGINT It the object is a device special file, the real device it represents.

Contains the null value if this is not a device special file.

OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR(10) The name of the user profile that is the owner of the object. Can contain the following special value:
This special value is used by the Network File System to indicate that there is no user profile on the local server on the IBM i with a user ID (UID) matching the UID of the remote object.

Contains the null value if there is no owner.

USER_ID_NUMBER BIGINT User ID (UID) number of the owner of the object.

Contains the null value if there is no owner.

PRIMARY_GROUP VARCHAR(10) The name of the user profile that is the primary group of the object. Can contain the following special value:
This special value is used by the Network File System to indicate that there is no user profile on the local server on the IBM i with a group ID (GID) matching the GID of the remote object.

Contains the null value if the object has no primary group.

GROUP_ID_NUMBER BIGINT Group ID (GID) number of the user profile that is the primary group of the object.

Contains the null value if the object has no primary group.

AUTHORIZATION_LIST VARCHAR(10) The name of the authorization list that is used to secure the named object.

Contains the null value if no authorization list is used in determining authority to the object.

SET_EFFECTIVE_USER_ID VARCHAR(3) Set effective user ID (UID) at execution time.
The user ID (UID) is not set at execution time.
The object owner is the effective user ID (UID) at execution time.
SET_EFFECTIVE_GROUP_ID VARCHAR(3) Set effective group ID (GID) at execution time.
If the object is a file, the group ID (GID) is not set at execution time. If the object is a directory in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, or user-defined file systems, the group ID (GID) of objects created in the directory is set to the effective GID of the thread creating the object. This value cannot be set for other file systems.
If the object is a file, the group ID (GID) is set at execution time. If the object is a directory, the group ID (GID) of objects created in the directory is set to the GID of the parent directory.
AUTHORITY_COLLECTION_VALUE VARCHAR(10) Specifies the authority collection value used for the object when authority collection for objects is active.
No authority information will be collected for this object when authority collection for objects is active.
A value of *NONE will be returned if the object type is not supported by authority collection.
Authority information will be collected for this object when authority collection for objects is active. The authority checking information is collected for each unique instance of the object level information associated with the authority check.
OBJECT_AUDIT VARCHAR(7) The auditing value associated with the object.
Audit all access to this object by all users on the system. All access is defined as a read or change operation.
Audit all change access to this object by all users on the system.
No auditing occurs for this object when it is read or changed regardless of the user who is accessing the object.
Audit this object only if the current user is being audited. The current user is tested to determine if auditing should be done for this object. The user profile can specify if only change access is audited or if both read and change accesses are audited for this object.

Contains the null value if the user is not allowed to retrieve the current auditing value.

OBJECT_AUDIT_CREATE VARCHAR(7) The create object auditing value associated with the directory. This is the auditing value given to any objects created in the directory.
Audit all access to this object by all users on the system. All access is defined as a read or change operation.
Audit all change access to this object by all users on the system.
No auditing occurs for this object when it is read or changed regardless of the user who is accessing the object.
The object auditing value for the objects created in the directory is determined by the system auditing value (QCRTOBJAUD).
Audit this object only if the current user is being audited. The current user is tested to determine if auditing should be done for this object. The user profile can specify if only change access is audited or if both read and change accesses are audited for this object. The OBJAUD parameter of the Change User Auditing (CHGUSRAUD) command is used to change the auditing for a specific user.

Contains the null value if the user is not allowed to retrieve the current create object auditing value.

JOURNALED VARCHAR(3) Current journaling status of the object.
The object is not currently being journaled.
The object is currently being journaled.
JOURNAL_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The name of the library containing the journal currently being used .

Contains the null value if the object is not journaled.

JOURNAL_NAME VARCHAR(10) The name of the journal currently being used.

Contains the null value if the object is not journaled.

JOURNAL_BEFORE_IMAGE VARCHAR(3) Indicates whether the image of the object before a change is journaled when journaling is active.
The image of the object before a change is not journaled.
The image of the object before a change is journaled.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

JOURNAL_AFTER_IMAGE VARCHAR(3) Indicates whether the image of the object after a change is journaled when journaling is active.
The image of the object after a change is not journaled.
The image of the object after a change is journaled.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

JOURNAL_IDENTIFIER VARCHAR(10) The journal identifier (JID) for this object.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

JOURNAL_START_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The timestamp when the object had most recently had journaling started for it.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

JOURNAL_OPTIONAL_ENTRIES VARCHAR(3) When journaling is active, entries that are considered optional are journaled. The list of optional journal entries varies for each object type. See Integrated file system for information regarding these optional entries for various objects.
Optional entries for this object are not journaled.
Optional entries for this object are journaled.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

JOURNAL_SUBTREE VARCHAR(3) Indicates whether this object is a directory or library with inherit journal semantics.
This object does not use inherit journal semantics.
If this object is a directory, new objects created or linked within this directory will inherit the journal options and state from this directory.
If this object is a library, new objects created or linked within this library will inherit the journal options and state from this library according to the journal inherit rules for this library.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

PARTIAL_TRANSACTION CHAR(1) Indicates whether the object contains a partial transaction:
The object does not contain a partial transaction.
A rollback abnormally ended prior to completion.
It is recommended that the object be restored as it can not be used. As a last resort, the Change Journaled Object (CHGJRNOBJ) command can be used to allow the object to be used. Doing this, however, may leave the object in an inconsistent state.
The object was saved while active with a partial transaction.
A subsequent restore of the object contains the partial transaction. The user should apply changes from the journal to complete the transaction.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

APPLY_STARTING_RECEIVER_LIBRARY VARCHAR(10) The name of the library that contains the journal receiver.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

APPLY_STARTING_RECEIVER VARCHAR(10) The oldest journal receiver needed to successfully Apply Journaled Changes (APYJRNCHG). If PARTIAL_TRANSACTION has a value of Y, the journal receiver contains the journal entries representing the start of the partial transaction. Otherwise; the journal receiver contains the journal entries representing the start-of-the-save operation.

Contains the null value if PARTIAL_TRANSACTION has a value of R. Also contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

APPLY_STARTING_RECEIVER_ASP VARCHAR(10) The name of the ASP for the library that contains the starting journal receiver. Can contain the special value *SYSBAS.

Contains the null value if the object has never been journaled.

OBJECT_SIGNED VARCHAR(3) Whether an object has a digital signature.
The object does not have a digital signature.
The object does have a digital signature.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

SYSTEM_TRUSTED_SOURCE VARCHAR(3) Whether the object was signed by a source that is trusted by the system.
None of the signatures came from a source that is trusted by the system.
The object was signed by a source that is trusted by the system. If the object has multiple signatures, at least one of the signatures came from a source that is trusted by the system.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF or if OBJECT_SIGNED is NO.

MULTIPLE_SIGNATURES VARCHAR(3) Whether an object has more than one digital signature.
The object has only one digital signature.
The object has more than one digital signature. If SYSTEM_TRUSTED_SOURCE is YES, at least one of the signatures is from a source trusted by the system.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF or if OBJECT_SIGNED is NO.

OBJECT_DOMAIN VARCHAR(7) The domain of the object.
The object exists in system domain.
The object exists in user domain.
BLOCK_SIZE INTEGER The block size of the object.
AUX_STORAGE_ALLOCATION VARCHAR(8) Determines how auxiliary storage is allocated by the system for the specified object.
The system will dynamically determine the optimal auxiliary storage allocation for the object, balancing space used versus disk I/O operations.
The auxiliary storage will be allocated to minimize the space used by the object. That is, as additional auxiliary storage is required, it will be allocated in small sized extents to accommodate the current space requirement. Accessing an object composed of many small extents may increase the number of disk I/O operations for that object.
The auxiliary storage will be allocated normally. That is, as additional auxiliary storage is required, it will be allocated in logically sized extents to accommodate the current space requirement, and anticipated future requirements, while minimizing the number of disk I/O operations.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

AUX_STORAGE_OVERFLOW VARCHAR(3) Whether the object has overflowed the auxiliary storage pool it resides in.
The auxiliary storage pool is not overflowed.
The auxiliary storage pool is overflowed.
MAIN_STORAGE_ALLOCATION VARCHAR(8) Determines how main storage is allocated by the system for the specified object.
The system will dynamically determine the optimal main storage allocation for the object depending on other system activity and main storage contention. That is, when there is little main storage contention, as much storage as possible will be allocated and used to minimize the number of disk I/O operations. When there is significant main storage contention, less main storage will be allocated and used to minimize the main storage contention.
The main storage will be allocated to minimize the space used by the object. That is, as little main storage as possible will be allocated and used. This minimizes main storage usage while increasing the number of disk I/O operations since less information is cached in main storage.
The main storage will be allocated normally. That is, as much main storage as possible will be allocated and used. This minimizes the number of disk I/O operations since the information is cached in main storage.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

STORAGE_FREED VARCHAR(3) Whether the object's data has been moved offline, freeing its online storage.
The object's data is not offline.
The object's data is offline.
STORED_LOCAL VARCHAR(3) Indicates whether an object is stored locally or stored on a remote system. The decision of whether a file is local or remote varies according to the respective file system rules. Objects in file systems that do not carry either a local or remote indicator are treated as remote.
The object's data is on a remote system.
The object's data is stored locally.
VIRTUAL_DISK_STORAGE VARCHAR(3) Whether the object is the storage which was allocated for Integrated xSeries servers to use as virtual disk drives for the xSeries servers.
Object is not virtual disk storage.
Object is virtual disk storage.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

DIRECTORY_FORMAT CHAR(6) The format of the specified directory object.
The directory has the original directory format. The Convert Directory (CVTDIR) command may be used to convert from the *TYPE1 format to the *TYPE2 format.
The directory is optimized for performance, size, and reliability compared to directories having the *TYPE1 format.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *DIR.

STREAM_FILE_FORMAT CHAR(6) The format of the stream file.
The object has the same format as *STMF objects created on releases prior to V4R4. It has a minimum object size of 4096 bytes and a maximum object size of approximately 128 gigabytes.
This format was introduced in V4R4. It has a minimum object size of 4096 bytes and a maximum object size of approximately one terabyte in the "root" (/), QOpenSys and user-defined file systems. Otherwise, the maximum is approximately 256 gigabytes.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

UDFS_FILE_FORMAT CHAR(6) The default file format of stream files (*STMF) created in the user-defined file system.
The stream file (*STMF) has the same format as *STMFs created on releases prior to V4R4. It has a minimum object size of 4096 bytes and a maximum object size of approximately 128 gigabytes.
This format was introduced in V4R4. It has a minimum object size of 4096 bytes and a maximum object size of approximately one terabyte in the "root" (/), QOpenSys and user-defined file systems. Otherwise, the maximum is approximately 256 gigabytes.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

UDFS_PREFERRED_STORAGE CHAR(3) The preferred storage media for the objects in the UDFS.
No storage media is preferred. Storage will be allocated from any available storage media.
Solid state drive storage media is preferred. Storage should be allocated from solid state drive storage media, if available.

Contains the null value if the preferred storage media is not known.

UDFS_TEMPORARY_OBJECT VARCHAR(3) Whether the objects in the UDFS are temporary objects.
The objects in the UDFS are permanent objects.
The objects in the UDFS are temporary objects.
CASE_SENSITIVE_FILE_SYSTEM VARCHAR(3) The case sensitivity of the file system that contains this object.
The file system is not case sensitive.
The file system is case sensitive.
RESTRICT_RENAME_AND_UNLINK VARCHAR(3) Restricted renames and unlinks for objects within a directory. Objects can be linked into a directory that has this attribute set on, but cannot be renamed or unlinked from it unless one or more of the following are true for the user performing the operation:
  • The user is the owner of the object.
  • The user is the owner of the directory.
  • The user has *ALLOBJ special authority.
No additional restrictions for rename and unlink operations.
Additional restrictions for rename and unlink operations.
PC_ARCHIVE VARCHAR(3) Whether the object has changed since the last time it was saved on the PC.
The object has not changed.
The object has changed.
SYSTEM_ARCHIVE VARCHAR(3) Whether the object has changed and needs to be saved on the IBM i. The value will be YES when an object's change time is updated, and set to NO when the object has been saved.
The object has not changed and does not need to be saved.
The object has changed and needs to be saved.
ALLOW_SAVE VARCHAR(3) Whether the object can be saved or not.
This object will not be saved when using the Save Object (SAV) command or the QsrSave() API.

Additionally, if this object is a directory, none of the objects in the directory's subtree will be saved unless they were explicitly specified as an object to be saved.

This object will be saved when using the Save Object (SAV) command or the QsrSave() API.
SYSTEM_RESTRICT_SAVE VARCHAR(3) Whether the system prevents the object from being saved.
The system does not prevent the object from being saved.
The system has determined that the object cannot be saved because of system restrictions.
INHERIT_ALLOW_CHECKPOINT_WRITER VARCHAR(3) Whether new objects created within a directory should inherit the save-while-active checkpoint processing options of its parent.
New directory objects created within this directory will have the QP0L_ATTR_INHERIT_ALWCKPWRT attribute set to NO.

New objects created within this directory will have the QP0L_ATTR_ALWCKPWRT attribute set to QP0L_NOT_ALWCKPWRT.

New directory objects created within this directory will have the QP0L_ATTR_INHERIT_ALWCKPWRT attribute set to YES.

New objects created within this directory will have the QP0L_ATTR_ALWCKPWRT attribute set to QP0L_ALWCKPWRT.

ALLOW_WRITE_DURING_SAVE VARCHAR(3) If the object is a stream file, indicates whether the stream file can be shared with readers and writers during save-while-active checkpoint processing. If the object is a directory, indicates whether links can be added, removed, or renamed in the directory during a save-while-active operation.
If the object is a stream file, it can be shared with readers only during save-while-active checkpoint processing. If the object is a directory, links can not be added, removed, or renamed in the directory during a save-while-active operation.
If the object is a stream file, it can be shared with readers and writers during save-while-active checkpoint processing. If the object is a directory, links can be added, removed, or renamed in the directory during a save-while-active operation.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF or *DIR.

Start of changeEXIT_PROGRAM_OPEN_CLOSEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeWhether exit programs registered with any of the integrated file system open-related exit programs will be called when the object is opened or closed. This is the run exit program value for the object.
No exit programs will be called when the object is opened or closed.
The exit programs will be called before the object is opened and after the object is closed.
End of change
Start of changeEXIT_PROGRAM_OPEN_CLOSE_DIRECTORYEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeThe run exit program value used when objects are created in this directory. This is also the create run exit program value for the directory.
Objects created in this directory will have a run exit program value of NO. In addition, directory objects created in this directory will have a create run exit program value of NO.
Objects created in this directory will have a run exit program value of YES. In addition, directory objects created in this directory will have a create run exit program value of YES.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *DIR.

End of change
EXIT_PROGRAM_SCAN VARCHAR(11) Whether the object will be scanned when exit programs are registered with any of the integrated file system scan-related exit points.
The object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs only if the object has been modified since the last time the object was scanned. It will not be scanned if the scanning software has been updated. This attribute only takes effect if the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) system value has *USEOCOATR specified. Otherwise, it will be treated the same as YES.
The object will not be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs.
The object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs if the object has been modified or if the scanning software has been updated since the last time the object was scanned.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *STMF.

EXIT_PROGRAM_SCAN_DIRECTORY VARCHAR(11) Whether the objects created in a directory will be scanned when exit programs are registered with any of the integrated file system scan-related exit points.
After an object is created in the directory, the object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs only if the object has been modified since the last time the object was scanned. It will not be scanned if the scanning software has been updated. This attribute only takes effect if the Scan file systems control (QSCANFSCTL) system value has *USEOCOATR specified. Otherwise, it will be treated the same as YES.
After an object is created in the directory, the object will not be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs.
After an object is created in the directory, the object will be scanned according to the rules described in the scan-related exit programs if the object has been modified or if the scanning software has been updated since the last time the object was scanned.

Contains the null value if OBJECT_TYPE is not *DIR.

SCAN_STATUS VARCHAR(12) The scan status associated with this object.
The object has been scanned by a scan-related exit program, and at the time of that last scan request, the object failed the scan and the operation did not complete. Once an object has been marked as a failure, it will not be scanned again until the object's scan signature is different than the global scan key signature or independent ASP group scan key signature as appropriate. Therefore, subsequent requests to work with the object will fail with a scan failure indication if that access meets the criteria for when an object is to be scanned.
The object does not require any scanning because the object is marked to not be scanned.
The object is in a file system that has not completely converted to the *TYPE2 directory format, and therefore will not be scanned until the file system is completely converted.
A scan is required for the object either because it has not yet been scanned by the scan-related exit programs, or because the object data or CCSID has been modified since it was last scanned.
The object has been scanned by a scan-related exit program, and at the time of that last scan request, the object did not fail the scan.
CCSID_SCAN INTEGER A CCSID value that the object has been scanned in if it was previously scanned in a CCSID. If SCAN_STATUS is SUCCESS, the object was successfully scanned in this CCSID. If SCAN_STATUS is FAILURE, the object failed the scan in this CCSID.

Contains the null value if no CCSID applies.

CCSID_SCAN_SUCCESS INTEGER If SCAN_STATUS is SUCCESS, the object was successfully scanned in this CCSID.

Contains the null value if the SCAN_STATUS is FAILURE or if CCSID_SCAN is the null value.

SCAN_SIGNATURES_DIFFERENT VARCHAR(3) When an object is in an independent ASP group, the object scan signature is compared to the associated independent ASP group scan signature. When an object is not in an independent ASP group, the object scan signature is compared to the global scan signature value.
The compared signatures are not different.
The compared signatures are different.
BINARY_SCAN VARCHAR(3) The object was scanned in binary mode when it was previously scanned.
The object was not scanned in binary mode.
The object was scanned in binary mode.
CHECKED_OUT VARCHAR(3) Whether the object is checked out.
The object is not checked out.
The object is checked out.
CHECKED_OUT_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP(0) The time the object was checked out.

Contains the null value if the object is not checked out.

CHECKED_OUT_USER VARCHAR(10) The user who has the object checked out.

Contains the null value if the object is not checked out.


  • List basic information for all the objects in directory /usr.
                                                SUBTREE_DIRECTORIES => 'NO')); 
  • List basic information for all the objects in /usr, processing all subdirectories as well.
                                                SUBTREE_DIRECTORIES => 'YES'));