What's new for IBM i 7.5

Read about new or significantly changed information for the IBM® i globalization topic collection.

IBM i 7.5 updates

  • Added support for CCSID 1379. This CCSID adds more support for Traditional Chinese and includes some Simplified Chinese support.
  • Updated the mapping support for CCSID 1377 to and from Unicode to support Hong Kong Traditional Chinese mixed host enhancements for HKSCS (Mapping is HKSCS-2008 to Unicode 38064 (Unicode 5.2) level).

    For information on the characters that changed in the new mapping, see CCSID 1377 conversion update.

  • Updated mapping support for CCSID 1388 to and from Unicode to support Simplified Chinese DBCS- GB 18030 Host with UDCs and Uygur extension (Mapping is GBK-2015 to Unicode 50352 (Unicode 8.0) level)

    For information on the characters that changed in the new mapping, see CCSID 1388 conversion update.

  • Added CCSID 5473 support (which supports the previous mappings for 1377 to and from Unicode).
  • Added CCSID 13676 support (which supports the previous mappings for 1388 to and from Unicode).
  • Added CCSID 1210 to provide limited support for UTF-EBCDIC. For more information, see UTF-EBCDIC.
  • The IBM default mapping support for CCSID 1399 to and from Unicode converts 5 characters differently than Microsoft does in its default support. This can cause problems for customers that have both operating systems in their environment. For more information on how to address this, see Alternative CCSID 1399 conversion.

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, the information center uses:
  • The Start of change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End of change image to mark where new or changed information ends.

In PDF files, you might see revision bars (|) in the left margin of new and changed information.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.