%MSG (message-id : message-file { : replacement-text } )

%MSG is used as the second operand of the SND-MSG operation. %MSG does not return a value, and it cannot be specified anywhere other than for the SND-MSG operation.

%MSG specifies the message to send.

The first operand is the message ID. It must be a character expression in the job CCSID. The message ID is 7 characters long. If the length of the operand is longer than 7, the remaining characters must be blank. At run-time, the message ID must exist in the message file.

The second operand is the message file. It must be a character expression in the job CCSID. It can be in one of the following forms:

The third operand is optional. It specifies the replacement text for the message. It can be a character value in the job CCSID or a data structure.

Examples of %MSG

The following examples assume that message file MYLIBL/MYMSGF exists, and that library MYLIB is in the library list.

If you want to try the examples, you can create the message file using the following CL commands.

  1. Message ABC0001 has no replacement text.
  2. Message ABC0002 has one replacement value. The type matches a CHAR(10) value in RPG.
  3. Message ABC0003 has two replacement values. The type of the first replacement value matches a CHAR(25) value in RPG and the type of the second replacement value matches an PACKED(5:2) value in RPG.

        MSG('MSGID = ABC0001') /*  1  */
        MSG('MSGID = ABC0002, &1')
        FMT((*CHAR 10)) /*  2  */
        MSG('MSGID = ABC0003, &1, &2.')
        FMT((*CHAR 25) (*DEC 5 2)) /*  3  */

The following example sends informational message ABC0001 in message file MYMSGF.

The joblog shows "MSGID = ABC0001".


The following example sends escape message ABC0002 in message file MYMSGF. Since the replacement text for this message has type CHAR(10), a character expression can be used as the replacement text operand for %MSG.

The joblog shows "MSGID = ABC0002, Error!".

SND-MSG *ESCAPE %MSG('ABC0002' : 'MYMSGF' : 'Error!');

The following example sends informational message ABC0003 in message file MYMSGF. Since the replacement text for this message has two values, a data structure is used to specify the replacement text. Each subfield of the data structure matches a replacement value.

The joblog shows "MSGID = ABC0003, Radio, 15.99.".

DCL-DS ABC0003_text qualified;
   item CHAR(25);
   price PACKED(5:2);

ABC0003_text.item = 'Radio';
ABC0003_text.price = 15.99;
SND-MSG *INFO %MSG('ABC0003' : 'MYMSGF' : ABC0003_text);