User profile name

The user profile name identifies the user to the system. This user profile name is also known as the user ID. It is the name the user types in the User prompt on the Sign On display.

Add User prompt:
CL parameter:
The user profile name can be a maximum of 10 characters. The characters can be:
  • Any letter (A through Z)
  • Any number (0 through 9)
  • These special characters: pound (#), dollar ($), underline (_), at (@).

The user profile name cannot begin with a number.

  • It is possible to create a user profile so that when a user signs on, the user ID is only numerals. To create a profile like this, specify a Q as the first character, such as Q12345. A user can then sign on by entering 12345 or Q12345 for the User prompt on the Sign On display.

For more information about specifying names on the system, see the CL programming topic.

Recommendations for naming user profiles: Consider these things when deciding how to name user profiles:
  • A user profile name can be up to 10 characters long. Some communications methods limit the user ID to eight characters.
  • Use a naming scheme that makes user IDs easy to remember.
  • The system does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in a user profile name. If you enter lowercase alphabetic characters at your workstation, the system translates them to uppercase characters.
  • The displays and lists that you use to manage user profiles show the user profiles in alphabetical order by user profile name.
  • Avoid using special characters in user profile names. Special characters might cause problems with keyboard mapping for certain workstations or with national language versions of the IBM® i licensed program.

One technique for assigning user profile names is to use the first seven characters of the family name followed by the first character of the first name. For example:

User name User profile name
Anderson, George ANDERSOG
Anderson, Roger ANDERSOR
Harrisburg, Keith HARRISBK
Jones, Sharon JONESS
Jones, Keith JONESK

Recommendations for naming group profiles: To easily identify group profiles on the system, use a naming convention. Begin all group profile names with the same characters, such as GRP (for group) or DPT (for department).