The OPTIONS keyword is used to specify one or more parameter passing options:
  • Whether a parameter must be passed. See OPTIONS(*NOPASS).
  • Whether the special value *OMIT can be passed for the parameter passed by reference. See OPTIONS(*OMIT).
  • Whether a parameter that is passed by reference can be shorter in length than is specified in the prototype. See OPTIONS(*VARSIZE).
  • Whether the compiler should apply strict rules for the parameters that may be passed. See OPTIONS(*EXACT).
  • Whether the called program or procedure is expecting a pointer to a null-terminated string, allowing you to specify a character expression as the passed parameter. See OPTIONS(*STRING).
  • Whether the parameter should be trimmed of blanks before being passed. See OPTIONS(*TRIM).
  • Whether the parameter value should be right-adjusted in the passed parameter. See OPTIONS(*RIGHTADJ).
  • Whether the null-byte-map should be passed with the parameter. See OPTIONS(*NULLIND).
  • Whether the passed parameter should be converted to the type of the prototyped parameter. See OPTIONS(*CONVERT).

You can specify more than one option. For example, to specify that an optional parameter can be shorter than the prototype indicates, you would code OPTIONS(*VARSIZE : *NOPASS).

Options which require the procedure to ensure the parameter is handled correctly

For the parameter passing options *NOPASS, *OMIT, and *VARSIZE, it is up to the programmer of the procedure to ensure that these options are handled. For example, if OPTIONS(*NOPASS) is coded and you choose to pass the parameter, the procedure must check that the parameter was passed before it accesses it. The compiler will not do any checking for this. If you call APIs such as CEEDOD or CEETSTA to get information about a parameter that uses these options, the RTNPARM keyword can affect the way you call the APIs. See RTNPARM and %PARMNUM (Return Parameter Number) for more information.


When OPTIONS(*NOPASS) is specified on a definition specification, the parameter does not have to be passed on the call. Any parameters following that specification must also have *NOPASS specified. When the parameter is not passed to a program or procedure, the called program or procedure will simply function as if the parameter list did not include that parameter.

You can use the %PASSED built-in function to determine whether the parameter was passed.

Warning: If the unpassed parameter is accessed in the called program or procedure, unpredictable results will occur.

If the unpassed parameter is modified, in the called program or procedure, unpredictable results may occur long after the program or procedure has returned, in areas that appear to be unrelated to the call.

The following example shows how to code a prototype and procedure that use OPTIONS(*NOPASS) to indicate that a parameter is optional.

Figure 1. Using OPTIONS(*NOPASS) to Indicate that a Parameter is Optional

Following procedure uses the %PASSED built-in function to determine whether the parameter specified with OPTIONS(*NOPASS) can be used.

 * The following prototype describes a procedure that expects
 * either one or two parameters.
D FormatAddress   PR            45A
D   City                        20A   CONST
D   Province                    20A   CONST OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
 * The first call to FormatAddress only passes one parameter.  The
 * second call passes both parameters.
C                   EVAL      A = FormatAddress('North York')
C                   EVAL      A = FormatAddress('Victoria' : 'B.C.')
C                   RETURN
 * FormatAddress:
 * This procedure must check the number of parameters since the
 * second was defined with OPTIONS(*NOPASS).
 * It should only use the second parameter if it was passed.
P FormatAddress   B
D FormatAddress   PI            45A
D   City                        20A   CONST
D   ProvParm                    20A   CONST OPTIONS(*NOPASS)
D Province        S             20A   INZ('Ontario')
 * Set the local variable Province to the value of the second
 * parameter if it was passed.  Otherwise let it default to
 * 'Ontario' as it was initialized.
C                   IF        %PASSED(ProvParm)
C                   EVAL      Province = ProvParm
C                   ENDIF
 * Return the city and province in the form City, Province
 * for example 'North York, Ontario'
C                   RETURN    %TRIMR(City) + ',' + Province
P FormatAddress   E


When OPTIONS(*OMIT) is specified, then the value *OMIT is allowed for that parameter. *OMIT is only allowed for CONST parameters and parameters which are passed by reference. For more information on omitted parameters, see the chapter on calling programs and procedures in Rational® Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide.

Warning: If the unpassed parameter is accessed in the called program or procedure, unpredictable results will occur.

You can use the %PASSED built-in function to determine whether the parameter was passed and *OMIT was not passed for the parameter. You can use the %OMITTED built-in function to determine whether the *OMIT was psssed for the parameter.

The following example shows how to code a prototype and procedure using OPTIONS(*OMIT) to indicate that the special value *OMIT may be passed as a parameter.

The procedure uses the %PASSED built-in function to determine whether the parameter can be used.

Figure 2. Using OPTIONS(*OMIT)
 * The following prototype describes a procedure that allows
 * the special value *OMIT to be passed as a parameter.
 * If the parameter is passed, it is set to '1' if an error
 * occurred, and '0' otherwise.
D OpenFile        PR
D   Error                        1A   OPTIONS(*OMIT)
C                   SETOFF                                       10
 * The first call to OpenFile assumes that no error will occur,
 * so it does not bother with the error code and passes *OMIT.
C                   CALLP     OpenFile(*OMIT)
 * The second call to OpenFile passes an indicator so that
 * it can check whether an error occurred.
C                   CALLP     OpenFile(*IN10)
C                   IF        *IN10
C                   ... an error occurred
C                   ENDIF
C                   RETURN
 * OpenFile
 * This procedure must check the number of parameters since the
 * second was defined with OPTIONS(*OMIT).
 * It should only use the second parameter if it was passed.
P OpenFile        B
D OpenFile        PI
D   Error                        1A   OPTIONS(*OMIT)
D SaveIn01        S              1A
 * Save the current value of indicator 01 in case it is being
 * used elsewhere.
C                   EVAL      SaveIn01 = *IN01
 * Open the file.  *IN01 will indicate if an error occurs.
C                   OPEN      QSYSPRT                              01
 * If the Error parameter was passed, update it with the indicator
C                   IF        %PASSED(Error)
C                   EVAL      Error = *IN01
C                   ENDIF
 * Restore *IN01 to its original value.
C                   EVAL      *IN01 = SaveIn01
P OpenFile        E


OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is valid only for parameters passed by reference that have a character, graphic, or UCS-2 data type, or that represent an array of any type.

For parameters passed by reference, the address of the passed parameter is passed on the call except when a temporary is used for a read-only reference parameter; in that case, the address of the temporary is passed on the call. For more information about the use of a temporary with a read-only reference parameter, see CONST{(constant)}.

When OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is specified, the passed parameter may be shorter or longer in length than is defined in the prototype. It is then up to the called program or subprocedure to ensure that it accesses only as much data as was passed. To communicate the amount of data passed, you can either pass an extra parameter containing the length, or use operational descriptors for the subprocedure. For variable-length fields, you can use the %LEN built-in function to determine the current length of the passed parameter.

When OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is omitted for fixed-length fields, you must pass at least as much data as is required by the prototype; for variable-length fields, the parameter must have the same declared maximum length as indicated on the definition.

Warning: If the passed parameter is shorter than the prototyped size of the parameter, and the called program or procedure modifies more of the parameter than was passed, data will be corrupted in the calling program or procedure. Unpredictable results may occur long after the program or procedure has returned, in areas that appear to be unrelated to the call.

The following example shows how to code a prototype and procedure allowing variable-length parameters, using OPTIONS(*VARSIZE).

Figure 3. Using OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
 * The following prototype describes a procedure that allows
 * both a variable-length array and a variable-length character
 * field to be passed.  Other parameters indicate the lengths.
D Search          PR             5U 0
D   SearchIn                    50A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
D                                     DIM(100) CONST
D   ArrayLen                     5U 0 VALUE
D   ArrayDim                     5U 0 VALUE
D   SearchFor                   50A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) CONST
D   FieldLen                     5U 0 VALUE
D Arr1            S              1A   DIM(7) CTDATA PERRCD(7)
D Arr2            S             10A   DIM(3) CTDATA
D Elem            S              5U 0
 * Call Search to search an array of 7 elements of length 1 with
 * a search argument of length 1.  Since the '*' is in the 5th
 * element of the array, Elem will have the value 5.
C                   EVAL      Elem = Search(Arr1 :
C                                        %SIZE(Arr1) : %ELEM(Arr1) :
C                                        '*' : 1)
 * Call Search to search an array of 3 elements of length 10 with
 * a search argument of length 4.  Since 'Pink' is not in the
 * array, Elem will have the value 0.
C                   EVAL      Elem = Search(Arr2 :
C                                        %SIZE(Arr2) : %ELEM(Arr2) :
C                                        'Pink' : 4)
C                   RETURN
 * Search:
 *   Searches for SearchFor in the array SearchIn.  Returns
 *   the element where the value is found, or 0 if not found.
 *   The character parameters can be of any length or
 *   dimension since OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) is specified for both.
P Search          B
D Search          PI             5U 0
D   SearchIn                    50A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
D                                     DIM(100) CONST
D   ArrayLen                     5U 0 VALUE
D   ArrayDim                     5U 0 VALUE
D   SearchFor                   50A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE) CONST
D   FieldLen                     5U 0 VALUE
D I               S              5U 0
 * Check each element of the array to see if it the same
 * as the SearchFor.  Use the dimension that was passed as
 * a parameter rather than the declared dimension.  Use
 * %SUBST with the length parameter since the parameters may
 * not have the declared length.
C     1             DO        ArrayDim      I                 5 0
 * If this element matches SearchFor, return the index.
C                   IF        %SUBST(SearchIn(I) : 1 : ArrayLen)
C                             = %SUBST(SearchFor : 1 : FieldLen)
C                   RETURN    I
C                   ENDIF
C                   ENDDO
 * No matching element was found.
C                   RETURN    0
P Search          E

Compile-time data section:



When OPTIONS(*EXACT) is specified, the compiler is more strict about the parameters that may be passed.

OPTIONS(*EXACT) for parameters passed by reference
When OPTIONS(*EXACT) is specified for a parameter, additional rules apply to ensure that the called procedure receives the same value as the passed parameter.

For parameters passed by reference, when OPTIONS(*EXACT) is specified, the following additional rules apply for the passed parameter:

  • Alphanumeric, UCS-2 and graphic parameters must have the same defined length as the prototyped parameter.
  • The CCSID for alphanumeric, UCS-2 and graphic parameters must match.
  • The Java™ class for Object parameters must match.
  • The ASCEND or DESCEND keyword must be specified the same for both the passed parameter and the prototyped parameter.
  • Arrays must have the same dimension.
  • If the prototyped parameter is a data structure, the passed parameter must be related by LIKEDS or LIKEREC to the prototyped parameter.
  • If the prototyped parameter is defined with the LIKE keyword, the passed parameter must be related by the LIKE keyword to the prototyped parameter.

The following example shows the effect of specifying OPTIONS(*EXACT) with parameters passed by reference. Prototype noOptionExact_ref does not specify OPTIONS(*EXACT) for any of its parameters. prototype optionExact_ref does specify OPTIONS(*EXACT) for its parameters. The call to noOptionExact_ref passes parameters which may cause unexpected results due to the called procedure receiving less information than the caller expects, or due to the called procedure receiving the incorrect type of information.

The calls to both procedures are the same, but the call to the noOptionExact_ref allows parameters to be passed which might not be correct. In each case, the parameter is allowed for the call to noOptionExact_ref, and the parameter is not allowed for the call to optionExact_ref.

  1. The prototyped parameter has a length of 5 and the passed parameter has a length of 10. Procedure noOptionExact_ref only receives the first 5 characters.
  2. The prototyped parameter requires the array to be in descending order, but the passed parameter is in ascending order.
  3. The prototyped parameter is an array with 3 elements and the passed parameter has 4 elements. Procedure noOptionExact_ref only receives the first 3 elements.
  4. The prototyped parameter is defined with LIKEDS(orderInfo_t) and the passed parameter is defined with LiKEDS(customerInfo_t).
  5. The prototyped parameter is defined with LIKE(price_t), which should be the price of an item. The passed parameter refers to the balance of a customer account. The call to noOptionExact_ref is allowed because accountBalance happens to be defined the same as price_t.
Figure 4. Using OPTIONS(*EXACT) with parameters passed by reference

DCL-PR noOptionExact_ref;
   char5Parm CHAR(5);
   arrayDescendParm CHAR(5) DIM(3) DESCEND;
   arrayDim3Parm CHAR(5) DIM(3);
   orderInfoParm LIKEDS(orderInfo_t);
   itemPriceParm LIKE(price_t);
DCL-PR optionExact_ref;
   char5Parm CHAR(5) OPTIONS(*EXACT);
   arrayDescendParm CHAR(5) DIM(3) DESCEND OPTIONS(*EXACT);
   arrayDim3Parm CHAR(5) DIM(3) OPTIONS(*EXACT);
   orderInfoParm LIKEDS(orderInfo_t) OPTIONS(*EXACT);
   itemPriceParm LIKE(price_t) OPTIONS(*EXACT);
DCL-S char10 CHAR(10);
DCL-S arrayAscend CHAR(5) DIM(3) ASCEND;
DCL-S arrayDim4 CHAR(5) DIM(4);
DCL-DS customerInfo LIKEDS(customerInfo_t);
DCL-S accountBalance PACKED(7:2);

             (char10            // char5Parm  1 
            : arrayAscend       // arrayDescendParm  2 
            : arrayDim4         // arrayDim3Parm  3 
            : customerInfo      // orderInfoParm  4 
            : accountBalance);  // itemPriceParm  5 
             (char10            // Error: char5Parm  1 
            : arrayAscend       // Error: arrayDescendParm  2 
            : arrayDim4         // Error: arrayDim3Parm  3 
            : customerInfo      // Error: orderInfoParm  4 
            : accountBalance);  // Error: itemPriceParm  5 
For parameters passed by value or by constant reference, when OPTIONS(*EXACT) is specified, the following additional rules apply for the passed parameter:
Note: The examples use the CONST keyword, but the rules are exactly the same when the VALUE keyword is ued.
  • The data type must be the same. Without OPTIONS(*EXACT), parameters with type alphanumeric, UCS-2, or graphic can be passed to prototyped parameters with any of the types alphanumeric, UCS-2, or graphic, and the compiler performs implicit conversion to the data type of the prototyped parameter. In some cases, this may cause data to be lost when the parameter is passed, either due to the length of the converted parameter being longer than the prototyped parameter, or due to characters in the passed parameter which cannot be converted to the data type of the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, field ucs2Fld can be passed to the parameter parmNoExact, but the data received by the procedure might not be the same as the data in ucs2Fld. Field ucs2Fld cannot be passed to parmExact defined with OPTIONS(*EXACT) because it has type UCS-2 and the parameter has type alphanumeric.

    DCL-PR pr1;
       parmNoExact CHAR(5) CONST;
       parmExact CHAR(5) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-S ucs2Fld UCS2(5);
  • The CCSID must be the same. Without OPTIONS(*EXACT), parameters with different CCSIDs can be passed to a prototyped parameter with a different CCSID, and the compiler performs implicit conversion to the CCSID of the prototyped parameter. In some cases, this may cause data to be lost when the parameter is passed, either due to the length of the converted parameter being longer than the prototyped parameter, or due to characters in the passed parameter which cannot be converted to the CCSID of the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, field utf8Fld can be passed to the parameter parmNoExact, but the data received by the procedure might not be the same as the data in utf8Fld. Field utf8Fld cannot be passed to parmExact defined with OPTIONS(*EXACT) because it has a different CCSID.

    DCL-PR pr2;
       parmNoExact CHAR(5) CONST;
       parmExact CHAR(5) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-S utf8Fld CHAR(5) CCSID(*UTF8);
  • For alphanumeric, UCS-2 or graphic, the varying-length attribute of the passed parameter does not have to be the same as the prototyped parameter. However, the defined length of the passed parameter must be less than or equal to the prototyped parameter. If the passed parameter is a literal or expression, the length of the value must be less than or equal to the length specified for the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, fields char4Fld, varchar4Fld, char5Fld, and varchar5Fld, can be passed to all the parameters of procedure pr3 because the defined length is less than or equal to the defined length of the prototyped parameters.

    Fields char6Fld and varchar6Fld can be passed to parmNoExact and parmVaryingNoExact, but the called procedure might not receive all the data in the passed parameter. Fields char6Fld and varchar6Fld cannot be passed to parmxact and parmVaryingExact defined with OPTIONS(*EXACT) because the defined length is greater than the defined length of the prototyped parameters.

    DCL-PR pr3;
       parmNoExact         CHAR(5) CONST;
       parmVaryingNoExact  VARCHAR(5) CONST;
       parmExact           CHAR(5) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
       parmVaryingExact    VARCHAR(5) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-S char4Fld CHAR(4);
    DCL-S varchar4Fld VARCHAR(4);
    DCL-S char5Fld CHAR(5);
    DCL-S varchar5Fld VARCHAR(5);
    DCL-S char6Fld CHAR(6);
    DCL-S varchar6Fld VARCHAR(6);
  • The ASCEND or DESCEND keyword must be specified the same for both the passed parameter and the prototyped parameter.
  • Arrays must have the same dimension. Varying-dimension arrays cannot be passed when OPTIONS(*EXACT) is specified on the prototype.
  • The number of decimal positions must be less than or equal to the number of decimal positions for the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, fields packed_5_2 and zoned_3_1 can be passed to both of the parameters of procedure pr4 because the defined number of decimal positions is less than or equal to the defined number of decimal positions, 2, of the prototyped parameters.

    Field packed_5_3 can be passed to parameter parmNoExact, but the called procedure might not receive the same value as the parameter. If packed_5_3 has the value 12.345, the called procedure would receive the value 12.34.

    Field packed_5_3 cannot be passed to parameter parmExact, because the defined number of decimal positions is greater than the defined number of decimal positions of the prototyped parameter.

    DCL-PR pr4;
       parmNoExact PACKED(5:2) CONST;
       parmExact   PACKED(5:2) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-S packed_5_2 PACKED(5:2);
    DCL-S zoned_3_1 ZONED(3:1);
    DCL-S packed_5_3 PACKED(5:3);
  • The number of integer positions of the passed parameter must be less than or equal to the number of integer positions of the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, field packed_4_2 has 2 integer positions, int_3 has 3 integer positions, and packed_7_3 has 4 integer positions.

    Fields packed_4_2 and int_3 can be passed to all the parameters of procedure pr4 because the defined number of integer positions is less than or equal to the defined number of integer positions of the prototyped parameters.

    Field packed_7_3 can be passed to parameter parmNoExact, but the call might fail with a numeric overflow exception if packed_7_3 has a value greater than 999.99 or less than -999.99.

    Field packed_7_4 cannot be passed to parameter parmExact, because the defined number of integer positions is greater than the defined number of integer positions of the prototyped parameter.

    DCL-PR pr5;
       parmNoExact PACKED(5:2) CONST;
       parmExact   PACKED(5:2) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-S packed_4_2 PACKED(4:2);
    DCL-S int_3 INT(3);
    DCL-S packed_7_3 PACKED(7:3);
  • The length of a timestamp parameter must be less than or equal to the length specified on the prototype.
  • The length of a float parameter must be less than or equal to the length of the prototyped parameter. If the prototype is defined as float, the passed parameter must also be float. If the prototyped parameter is not defined as float, the passed parameter cannot be float.
  • The year range of a date parameter must be within the year range of the date format specified on the prototype. For example, the year range of format *YMD is 1940 - 2039, which is smaller than the year range of format *ISO.
  • A time parameter with format *USA is only valid when the format of the prototyped parameter is also *USA.
  • The Java class for Object parameters must match.
  • If the prototyped parameter is a data structure, the passed parameter must be related by LIKEDS or LIKEREC to the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, data structure customerInfo can be passed to parameter orderInfoNoExact but it is unlikely that the data in customerInfo would be valid when the called procedure interprets it as a data structure defined with LIKEDS(orderInfo_t).

    Data structure customerInfo cannot be passed to parameter orderInfoExact because it is not related by the LIKEDS keyword to the prototyped parameter defined with OPTIONS(*EXACT).

    DCL-PR pr5;
       orderInfoNoExact LIKEDS(orderInfo_t) CONST;
       orderInfoExact   LIKEDS(orderInfo_t) CONST OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-DS customerInfo LIKEDS(customerInfo_t);
  • If the prototyped parameter is defined with the LIKE keyword, the passed parameter must be related by the LIKE keyword to the prototyped parameter.

    In the following example, field accountBalance can be passed to parameter itemPriceNoExact but it is unlikely that the data in a variable holding the balance of an account is valid for a parameter which is expect to be the price of an item.

    Field accountBalance cannot be passed to parameter itemPriceExact because it is not related by the LIKE keyword to the prototyped parameter.

    DCL-S price_t PACKED(7:2) TEMPLATE;
    DCL-PR pr6;
       itemPriceNoExact LIKE(price_t);
       itemPriceExact   LIKE(price_t) OPTIONS(*EXACT);
    DCL-S accountBalance PACKED(7:2);


When OPTIONS(*STRING) is specified for a basing pointer parameter passed by value or by constant-reference, you may either pass a pointer or a character expression. If you pass a character expression, a temporary value will be created containing the value of the character expression followed by a null-terminator (x'00'). The address of this temporary value will be passed to the called program or procedure.

The following example shows how to use OPTIONS(*STRING) to code a prototype and procedure that use a null-terminated string parameter.

Figure 5. Using OPTIONS(*STRING)
 * The following prototype describes a procedure that expects
 * a null-terminated string parameter.  It returns the length
 * of the string.
D StringLen       PR             5U 0
D   Pointer                       *   VALUE OPTIONS(*STRING)
D P               S               *
D Len             S              5U 0
 * Call StringLen with a character literal.  The result will be
 * 4 since the literal is 4 bytes long.
C                   EVAL      Len = StringLen('abcd')
 * Call StringLen with a pointer to a string.  Use ALLOC to get
 * storage for the pointer, and use %STR to initialize the storage
 * to 'My string¬' where '¬' represents the null-termination
 * character x'00'.
 * The result will be 9 which is the length of 'My string'.
C                   ALLOC     25            P
C                   EVAL      %STR(P:25) = 'My string'
C                   EVAL      Len = StringLen(P)
 * Free the storage.
C                   DEALLOC                 P
C                   RETURN
 * StringLen:
 *   Returns the length of the string that the parameter is
 *   pointing to.
P StringLen       B
D StringLen       PI             5U 0
D   Pointer                       *   VALUE OPTIONS(*STRING)
C                   RETURN    %LEN(%STR(Pointer))
P StringLen       E


When OPTIONS(*RIGHTADJ) is specified for a CONST or VALUE parameter in a prototype, the character, graphic, or UCS-2 parameter value is right adjusted. This keyword is not allowed for a varying length parameter within a procedure prototype. Varying length values may be passed as parameters on a procedure call where the corresponding parameter is defined with OPTIONS(*RIGHTADJ).


When OPTIONS(*TRIM) is specified for a CONST or VALUE parameter of type character, UCS-2 or graphic, the passed parameter is copied without leading and trailing blanks to a temporary. If the parameter is not a varying length parameter, the trimmed value is padded with blanks (on the left if OPTIONS(*RIGHTADJ) is specified, otherwise on the right). Then the temporary is passed instead of the original parameter. Specifying OPTIONS(*TRIM) causes the parameter to be passed exactly as though %TRIM were coded on every call to the procedure.

When OPTIONS(*STRING : *TRIM) or OPTIONS(*CONVERT : *TRIM) is specified for a CONST or VALUE parameter of type pointer, the character parameter or %STR of the pointer parameter is copied without leading or trailing blanks to a temporary, a null-terminator is added to the temporary and the address of the temporary is passed.

Figure 6. Using OPTIONS(*TRIM)
* The following prototype describes a procedure that expects
* these parameters:
*   1. trimLeftAdj   - a fixed length parameter with the
*                      non-blank data left-adjusted
*   2. leftAdj       - a fixed length parameter with the
*                      value left-adjusted (possibly with
*                      leading blanks)
*   3. trimRightAdj  - a fixed length parameter with the
*                      non-blank data right-adjusted
*   4. rightAdj      - a fixed length parameter with the
*                      value right-adjusted (possibly with
*                      trailing blanks)
*   5. trimVar       - a varying parameter with no leading
*                      or trailing blanks
*   6. var           - a varying parameter, possibly with
*                      leading or trailing blanks
D trimProc        PR
D   trimLeftAdj                 10a   const options(*trim)
D   leftAdj                     10a   const
D   trimRightAdj                10a   value options(*rightadj : *trim)
D   rightAdj                    10a   value options(*rightadj)
D   trimVar                     10a   const varying options(*trim)
D   var                         10a   value varying  
* The following prototype describes a procedure that expects
* these parameters:
*   1. trimString    - a pointer to a null-terminated string
*                      with no leading or trailing blanks
*   2. string        - a pointer to a null-terminated string,
*                      possibly with leading or trailing blanks
D trimStringProc  PR
D   trimString                    *   value options(*string : *trim)
D   string                        *   value options(*string)
D ptr             s               *
       // trimProc is called with the same value passed
       // for every parameter
       // The called procedure receives the following parameters
       //   trimLeftAdj    'abc       '
       //   leftAdj        ' abc      '
       //   trimRightAdj   '       abc'
       //   rightAdj       '      abc '
       //   trimVar        'abc'
       //   var            ' abc '

       callp trimProc (' abc ' : ' abc ' : ' abc ' :
                                  ' abc ' : ' abc ' : ' abc ' );

       // trimStringProc is called with the same value passed
       // for both parameters
       // The called procedure receives the following parameters,
       // where ¬ represents x'00'
       //   trimstring     pointer to 'abc¬'
       //   string         pointer to ' abc ¬'

       callp trimStringProc (' abc ' : ' abc ');

       // trimStringProc is called with the same pointer passed
       // to both parameters
       // The called procedure receives the following parameters,
       // where ¬ represents x'00'
       //   trimstring     pointer to 'xyz¬'
       //   string

       pointer to ' xyz ¬'
       ptr = %alloc (6);
       %str(ptr : 6) = ' xyz ';
       callp trimStringProc (ptr : ptr);


When OPTIONS(*NULLIND) is specified for a parameter, the null-byte map is passed with the parameter, giving the called procedure direct access to the null-byte map of the caller's parameter. Note the following rules for OPTIONS(*NULLIND).
  • ALWNULL(*USRCTL) must be in effect.
  • OPTIONS(*NULLIND) is not valid for parameters passed by value.
  • OPTIONS(*NULLIND) is not valid for parameters defined with the NULLIND keyword.
  • The only other options that can be specified with OPTIONS(*NULLIND) are *NOPASS and *OMIT.
  • Only variables may be passed as the parameter when OPTIONS(*NULLIND) is specified, and the variable must be an exact match even when CONST is specified.
  • If the parameter is a data structure, the passed parameter must be defined with the same parent LIKEDS or LIKEREC as the prototyped parameter. Furthermore, the null-capability of the prototyped parameter and passed parameter must match exactly.
  • A prototyped data structure parameter can have OPTIONS(*NULLIND) specified whether or not there are any null-capable subfields.
  • If a non-data-structure prototyped parameter is defined with OPTIONS(*NULLIND), the parameter in the procedure interface is defined as null-capable.
  • See Rational Development Studio for i: ILE RPG Programmer's Guide for information about using OPTIONS(*NULLIND) when the calling procedure or called procedure is not written using ILE RPG.
Figure 7. Using OPTIONS(*NULLIND)
 * DDS for file NULLFILE

A          R TESTREC
A            NULL1         10A         ALWNULL
A            NOTNULL2      10A
A            NULL3         10A         ALWNULL

 * Calling procedure

 * The externally-described data structure DS, and the
 * data structure DS2 defined LIKEDS(ds) have
 * null-capable fields NULL1 and NULL3.

D ds            E DS                  EXTNAME(nullFile)
D ds2             DS                  LIKEDS(ds)
 * Procedure PROC specifies OPTIONS(*NULLIND) for all its
 * parameters.  When the procedure is called, the
 * null-byte maps of the calling procedure's parameters
 * will be passed to the called procedure allowing the
 * called procedure to use %NULLIND(parmname) to access the
 * null-byte map.

D proc            PR
D   parm                              LIKEDS(ds)
D                                     OPTIONS(*NULLIND)
D   parm2                       10A   OPTIONS(*NULLIND)
D   parm3                       10A   OPTIONS(*NULLIND) CONST

     // The calling procedure sets some values
     // in the parameters and their null indicators

     %nullind(ds.null1) = *on;
     ds.notnull2 = 'abcde';
     ds.null3 = 'fghij';
     %nullind(ds.null3) = *off;
     ds2.null1 = 'abcde';
     %nullind(ds2.null1) = *on;
     %nullind(ds3.null3) = *off;
     // The procedure is called (see the code for
     // the procedure below

     proc (ds : ds2.null1 : ds2.null3);

     // After "proc" returns, the calling procedure
     // displays some results showing that the
     // called procedure changed the values of
     // the calling procedure's parameters and
     // their null-indicators

     dsply (%nullind(ds.null1));  // displays '0'

     dsply ds2.null2;             // displays 'newval'

     dsply (%nullind(ds2.null2)); // displays '0'


 * Called procedure PROC

P                 B
D proc            PI
D   parm                              LIKEDS(ds)
D                                     OPTIONS(*NULLIND)
D   parm2                       10A   OPTIONS(*NULLIND)
D   parm3                       10A   OPTIONS(*NULLIND) CONST
     if %NULLIND(parm.null1);
        // This code will be executed because the
        // caller set on the null indicator for
        // subfield NULL1 of the parameter DS


     if %NULLIND(parm3);
        // PARM3 is defined as null-capable since it was
        // defined with OPTIONS(*NULLIND).
        // This code will not be executed, because the
        // caller set off the null-indicator for the parameter


     // Change some data values and null-indicator values
     // The calling procedure will see the updated values.

     parm2 = 'newvalue';
     %NULLIND(parm2) = *OFF;
     %NULLIND(parm.null1) = *OFF;
     parm.null1 = 'newval';
P                 E


When OPTIONS(*CONVERT) is specified for a parameter, the data type of the passed parameter can be different from the data type of the prototyped parameter.
  • The CONST or VALUE keyword must be specified for the prototyped parameter.
  • The data type of the prototyped parameter can be alphanumeric, UCS-2, or pointer.
  • When the passed parameter has data type Numeric, Date, Time, or Timestamp, the value of the parameter is first converted to Alphanumeric using the same rules as the %CHAR built-in function. Then, if necessary, the Alphanumeric value is converted to the CCSID of the prototyped parameter.
  • If the data type of the prototyped parameter is Alphanumeric or UCS-2, the passed parameter can be any data type except Object, Pointer, or Procedure Pointer. The parameter is converted to the data type of the prototyped parameter.
  • If the prototyped parameter has data type Pointer, the passed parameter can be any data type except Object or Procedure Pointer.
    • If the passed parameter has data type Pointer, the passed parameter should point to null-terminated data in the job CCSID, such as a parameter defined with OPTIONS(*STRING) or OPTIONS(*CONVERT).
    • If the passed parameter has any other data type, it is converted to a null-terminated string in the job CCSID.
  • To avoid losing data due to CCSID conversion, define the parameter as UTF-8 or UCS-2. The length should be long enough to handle any data you plan to pass to the procedure.
    DCL-PR myProc;
       parm1 VARCHAR(1000) CCSID(*UTF8) CONST;
       parm2 VARUCS2(1000) CCSID(*UTF16) CONST;
  • If you specify OPTIONS(*CONVERT) for an Alphanumeric parameter with a CCSID other than *UTF8 (or 1208), or for a Pointer parameter, specify Control keyword CCSIDCVT(*EXCP). This will cause an exception if data is lost due to CCSID conversion for the passed parameter.
In the following example
  1. The data type of the prototyped parameter charParm is Alphanumeric with the job CCSID. The passed parameter has data type Date. The parameter received by the procedure is the Alphanumeric value '2022-12-25'.
  2. The data type of the prototyped parameter ucs2Parm is UCS-2. The passed parameter has data type Numeric. The parameter received by the procedure is the UCS-2 value '25.7'.
  3. The data type of the prototyped parameter pointerParm is Pointer. The passed parameter has data type UCS-2. The parameter received by the procedure is a null-terminated string "Sally" with the job CCSID.
Figure 8. Using OPTIONS(*CONVERT)

DCL-PR myProc;
   charParm CHAR(20) CONST OPTIONS(*CONVERT);    //  1 
   ucs2Parm VARUCS2(20) CONST OPTIONS(*CONVERT); //  2 
   pointerParm POINTER VALUE OPTIONS(*CONVERT);  //  3 
DCL-S name VARUCS2(10) INZ('Sally');

myProc (D'2022-12-25'     //  1 
      : 25.7              //  2 
      : name);            //  3 

DCL-PROC myProc;
   DCL-PI *N;
      charParm CHAR(20) CONST OPTIONS(*CONVERT);    //  1 
      ucs2Parm VARUCS2(20) CONST OPTIONS(*CONVERT); //  2 
      pointerParm POINTER VALUE OPTIONS(*CONVERT);  //  3 

   SND-MSG charParm;
   SND-MSG ucs2Parm;
   SND-MSG %STR(pointerParm);
The SND-MSG operations within the procedure send the following messages to the joblog:
