Work management limits

There are IBM® i system limits that are related to work management, such as limits on the number of jobs on a system, the number of active subsystems, and the number of jobs in a subsystem.

Table 1. Work management and spooled file limits
Work management and spooled file limits Value
Maximum number of jobs on the system 970 000
Maximum number of active subsystems 32 767
Maximum number of jobs in a subsystem Start of change262 072End of change
Maximum number of prestart jobs initially started when subsystem started 9999
Maximum amount of temporary auxiliary storage that can be specified for a job Approximately 2 PB or *NOMAX
Maximum number of active memory storage pools 64
Maximum number of spooled files per job 999 999
Maximum number of spooled files in the system and basic user ASPs Approximately 2 610 000
Maximum number of spooled files in each independent ASP Approximately 10 000 000
Maximum number of records for a printer file 4 294 967 295
Maximum page number that can be displayed for a spooled file using the DSPSPLF command 1 9999
Maximum page count that can be displayed for a spooled file using the WRKSPLF, WRKOUTQ, or WRKJOB OPTION(*SPLF) command 2 99 999
Maximum number of writers that can be active at the same time Approximately 43 600
Start of changeMaximum number of jobs that can be displayed using the WRKACTJOB command 3End of change Start of change69 927End of change
  1. If the page count exceeds 9999, the display still shows page number 9999. The IBM Navigator for i interface does not have this limitation and shows the correct page number.
  2. If the page count exceeds 99 999, then ++++++ is displayed instead. The IBM Navigator for i interface does not have this limitation and shows the correct page count.
  3. Start of changeThe IBM Navigator for i interface does not have this limitation.End of change