Miscellaneous limits
There are some other IBM® i system limits, such as the number of basic disk pools, the size of a user space, and the size of a message queue.
Miscellaneous limits | Value |
Maximum system and I/O hardware configurations and capacities |
Minimum load source size |
Maximum load source size |
Maximum disk size |
Maximum number of disk arms that are contained in all of the basic auxiliary storage pools (ASPs 1 - 32), per partition | 3 999 |
Maximum number of disk arms that are contained in all of the independent auxiliary storage pools (iASPs 33 - 255) in all nodes in a cluster | 5 999 |
Minimum number of disk arms that are required for acceptable performance. | See IBM Systems Workload Estimator. |
Maximum number of active connections to a logical unit or disk unit in an external storage server or Virtual I/O Server environment. | 8 |
Maximum combined number of disk arms and redundant connections to all disk units | 35 600 |
Maximum number of disk paths for VIOS attached 512-byte sector6 storage using Virtual Fibre Channel (VFC/NPIV) | 35 600 |
Maximum number of disk paths for VIOS attached storage using Virtual SCSI (VSCSI) | 35 600 |
Maximum number of basic user ASPs | 31 |
Maximum number of independent ASPs | 223 |
Maximum number of logical partitions | See Logical partitions. |
Maximum database size for Domino® | 64 GB |
Maximum size of a user space 1 | 16 773 120 bytes |
Maximum size of a user index 2 | 1 TB |
Maximum size of a data queue or a user queue 3 | 2 GB |
Maximum size of a message queue 4 | 16 MB (approximately 75 000 messages) |
Maximum number of new messages of any one message type on a message queue | Limited only by size of message queue |
Maximum number of program messages that can be created in a job 5 | 4 294 967 293 |
Maximum number of records for each version of the history log | 10 000 000 |
Maximum number of unique Volume IDs displayed/printed in Product Activity Log's Removable Media Lifetime Statistics for each Media Option | 5000 |
Maximum number of input fields that can be specified for a display file | 256 |
Maximum total size of concurrently used teraspace address ranges per job | Approximately 64 TB |
Range of user-defined double-byte characters that can be defined and maintained using the character generator utility (CGU) for Japanese | Hexadecimal 6941 through 7FFE |
Maximum memory per partition | 32 TB |
Minimum memory per partition | 4 GB |
Maximum number of processors per partition |
Maximum number of hardware threads per partition |
Maximum partition ID | 1000 |
Maximum number of virtual SCSI optical devices per virtual SCSI adapter | 16 |
Maximum number of virtual SCSI tape devices per virtual SCSI adapter | 4 |
Maximum number of virtual SCSI disk devices per virtual SCSI adapter | 32 |
Maximum active disk paths per virtual Fibre Channel connection (NPIV)7 | 127 (Maximum 254 total active and passive paths combined) |
Maximum active disk paths per physical Fibre Channel port (IBM i Native) - 16Gb or faster adapters7 | 127 (Maximum 254 total active and passive paths combined) |
Maximum active disk paths per physical Fibre Channel port (IBM i Native) - 8Gb adapters7 | 64 (Maximum 128 total active and passive paths combined) |
Maximum Virtual I/O Server configurations and capacities | See Specifications, Limitations, and Restrictions topics under "Planning for the Virtual I/O Server" in the documentation for your system. |
Maximum number of workload capping groups | 255 |
Maximum number of IMGCLG entries in a single IMGCLG | 256 |
Maximum size of a virtual media | 1 000 000 MB |
Maximum number of virtual tape resources | 35 |
Maximum number of virtual optical resources | 35 |
Maximum number of active (varied on) optical devices | 100 |
Maximum number of drives from a logical tape library can be attached to an IBM i partition | 32 |
Maximum number of drives can be configured in a logical tape library attached to an IBM i partition | 256 |
Maximum number of storage elements in one logical tape library | 15 000 |
Maximum number of data blocks in a single file on tape | 4 294 967 295 |
Maximum number of tape LUNs (tape devices and control paths) per virtual Fibre Channel connection (NPIV) | 127 |
Maximum number of tape LUNs (tape devices and control paths) per physical Fibre Channel adapter (IBM i Native) | 127 |
Maximum number of paths to a multipath capable tape drive | 8 |
Interprocess Communication (IPC) limits | Value |
Maximum number of Single UNIX Specification message queues on the system | 2 147 483 646 |
Maximum size of a Single UNIX Specification message queue | 16 773 120 bytes |
Maximum size of a single message on a Single UNIX Specification message queue | 65 535 bytes |
Maximum number of semaphore sets on the system | 2 147 483 646 |
Maximum number of semaphores per semaphore set | 65 535 |
Maximum number of shared memory segments that can be created on the system | 2 147 483 646 |
Maximum size of a teraspace shared-memory segment that is created by using the shmget() function | 4 294 967 295 bytes |
Maximum size of a teraspace shared-memory segment that is created by using the shmget64() function | 17 450 452 123 648 bytes |
Maximum size of a resizeable teraspace shared-memory segment | 268 435 456 bytes |
Maximum size of a nonteraspace shared-memory segment | 16 776 960 bytes |
Maximum size of a resizeable nonteraspace shared-memory segment | 16 773 120 bytes |