%STR Used to Get Null-Terminated String

When used on the right-hand side of an expression, this function returns the data pointed to by the first parameter up to but not including the first null character (x'00') found within the length specified. This built-in function can be used anywhere that a character expression is valid. No error will be given at run time if the null terminator is not found within the length specified. In this case, the length of the resulting value is the same as the length specified.

Note: The length specific for %STR always refers to the number of bytes.
Figure 1. %STR (right-hand-side) Example 1
D String1         S               *
D Fld1            S             10A

     Fld1 = '<' + %str(String1) + '>';
  // Assuming that String1 points to '123¬' where '¬' represents the
  // null character, after the EVAL, Fld1 = '<123>     '.

The following is an example of %STR with the second parameter specified.

Figure 2. %STR (right-hand-side) Example 2
D String1         S               *
D Fld1            S             10A

     Fld1 = '<' + %str(String1 : 2) + '>';
  // Assuming that String1 points to '123¬' where '¬' represents the
  // null character, after the EVAL, Fld1 = '<12>      '.
  // Since the maximum length read by the operation was 2, the '3' and
  // the '¬' were not considered.

In this example, the null-terminator is found within the specified maximum length.

Figure 3. %STR (right-hand-side) Example 3
D String1         S               *
D Fld1            S             10A

    Fld1 = '<' + %str(String1 : 5) + '>';
    // Assuming that String1 points to '123¬' where '¬' represents the
    // null character, after the EVAL, Fld1 = '<123>     '.
    // Since the maximum length read by the operation was 5, the
    // null-terminator in position 4 was found so all the data up to
    // the null-terminator was used.