The Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command initializes and activates TCP/IP processing, starts the TCP/IP interfaces, starts the TCP/IP server jobs, and starts the TCP/IP Point-To-Point (PTP) profiles. A STRTCP command must be issued before any TCP/IP processing can be performed on the system. This includes Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) agent processing.

The TCP/IP interfaces that are started are those that have set the AUTOSTART parameter to a value of *YES using the Add TCP/IP Interface (ADDTCPIFC) or Change TCP/IP Interface (CHGTCPIFC) commands, or the Systems Director Navigator.

The Change IPL Attributes (CHGIPLA) command with the STRTCP parameter set to a value of *YES can be used to automatically submit the STRTCP command at the completion of IPL.

The TCP/IP application server jobs that can be started are:

The Start TCP/IP command only starts a TCP/IP application job if the AUTOSTART attribute in the application's configuration is set to *YES when the command is issued. No TCP/IP application jobs are started in the QSYSWRK subsystem if any of the following is true:

Use the commands or interfaces listed below to change the configuration for an application so that it starts automatically when the Start TCP/IP command is issued.

When the STRTCP command is issued the QTCPCTL system job will handle all requests for activating and deactivating TCP/IP interfaces.

Note: The STRTCP command does not need to be issued to use socket applications that run over an SNA network.



Keyword Description Choices Notes
STRSVR Start application servers *YES, *NO Optional
STRIFC Start TCP/IP interfaces *YES, *NO Optional
STRPTPPRF Start point-to-point profiles *YES, *NO Optional
STRIP6 Start IPv6 *YES, *NO Optional

Start application servers (STRSVR)

Specifies whether or not TCP/IP application servers are started by the STRTCP command.

The STRTCP command starts all TCP/IP application servers with a configuration attribute of AUTOSTART(*YES) when TCP/IP is activated.
The STRTCP command does not start any TCP/IP application servers when TCP/IP is activated.

Note: This parameter can be used when TCP/IP application servers using AnyNet are already active on your system and you intend to also activate TCP/IP. STRTCP STRSVR(*NO) activates TCP/IP processing without starting additional TCP/IP servers.

When TCP/IP or AnyNet is already active, use the Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command to start additional TCP/IP application servers.

Start TCP/IP interfaces (STRIFC)

Specifies whether or not to activate all TCP/IP interfaces that specify AUTOSTART(*YES) when TCP/IP is activated.

When the STRTCP command is issued the QTCPWRK system job will attempt to activate all TCP/IP interfaces for which AUTOSTART(*YES) is specified.
The AUTOSTART(*YES) interface parameter will be ignored. No TCP/IP interfaces will be automatically started.

Note: Specifying STRIFC(*NO) only inhibits the activation of TCP/IP interfaces. It has no effect on interfaces for other AnyNet protocols such as IP over SNA or IP over IPX.

Start point-to-point profiles (STRPTPPRF)

Specifies whether or not to activate all point-to-point profiles that specify a configuration attribute of AUTOSTART(*YES) when TCP/IP is activated.

As part of the running of the STRTCP command, the Start Point-to-Point TCP/IP (STRTCPPTP) command will also be run. The STRTCPPTP command will attempt to start all of the point-to-point profiles with a configuration attribute of AUTOSTART(*YES).
The STRTCPPTP command will not be run.

Start IPv6 (STRIP6)

Specifies whether or not to activate the IPv6 portion of the TCP/IP protocol stack.

As part of the running of the STRTCP command, the IPv6 portion of the TCP/IP protocol stack will be started. If STRIFC(*YES) is specified, then an attempt will be made to start all of the IPv6 lines and IPv6 interfaces with a configuration attribute of AUTOSTART(*YES).
The IPv6 protocol will not be started.


Example 1: Starting TCP/IP


This command initializes and activates TCP/IP processing, starts the TCP/IP interfaces, and starts the TCP/IP server jobs.

Example 2: Starting TCP/IP and TCP/IP Servers


Because *YES is the default value for the STRSVR parameter, the result of issuing this command is identical to the Example 1.

Example 3: Starting TCP/IP But Not the TCP/IP Servers


This will start TCP/IP processing without starting any of the TCP/IP application server jobs.

Example 4: Starting TCP/IP in Restricted State


This will start TCP/IP processing (both IPv4 and IPv6), even if the system is in restricted state. TCP/IP application servers and IP interfaces will not be started.

Example 5: Starting TCP/IP without starting IPv6 processing


This command initializes and activates TCP/IP processing (IPv4 only), starts the TCP/IP interfaces (IPv4 only) that have the AUTOSTART parameter set to *YES. Starts the TCP/IP servers that have the AUTOSTART parameter set to *YES. Starts the Point to Point profiles that have the AUTOSTART parameter set to *YES.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Cannot open file &1 in library &2 member &3.
Error while processing file &1 in library &2 member &3.
Error occurred submitting interface job.
Error occurred starting TCP/IP servers.
&1 completed successfully; however errors occurred.
&1 member record length not correct.
Error occurred processing member &1 of &2/&3.
Internal system error in program &1.