Send ARP Request (ARPING)

The Send ARP Request (SNDARPRQS) command, also known as ARPING, tests the reachability of an IP address on the local Ethernet network using the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).


Keyword Description Choices Notes
INTNETADR Remote internet address Character value Required, Positional 1
LIND Line description Element list Required, Positional 2
Element 1: Line description Name
Element 2: Virtual LAN identifier 1-4094, *NONE
MSGMODE Message mode Element list Optional
Element 1: Response message detail *VERBOSE, *QUIET
Element 2: Summary, if response errors *COMP, *ESCAPE

Remote internet address (INTNETADR)

Specifies the remote IP version 4 internet address to which the ARP requests are sent.

Specify the internet address of the remote system. If the internet address is entered from a command line, the address must be enclosed in apostrophes.

Line description (LIND)

Specifies the name of the line description associated with the Ethernet network over which the ARP request is sent.

Element 1: Line description

Specify the name of an existing Ethernet line description to be used for sending the ARP request.

Element 2: Virtual LAN identifier

Specifies the virtual LAN identifier to be used for sending the ARP request. This identifies the virtual LAN according to IEEE standard 802.1Q.

The line is not part of a virtual LAN.
Specify the virtual LAN identifier of the associated line.

Message mode (MSGMODE)

Specifies the amount of information to be displayed.

Element 1: Response message detail

Display messages as each ARP response arrives.
Display only the initial ARPING (SNDARPRQS) message and the summary message.

Element 2: Summary, if response errors

The summary message returned by the ARPING (SNDARPRQS) request is a completion message.
A monitorable escape message is returned. This is useful if you have written a program to issue the ARPING request and wish to monitor the ARPING request for errors. See the error messages section of the ARPING (SNDARPRQS) command help for a list of possible escape messages.



This command sends an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request to the IP address to the network associated with line description ETHLINE with no associated virtual LAN.

Because the *QUIET option of the MSGMODE parameter is specified, no intermediate status messages are displayed. If no responses to the ARP requests are received, the final summary message is sent as an escape message because of the *ESCAPE option of the MSGMODE parameter.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Interface not found.
The specified line name corresponds to a line type that does not support ARP.
Internet address &2 not valid.
You entered an IPv6 address but IPv6 is not yet supported.
ARP request statistics: &1 of &2 successful (&3 %).