SYSTEM_STATUS table function

The SYSTEM_STATUS table function returns a single row containing details about the current partition.

The information returned is similar to the detail seen from the Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) and the Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) commands, Start of changeand information available in the HMC and with the Retrieve Partition Information (dlpar_get_info) APIEnd of change.

Start of changeAuthorization: To see non-null values for the columns from PARTITION_NAME through UNUSED_CPU_TIME_SHARED_POOL, the caller must have *USE authority to the QSYS/QPMLPMGT service program.End of change

Start of changeTo return values for TEMPORARY_JOB_STRUCTURES_AVAILABLE and PERMANENT_JOB_STRUCTURES_AVAILABLE, the caller must have:
  • *JOBCTL special authority, and
  • *USE authority to the QSYS/QWTCTJBS program.
End of change
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSYSTEM_STATUS(RESET_STATISTICS => reset-statistics,DETAILED_INFO => detailed-info)
The schema is QSYS2.
A character or graphic string expression that contains a value of YES or NO.

If this parameter has a value of YES, statistics are reset such that the time of this query execution is used as the new baseline. The columns that contain this statistical data have names that are prefixed with ELAPSED_. Future invocations of SYSTEM_STATUS within this connection will return statistical detail relative to the new baseline. If this parameter has a value of NO, statistics are not reset for the invocation. If this parameter is not specified, the default is NO.

Start of changedetailed-infoEnd of change
Start of changeA character or graphic string expression that indicates the type of information to be returned.
All available system information is returned.
Only the basic system information is returned. Values for the columns from TOTAL_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES through the JOBLOG_PENDING_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES, Start of changeand JOBS_SIGNED_ON through BATCH_PRINT_WAITINGEnd of change are not returned and will always contain the null value. This is the default.
End of change

The result of the function is a table containing multiple rows with the format shown in the following table. All the columns are nullable.

Table 1. SYSTEM_STATUS table function
Column Name Data Type Description
TOTAL_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM INTEGER The total number of user and system jobs that are currently in the system. The total includes:
  • All jobs on job queues waiting to be processed.
  • All jobs currently active (being processed).
  • All jobs that have completed running but still have output on output queues to be produced.
MAXIMUM_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM INTEGER The maximum number of jobs that are allowed on the system. When the number of jobs reaches this maximum, you can no longer submit or start more jobs on the system. The total includes:
  • All jobs on job queues waiting to be processed.
  • All jobs currently active (being processed).
  • All jobs that have completed running but still have output on output queues to be produced.
ACTIVE_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM INTEGER The number of jobs active in the system (jobs that have been started, but have not yet ended), including both user and system jobs.
INTERACTIVE_JOBS_IN_SYSTEM DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of interactive performance assigned to this logical partition. This value is a percentage of the total interactive performance available to the entire physical system.
Start of changeJOBS_SIGNED_ONEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of jobs currently signed on the system. System request jobs and group jobs are not included in this number.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeJOBS_DISCONNECTEDEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of jobs that have been disconnected due to either the selection of option 80 (Temporary sign-off) or the entry of the Disconnect Job (DSCJOB) command.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeJOBS_SUSPENDED_BY_SYSREQEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of user jobs that have been temporarily suspended by system request jobs so that another job may be run.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeJOBS_SUSPENDED_BY_GROUP_JOBEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of user jobs that have been temporarily suspended by group jobs so that another job may be run.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeJOBS_PRINT_WAITINGEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of sessions that have ended with printer output files waiting to print.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_RUNNINGEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs currently running on the system.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_WAITING_TO_RUNEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs on the system that are currently waiting to run, including those that were submitted to run at a future date and time. Jobs on the job schedule that have not been submitted are not included.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_ENDINGEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs that are in the process of ending due to one of the following conditions:
  • The job finished processing normally.
  • The job ended before its normal completion point and is being removed from the system.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_MESSAGE_WAITEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs waiting for a reply to a message before they can continue to run.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_HELD_WHILE_RUNNINGEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs that had started running, but are now held.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_HELD_ON_JOBQEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs that were submitted, but were held before they could begin running.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_ON_HELD_JOBQEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs on job queues that have been assigned to a subsystem, but are being held.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_ON_UNASSIGNED_JOBQEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of batch jobs on job queues that have not been assigned to a subsystem.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeBATCH_PRINT_WAITINGEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of completed batch jobs that produced printer output that is waiting to print.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
ELAPSED_TIME INTEGER The time that has elapsed, in seconds, between the measurement start time and the current system time.
ELAPSED_CPU_USED DECIMAL(10,2) The average of the elapsed time during which the processing units were in use.
ELAPSED_CPU_SHARED DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the total shared processor pool capacity used by all partitions using the pool during the elapsed time.

Returns null if this is a dedicated partition.

ELAPSED_CPU_UNCAPPED_CAPACITY DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the uncapped shared processing capacity for the partition used since the last time statistics were reset.

Returns null if this partition cannot use more that its configured processing capacity.

CONFIGURED_CPUS INTEGER Total number of configured CPUs for the partition.
CPU_SHARING_ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR(8) This attribute indicates whether this partition is sharing processors. If the value indicates the partition does not share physical processors, then this partition uses only dedicated processors. If the value indicates the partition shares physical processors, then this partition uses physical processors from a shared pool of physical processors.
Partition shares processors. The partition is limited to using its configured capacity.
Partition shares processors. The partition can use more than its configured capacity.
Contains the null value if this is a dedicated partition.
CURRENT_CPU_CAPACITY DECIMAL(10,2) The current processing capacity specifies the processor units that are being used in the partition. For a partition sharing physical processors, the current processing capacity represents the share of the physical processors in the pool it is running. For a partition using dedicated processors, the current processing capacity represents the number of virtual processors that are currently active in the partition.
AVERAGE_CPU_RATE DECIMAL(20,2) Always returns 0.

Start of changeThis information has moved to the QSYS2.SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function: SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function. End of change


Start of changeThis information has moved to the QSYS2.SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function: SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function. End of change


Start of changeThis information has moved to the QSYS2.SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function: SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function. End of change


Start of changeThis information has moved to the QSYS2.SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function: SYSTEM_ACTIVITY_INFO table function. End of change

SQL_CPU_UTILIZATION DECIMAL(10,2) Always contains the null value.
MAIN_STORAGE_SIZE BIGINT The amount of main storage, in kilobytes, in the system.
SYSTEM_ASP_STORAGE BIGINT The storage capacity of the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP number 1) in millions of bytes. This value represents the amount of space available for storage of both permanent and temporary objects.
TOTAL_AUXILIARY_STORAGE BIGINT The total auxiliary storage, in millions of bytes, on the system.
SYSTEM_ASP_USED DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the system storage pool (ASP number 1) currently in use.
CURRENT_TEMPORARY_STORAGE INTEGER The current amount of storage, in millions of bytes, in use for temporary objects.
MAXIMUM_TEMPORARY_STORAGE_USED INTEGER The largest amount of storage, in millions of bytes, used for temporary objects at any one time since the last IPL.
PERMANENT_ADDRESS_RATE DECIMAL(6,3) The percentage of the maximum possible addresses for permanent objects that have been used.
TEMPORARY_ADDRESS_RATE DECIMAL(6,3) The percentage of the maximum possible addresses for temporary objects that have been used.
TEMPORARY_256MB_SEGMENTS DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the maximum possible temporary 256MB segments that have been used.
TEMPORARY_4GB_SEGMENTS DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the maximum possible temporary 4GB segments that have been used.
PERMANENT_256MB_SEGMENTS DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the maximum possible permanent 256MB segments that have been used.
PERMANENT_4GB_SEGMENTS DECIMAL(10,2) The percentage of the maximum possible permanent 4GB segments that have been used.
Start of changeTEMPORARY_JOB_STRUCTURES_AVAILABLEEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of temporary job structures that currently exist on the system that are not in use.

Returns the null value if the user does not have *USE authority on the QSYS/QWTCTJBS program.

End of change
Start of changePERMANENT_JOB_STRUCTURES_AVAILABLEEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of permanent job structures that currently exist on the system that are not in use.

Returns the null value if the user does not have *USE authority on the QSYS/QWTCTJBS program.

End of change
Start of changeTOTAL_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of job table entries. This includes AVAILABLE_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES and IN_USE_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeAVAILABLE_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of job table entries that are available.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeIN_USE_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of job table entries that are in use. This includes ACTIVE_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES, JOBQ_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES, OUTQ_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES, and JOBLOG_PENDING_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIES.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeACTIVE_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of entries that are in use by active jobs.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeJOBQ_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of entries that are in use by jobs on a JOBQ.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeOUTQ_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of entries that are in use by jobs that have ended but have spooled output still attached to the job.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
Start of changeJOBLOG_PENDING_JOB_TABLE_ENTRIESEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total number of entries that are in use by jobs that have ended but have a pending job log.

Contains the null value when the DETAILED_INFO parameter is BASIC.

End of change
HOST_NAME VARCHAR(255) Name of the system where this information was generated. This is the name set by CHGNETA.
PARTITION_ID INTEGER The identifier for the partition in which this view is being run.
NUMBER_OF_PARTITIONS INTEGER The number of partitions on the physical machine. This includes partitions that are currently powered on (running) and partitions that are powered off.
ACTIVE_THREADS_IN_SYSTEM INTEGER The number of initial and secondary threads in the system (threads that have been started, but have not yet ended), including both user and system threads.
RESTRICTED_STATE VARCHAR(3) Whether the system is in restricted state.
System is not in restricted state.
System is in restricted state.

The columns from PARTITION_NAME through UNUSED_CPU_TIME_SHARED_POOL require the user to have *USE authority on the QSYS/QPMLPMGT service program. Otherwise, they will contain the null value.
Start of changePARTITION_NAME End of change Start of changeVARGRAPHIC(255) CCSID 1200End of change Start of changeThe name of the partition as it is known to the HMC.End of change
Start of changePARTITION_GROUP_IDEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe LPAR group for this partition.End of change
Start of changeSHARED_PROCESSOR_POOL_IDEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe shared processor pool this partition is a member of. A shared processor pool is a set of physical processors on the physical machine that is used to run a set of shared processor partitions. A value of 0 indicates the default pool.

Contains the null value if DEDICATED_PROCESSORS is YES.

End of change
Start of changeDEFINED_MEMORYEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe amount of memory (in megabytes) that was configured for this partition through the HMC.End of change
Start of changeMINIMUM_MEMORYEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe minimum amount of main storage (in megabytes) that can be assigned to this partition.End of change
Start of changeMAXIMUM_MEMORYEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe maximum amount of main storage (in megabytes) that can be assigned to this partition.End of change
Start of changeMEMORY_INCREMENTEnd of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe smallest amount of main storage (in megabytes) that can be added to or removed from this partition's memory.End of change
Start of changeDEDICATED_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeWhether the partition uses dedicated processors.
The partition does not use dedicated processors.
The partition uses dedicated processors.
End of change
Start of changePHYSICAL_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of physical processors in this physical machine that are available for use. This does not include processors on demand that have not been turned on.End of change
Start of changePHYSICAL_PROCESSORS_SHARED_POOLEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of physical processors that are allocated to the shared processor pool used by this partition.

Contains the null value if DEDICATED_PROCESSORS is YES.

End of change
Start of changeMAXIMUM_PHYSICAL_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe maximum number of physical processors that can be active in this physical machine without installing additional processors. This value includes currently active processors and any standby (on demand) processors that are present in this physical machine.End of change
Start of changeDEFINED_VIRTUAL_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of virtual processors configured for this partition through the HMC.End of change
Start of changeVIRTUAL_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of virtual processors currently used by this partition.End of change
Start of changeMINIMUM_VIRTUAL_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe minimum number of virtual processors that can be configured for this partition.End of change
Start of changeMAXIMUM_VIRTUAL_PROCESSORSEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe maximum number of virtual processors that can be configured for this partition.End of change
Start of changeDEFINED_PROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe amount of processing capacity that was configured for this partition through the HMC.End of change
Start of changePROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe current (usable) amount of processing capacity available to the partition (also known as partition's entitled capacity).End of change
Start of changeUNALLOCATED_PROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe amount of processing capacity in the partition group this partition belongs to, which is not allocated to any partition and is available for allocation.End of change
Start of changeMINIMUM_REQUIRED_PROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe minimum amount of processing capacity that the operating system in this partition requires for its operation.End of change
Start of changeMAXIMUM_LICENSED_PROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe current limit on processing capacity of this partition imposed by the operating system software license for this partition.End of change
Start of changeMINIMUM_PROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe minimum amount of processing capacity that can be assigned to this partition.End of change
Start of changeMAXIMUM_PROCESSING_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe maximum amount of processing capacity that can be assigned to this partition.End of change
Start of changePROCESSING_CAPACITY_INCREMENTEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe smallest capacity that can be added to or removed from this partition's processing capacity.End of change
Start of changeDEFINED_INTERACTIVE_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe amount of interactive capacity that was configured for this partition through the HMC. A partition's interactive capacity is defined as this partition's portion of total interactive capacity of the physical machine.End of change
Start of changeINTERACTIVE_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThis partition's current (usable) portion of the physical machine interactive capacity.End of change
Start of changeINTERACTIVE_THRESHOLDEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe maximum interactive CPU utilization which can be sustained in this partition, without causing a disproportionate increase in system overhead.End of change
Start of changeUNALLOCATED_INTERACTIVE_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe amount of interactive capacity in the partition group this partition belongs to, which is not allocated to any partition and is available for allocation. Interactive capacity is defined as the portion of total interactive capacity of the physical machine. End of change
Start of changeMINIMUM_INTERACTIVE_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe minimum portion of the physical machine's interactive capacity that can be assigned to this partition.End of change
Start of changeMAXIMUM_INTERACTIVE_CAPACITYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(5,2)End of change Start of changeThe maximum portion of the physical machine's interactive capacity that can be assigned to this partition.End of change
Start of changeDEFINED_VARIABLE_CAPACITY_WEIGHTEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe weighting factor that was configured for this partition through the HMC. Variable capacity weight is used for uncapped partitions when they compete for unused CPU cycles in the shared pool. Variable capacity weight can be in the range of 0 - 255. The larger the weight, the more the chance this partition will get additional CPU cycles from the shared pool.

Contains the null value if the DEDICATED_PROCESSORS is YES or if CPU_SHARING_ATTRIBUTE is CAPPED.

End of change
Start of changeVARIABLE_CAPACITY_WEIGHTEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe weighting factor that is used to assign additional unused CPU cycles (from the shared processor pool) to the partition. Variable capacity weight is used for uncapped partitions when they compete for unused CPU cycles in the shared pool. This factor is in the range of 0 - 255. The larger the weight, the greater the chance this partition will get additional CPU cycles from the pool. A value of 0 effectively caps this partition at its current (usable) processing capacity.

Contains the null value if the DEDICATED_PROCESSORS is YES or if CPU_SHARING_ATTRIBUTE is CAPPED.

End of change
Start of changeUNALLOCATED_VARIABLE_CAPACITY_WEIGHTEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe amount of capacity weight that is available for allocation to the partition's variable capacity weight.

Contains the null value if the DEDICATED_PROCESSORS is YES or if CPU_SHARING_ATTRIBUTE is CAPPED.

End of change
Start of changeHARDWARE_MULTITHREADINGEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeIndicates whether hardware multi-threading is enabled.
Hardware multi-threading is not enabled.
Hardware multi-threading is enabled.
End of change
Start of changeBOUND_HARDWARE_THREADSEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeWhether hardware threads are bound.
Hardware threads are not bound.
Hardware threads are bound.
End of change
Start of changeTHREADS_PER_PROCESSOREnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of hardware threads per processor when hardware multi-threading is enabled.

Contains the null value if HARDWARE_MULTITHREADING is NO.

End of change
Start of changeDISPATCH_LATENCYEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(20,0)End of change Start of changeThe maximum time in nanoseconds between dispatches of this partition on a physical processor.End of change
Start of changeDISPATCH_WHEEL_ROTATION_TIMEEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(20,0)End of change Start of changeThe number of nanoseconds in the hypervisor's scheduling window. Each virtual processor will be given the opportunity to execute on a physical processor some time during this period. The amount of time each virtual processor is able to use a physical processor is determined by partition processing capacity.End of change
Start of changeTOTAL_CPU_TIMEEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(20,0)End of change Start of changeThe number of nanoseconds of CPU time used by this partition since IPL.End of change
Start of changeINTERACTIVE_CPU_TIMEEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(20,0)End of change Start of changeThe amount of CPU time, in nanoseconds, used by interactive processes in this partition since partition IPL. An interactive process is any process doing 5250 display device I/O.End of change
Start of changeINTERACTIVE_CPU_TIME_ABOVE_THRESHOLDEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(20,0)End of change Start of changeThe amount of CPU time, in nanoseconds, used by interactive processes while exceeding the interactive threshold. This is a total since IPL.End of change
Start of changeUNUSED_CPU_TIME_SHARED_POOLEnd of change Start of changeDECIMAL(20,0)End of change Start of changeThe number of nanoseconds of CPU time that the physical processors in a shared processor pool have been idle since system IPL.

Contains the null value if DEDICATED_PROCESSORS is YES or if the partition is not authorized to retrieve shared pool data.

End of change
Start of changeMACHINE_TYPEEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(4)End of change Start of changeThe machine type.End of change
Start of changeMACHINE_MODELEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(4)End of change Start of changeThe machine model.End of change
Start of changeSERIAL_NUMBEREnd of change Start of changeCHAR(8)End of change Start of changeThe machine serial number.End of change
Start of changeMACHINE_SERIAL_NUMBEREnd of change Start of changeCHAR(8)End of change Start of changeThe machine serial number.End of change
Start of changeATTENTION_LIGHTEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeThe status of the system attention light.
The light is off.
The light is on.
End of change
Start of changeIPL_MODEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(9)End of change Start of changeThe current IPL mode setting.
Used for automatic remote IPL, automatic IPL by date and time, and automatic IPL after a power failure.
An operator uses the control panel to direct the system for special needs.
Requires no operator intervention during the IPL.
Prevents use of the control panel to perform an IPL.
End of change
Start of changeIPL_TYPEEnd of change Start of changeCHAR(1)End of change Start of changeType of IPL performed.
Used for special work, such as applying fixes (PTFs) and diagnostic work.
Used for routine work and when directed by a PTF procedure.
Reserved for system support.
Used for special work, such as installing and reloading programs.
End of change
Start of changeJOURNAL_RECOVERY_COUNTEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeSpecifies the system wide default journal recovery count. The journal recovery count allows you to choose between faster runtime processing of changes to journaled objects and faster IPL or vary on recovery after an abnormal shutdown. The value specified influences the frequency with which journaled objects are forced to auxiliary storage as those objects are changed. The specified journal recovery count indicates the approximate number of journaled changes that would need to be recovered during journal synchronization for this journal in the event of an IPL or vary on after an abnormal shutdown. A smaller value decreases the number of changes that would need to be recovered from this journal by increasing the frequency with which changed objects are forced to disk. A larger value increases the runtime processing of changes to journaled objects by decreasing the frequency with which changed objects are forced to disk. Changing this value may affect overall system performance as it affects the utilization of auxiliary storage devices.

This value can be changed with the Change Journal Attributes (CHGJRNA) CL command.

The system default for this value is 250,000.

End of change
Start of changeJOURNAL_CACHE_WAIT_TIMEEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe cache wait time, in seconds, for journal environments with caching enabled. The cache wait time is the maximum number of seconds that the system will wait before writing any lingering journal entries from main memory to disk.

This value can be changed with the Change Journal Attributes (CHGJRNA) CL command.

The system default for this value is 30 seconds.

End of change
Start of change
End of change
Start of changeVARCHAR(7)End of change Start of changeThe time, in minutes, targeted for access path protection for the system.
The number of minutes set for the system access path recovery time.
The system access path recovery time is set to the minimum access path recovery time for the system, which provides for the fastest access path recovery. The eligible access paths for the entire system are protected.
No system access path recovery time is set. No access path protection is provided by the system unless needed to meet an ASP specific target access path recovery time. However, current access path exposure is monitored and estimated access path recovery times are available.
No access path protection is provided by the system. The system does not monitor current exposure and no estimated access path recovery times are available.
The system access path recovery time is set to the system default value of 50 minutes.

Contains the null value if the user does not have *JOBCTL special authority.

End of change
Start of changeSMAPP_INCLUDE_ACCESS_PATHS End of change Start of changeVARCHAR(9)End of change Start of changeIndicates whether the access path recovery time includes only those access paths which are considered eligible for protection or includes all access paths.
The access path recovery time includes all access paths, both those that are and those that are not eligible.
The access path recovery time includes only those access paths which are considered eligible for protection.

Contains the null value when ACCESS_PATH_RECOVERY_TIME is *OFF or if the user does not have *JOBCTL special authority.

End of change
Start of change
End of change
Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe amount of time, in minutes, that the system will take to recover the access paths on the system during initial program load (IPL) and during the vary on of all currently available independent storage pools (IASPs). This value assumes that all access paths that are protected are recovered at IPL or during vary on of IASPs.
The estimated system access path recovery time is influenced by SMAPP_INCLUDE_ACCESS_PATHS.
  • If SMAPP_INCLUDE_ACCESS_PATHS is *ELIGIBLE, this value is the estimated system access path recovery time of all the eligible access paths that are not chosen for protection.
  • If SMAPP_INCLUDE_ACCESS_PATHS is *ALL, this value is the estimated system access path recovery time of all the eligible access paths that are not chosen for protection plus all the access paths that are not eligible for protection.

Contains the null value when ACCESS_PATH_RECOVERY_TIME is *OFF or if the user does not have *JOBCTL special authority.

End of change
Start of change
End of change
Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe total time, in minutes, that it will take to recover all access paths which are not eligible for system-managed access path protection.

Contains the null value when ACCESS_PATH_RECOVERY_TIME is *OFF or if the user does not have *JOBCTL special authority.

End of change
Start of changeSMAPP_DISK_STORAGE_USED End of change Start of changeBIGINTEnd of change Start of changeThe total amount of auxiliary disk storage, in megabytes, used by internal objects that are used exclusively for system-managed access path protection (SMAPP). This value is the sum of the auxiliary storage used for access path protection for each auxiliary storage pool (ASP).

Contains the null value when ACCESS_PATH_RECOVERY_TIME is *OFF or if the user does not have *JOBCTL special authority.

End of change
Start of change
End of change
Start of changeINTEGER
End of change
Start of changeThe number of cores assigned to this system as a member of a Power Enterprise Pool. Contains the value -1 if the system is at a level higher than Power Enterprise Pool level 1.0.

Contains the null value if this system is not a member of a Power Enterprise Pool.

End of change


Return storage and CPU status for the partition. Specify to reset all the elapsed values to 0.