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SEND_MESSAGE procedure

The SEND_MESSAGE procedure sends an informational message to the QSYSOPR message queue.

Authorization: The caller must have:
  • *OBJOPR and *ADD authorities to the QSYSOPR message queue,
  • *EXECUTE authority to the library containing the message file, and
  • *USE authority to the message file.
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramSEND_MESSAGE(MESSAGE_ID => message-id,MESSAGE_LENGTH => message-length,MESSAGE_TEXT => message-text,MESSAGE_FILE_LIBRARY => message-file-library,MESSAGE_FILE => message-file)
The schema is QSYS2.
A character string expression that identifies the message ID to send to the QSYSOPR message queue.
An integer value that defines the length of message-text.
The message text for the message.
The library that contains message-file. Can contain the special value *LIBL. The default is QSYS.
The message file that contains message-id. The default is QSQLMSG.


This procedure is designed to send a predefined message to the QSYSOPR message queue. The message is expected to have one substitution variable defined as *CHAR *VARY 2.

When sending a message from a Query Supervisor exit program, SQL7064 in the QSYS/QSQLMSG message file is defined for this purpose. When sending a message in other situations, it is recommended that a different message should be used.


  • Send a message to the QSYSOPR message queue when a critical error is diagnosed.
    CALL QSYS2.SEND_MESSAGE('APP1234', 31, 'Unexpected error in MYLIB/PGM2.' , 
                            'APPLIB', 'MYMSGF');
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