Maximum Length of Passwords (QPWDMAXLEN)

The Maximum Length of Passwords (QPWDMAXLEN) system value controls the maximum number of characters in a password.

This provides additional security by preventing users from specifying passwords that are too long and need to be recorded somewhere because they cannot be easily remembered. Some communications networks require a password that is 8 characters or less. Use this system value to ensure that passwords meet the requirements of your network.

  1. This system value is a restricted value. See Security system values for details on how to restrict changes to security system values and a complete list of the restricted system values.
  2. If the QPWDRULES system value specifies any value other than *PWDSYSVAL, this system value cannot be changed and its value will be ignored when new passwords are checked to see if they are formed correctly.
Table 1. Possible values for the QPWDMAXLEN system value:
Value Description
8 A maximum of eight characters for a password are allowed.
maximum-number-of-characters Specify a value of 1 through 10 when the password level (QPWDLVL) system value is 0 or 1. Specify a value of 1 through 128 when the password level (QPWDLVL) system value is 2 or higher.

Recommended value: 10 when QPWDLVL is 0 or 1. 128 when QPWDLVL is 2 or higher.