MULTIUP support

MULTIUP support is available on the following printers: 3130 3812 3816 3820 3825 3827 3828 3829 3831 3835 3900 3912 3916 3930 3935 4028 4312 4317 4324 Infoprint 20 Infoprint 32.

These are IPDS printers that support page rotation (PAGRTT) and pages per side (MULTIUP).

For all the above-described printers, the following diagrams are examples of how the output will print depending on the PAGRTT and MULTIUP values.

PAGRTT(0) or PAGRTT(180) and MULTIUP(2)
Page 1
Page 1
Page 1
Page 1
Page 1
Page 1
Page 1
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2
Page 2

If the logical page width is less than or equal to 8 inches and the logical page length is less than 5 inches, the font is not changed.

If the logical page width is greater than 8 inches, or the logical page length is greater than 5 inches, the font is selected based on the following table:

Any references to the 4028 printer in the following tables also apply to the 3912, 3916, 4312, 4317, 4324, Infoprint 20, and Infoprint 32 printers. The following footnotes apply to all of the tables about MULTIUP Font Substitution that are included here.

  1. If the target printer does not have font 230 resident, it uses font 223.
  2. If the target printer is a 4028 and has font 283 (20 pitch) resident, it uses font 283. Otherwise, it uses font 281 (20 pitch).
  3. If the target printer is a 3130 or 3935, it will use font 416 with point size of 4 (30 pitch). If the target printer is a 4028 and does not have font 290 resident but does have font 283 resident, it will use font 283. If the target printer is a 4028 and does not have font 290 or 283 resident, it will use font 281 (20 pitch).
Table 1. MULTIUP font substitution for page rotation 0 or 180 with MULTIUP(2)
Page Width (Characters) Page Length (Inches) Font Used Pitch (CPI)
1 through 123 characters Less than or equal to 5 inches 2301 15
1 through 123 characters Greater than 5 inches 254 17
124 through 139 characters All 254 17
140 through 163 characters All 2812 202
Greater than or equal to 164 characters All 2903 273
PAGRTT(90) or PAGRTT(270) and MULTIUP(2)
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 Page 2

If the logical page width is less than or equal to 5 inches and the logical page length is less than 8 inches, the font is not changed.

If the logical page width is greater than 5 inches, or the logical page length is greater than 8 inches, the font is selected based on the following table:

Table 2. MULTIUP font substitution for page rotation 90 or 270 with MULTIUP(2)
Page Width (Characters) Page Length (Inches) Font Used Pitch (CPI)
1 through 73 characters Less than or equal to 8 inches 2301 15
1 through 73 characters Greater than 8 inches 254 17
74 through 83 characters All 254 17
84 through 97 characters All 2812 202
Greater than or equal to 98 characters All 2903 273
PAGRTT(0) or PAGRTT(180) and MULTIUP(4)
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4

If the logical page width is less than or equal to 3.75 inches and the logical page length is less than 5 inches, the font is not changed.

If the logical page width is greater than 3.75 inches, or the logical page length is greater than 5 inches, the font is selected based on the following table:

Table 3. MULTIUP font substitution for page rotation 0 or 180 with MULTIUP(4)
Page Width (Characters) Page Length (Inches) Font Used Pitch (CPI)
1 through 54 characters Less than or equal to 5 inches 230* 15
1 through 54 characters Greater than 5 inches 254 17
55 through 61 characters All 254 17
Characters 62 through 71 All 2812 202
Greater than or equal to 72 characters All 2903 273
PAGRTT(90) or PAGRTT(270) and MULTIUP(4) PAGRTT(0) or PAGRTT(180) and MULTIUP(4)
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 1 Page 3
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4
Page 2 Page 4

If the logical page width is less than or equal to 5 inches and the logical page length is less than 3.75 inches, the font is not changed.

If the logical page width is greater than 5 inches, or the logical page length is greater than 3.75 inches, the font is selected based on the following table:

Table 4. MULTIUP font substitution for page rotation 90 or 270 with MULTIUP(4)
Page Width (Characters) Page Length (Inches) Font Used Pitch (CPI)
1 through 73 characters Less than or equal to 5 inches 2301 15
1 through 73 characters Greater than 5 inches 281 20
74 through 83 characters Less than or equal to 3.75 inches 254 17
74 through 83 characters Greater than 3.75 inches 281 20
84 through 97 characters All 2812 202
Greater than or equal to 98 characters All 2903 273