API finder

Alphabetic list of APIs Back to API finder

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    _   


abort() - Stop a Program
abs() - Calculate integer absolute value
accept() - Wait for Connection Request and Make Connection
accept_and_recv() - Wait for Connection Request and Receive the First Message That Was Sent
access() - Determine File Accessibility
accessx() - Determine File Accessibility for a Class of Users
ACOS - Arc Cosine
acos() - Calculate arccosine
ACTBPGM - Activate Bound Program
ACTPG - Activate Program
ADDLC - Add Logical Character
ADDN - Add Numeric
ADDSPP - Add Space Pointer
adjtime() - Adjust system clock
alarm() - Set schedule for alarm signal
ALCHSS - Allocate Activation Group-Based Heap Space Storage
ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR - Allocate an SQL descriptor
ALTER FUNCTION - Alter an SQL scalar function
ALTER FUNCTION - Alter an SQL table function
ALTER FUNCTION - Alter an external scalar function
ALTER FUNCTION - Alter an external table function
ALTER PROCEDURE - Alter an SQL procedure
ALTER PROCEDURE - Alter an external procedure
ALTER SEQUENCE - Alter a sequence
ALTER TABLE - Alter a table
AND - And
ANDCSTR - And Complemented String
ANDSTR - And String
asctime() - Convert time to character string
asctime_r() - Convert time to character string (restartable)
ASIN - Arc Sine
asin() - Calculate arcsine
assert() - Verify condition
ATAN - Arc Tangent
atan() - Calculate arctangent
atan2() - Calculate Arctangent
ATANH - Arc Tangent Hyperbolic
atexit() - Record program ending function
ATMCADD - Atomic Add
ATMCAND - Atomic And
ATMCOR - Atomic Or
atof() - Convert character string to float
atoi() - Convert character string to integer
atol() - Convert character string to long or long long integer
atoll() - Convert character string to long or long long integer
authnone_create() - Create null authentication
authsys_create() - Create authentication with OS permission
auth_destroy() - Destroy authentication information


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B - Branch
ber_bvfree() - Free a Berval Structure
Bessel Functions - Solve equations
bind() - Set Local Address for Socket
bind2addrsel() - Set Local Address for Socket with Address Selection Preferences
BITPERM - Bit Permute
bsearch() - Search arrays
btowc() - Convert single byte to wide character
build_ILEarglist - Build an ILE Argument List for IBM PASE for i


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CAI - Compute Array Index
CALL - Call a procedure
CALLI - Call Internal
calloc() - Reserve and initialize storage
CALLPGMV - Call Program with Variable Length Argument List
CALLX - Call External
CAT - Concatentate
catclose() - Close message catalog
catgets() - Retrieve a message from a message catalog
catopen() - Open message catalog
CDD - Compute Date Duration
CDRCVRT, QTQCVRT - Convert a Graphic Character String
CDRGCCN, QTQGCCN - Get CCSID for Normalization
CDRGCTL, QTQGCTL - Get Control Function Definition
CDRGESP, QTQGESP - Get Encoding Scheme, Character Set, and Code Page Elements
CDRGRDC, QTQGRDC - Get Related Default CCSID
CDRSCSP, QTQSCSP - Get Short Form (CCSID) from Specified ES and (CS, CP) Pair
CDRSMXC, QTQSMXC - Get Short Form with Maximal CS for Specified ES and CP
CEE4ABN - Abnormal End
CEE4ALC - Allocation Strategy Type
CEE4DAS - Define Heap Allocation Strategy
CEE4FCB - Find a Control Boundary
CEE4GETRC - Get Program Return Code
CEE4HC - Handle a Condition
CEE4JNTS - Convert 64-Bit Integer to Character String
CEE4JSTN - Convert Character String to 64-Bit Integer
CEE4RAGE - Register Activation Group Exit Procedure
CEE4RAGE2 - Register Activation Group Exit Procedure 2
CEE4RAGEL - Register Activation Group Exit Last
CEE4RIN - Return the Relative Invocation Number
CEE4SETRC - Set Program Return Code
CEE4SxFAC - Factorial
CEECRHP - Create Heap
CEECZST - Reallocate Storage
CEEDATE - Convert Lilian Date to Character Format
CEEDATM - Convert Seconds to Character Timestamp
CEEDAYS - Convert Date to Lilian Format
CEEDCOD - Decompose a Condition Token
CEEDOD - Retrieve Operational Descriptor Information
CEEDSHP - Discard Heap
CEEDYWK - Calculate Day of Week from Lilian Date
CEEFMDA - Return Default Date String for Country or Region
CEEFMDT - Return Default Date and Time Strings for Country or Region
CEEFMTM - Return Default Time String for Country or Region
CEEFRST - Free Storage
CEEGMT - Get Current Greenwich Mean Time
CEEGPID - Retrieve ILE Version and Platform ID
CEEGSI - Get String Information
CEEGTST - Get Heap Storage
CEEHDLR - Register a User-Written Condition Handler
CEEHDLU - Unregister a User-Written Condition Handler
CEEISEC - Convert Integers to Seconds
CEELOCT - Get Current Local Time
CEEMGET - Get a Message
CEEMKHP - Mark Heap
CEEMOUT - Dispatch a Message
CEEMRCR - Move the Resume Cursor to a Return Point
CEEMSG - Get, Format, and Dispatch a Message
CEENCOD - Construct a Condition Token
CEEQCEN - Query Century
CEERAN0 - Basic Random Number Generation
CEERLHP - Release Heap
CEERTX - Register Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit Procedure
CEESCEN - Set Century
CEESECI - Convert Seconds to Integers
CEESECS - Convert Timestamp to Number of Seconds
CEESGL - Signal a Condition
CEESxACS - Arccosine
CEESxASN - Arcsine
CEESxAT2 - Arctangent2
CEESxATH - Hyperbolic Arctangent
CEESxATN - Arctangent
CEESxCJG - Conjugate of Complex
CEESxCOS - Cosine
CEESxCSH - Hyperbolic Cosine
CEESxCTN - Cotangent
CEESxDIM - Positive Difference
CEESxDVD - Floating Complex Divide
CEESxEXP - Exponential Base e
CEESxGMA - Gamma Function
CEESxIMG - Imaginary Part of Complex
CEESxINT - Truncation
CEESxLG1 - Logarithm Base 10
CEESxLG2 - Logarithm Base 2
CEESxLGM - Log Gamma Function
CEESxLOG - Logarithm Base e
CEESxMLT - Floating Complex Multiply
CEESxMOD - Modular Arithmetic
CEESxNIN - Nearest Integer
CEESxNJN - Nearest 64-Bit Integer
CEESxNWN - Nearest Whole Number
CEESxSGN - Transfer of Sign
CEESxSNH - Hyperbolic Sine
CEESxSQT - Square Root
CEESxTAN - Tangent
CEESxTNH - Hyperbolic Tangent
CEESxXPx - Exponentiation
CEETREC - Normal End
CEETSTA - Test for Omitted Argument
CEEUTC - Get Universal Time Coordinated
CEEUTCO - Get Offset from Universal Time Coordinated to Local Time
CEEUTX - Unregister Call Stack Entry Termination User Exit Procedure
ceil() - Find integer >= argument
chdir() - Change Current Directory
CHKLKVAL - Check Lock Value
chmod() - Change File Authorizations
chown() - Change Owner and Group of File
CIPHER - Cipher
clearerr() - Reset error indicators
clnt_call() - Call a remote procedure associated with the client
clnt_control() - Change information about a client object
clnt_create() - Create a generic client handle
clnt_destroy() - Destroy the RPC Client's Handle
clnt_freeres() - Free data allocated by the RPC or XDR system
clnt_geterr() - Get the error structure from the client handle
clnt_tli_create() - Create a client handle
clnt_tp_create() - Create a client handle
clock() - Determine processor time
CLOSE - Close a cursor
close() - Close File or Socket Descriptor
closedir() - Close Directory
CLRBTS - Clear Bit in String
CLRIEXIT - Clear Invocation Exit
CLRINVF - Clear Invocation Flags
CLRLKVAL - Clear Lock Value
CMF1 - Compute Math Function Using One Input Value
CMF2 - Compute Math Function Using Two Input Values
CMPBLA - Compare Bytes Left-Adjusted
CMPBLAP - Compare Bytes Left-Adjusted with Pad
CMPBRA - Compare Bytes Right-Adjusted
CMPBRAP - Compare Bytes Right-Adjusted with Pad
CMPNV - Compare Numeric Value
CMPPSPAD - Compare Pointer for Space Addressability
CMPPTRA - Compare Pointer for Object Addressability
CMPPTRE - Compare Pointers for Equality
CMPPTRT - Compare Pointer Type
CMPSPAD - Compare Space Addressability
CMPSW - Compare and Swap
CMPSWP - Compare and Swap
CMPTOPAD - Compare To Pad
CNTLZ4 - Count Leading Zeros 4 Bytes
CNTLZ8 - Count Leading Zeros 8 Bytes
COMMENT - Comment on various objects
COMMIT - End a unit of work
COMSTR - Complement String
CONNECT - Connect to a server and establish rules (Type 2)
CONNECT - Connect to a server and establish rules (Type 1)
connect() - Establish Connection or Destination Address
connectSNMP() - Establish connection with SNMP agent
COS - Cosine
cos() - Calculate cosine
COSH - Cosine Hyperbolic
cosh() - Calculate hyperbolic cosine
COT - Cotangent
CPRDATA - Compress Data
CPYBBTA - Copy Bytes to Bits Arithmetic
CPYBBTL - Copy Bytes to Bits Logical
CPYBLA - Copy Bytes Left-Adjusted
CPYBLAP - Copy Bytes Left-Adjusted with Pad
CPYBO - Copy Bytes Overlapping
CPYBOLA - Copy Bytes Overlap Left-Adjusted
CPYBOLAP - Copy Bytes Overlap Left-Adjusted with Pad
CPYBRA - Copy Bytes Right-Adjusted
CPYBRAP - Copy Bytes Right-Adjusted with Pad
CPYBREP - Copy Bytes Repeatedly
CPYBTA - Copy Bits Arithmetic
CPYBTL - Copy Bits Logical
CPYBTLLS - Copy Bits with Left Logical Shift
CPYBTRAS - Copy Bits with Right Arithmetic Shift
CPYBTRLS - Copy Bits with Right Logical Shift
CPYBWP - Copy Bytes with Pointers
CPYBYTES - Copy Bytes
CPYECLAP - Copy Extended Characters Left-Adjusted With Pad
CPYHEXNN - Copy Hex Digit Numeric to Numeric
CPYHEXNZ - Copy Hex Digit Numeric to Zone
CPYHEXZN - Copy Hex Digit Zone To Numeric
CPYHEXZZ - Copy Hex Digit Zone To Zone
CPYNV - Copy Numeric Value
creat() - Create or Rewrite File
creat64() - Create or Rewrite a File (Large File Enabled)
CREATE ALIAS - Create an alias
CREATE FUNCTION - Create a function based on another existing function
CREATE FUNCTION - Create an external scalar function
CREATE FUNCTION - Create an external table function
CREATE FUNCTION - Create an SQL scalar function
CREATE FUNCTION - Create an SQL table function
CREATE INDEX - Create an index on a table
CREATE PROCEDURE - Create an external procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE - Create an SQL procedure
CREATE SCHEMA - Create a schema and objects in that schema
CREATE SEQUENCE - Create a sequence
CREATE TABLE - Create a table
CREATE TRIGGER - Create a trigger
CREATE TYPE - Create a type
CREATE VIEW - Create view of table
CRTHS - Create Activation Group-Based Heap Space
CRTINX - Create Independent Index
CRTMTX - Create Pointer-Based Mutex
CRTS - Create Space
CTD - Compute Time Duration
ctime() - Convert time to character string
ctime64() - Convert time to character string
ctime64_r() - Convert time to character string
ctime_r() - Convert time to character string (restartable)
CTSD - Compute Timestamp Duration
CVTBC - Convert BSC to Character
CVTCB - Convert Character to BSC
CVTCH - Convert Character to Hex
CVTCM - Convert Character to MRJE
CVTCN - Convert Character to Numeric
CVTCS - Convert Character to SNA
CVTD - Convert Date
CVTDFFP - Convert Decimal Form to Floating-Point
CVTEFN - Convert External Form to Numeric Value
CVTFPDF - Convert Floating-Point to Decimal Form
CVTHC - Convert Hex to Character
CVTMC - Convert MRJE to Character
CVTNC - Convert Numeric to Character
CVTSC - Convert SNA to Character
CVTT - Convert Time
CVTTS - Convert Timestamp


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db2xa_close() - Close an XA resource manager (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_commit() - Commit an XA transaction branch (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_complete() - Test completion of an asynchronous XA request (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_end() - End work on an XA transaction branch (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_forget() - Forget an XA transaction branch (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_open() - Open an XA resource manager (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_prepare() - Prepare to commit an XA transaction branch (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_recover() - Recover XA transaction branches (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_rollback() - Roll back an XA transaction branch (Job Scoped Locks)
db2xa_start() - Start an XA transaction branch (Job Scoped Locks)
DCPDATA - Decompress Data
DEACTPG - Deactivate Program
DEALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR - Deallocate an SQL descriptor
debugDPI() - Set DPI packet trace
DECD - Decrement Date
DECLARE CURSOR - Define an SQL cursor
DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE - Define a declared global temporary table
DECT - Decrement Time
DECTS - Decrement Timestamp
DELETE - Delete rows from a table
DEQ - Dequeue
DEQWAIT - Dequeue with Wait
DESCRIBE - Describe the result columns of a prepared statement
DESCRIBE INPUT - Describe the input parameter markers of a prepared statement
DESCRIBE TABLE - Describe the columns of a table or view
DESHS - Destroy Activation Group-Based Heap Space
DESINX - Destroy Independent Index
DESMTX - Destroy Pointer-Based Mutex
DESS - Destroy Space
difftime() - Compute time difference
difftime64() - Compute time difference
DISCONNECT - End connection
disconnectSNMP() - End connection with SNMP agent
DIV - Divide
div() - Calculate quotient and remainder
DIVREM - Divide with Remainder
dlpar_get_info - Retrieve Partition Information
dlpar_set_resources - Modify Partition Resources
dn_comp() - Compress Domain Name
dn_comp_ts64() - Compress Domain Name
dn_expand() - Expand Domain Name
dn_find() - Search for Compressed Domain Name
dn_find_ts64() - Search for Compressed Domain Name
dn_skipname() - Skip over Compressed Domain Name
DosSetFileLocks() - Lock and Unlock a Byte Range of an Open File
DosSetFileLocks64() - Lock and Unlock a Byte Range of an Open File (large file enabled)
DosSetRelMaxFH() - Change Maximum Number of File Descriptors
DPI_PACKET_LEN() - Get length of DPI packet
DROP - Drop an object
dup() - Duplicate Open File Descriptor
dup2() - Duplicate Open File Descriptor to Another Descriptor


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ECSCAN - Extended Character Scan
EDIT - Edit
EDITPD - Edit Packed Decimal Source
EEXP - Exponential Function of E
eimAddAccess() - Add EIM Access
eimAddApplicationRegistry() - Add an Application Registry to the EIM Domain
eimAddAssociation() - Add EIM Association
eimAddGroupRegistry() - Add a Group Registry to the EIM domain
eimAddIdentifier() - Add EIM Identifier
eimAddPolicyAssociation() - Add EIM Policy Association
eimAddPolicyFilter() - Add EIM Policy Filter
eimAddSystemRegistry() - Add a System Registry to the EIM Domain
eimChangeDomain() - Change an EIM Domain Object
eimChangeIdentifier() - Change EIM Identifier
eimChangeRegistry() - Change EIM Registry
eimChangeRegistryAlias() - Change EIM Registry Alias
eimChangeRegistryUser() - Change EIM Registry User
eimConnect() - Connect to EIM Domain
eimConnectToMaster() - Connect to EIM Master Domain
eimCreateDomain() - Create an EIM Domain Object
eimCreateHandle() - Create an EIM Handle
eimDeleteDomain() - Delete an EIM Domain Object
eimDestroyHandle() - Destroy an EIM Handle
eimErr2String() - Convert EimRC into an Error Message
eimFormatPolicyFilter() - Format EIM Policy Filter
eimFormatUserIdentity() - Format EIM User Identity
eimGetAssociatedIdentifiers() - Get Associated EIM Identifiers
eimGetAttribute() - Get EIM Attributes
eimGetRegistryNameFromAlias() - Get EIM Registry Name from an Alias
eimGetTargetCredsFromSource() - Get EIM Target Identities and Credentials from the Source
eimGetTargetFromIdentifier() - Get EIM Target Identities from the Identifier
eimGetTargetFromSource() - Get EIM Target Identities from the Source
eimGetTgtCredsFromIdentifier() - Get EIM Target Identities and Credentials from the Identifier
eimGetVersion() - Get EIM Version
eimListAccess() - List EIM Access
eimListAssociations() - List EIM Associations
eimListDomains() - List EIM Domain Objects
eimListIdentifiers() - List EIM Identifiers
eimListPolicyFilters() - List EIM Policy Filters
eimListRegistries() - List EIM Registries
eimListRegistryAliases() - List EIM Registry Aliases
eimListRegistryAssociations() - List EIM Registry Associations
eimListRegistryUsers() - List EIM Registry Users
eimListRegistryUsersCreds() - List EIM Registry Users Credentials
eimListUserAccess() - List EIM User Access
eimQueryAccess() - Query EIM Access
eimRemoveAccess() - Remove EIM Access
eimRemoveAssociation() - Remove EIM Association
eimRemoveIdentifier() - Remove EIM Identifier
eimRemovePolicyAssociation() - Remove EIM Policy Association
eimRemovePolicyFilter() - Remove EIM Policy Filter
eimRemoveRegistry() - Remove a Registry from the EIM Domain
eimRetrieveConfiguration() - Retrieve EIM Configuration
eimSetAttribute() - Set EIM Attributes
eimSetConfiguration() - Set EIM Configuration
eimSetConfigurationExt() - Set EIM Configuration Extended
END - End
endhostent() - Close Local Host Table
endhostent_r() - Close Local Host Table
endnetconfig() - Release the pointer in the netconfig file
endnetent() - Close Network Database
endnetent_r() - Close Network Database
endprotoent() - Close Protocol Database
endprotoent_r() - Close Protocol Database
endservent() - Close Service Database
endservent_r() - Close Service Database
ENQ - Enqueue
ENSOBJ - Ensure Object
erf() - Calculate error functions
erfc() - Calculate error functions
EXCHBY - Exchange Bytes
EXECUTE - Execute prepared SQL statement
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE - Prepare and execute an SQL statement
exit() - End program
exp() - Calculate exponential function
EXTREXP - Extract Exponent
EXTRMAG - Extract Magnitude


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fabs() - Calculate floating-point absolute value
faccessx() - Determine File Accessibility for a Class of Users
fchdir() - Change Current Directory by Descriptor
fchmod() - Change File Authorizations by Descriptor
fchown() - Change Owner and Group of File by Descriptor
fclear() - Write (Binary Zeros) to Descriptor
fclear64() - Write (Binary Zeros) to Descriptor (large file enabled)
fclose() - Close stream
fcntl() - Perform File Control Command
fdopen() - Associates stream with file descriptor
fDPIparse() - Free storage from DPI packet parse
fDPIset() - Free storage from DPI set packet
feof() - Test end-of-file indicator
ferror() - Test for read/write errors
FETCH - Position cursor on table
fflush() - Write buffer to file
fgetc() - Read a character
fgetpos() - Get file position
fgets() - Read a string
fgetwc() - Read wide character from stream
fgetws() - Read wide character string from stream
fileno() - Determine file handle
FINDBYTE - Find Byte
floor() - Find integer <= argument
fmod() - Calculate floating-point remainder
FNDINXEN - Find Independent Index Entry
FNDRINVN - Find Relative Invocation Number
fopen() - Open files
fork400() - Create a New Process with IBM PASE for i Options
fpathconf() - Get Configurable Path Name Variables by Descriptor
fprintf() - Write formatted data to a stream
fputc() - Write character
fputs() - Write string
fputwc() - Write wide character
fputws() - Write wide character string
fread() - Read items
FREE LOCATOR - Remove association of LOB locator and its value
free() - Release storage blocks
freeaddrinfo() - Free Address Information
freeifaddrs() - Free Dynamic Memory Allocated by getifaddrs()
freenetconfigent() - Free the netconfig structure
FREHSS - Free Activation Group-Based Heap Space Storage
FREHSSMK - Free Activation Group-Based Heap Space Storage From Mark
freopen() - Redirect open files
frexp() - Separate floating-point value
fscanf() - Read formatted data
fseek() - Reposition file position
fseeko() - Reposition file position
fsetpos() - Set file position
fstat() - Get File Information by Descriptor
fstat64() - Get File Information by Descriptor (large file enabled)
fstat64_time64() - Get File Information by Descriptor (large file and time64_t enabled)
fstatvfs() - Get File System Information by Descriptor
fstatvfs64() - Get File System Information by Descriptor (64-bit enabled)
fsync() - Synchronize Changes to File
ftell() - Get current position
ftello() - Get current position
ftime() - Get Date and Time
ftok() - Generate IPC Key from File Name
ftruncate() - Truncate File
ftruncate64() - Truncate File (large file enabled)
fwide() - Determine stream orientation
fwprintf() - Format data as wide characters and write to a stream
fwrite() - Write items
fwscanf() - Read data from stream using wide character
f_fork400() - Create a New Process with IBM PASE for i Options


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gai_strerror() - Retrieve Address Information Runtime Error Message
gamma() - Gamma function
GENUUID - Generate Universal Unique Identifier
GET DESCRIPTOR - Get information from an SQL descriptor
GET DIAGNOSTICS - Obtain information about SQL statement
getaddrinfo() - Get Address Information
getaddrinfo_ts64() - Get Address Information
getc() - Read a character
getchar() - Read a character
getcwd() - Get Current Directory
getdomainname() - Retrieve Domain Name
getegid - Get Effective Group ID
getenv() - Get value of environment variable
getenv() - Search for environment variables
geteuid() - Get Effective User ID
getgid() - Get Real Group ID
getgrgid() - Get Group Information Using Group ID
getgrgid_r() - Get Group Information Using Group ID
getgrgid_r_ts64() - Get Group Information Using Group ID
getgrnam() - Get Group Information Using Group Name
getgrnam_r() - Get Group Information Using Group Name
getgrnam_r_ts64() - Get Group Information Using Group Name
getgroups() - Get Group IDs
gethostbyaddr() - Get Host Information for IP Address
gethostbyaddr_r() - Get Host Information for IP Address
gethostbyname() - Get Host Information for Host Name
gethostbyname_r() - Get Host Information for Host Name
gethostent() - Get Next Entry from Local Host Table
gethostent_r() - Get Next Entry from Local Host Table
gethostid() - Retrieve Host ID
gethostname() - Retrieve Host Name
getifaddrs() - Return All Interface Addresses
getifaddrs_ts64() - Return All Interface Addresses
getitimer() - Get value of interval timer
getnameinfo() - Get Name Information for Socket Address
getnetbyaddr() - Get Network Information for IP Address
getnetbyaddr_r() - Get Network Information for IP Address
getnetbyname() - Get Network Information for Domain Name
getnetbyname_r() - Get Network Information for Domain Name
getnetconfig() - Return current record from the netconfig file
getnetconfigent() - Return a pointer to a netconfig structure
getnetent() - Get Next Entry from Network Database
getnetent_r() - Get Next Entry from Network Database
getopt() - Get flag letters from argument vector
getpeername() - Retrieve Destination Address of Socket
getpgrp() - Get process group ID
getpid() - Get process ID
getppid() - Get process ID of parent process
getprotobyname() - Get Protocol Information for Protocol Name
getprotobyname_r() - Get Protocol Information for Protocol Name
getprotobynumber() - Get Protocol Information for Protocol Number
getprotobynumber_r() - Get Protocol Information for Protocol Number
getprotoent() - Get Next Entry from Protocol Database
getprotoent_r() - Get Next Entry from Protocol Database
getpwnam() - Get User Information for User Name
getpwnam_r() - Get User Information for User Name
getpwnam_r_ts64() - Get User Information for User Name
getpwuid() - Get User Information for User ID
getpwuid_r() - Get User Information for User ID
getpwuid_r_ts64() - Get User Information for User ID
getrlimit() - Get resource limit
gets() - Read a line
getservbyname() - Get Port Number for Service Name
getservbyname_r() - Get Port Number for Service Name
getservbyport() - Get Service Name for Port Number
getservbyport_r() - Get Service Name for Port Number
getservent() - Get Next Entry from Service Database
getservent_r() - Get Next Entry from Service Database
getsockname() - Retrieve Local Address of Socket
getsockopt() - Retrieve Information about Socket Options
getsourcefilter() - Retrieve a Socket's Multicast Filter
gettimeofday() - Get Current UTC Time
getuid() - Get Real User ID
getwc() - Read wide character from stream
getwchar() - Get wide character from stdin
givedescriptor() - Pass Descriptor Access to Another Job
gmtime() - Convert time
gmtime64() - Convert time
gmtime64_r() - Convert time (restartable)
gmtime_r() - Convert time (restartable)
GRANT - Grant privileges on a type
GRANT - Grant privileges on a table or view
GRANT - Grant privileges on a function or procedure
GRANT - Grant privileges on a sequence
GRANT - Grant privileges on a package
gsk_attribute_get_buffer() - Get character information about a secure session or an SSL environment
gsk_attribute_get_cert_info() - Get information about a local or partner certificate
gsk_attribute_get_enum() - Get enumerated information for a secure session or an SSL environment
gsk_attribute_get_numeric_value() - Get numeric information about a secure session or an SSL environment
gsk_attribute_set_buffer() - Set character information for a secure session or an SSL environment
gsk_attribute_set_callback() - Set callback pointers to routines in the user application
gsk_attribute_set_enum() - Set enumerated information for a secure session or an SSL environment
gsk_attribute_set_numeric_value() - Set numeric information for a secure session or an SSL environment
gsk_environment_close() - Close an SSL environment
gsk_environment_init() - Initialize an SSL environment
gsk_environment_open() - Get a handle for an SSL environment
gsk_secure_soc_close() - Close a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_init() - Negotiate a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_misc() - Perform miscellaneous functions for a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_open() - Get a handle for a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_read() - Receive data on a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_startInit() - Start asynchronous operation to negotiate a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_startRecv() - Start asynchronous receive operation on a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_startSend() - Start asynchronous send operation on a secure session
gsk_secure_soc_write() - Send data on a secure session
gsk_strerror() - Retrieve GSKit runtime error message
gss_accept_sec_context() - Accept security context
gss_acquire_cred() - Acquire GSS credential
gss_add_cred() - Add credential element to existing GSS credential
gss_add_oid_set_member() - Add OID to an OID set
gss_canonicalize_name() - Reduce GSS internal name to mechanism name
gss_compare_name() - Compare two internal GSS names
gss_context_time() - Get number of seconds security context remains valid
gss_create_empty_oid_set() - Create empty OID set
gss_delete_sec_context() - Delete security context
gss_display_name() - Get textual representation of internal GSS name
gss_display_status() - Get textual representation of GSS status code or mechanism code
gss_duplicate_name() - Create duplicate GSS internal name
gss_export_cred() - Export GSS Credential
gss_export_name() - Create Opaque Token for a Mechanism Name
gss_export_sec_context() - Export Security Context
gss_get_mic() - Generate cryptographic signature for message
gss_import_cred() - Import GSS Credential
gss_import_name() - Convert printable name to GSS internal format
gss_import_sec_context() - Import Security Context
gss_indicate_mechs() - Determine available security mechanisms
gss_init_sec_context() - Initiate security context
gss_inquire_context() - Get information about security context
gss_inquire_cred() - Get information about GSS credential
gss_inquire_cred_by_mech() - Get information about GSS credential for single security mechanism
gss_inquire_mechs_for_name() - Determine mechanisms to process name
gss_inquire_names_for_mech() - Get name types supported by security mechanism
gss_krb5_acquire_cred_cache() - Acquire GSS Credential from a Kerberos Protocol Credentials Cache
gss_krb5_ccache_name() - Set Default Kerberos Protocol Credentials Cache Name
gss_krb5_copy_ccache() - Copy Tickets From Associated GSS Credentials to Kerberos Protocol Credentials Cache
gss_krb5_get_ccache() - Get Kerberos protocol credentials cache associated with specified GSS credential
gss_krb5_get_tkt_flags() - Get Kerberos protocol ticket flags
gss_oid_to_str() - Convert OID object to string representation of object
gss_process_context_token() - Process received context token
gss_release_buffer() - Release storage associated with buffer
gss_release_cred() - Release storage associated with GSS credential
gss_release_name() - Release storage associated with GSS internal name
gss_release_oid() - Release storage associated with OID object
gss_release_oid_set() - Release storage associated with a set of OID objects
gss_str_to_oid() - Convert string representation of an object identifier to an internal OID object
gss_test_oid_set_member() - Determine if specified OID is contained in a specified OID set
gss_unwrap() - Unwrap a message
gss_verify_mic() - Verify that cryptographic signature is correct
gss_wrap() - Cryptographically sign and optionally encrypt message
gss_wrap_size_limit() - Determine largest message that can be wrapped


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HOLD LOCATOR - Allow LOB locator to retain association with value
hstrerror() - Retrieve Resolver Error Message
htonl() - Convert Long Integer to Network Byte Order
htons() - Convert Short Integer to Network Byte Order
hypot - Calculate hypotenuse


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iconv() - Code Conversion
iconv_close() - Code Conversion Deallocation
iconv_open() - Code Conversion Allocation
if_freenameindex() - Free Dynamic Memory Allocated by if_nameindex()
if_indextoname() - Map an Interface Index to its Corresponding Name
if_nameindex() - Return All Interface Names and Indexes
if_nametoindex() - Map an Interface Name to its Corresponding Index
INCD - Increment Date
INCT - Increment Time
INCTS - Increment Timestamp
inet6_is_srcaddr() - Validate the Given Address Based on Address Selection Preferences
inet6_opt_append() - Append New Option to IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_append_ts64() - Append New Option to IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_find() - Extract Option of Specified Type from IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_find_ts64() - Extract Option of Specified Type from IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_finish() - Finish Adding Options to IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_get_val() - Retrieve Data Item from an IPv6 Option
inet6_opt_init() - Initialize Buffer Data for IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_next() - Extract the Next Option from the IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_next_ts64() - Extract the Next Option from the IPv6 Extension Header
inet6_opt_set_val() - Insert Data Items into IPv6 Option
inet6_rth_add() - Add an IPv6 Address to the IPv6 Routing Header
inet6_rth_getaddr() - Retrieve an Address from the IPv6 Routing Header
inet6_rth_init() - Initialize Buffer Data for the IPv6 Routing Header
inet6_rth_reverse() - Reverse the Order of Addresses in the IPv6 Routing Header
inet6_rth_segments() - Return the Number of Segments in the IPv6 Routing Header
inet6_rth_space() - Return the Number of Bytes Required for the IPv6 Routing Header
inet_addr() - Translate Full Address to 32-bit IP Address
inet_lnaof() - Separate Local Portion of IP Address
inet_makeaddr() - Combine Network Portion and Host Portion to Make IP Address
inet_netof() - Separate Network Portion of IP Address
inet_network() - Translate Network Portion of Address to 32-bit IP Address
inet_ntoa() - Translate IP Address to Dotted Decimal Format
inet_ntoa_r() - Translate IP Address to Dotted Decimal Format
inet_ntop() - Convert IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses Between Binary and Text Form
inet_pton() - Convert IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses Between Text and Binary Form
INITEHCA - Initialize Exception Handler Control Actions
INSERT - Insert rows into a table
INSINXEN - Insert Independent Index Entry
INVP - Invocation Pointer
ioctl() - Perform I/O Control Request
isalnum() - Test integer value
isalpha() - Test integer value
isascii() - Test for ASCII value
isblank() - Test for blank or tab character
isblank() - Test integer value
iscntrl() - Test integer value
isdigit() - Test integer value
isgraph() - Test integer value
islower() - Test integer value
isprint() - Test integer value
ispunct() - Test integer value
isspace() - Test integer value
isupper() - Test integer value
iswalnum() - Test wide integer value
iswalpha() - Test wide integer value
iswblank() - Test wide integer value
iswcntrl() - Test wide integer value
iswctype() - Test for character property
iswdigit() - Test wide integer value
iswgraph() - Test wide integer value
iswlower() - Test wide integer value
iswprint() - Test wide integer value
iswpunct() - Test wide integer value
iswspace() - Test wide integer value
iswupper() - Test wide integer value
iswxdigit() - Test wide integer value
isxdigit() - Test integer value


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JDWPLink outside the Information Center - Java Debug Wire Protocol
JVMDILink outside the Information Center - Java Virtual Machine Debug Interface
JVMPILink outside the Information Center - Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface


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kill() - Send signal to process or group of processes
krb5_address_compare() - Compare two Kerberos addresses
krb5_address_search() - Search a list of addresses
krb5_auth_con_free() - Free an authentication context
krb5_auth_con_genaddrs() - Generate local and remote addresses
krb5_auth_con_getaddrs() - Get local and remote addresses
krb5_auth_con_getauthenticator() - Get authenticator
krb5_auth_con_getflags() - Get current authentication context flags
krb5_auth_con_getivector() - Get address of the initial vector
krb5_auth_con_getkey() - Get current encryption key
krb5_auth_con_getlocalseqnumber() - Get local message sequence number
krb5_auth_con_getlocalsubkey() - Get local subsession key
krb5_auth_con_getports() - Get local and remote network ports
krb5_auth_con_getrcache() - Get replay cache handle
krb5_auth_con_getremoteseqnumber() - Get remote message sequence number
krb5_auth_con_getremotesubkey() - Get remote subsession key
krb5_auth_con_init() - Create and initialize an authentication context
krb5_auth_con_initvector() - Allocate and zero the initial vector
krb5_auth_con_setaddrs() - Set local and remote addresses
krb5_auth_con_setflags() - Set authentication context flags
krb5_auth_con_setivector() - Set initial vector
krb5_auth_con_setports() - Set local and remote ports
krb5_auth_con_setrcache() - Set replay cache handle
krb5_auth_con_setuseruserkey() - Set user key
krb5_auth_con_set_req_cksumtype() - Set checksum type used to generate an application request message
krb5_auth_con_set_safe_cksumtype() - Set checksum type used to generate a signed application message
krb5_auth_to_rep() - Convert a Kerberos authenticator
krb5_build_principal() - Build a Kerberos principal
krb5_build_principal_ext() - Build a Kerberos principal extended
krb5_build_principal_ext_va() - Build a Kerberos principal extended with variable argument list
krb5_build_principal_va() - Build a Kerberos principal with variable argument list
krb5_cc_close() - Close a credentials cache
krb5_cc_default() - Resolve default credentials cache
krb5_cc_default_name() - Get name of the default credentials cache
krb5_cc_destroy() - Close and delete credentials cache
krb5_cc_end_seq_get() - End sequential reading from a credentials cache
krb5_cc_generate_new() - Create a new credentials cache
krb5_cc_get_name() - Get credentials cache name
krb5_cc_get_principal() - Get principal from a credentials cache
krb5_cc_get_type() - Get credentials cache type
krb5_cc_initialize() - Initialize credentials cache
krb5_cc_next_cred() - Get next entry from a credentials cache
krb5_cc_register() - Define new credentials cache type
krb5_cc_remove_cred() - Remove entry
krb5_cc_resolve() - Resolve credentials cache name
krb5_cc_retrieve_cred() - Retrieve a set of credentials
krb5_cc_set_default_name() - Set Default Credentials Cache Name
krb5_cc_set_flags() - Set credentials cache processing flags
krb5_cc_start_seq_get() - Start sequentially retrieving entries from a credentials cache
krb5_cc_store_cred() - Store new set of credentials
krb5_change_password() - Change Password
krb5_copy_address() - Copy a Kerberos address to a new structure
krb5_copy_addresses() - Copy an array of Kerberos addresses
krb5_copy_authdata() - Copy an array of authorization data structures
krb5_copy_authenticator() - Copy a Kerberos authenticator
krb5_copy_checksum() - Copy a Kerberos checksum
krb5_copy_creds() - Copy Kerberos credentials
krb5_copy_data() - Copy a Kerberos data object
krb5_copy_keyblock() - Copy a Kerberos keyblock
krb5_copy_keyblock_contents() - Copy contents of a Kerberos keyblock
krb5_copy_principal() - Copy a Kerberos principal
krb5_copy_ticket() - Copy a Kerberos ticket
krb5_free_address() - Free storage assigned to a Kerberos address
krb5_free_addresses() - Free storage assigned to array of Kerberos addresses
krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part() - Free storage assigned to AP_REP message encrypted part
krb5_free_authdata() - Free storage assigned to array of authentication data
krb5_free_authenticator() - Free storage assigned to authenticator
krb5_free_authenticator_contents() - Free storage assigned to contents of authenticator
krb5_free_checksum() - Free storage assigned to checksum
krb5_free_cksumtypes() - Free Checksum Types
krb5_free_context() - Free Kerberos context
krb5_free_creds() - Free storage assigned to a credential
krb5_free_cred_contents() - Free storage assigned to contents of a credential
krb5_free_data() - Free storage assigned to a Kerberos data object
krb5_free_data_contents() - Free storage assigned to contents of a Kerberos data object
krb5_free_enctypes() - Free storage assigned to array of encryption types
krb5_free_enc_tkt_part() - Free storage assigned to encrypted ticket part
krb5_free_error() - Free storage assigned to Kerberos error message
krb5_free_host_realm() - Free storage assigned to realm list
krb5_free_kdc_rep() - Free storage assigned to KDC reply
krb5_free_keyblock() - Free storage assigned to a keyblock
krb5_free_keyblock_contents() - Free storage assigned to contents of a keyblock
krb5_free_krbhst() - Free storage assigned to host list
krb5_free_principal() - Free storage assigned to principal
krb5_free_string() - Free storage assigned to character string
krb5_free_tgt_creds() - Free storage assigned to array of credentials
krb5_free_ticket() - Free storage assigned to a ticket
krb5_free_tickets() - Free storage assigned to array of tickets
krb5_generate_seq_number() - Generate random sequence number
krb5_generate_subkey() - Generate subsession key
krb5_gen_replay_name() - Generate replay cache name
krb5_get_credentials() - Get service ticket
krb5_get_credentials_renew() - Renew service ticket
krb5_get_credentials_validate() - Validate service ticket
krb5_get_cred_from_kdc() - Get service ticket from Kerberos KDC server
krb5_get_cred_from_kdc_renew() - Renew service ticket obtained from Kerberos KDC server
krb5_get_cred_from_kdc_validate() - Validate service ticket obtained from Kerberos KDC server
krb5_get_cred_via_tkt() - Get service ticket from Kerberos KDC server using supplied ticket-granting ticket
krb5_get_default_in_tkt_ktypes() - Get default encryption types to be used for initial ticket
krb5_get_default_realm() - Get default realm
krb5_get_default_tgs_ktypes() - Get default encryption types to be used for service ticket
krb5_get_host_realm() - Get Kerberos realm name for host name
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_keytab() - Get initial ticket using key table
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_password() - Get initial ticket using text password
krb5_get_in_tkt_with_skey() - Get initial ticket using session key
krb5_get_krbhst() - Get list of KDC hosts
krb5_get_server_rcache() - Generate replay cache for server use
krb5_init_context() - Create and initialize a Kerberos context
krb5_kt_add_entry() - Add new entry to key table
krb5_kt_close() - Close key table
krb5_kt_default() - Resolve default key table
krb5_kt_default_name() - Get default key table name
krb5_kt_end_seq_get() - End sequential reading of key table
krb5_kt_free_entry() - Free storage assigned to key table entry
krb5_kt_get_entry() - Get entry from key table
krb5_kt_get_name() - Get key table name
krb5_kt_get_type() - Get key table type
krb5_kt_next_entry() - Get next entry from key table
krb5_kt_read_service_key() - Get service key from key table
krb5_kt_register() - Register new key table type
krb5_kt_remove_entry() - Remove entry from key table
krb5_kt_resolve() - Resolve key table name
krb5_kt_start_seq_get() - Start sequentially retrieving entries from key table
krb5_md5_crypto_compat_ctl() - Set compatibility mode for MD5 checksum generation
krb5_mk_error() - Create Kerberos KRB_ERROR message
krb5_mk_priv() - Create Kerberos KRB_PRIV message
krb5_mk_rep() - Create Kerberos AP_REP message
krb5_mk_req() - Create Kerberos AP_REQ message
krb5_mk_req_extended() - Create Kerberos AP_REQ message using supplied credentials
krb5_mk_safe() - Create Kerberos KRB_SAFE message
krb5_os_hostaddr() - Get network addresses used by specific host system
krb5_os_localaddr() - Return network addresses used by local system
krb5_parse_name() - Create Kerberos principal from text string
krb5_principal_compare() - Compare two Kerberos principals
krb5_random_confounder() - Create random confounder
krb5_rc_close() - Close replay cache
krb5_rc_default() - Resolve default replay cache
krb5_rc_default_name() - Get default replay cache name
krb5_rc_destroy() - Delete replay cache
krb5_rc_expunge() - Delete expired entries from replay cache
krb5_rc_free_entry_contents() - Free storage associated with replay cache entry
krb5_rc_get_lifespan() - Get authenticator lifespan for entries in replay cache
krb5_rc_get_name() - Get replay cache name
krb5_rc_get_type() - Get replay cache type
krb5_rc_initialize() - Initialize replay cache
krb5_rc_recover() - Recover replay cache
krb5_rc_register_type() - Define new replay cache type
krb5_rc_resolve() - Resolve replay cache name
krb5_rc_store() - Store new entry in replay cache
krb5_rd_error() - Process Kerberos KRB_ERROR message
krb5_rd_priv() - Process Kerberos KRB_PRIV message
krb5_rd_rep() - Process Kerberos AP_REP message
krb5_rd_req() - Process Kerberos AP_REQ message
krb5_rd_req_verify() - Process and Verify Kerberos AP_REQ Message
krb5_rd_safe() - Process Kerberos KRB_SAFE message
krb5_realm_compare() - Compare realm names of two principals
krb5_recvauth() - Process an Authentication Message Stream
krb5_sendauth() - Send an Authentication Message Stream
krb5_set_config_files() - Set files to be processed for Kerberos configuration requests
krb5_set_default_in_tkt_ktypes() - Set default encryption types to request initial ticket
krb5_set_default_realm() - Set default realm for local system
krb5_set_default_tgs_ktypes() - Set default encryption types to request service ticket
krb5_sname_to_principal() - Convert service name to a Kerberos principal
krb5_svc_get_msg() - Get printable text message corresponding to Kerberos error code
krb5_timeofday() - Get current time of day in seconds since the epoch
krb5_unparse_name() - Convert a Kerberos principal to text string
krb5_unparse_name_ext() - Convert a Kerberos principal extended to text string
krb5_us_timeofday() - Get current time of day in seconds and microseconds since the epoch


Back to top
LABEL - Add or replace labels in catalog descriptions
labs() - Calculate absolute value of long and long long integer
LBCPYNV - Copy Numeric Value
LBCPYNVR - Copy Numeric Value
lchown() - Change Owner and Group of Symbolic Link
ldap_abandon() - Abandon an LDAP Operation in Progress
ldap_abandon_ext() - Abandon an LDAP Operation with Controls
ldap_add() - Perform an LDAP Add Operation
ldap_add_control() - Add New Server Control
ldap_add_ext() - Perform an LDAP Add Operation with Controls
ldap_add_ext_s() - Perform an LDAP Add Operation with Controls (Synchronous)
ldap_add_s() - Perform an LDAP Add Operation (Synchronous)
ldap_app_ssl_client_init_np() - Initialize the LDAP Client for a Secure Connection using DCM
ldap_app_ssl_init_np() - Initialize an SSL Connection
ldap_app_ssl_start_np() - Start a Secure LDAP Connection using DCM
ldap_ber_free() - Free storage allocated for BerElement
ldap_bind() - Perform an LDAP Bind Request
ldap_bind_s() - Perform an LDAP Bind Request (Synchronous)
ldap_compare() - Perform an LDAP Compare Operation
ldap_compare_ext() - Perform an LDAP Compare Operation with Controls
ldap_compare_ext_s() - Perform an LDAP Compare Operation with Controls (Synchronous)
ldap_compare_s() - Perform an LDAP Compare Operation (Synchronous)
ldap_controls_free() - Free Storage Allocation by the LDAP Library
ldap_control_free() - Free Storage Allocated by the LDAP Library
ldap_copy_controls() - Copy Control List
ldap_count_attributes() - Retrieve Count of Attributes for an LDAP Entry
ldap_count_entries() - Retrieve Count of LDAP Entries
ldap_count_messages() - Count messages in a result chain, as returned by ldap_result()
ldap_count_references() - Count continuation references in a result chain of search results
ldap_count_values() - Retrieve Count of Attribute Values
ldap_count_values_len() - Retrieve Count of Binary Attribute Values
ldap_create_account_status_request() - Create an Account Status Request Value
ldap_create_chaining_audit_control() - Create an Audit Control
ldap_create_group_control() - Create a Group Control from a Group Evaluation Response
ldap_create_group_control_from_list() - Create a Group Authorization Control from a List of Groups
ldap_create_group_eval_request() - Create a Group Evaluation Request Value
ldap_create_modify_groups_only_control() - Create a Modify Groups Only Control
ldap_create_omit_group_referential_integrity_control() - Create an Omit Group Referential Integrity Control
ldap_create_page_control() - Create a Paged Results Control
ldap_create_proxyauth_control() - Create Control for Proxy Identity
ldap_create_sort_control() - Create a Sorted Results Control
ldap_create_sort_keylist() - Create a Structure with Sort Key Values
ldap_create_user_type_request() - Create a User Type Request Value
ldap_default_dn_get() - Retrieve the User's Default DN
ldap_default_dn_set() - Store the User's Default DN
ldap_delete() - Perform an LDAP Delete Operation
ldap_delete_ext() - Perform an LDAP Delete Operation with Controls
ldap_delete_ext_s() - Perform an LDAP Delete Operation with Controls (Synchronous)
ldap_delete_s() - Perform an LDAP Delete Operation (Synchronous)
ldap_dn2ufn() - Convert a Distinguished Name into a User Friendly Name
ldap_enetwork_domain_get() - Retrieve the User's Default eNetwork Domain Name
ldap_enetwork_domain_set() - Store the User's Default eNetwork Domain Name
ldap_err2string() - Retrieve LDAP Error Message String
ldap_explode_dn() - Break a Distinguished Name into Its Components
ldap_explode_dns() - Break a DNS-style Distinguished Name into Its Components
ldap_explode_dn_utf8() - Break a UTF8 codepage Distinguished Name into Its Components
ldap_explode_rdn() - Break a Relative Distinguished Name into Its Components
ldap_explode_rdn_utf8() - Break a UTF8 codepage Relative Distinguished Name into Its Components
ldap_extended_operation() - Perform extended operations
ldap_extended_operation_s() - Perform extended operations synchronously
ldap_first_attribute() - Retrieve First Attribute in an Entry
ldap_first_entry() - Retrieve First LDAP Entry
ldap_first_message() - Retrieve First LDAP Message
ldap_first_reference() - Return first continuation reference in a chain of search results
ldap_free_sort_keylist() - Free the Sort Key List Structure
ldap_free_urldesc() - Retrieve the Distinguished Name of an Entry
ldap_get_bind_controls() - Get LDAP Bind Controls
ldap_get_dn() - Extract the Distinguished Name of an entry
ldap_get_entry_controls_np() - Extract server controls from an entry
ldap_get_errno() - Retrieve Error Information
ldap_get_iconv_local_codepage() - Get the Active LDAP Code Page
ldap_get_lderrno() - Retrieve Error Information
ldap_get_locale() - Get Active LDAP Locale
ldap_get_option() - Retrieve LDAP Options
ldap_get_values() - Retrieve a Set of Attribute Values from an Entry
ldap_get_values_len() - Retrieve a Set of Binary Attribute Values
ldap_init() - Perform an LDAP Initialization Operation
ldap_insert_control() - Insert Control into Control List
ldap_is_ldap_url() - Verify LDAP URL
ldap_is_ldap_url_utf8() - Verify UTF-8 Codepage LDAP URL
ldap_memfree() - Free Memory Allocated by LDAP API
ldap_modify() - Perform an LDAP Modify Entry Request
ldap_modify_ext() - Perform an LDAP Modify Entry Request with Controls
ldap_modify_ext_s() - Perform an LDAP Modify Entry Request with Controls (Synchronous)
ldap_modify_s() - Perform an LDAP Modify Entry Request (Synchronous)
ldap_modrdn() - Perform an LDAP Modify RDN Request
ldap_modrdn_s() - Perform an LDAP Modify RDN Request (Synchronous)
ldap_mods_free() - Free LDAP Modify Storage
ldap_msgfree() - Free LDAP Result Message
ldap_msgid() - Retrieve Message ID Associated with an LDAP Message
ldap_msgtype() - Retrieve Type of an LDAP Message
ldap_next_attribute() - Retrieve Next Attribute in an Entry
ldap_next_entry() - Retrieve Next LDAP Entry
ldap_next_message() - Retrieve Next LDAP Message
ldap_next_reference() - Retrieve Next Continuation Reference in a Chain of Search Results
ldap_open() - Perform an LDAP Open Operation
ldap_parse_extended_result() - Parse extended result
ldap_parse_page_control() - Retrieve Values in a Paged Results Control
ldap_parse_pwdpolicy_response() - Obtain Error and Warning Codes from the Password Policy Response Control
ldap_parse_reference_np() - Extract information from a continuation reference
ldap_parse_result() - Extract information from results
ldap_parse_sasl_bind_result() - Extract server credentials from SASL bind results
ldap_parse_sort_control() - Retrieve Values in a Sorted Results Control
ldap_perror() - Print LDAP Error Information
ldap_pwdpolicy_err2string() - Convert Numeric Password Policy Error or Warning Code into a Message String
ldap_remove_control() - Remove Server Control
ldap_rename() - Asynchronously rename an entry
ldap_rename_s() - Synchronously rename an entry
ldap_result() - Retrieve Result of an Asynchronous LDAP Operation
ldap_result2error() - Retrieve LDAP Error Information
ldap_sasl_bind() - Perform an LDAP SASL Bind Request
ldap_sasl_bind_s() - Perform an LDAP SASL Bind Request (Synchronous)
ldap_search() - Perform an LDAP Search Operation
ldap_search_ext() - Asynchronously search the directory using controls
ldap_search_ext_s() - Synchronously search the directory using controls
ldap_search_s() - Perform an LDAP Search Operation (Synchronous)
ldap_search_st() - Perform an LDAP Search Operation (Timed Synchronous)
ldap_server_conf_save() - Store Server Information into Local Configuration
ldap_server_free_list() - Free the List of LDAP Servers
ldap_server_locate() - Locate Suitable LDAP Servers
ldap_set_iconv_local_charset() - Set the Active LDAP Character Set
ldap_set_iconv_local_codepage() - Set the Active LDAP Code Page
ldap_set_lderrno() - Set Error Information
ldap_set_locale() - Change the Locale Used by LDAP
ldap_set_option() - Set LDAP Options
ldap_set_rebind_proc() - Set Rebind Procedure
ldap_simple_bind() - Perform a Simple LDAP Bind Request
ldap_simple_bind_s() - Perform a Simple LDAP Bind Request (Synchronous)
ldap_ssl_client_init() - Initialize the SSL library
ldap_ssl_environment_init() - Initialize SSL for a Secure Connection
ldap_ssl_init() - Initialize an SSL Connection
ldap_ssl_start() - Start a Secure LDAP Connection
ldap_start_tls_app_np() - Start a TLS Session with an Application ID
ldap_start_tls_s_np() - Start a TLS Session with a Certificate
ldap_stop_tls_s_np() - End a TLS Session
ldap_unbind() - Perform an LDAP Unbind Request
ldap_unbind_ext() - Perform an LDAP Unbind Request
ldap_unbind_s() - Perform an LDAP Unbind Request (Synchronous)
ldap_url_parse() - Parse an LDAP URL
ldap_url_parse_utf8() - Parse a UTF8 codepage LDAP URL string
ldap_url_search() - Perform an LDAP URL Search Operation
ldap_url_search_s() - Perform an LDAP URL Search Operation (Synchronous)
ldap_url_search_st() - Perform an LDAP URL Search Operation (Timed Synchronous)
ldap_value_free() - Free memory allocated by ldap_get_values()
ldap_value_free_len() - Free Memory Allocated by ldap_get_values_len()
ldap_version() - Obtain LDAP version and SSL cipher information
ldap_xlate_local_to_unicode() - Convert String From the Local Code Page to UCS-2 (or UNICODE) Encoding
ldap_xlate_local_to_utf8() - Convert String From the Local Code Page to UTF-8 Encoding
ldap_xlate_unicode_to_local() - Convert String From the UCS-2 (or UNICODE) Encoding to Local Code Page
ldap_xlate_utf8_to_local() - Convert String From the UTF-8 Encoding to Local Code Page
ldexp() - Multiply by a power of two
ldiv() - Perform long and long long division
link() - Create Link to File
listen() - Invite Incoming Connections Requests
llabs() - Calculate absolute value of long and long long integer
lldiv() - Perform long and long long division
LN - Logarithm Base E (Natural Logarithm)
localeconv() - Retrieve information from the environment
localtime() - Convert time
localtime64() - Convert time
localtime64_r() - Convert time (restartable)
localtime_r() - Convert time (restartable)
LOCK - Lock Object
LOCK TABLE - Prevent changing or using a table
LOCKMTX - Lock Pointer-Based Mutex
LOCKSL - Lock Space Location
LOCKTSL - Lock Teraspace Storage Location
log() - Calculate natural logarithm
log10() - Calculate base 10 logarithm
longjmp() - Restore stack environment
lseek() - Set File Read/Write Offset
lseek64() - Set File Read/Write Offset (Large File Enabled)
lstat() - Get File or Link Information
lstat64() - Get File or Link Information(large file enabled)
lstat64_time64() - Get File or Link Information (large file and time64_t enabled)


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malloc() - Reserve Storage Block
MATACTAT - Materialize Activation Attributes
MATACTEX - Materialize Activation Export
MATAGAT - Materialize Access Group Attributes
MATAGPAT - Materialize Activation Group Attributes
MATAL - Materialize Authority List
MATAOL - Materialize Allocated Object Locks
MATAU - Materialize Authority
MATAUOBJ - Materialize Authorized Objects
MATAUU - Materialize Authorized Users
MATBPGM - Materialize Bound Program
MATCTX - Materialize Context
MATDMPS - Materialize Dump Space
MATDRECL - Materialize Data Space Record Locks
MATEXCPD - Materialize Exception Description
MATHSAT - Materialize Activation Group-Based Heap Space Attributes
MATINAT - Materialize Instruction Attributes
MATINV - Materialize Invocation
MATINVAT - Materialize Invocation Attributes
MATINVE - Materialize Invocation Entry
MATINVS - Materialize Invocation Stack
MATINXAT - Materialize Independent Index Attributes
MATJPAT - Materialize Journal Port Attributes
MATJSAT - Materialize Journal Space Attributes
MATMATR - Materialize Machine Attributes
MATMATR1 - Materialize Machine Attributes
MATMDATA - Materialize Machine Data
MATMIF - Materialize Machine Information
MATMTX - Materialize Mutex
MATOBJLK - Materialize Object Locks
MATPG - Materialize Program
MATPGMNM - Materialize Program Name
MATPRAGP - Materialize Process Activation Groups
MATPRATR - Materialize Process Attributes
MATPRECL - Materialize Process Record Locks
MATPRLK - Materialize Process Locks
MATPRMSG - Materialize Process Message
MATPRMTX - Materialize Process Mutex
MATPTR - Materialize Pointer
MATPTRIF - Materialize Pointer Information
MATPTRL - Materialize Pointer Locations
MATQAT - Materialize Queue Attributes
MATQMSG - Materialize Queue Messages
MATRMD - Materialize Resource Management Data
MATS - Materialize Space Attributes
MATSELLK - Materialize Selected Locks
MATSOBJ - Materialize System Object
MATTOD - Materialize Time of Day
MATTODAT - Materialize Time of Day Clock Attributes
MATUP - Materialize User Profile
MATUPID - Materialize User Profile Pointers from ID
mblen() - Determine length of a multibyte character
mbrlen() - Determine length of a multibyte character (restartable)
mbrtowc() - Convert a multibyte character to a wide character (restartable)
mbsinit() - Test state object for initial state
mbsrtowcs() - Convert a multibyte character to a wide character (restartable)
mbstowcs() - Convert a multibyte string to a wide character string (restartable)
mbtowc() - Convert multibyte character to a wide character
MEMCHR - Find Character Constrained
memchr() - Search buffer
MEMCMP - Memory Compare
memcmp() - Compare buffers
MEMCPY - Memory Copy
memcpy() - Copy bytes
memicmp() - Compare bytes
MEMMOVE - Memory Move
memmove() - Copy bytes
memset() - Set bytes to value
MEMUSEHINT - Memory Use Hint
mkdir() - Make Directory
mkDPIAreYouThere() - Make a DPI AreYouThere packet
mkDPIclose() - Make a DPI close packet
mkDPIopen() - Make a DPI open packet
mkDPIregister() - Make a DPI register packet
mkDPIresponse() - Make a DPI response packet
mkDPIset() - Make a DPI set packet
mkDPItrap() - Make a DPI trap packet
mkDPIunregister() - Make a DPI unregister packet
mkfifo() - Make FIFO Special File
mktime() - Convert local time
mktime64() - Convert local time
mmap() - Memory Map a File
mmap64() - Memory Map a Stream File (large file enabled)
MODASA - Modify Automatic Storage Allocation
MODASA2 - Modify Automatic Storage Allocation
MODEXCPD - Modify Exception Description
modf() - Separate floating-point value
MODINVAU - Modify Invocation Authority Attributes
MODINX - Modify Independent Index
MODS - Modify Space Attributes
MODS1 - Modify Space Attributes
MODS2 - Modify Space Attributes
mprotect() - Change Access Protection for Memory Mapping
msgctl() - Perform Message Control Operations
Start of changemsgctl_time64() - Perform Message Control Operations (64-bit time64_t enabled)End of change
msgget() - Get Message Queue
msgrcv() - Receive Message Operation
msgsnd() - Send Message Operation
msync() - Synchronize Modified Data with Mapped File
MULT - Multiply
munmap() - Remove Memory Mapping
MVLICOPT - Materialize or Verify Licensed Internal Code Options


Back to top
NEG - Negate
netdir_free() - Free netdir structures
netdir_getbyaddr() - Translate a netbuf address to a host
netdir_getbyname() - Translate a given host-service pair
netdir_options() - Access transport-specific capabilities
netdir_sperror() - Indicate an error in an NTA Routine
nextafter() - Calculate the next representable floating-point value
nextafterl() - Calculate the next representable floating-point value
nexttoward() - Calculate the next representable floating-point value
nexttowardl() - Calculate the next representable floating-point value
nl_langinfo() - Retrieve locale information
NOOP - No Operation
NOOPS - No Operation and Skip
NOT - Not
NPM_PARMLIST_ADDR - NPM Procedure Parameter List Address
ns_addr() - Translate Network Services Address to 12-byte Address
ns_ntoa() - Translate Network Services Address from 12-byte Address
ns_ntoa_r() - Translate Network Services Address from 12-byte Address
ntohl() - Convert Long Integer to Host Byte Order
ntohs() - Convert Short Integer to Host Byte Order


Back to top
Op2dlclose - Close a Dynamically Loaded IBM PASE for i Module
OPEN - Open a cursor
open() - Open File
open64() - Open File (large file enabled)
opendir() - Open Directory
OPM_PARM_ADDR - OPM Parameter Address
OPM_PARM_CNT - OPM Parameter Count
OR - Or
ORSTR - OR String
OVRPGATR - Override Program Attributes


Back to top
pathconf() - Get Configurable Path Name Variables
pause() - Suspend process until signal received
PCOPTR - PCO Pointer
PCOPTR2 - Return PCO Pointer
pDPIpacket() - Parse a DPI packet
perror() - Print error message
pipe() - Create an Interprocess Channel
poll() - Wait for Events on Multiple Descriptors
POPCNT4 - Population Count 4 Bytes
POPCNT8 - Population Count 8 Bytes
POPCNTB - Population Count Bytes
POPPAR4 - Population Parity 4 Bytes
POPPAR8 - Population Parity 8 Bytes
pow() - Compute power
POWER - X To The Y Power
pread() - Read from Descriptor with Offset
pread64() - Read from Descriptor with Offset (large file enabled)
PREPARE - Prepare an SQL statement for execution
printf() - Print formatted characters
PROPB - Propagate Byte
pthread_atfork() - Register Fork Handlers
pthread_atfork_np() - Register Fork Handlers with Extended Options
pthread_attr_destroy() - Destroy Thread Attributes Object
pthread_attr_getdetachstate() - Get Thread Attributes Object Detachstate
pthread_attr_getguardsize() - Get Guard Size
pthread_attr_getinheritsched() - Get Thread Attribute Object Inherit Scheduling Attributes
pthread_attr_getname_np - Get Thread Attributes Name
pthread_attr_getschedparam() - Get Thread Attributes Object Scheduling Parameters
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy() - Get Scheduling Policy
pthread_attr_getscope() - Get Scheduling Scope
pthread_attr_getstackaddr() - Get Stack Address
pthread_attr_getstacksize() - Get Stack Size
pthread_attr_init() - Initialize Thread Attributes Object
pthread_attr_setdetachstate() - Set Thread Attributes Object Detachstate
pthread_attr_setguardsize() - Set Guard Size
pthread_attr_setinheritsched() - Set Thread Attribute Inherit Scheduling Attributes
pthread_attr_setname_np - Set Thread Attributes Object Name
pthread_attr_setschedparam() - Set Thread Attributes Object Scheduling Parameters
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy() - Set Scheduling Policy
pthread_attr_setscope() - Set Scheduling Scope
pthread_attr_setstackaddr() - Set Stack Address
pthread_attr_setstacksize() - Set Stack Size
pthread_cancel() - Cancel Thread
pthread_cleanup_peek_np() - Copy Cleanup Handler from Cancellation Cleanup Stack
pthread_cleanup_pop() - Pop Cleanup Handler off of Cancellation Cleanup Stack
pthread_cleanup_push() - Push Cleanup Handler onto Cancellation Cleanup Stack
pthread_clear_exit_np() - Clear Exit Status of Thread
pthread_condattr_destroy() - Destroy Condition Variable Attributes Object
pthread_condattr_getpshared() - Get Process Shared Attribute from Condition Attributes Object
pthread_condattr_init() - Initialize Condition Variable Attributes Object
pthread_condattr_setpshared() - Set Process Shared Attribute in Condition Attributes Object
pthread_cond_broadcast() - Broadcast Condition to All Waiting Threads
pthread_cond_destroy() - Destroy Condition Variable
pthread_cond_getname_np - Get Name of Condition Variable
pthread_cond_init() - Initialize Condition Variable
pthread_cond_setname_np - Set Name in Condition Variable
pthread_cond_signal() - Signal Condition to One Waiting Thread
pthread_cond_timedwait() - Timed Wait for Condition
pthread_cond_wait() - Wait for Condition
pthread_create() - Create Thread
pthread_delay_np() - Delay Thread for Requested Interval
pthread_detach() - Detach Thread
pthread_equal() - Compare Two Threads
pthread_exit() - Terminate Calling Thread
pthread_extendedjoin_np() - Wait for Thread with Extended Options
pthread_getcancelstate_np() - Get Cancel State
pthread_getconcurrency() - Get Process Concurrency Level
pthread_getname_np - Get Thread Name
pthread_getpthreadoption_np() - Get Pthread Run-Time Option Data
pthread_getschedparam() - Get Thread Scheduling Parameters
pthread_getspecific() - Get Thread Local Storage Value by Key
pthread_getthreadid_np() - Retrieve Unique ID for Calling Thread
pthread_getunique_np() - Retrieve Unique ID for Target Thread
pthread_get_expiration_np() - Get Condition Expiration Time from Relative Time
pthread_is_initialthread_np() - Check if Running in the Initial Thread
pthread_is_multithreaded_np() - Check Current Number of Threads
pthread_join() - Wait for and Detach Thread
pthread_join_np() - Wait for Thread to End
pthread_key_create() - Create Thread Local Storage Key
pthread_key_delete() - Delete Thread Local Storage Key
pthread_kill() - Send Signal to Thread
pthread_lock_global_np() - Lock Global Mutex
pthread_mutexattr_destroy() - Destroy Mutex Attributes Object
pthread_mutexattr_getkind_np() - Get Mutex Kind Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getname_np() - Get Name from Mutex Attributes Object
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling() - Get Mutex Priority Ceiling Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol() - Get Mutex Protocol Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared() - Get Process Shared Attribute from Mutex Attributes Object
pthread_mutexattr_gettype() - Get Mutex Type Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_init() - Initialize Mutex Attributes Object
pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np() - Set Mutex Kind Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setname_np() - Set Name in Mutex Attributes Object
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling() - Set Mutex Priority Ceiling Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol() - Set Mutex Protocol Attribute
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() - Set Process Shared Attribute in Mutex Attributes Object
pthread_mutexattr_settype() - Set Mutex Type Attribute
pthread_mutex_destroy() - Destroy Mutex
pthread_mutex_getname_np - Get Name from Mutex
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling() - Get Mutex Priority Ceiling
pthread_mutex_init() - Initialize Mutex
pthread_mutex_lock() - Lock Mutex
pthread_mutex_setname_np - Set Name in Mutex
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling() - Set Mutex Priority Ceiling
pthread_mutex_timedlock_np() - Lock Mutex with Time-Out
pthread_mutex_trylock() - Lock Mutex with No Wait
pthread_mutex_unlock() - Unlock Mutex
pthread_once() - Perform One-Time Initialization
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy() - Destroy Read/Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared() - Get Pshared Read/Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_init() - Initialize Read/Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared() - Set Pshared Read/Write Lock Attribute
pthread_rwlock_destroy() - Destroy Read/Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_getname_np - Get Name of Read/Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_init() - Initialize Read/Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_rdlock() - Get Shared Read Lock
pthread_rwlock_setname_np - Set Name in Read/Write Lock
pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock_np() - Get Shared Read Lock with Time-Out
pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock_np() - Get Exclusive Write Lock with Time-Out
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock() - Get Shared Read Lock with No Wait
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock() - Get Exclusive Write Lock with No Wait
pthread_rwlock_unlock() - Unlock Exclusive Write or Shared Read Lock
pthread_rwlock_wrlock() - Get Exclusive Write Lock
pthread_self() - Get Pthread Handle
pthread_setcancelstate() - Set Cancel State
pthread_setcanceltype() - Set Cancel Type
pthread_setconcurrency() - Set Process Concurrency Level
pthread_setname_np - Set Thread Name
pthread_setpthreadoption_np() - Set Pthread Run-Time Option Data
pthread_setschedparam() - Set Target Thread Scheduling Parameters
pthread_setspecific() - Set Thread Local Storage by Key
pthread_set_mutexattr_default_np() - Set Default Mutex Attributes Object Kind Attribute
pthread_sigmask() - Set or Get Signal Mask
pthread_signal_to_cancel_np() - Convert Signals to Cancel Requests
pthread_testcancel() - Create Cancellation Point
pthread_test_exit_np() - Test Thread Exit Status
pthread_trace_init_np() - Initialize or Reinitialize Pthread Tracing
PTHREAD_TRACE_NP() - Execute Code Based on Trace Level (Macro)
pthread_unlock_global_np() - Unlock Global Mutex
putc() - Write a character
putchar() - Write a character
putenv() - Change/Add Environment Variables
putenv() - Change or add environment variable
puts() - Write a string
putwc() - Write wide character
putwchar() - Write wide character to stdout
pwrite() - Write to Descriptor with Offset
pwrite64() - Write to Descriptor with Offset (large file enabled)


Back to top
Q1PENDPM - End PM Agent
Q1PRTRN - Retransmit PM Agent Data
Q1PSTRPM - Start PM Agent
QAENGCFG - Configure Activation Engine
QALGENA - Generate Alert
QALRTVA - Retrieve Alert
QALSNDA - Send Alert
QaneRsta - Restore from Application
QaneSava - Save to Application
QbnAddAssociatedSpaceEntry - Add Associated Space Entry
QbnAddBindtimeExit - Add Bindtime Exit
QbnAddExtendedAttributeData - Add Extended Attribute Data
QbnAddPreProcessorLevelData - Add Preprocessor Level Data
QBNCHGPD - Change Program Data
QbnEndPreProcessor - End Preprocessor
Start of changeQbnEndPreProcessorsStream - End PreProcessor StreamEnd of change
QBNLMODI - List Module Information
QBNLPGMI - List ILE Program Information
QBNLSPGM - List Service Program Information
QbnRetrieveAssociatedSpace - Retrieve Associated Space
QbnRetrieveSpaceUserData - Retrieve Space User Data
QBNRMODI - Retrieve Module Information
QBNRPII - Retrieve Program Interface Information
QBNRSPGM - Retrieve Service Program Information
QbnStartPreProcessor - Start Preprocessor
QC3ADDSD, Qc3AddPRNGSeed - Add Seed for Pseudorandom Number Generator
QC3ADDSD, Qc3GenPRNs - Generate Pseudorandom Numbers
QC3CALDS, Qc3CalculateDHSecretKey - Calculate Diffie-Hellman Secret Key
QC3CALHA, Qc3CalculateHash - Calculate Hash
QC3CALHM, Qc3CalculateHMAC - Calculate HMAC
QC3CALMA, Qc3CalculateMAC - Calculate MAC
QC3CALSG, Qc3CalculateSignature - Calculate Signature
QC3CLRMK, Qc3ClearMasterKey - Clear Master Key
QC3CRTAX, Qc3CreateAlgorithmContext - Create Algorithm Context
QC3CRTKS, Qc3CreateKeyStore - Create Keystore
QC3CRTKX, Qc3CreateKeyContext - Create Key Context
QC3DECDT, Qc3DecryptData - Decrypt Data
QC3DECWM, Qc3DecryptWithMAC - Decrypt With MAC
QC3DESAX, Qc3DestroyAlgorithmContext - Destroy Algorithm Context
QC3DESKX, Qc3DestroyKeyContext - Destroy Key Context
QC3DLTKR, Qc3DeleteKeyRecord - Delete Key Record
QC3ENCDT, Qc3EncryptData - Encrypt Data
QC3ENCWM, Qc3EncryptWithMAC - Encrypt With MAC
QC3EXPKY, Qc3ExportKey - Export Key
QC3EXTPB, Qc3ExtractPublicKey - Extract Public Key
QC3GENDK, Qc3GenDHKeyPair - Generate Diffie-Hellman Key Pair
QC3GENDP, Qc3GenDHParms - Generate Diffie-Hellman Parameters
QC3GENECC, Qc3GenECCKeyPair - Generate ECC Key Pair
QC3GENECDK, Qc3GenECDKeyPair - Generate Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Key Pair
QC3GENKR, Qc3GenKeyRecord - Generate Key Record
QC3GENPK, Qc3GenPKAKeyPair - Generate PKA Key Pair
QC3GENSK, Qc3GenSymmetricKey - Generate Symmetric Key
QC3IMPKY, Qc3ImportKey - Import Key
QC3LDMKP, Qc3LoadMasterKeyPart - Load Master Key Part
QC3RTVFA, Qc3RetrieveKeyStoreFileAtr - Retrieve Keystore File Attributes
QC3RTVKA, Qc3RetrieveKeyRecordAtr - Retrieve Key Record Attributes
QC3RTVKS, Qc3RetrieveKeystoreRecords - Retrieve Keystore Records
QC3SETMK, Qc3SetMasterKey - Set Master Key
QC3TRNDT, Qc3TranslateData - Translate Data
QC3TRNKS, Qc3TranslateKeyStore - Translate Keystore
QC3TRNKY, Qc3TranslateKey - Translate Key
QC3TSTMK, QcTestMasterKey - Test Master Key
QC3VFYSG, Qc3VerifySignature - Verify Signature
QC3WRTKR, Qc3WriteKeyRecord - Write Key Record
QCAPCMD - Process Commands
QCARPLCM - Replace Command Exit Program
QCDRCMDD - Retrieve Command Definition
QCDRCMDI - Retrieve Command Information
QCLRDTAQ - Clear Data Queue
QCLRPGAS - Retrieve Program Associated Space
QCLRPGMI - Retrieve Program Information
QCLSCAN - Scan for String Pattern
QCLSPGAS - Store Program Associated Space
QCMDCHK - Check Command Syntax
QCMDEXC - Execute Command
QCreateDatabaseHash - Create Database Hash
QcstAddClusterMonitor - Add Cluster Monitor
QcstAddClusterNodeEntry - Add Cluster Node Entry
Start of changeQcstAddClusterPolicy - Add Cluster PolicyEnd of change
QcstAddClusterResourceGroupDev - Add Cluster Resource Group Device Entry
QcstAddDeviceDomainEntry - Add Device Domain Entry
QcstAddNodeToRcvyDomain - Add Node To Recovery Domain
QcstAdjustClusterVersion - Adjust Cluster Version
QcstChangeClusterNodeEntry - Change Cluster Node Entry
Start of changeQcstChangeClusterPolicy - Change Cluster PolicyEnd of change
QcstChangeClusterResourceGroup - Change Cluster Resource Group
QcstChgClusterAdminDomain - Change Cluster Administrative Domain
QcstChgClusterMonitor - Change Cluster Monitor
QcstChgClusterResourceGroupDev - Change Cluster Resource Group Device Entry
QcstChgClusterResourceServices - Change Cluster Resource Services
QcstConnectCHT - Connect Clustered Hash Table
QcstCreateCluster - Create Cluster
QcstCreateClusterResourceGroup - Create Cluster Resource Group
QcstCrtClusterAdminDomain - Create Cluster Administrative Domain
QcstDeleteCluster - Delete Cluster
QcstDeleteClusterResourceGroup - Delete Cluster Resource Group
QcstDisconnectCHT - Disconnect Clustered Hash Table
QcstDistributeInformation - Distribute Information
QcstEndClusterNode - End Cluster Node
QcstEndClusterResourceGroup - End Cluster Resource Group
QcstGenerateCHTKey - Generate Clustered Hash Table Key
QcstInitiateSwitchOver - Initiate Switchover
QcstListCHTKeys - List Clustered Hash Table Keys
QcstListClusterInfo - List Cluster Information
QcstListClusterResourceGroupIn - List Cluster Resource Group Information
QcstListClusterResourceGroups - List Cluster Resource Groups
QcstListDeviceDomainInfo - List Device Domain Information
QcstRemoveClusterNodeEntry - Remove Cluster Node Entry
Start of changeQcstRemoveClusterPolicy - Remove Cluster PolicyEnd of change
QcstRemoveDeviceDomainEntry - Remove Device Domain Entry
QcstRemoveNodeFromRcvyDomain - Remove Node From Recovery Domain
QcstRetrieveCHTEntry - Retrieve Clustered Hash Table Entry
QcstRetrieveClusterInfo - Retrieve Cluster Information
Start of changeQcstRetrieveClusterPolicy - Retrieve Cluster PolicyEnd of change
QcstRetrieveCRSInfo - Retrieve Cluster Resource Services Information
QcstRmvClusterMonitor - Remove Cluster Monitor
QcstRmvClusterResourceGroupDev - Remove Cluster Resource Group Device Entry
QcstStartClusterNode - Start Cluster Node
QcstStartClusterResourceGroup - Start Cluster Resource Group
QcstStoreCHTEntry - Store Clustered Hash Table Entry
QD0ENDTS - End Data Stream Translation Session
QD0STRTS - Start Data Stream Translation Session
QD0TRNDS - Translate Data Stream
QDBBRCDS - Bring Database Records
QDBCXRC - Change Cross Reference CCSID
QDBLDBR - List Database Relations
QDBRJBRL - Retrieve Job Record Locks
QDBRPLAY - Replay Database Operation
QDBRRCDL - Retrieve Record Locks
QDBRTVFD - Retrieve Database File Description
QDBRTVSN - Retrieve Short Name
QDBRUNHA - Run Database Hash
QDBSTCRS, QdbstCancelRequestedStatistics - Cancel Requested Statistics Collections
QDBSTDS, QdbstDeleteStatistics - Delete Statistics Collections
QDBSTLDS, QdbstListDetailStatistics - List Statistics Collection Details
QDBSTLRS, QdbstListRequestedStatistics - List Requested Statistics Collections
QDBSTLS, QdbstListStatistics - List Statistics Collections
QDBSTRS, QdbstRequestStatistics - Request Statistics Collections
QDBSTUS, QdbstUpdateStatistics - Update Statistics Collection
QDCCCFGD - Change Configuration Description
QDCLCFGD - List Configuration Descriptions
QDCRCFGS - Retrieve Configuration Status
QDCRCTLD - Retrieve Controller Description
QDCRDEVD - Retrieve Device Description
QDCRLIND - Retrieve Line Description
QDCRNWSD - Retrieve Network Server Description
QDCXLATE - Convert Data
QDFRPRTA - Retrieve Printer File Attributes
QDFRTVFD - Retrieve Display File Description
QDMLOPNF - List Open Files
QDMRTVFO - Retrieve File Override Information
QEARMVBM - Remove All Bookmarks from a Course
QECCVTEC - Convert Edit Code
QECCVTEW - Convert Edit Word
QEDCHGIN - Change Contact Information
QEDRTVCI - Retrieve Contact Information
QESCPTFO - Control PTF Order
QESRSRVA - Retrieve Service Attributes
QEZAST - Operational Assistant Attention-Key-Handling (nongroup jobs)
QEZBCHJB - Work with Jobs
QEZCHBKL - Change Object Backup List
QEZCHBKS - Change Backup Schedule
QEZLSGNU - List Signed-On Users
QEZMAIN - Operational Assistant Attention-Key-Handling (group jobs)
QEZMSG - Work with Messages
QEZOLBKL - Open List of Objects to be Backed Up
QEZOUTPT - Work with Printer Output
QEZRTBKD - Retrieve Backup Detail
QEZRTBKH - Retrieve Backup History
QEZRTBKO - Retrieve Backup Options
QEZRTBKS - Retrieve Backup Schedule
QEZSAVIN - Save Information
QEZSNDMG - Send Message
QfpadAddMonitoredResourceEntry - Add Monitored Resource Entry
QFPADOLD - Open List Network Server Storage Spaces
QFPADOLS - Open List Network Servers
QFPADOLU - Open List Network Server Users
QFPADPNU - Process Network Server User
QfpadRmvMonitoredResourceEntry - Remove Monitored Resource Entry
QFPADRNI - Retrieve Network Server Information
QfpadRtvMonitoredResourceInfo - Retrieve Monitored Resource Information
QFPADRUA - Retrieve Network Server User Attributes
QFPRLNWS - List Network Server Configuration
QFPRRNWS - Retrieve Network Server Configuration
QFVADDA - Add Activity
QFVLSTA - List Activities
QFVLSTNL - List Node List Entries
QFVRMVA - Remove Activity
QFVRTVCD - Retrieve Change Request Description
QgldCfgDirSvr - Configure Directory Server
QgldCfgDirSvrInst - Configure Directory Server Instance
QgldChgDirSvrA - Change Directory Server Attributes
QgldChgDirSvrInstA - Change Directory Server Instance Attributes
QGLDCPYVL - Copy Validation List To Directory
QgldDltDirSvrInst - Delete Directory Server Instance
QgldExportLdif - Export LDIF File
QgldExportLdifInst - Export LDIF File
QgldImportLdif - Import LDIF File
QgldImportLdifInst - Import LDIF File
QgldLstDirSvrA - List Directory Server Attributes
QgldLstDirSvrInstA - List Directory Server Instance Attributes
QgldLstDirSvrs - List Directory Server Instances
QgldPubDirObj - Publish Directory Object
QgldRtvDirSvrA - Retrieve Directory Server Attributes
QgldRtvDirSvrInstA - Retrieve Directory Server Instance Attributes
QGLDSSDD - Synchronize System Distribution Directory to LDAP
QGSCPYRS - Copy AFPDS Resources
QGSLRSC - List Spooled File AFPDS Resources
QGYCHGSJ - Change Server Job
QGYCLST - Close List
QGYFNDE - Find Entry Number in List
QGYFNDF - Find Field Numbers in List
QGYFNDME - Find Entry Number in Message List
QGYGTLE - Get List Entries
QGYOLAFP - Open List of AFP Information
QGYOLAUS - Open List of Authorized Users
QGYOLJBL - Open List of Job Log Messages
QGYOLJOB - Open List of Jobs
QGYOLMSG - Open List of Messages
QGYOLOBJ - Open List of Objects
QGYOLSPL - Open List of Spooled Files
QgyOpenListQoSMonitorData - Open List of QoS Monitor Data
QGYRATLO - Retrieve Objects Secured by Authorization List
QGYRHRI, QgyRtvHdwRscInfo - Retrieve Hardware Resource Information
QGYRHRL, QgyRtvHdwRscList - Retrieve Hardware Resource List
QGYRPRTA - Retrieve Printer Attributes
QGYRPRTL - Open List of Printers
QGYRTVSJ - Retrieve Server Job Information
QhaChangeHAVersion - Change PowerHA Version
QhaListHAInfo - List PowerHA Information
QhaRetrieveConfigurationDesc - Retrieve PowerHA Configuration Description
QhaRetrieveHAInfo - Retrieve PowerHA Information
Start of changeQhaRetrievePolicy - Retrieve PowerHA PolicyEnd of change
QhaRetrieveStatus - Retrieve PowerHA Status
QHFCHGAT - Change Directory Entry Attributes
QHFCHGFP - Change File Pointer
QHFCLODR - Close Directory
QHFCLOSF - Close Stream File
QHFCPYSF - Copy Stream File
QHFCRTDR - Create Directory
QHFCTLFS - Control File System
QHFDLTDR - Delete Directory
QHFDLTSF - Delete Stream File
QHFDRGFS - Deregister File System
QHFFRCSF - Force Buffered Data
QHFGETSZ - Get Stream File Size
QHFLSTFS - List Registered File Systems
QHFLULSF - Lock and Unlock Range in Stream File
QHFMOVSF - Move Stream File
QHFOPNDR - Open Directory
QHFOPNSF - Open Stream File
QHFRDDR - Read Directory Entry
QHFRDSF - Read from Stream File
QHFRGFS - Register File System
QHFRNMDR - Rename Directory
QHFRNMSF - Rename Stream File
QHFRTVAT - Retrieve Directory Entry Attributes
QHFSETSZ - Set Stream File Size
QHFWRTSF - Write to Stream File
QHSMMOVF - Move Folder to ASP
QHSMMOVL - Move Library to ASP
QIMGCVTI, QimgCvtImg - Convert Image
QINPIDCO - Process Install Disk Configuration Option
QINSTLNG - Set Install Language
QITDRSTS - Retrieve Remote Network Server Status
QjoAddRemoteJournal - Add Remote Journal
QjoChangeJournalState - Change Journal State
QJOCHRVC - Change Journal Recovery Count
QjoDeletePointerHandle - Delete Pointer Handle
QjoEndJournal - End Journal
QjoRemoveRemoteJournal - Remove Remote Journal
QjoReplayJournalEntry - Replay Journal Entry
QjoRetrieveJournalEntries - Retrieve Journal Entries
QjoRetrieveJournalInformation - Retrieve Journal Information
QJORJIDI - Retrieve Journal Identifier Information
QjoRtvJrnReceiverInformation - Retrieve Journal Receiver Information
QJOSJRNE - Send Journal Entry
QjoStartJournal - Start Journal
qkrb_add_kt_entry() - Add Keytab Entry
qkrb_build_spnego_init_token() - Build a SPNEGO Initiator Token
qkrb_build_spnego_target_token() - Build a SPNEGO Target Token
qkrb_count_kt_entries() - Count Keytab Entries
qkrb_free_spnego_init_item() - Release storage associated with an initiator token item
qkrb_free_spnego_target_item() - Release storage associated with a target token item
qkrb_parse_spnego_init_token() - Parse a SPNEGO initiator token
qkrb_parse_spnego_target_token() - Parse a SPNEGO target token
qkrb_remove_kt_entry() - Remove Keytab Entry
QleActBndPgm - Activate Bound Program
QleActBndPgmLong - Activate Bound Program Long
QleGetExp - Get Export
QleGetExpLong - Get Export Long
QlgAccess() - Determine File Accessibility (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgAccessx() - Determine File Accessibility for a Class of Users (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgChangeAuthority() - Change Authority (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgChdir() - Change Current Directory (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgChmod() - Change File Authorizations (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgChown() - Change Owner and Group of File (using NLS-enabled path name)
QLGCNVCS, QlgConvertCase - Convert Case
QLGCNVSS - Convert Sort Sequence Table
QlgCreat() - Create or Rewrite File (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgCreat64() - Create or Rewrite a File (large file enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgCvtPathToQSYSObjName() - Resolve Integrated File System Path Name into QSYS Object Name (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgCvtTextDescToDesc - Convert Text Descriptor
QlgFtok() - Generate IPC Key from File Name (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetAttr() - Get Attributes (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetcwd() - Get Current Directory (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetPathFromFileID() - Get Path Name of Object from Its File ID (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetpwnam() - Get User Information for User Name (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetpwnam_r() - Get User Information for User Name (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetpwuid() - Get User Information for User ID (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgGetpwuid_r() - Get User Information for User ID (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgLchown() - Change Owner and Group of Symbolic Link (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgLink() - Create Link to File (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgLstat() - Get File or Link Information (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgLstat64() - Get File or Link Information (large file enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgLstat64_time64() - Get File or Link Information (large file and time64_t enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgMkdir() - Make Directory (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgMkfifo() - Make FIFO Special File (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgOpen() - Open a File (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgOpen64() - Open File (large file enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgOpendir() - Open Directory (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgPathconf() - Get Configurable Path Name Variables (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgProcessSubtree() - Process a Path Name (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgReaddir() - Read Directory Entry (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgReaddir_r() - Read Directory Entry (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgReadlink() - Read Value of Symbolic Link (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgRenameKeep() - Rename File or Directory, Keep new If It Exists (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgRenameUnlink() - Rename File or Directory, Unlink new If It Exists (using NLS-enabled path name)
QLGRLNGI - Retrieve Language Information
QlgRmdir() - Remove Directory (using NLS-enabled path name)
QLGRTVCD - Retrieve CCSID Data
QLGRTVCI - Retrieve Country or Region Identifiers
QLGRTVCT - Retrieve CCSID Text
QLGRTVDC - Retrieve Default CCSID
QLGRTVLC, QlgRetrieveLocaleInformation - Retrieve Locale Information
QLGRTVLI - Retrieve Language IDs
QLGRTVSS - Retrieve Sort Sequence Table
QlgSaveStgFree() - Save Storage Free (using NLS-enabled path name)
QLGSCNMX - Scan String for Mixed Data
QlgSem_open() - Open Named Semaphore (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgSem_open_np() - Open Named Semaphore with Maximum Value (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgSem_unlink() - Unlink Named Semaphore (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgSetAttr() - Set Attributes (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgSpawn() - Spawn process (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgSpawnp() - Spawn process with path (using NLS-enabled file name)
QLGSRTIO - Sort Input/Output
QlgSSL_Init() - Initialize the current job for SSL (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgStat() - Get File Information (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgStat64() - Get File Information (large file enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgStat64_time64() - Get File Information (large file and time64_t enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgStatvfs() - Get File System Information (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgStatvfs64() - Get File System Information (64-bit enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgSymlink() - Make Symbolic Link (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgTransformUCSData() - Transform UCS Data
QLGTRDTA - Truncate Character Data
QlgUnlink() - Remove Link to File (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgUtime() - Set File Access and Modification Times (using NLS-enabled path name)
QlgUtime_time64() - Set File Access and Modification Times (time64_t enabled and using NLS-enabled path name)
QLGVLID - Validate Language ID
QLICHGLL - Change Library List
QLICOBJD - Change Object Description
QLICVTTP - Convert Type
QLIDLTO - Delete Object
QLIRLIBD - Retrieve Library Description
QLIRNMO - Rename Object
QlnDumpCobol - Dump COBOL
QlnRtvCobolErrorHandler - Retrieve COBOL Error Handler
QlnSetCobolErrorHandler - Set COBOL Error Handler
QLPACAGR - Accept Software Agreement
QLPALCSP - Allocate Licensed Internal Code (LIC) Space
QLPCDINF, QlpGenCdPremasteringInfo - Generate CD-ROM Premastering Information
QLPCDRST, QlpHandleCdState - Handle CD-ROM Premastering State
QLPINSLP - Install Licensed Programs
QLPISLNG - Install Secondary Language
QLPLPRDS - List Product in a Save File
QLPRAGR - Retrieve Software Agreement
QLRCHGCM - Change COBOL Main Program
QLRRTVCE - Retrieve COBOL Error Handler
QLRSETCE - Set COBOL Error Handler
QLYGETS - Get Space Status
QLYRDBI - Read Build Information
QLYSETS - Set Space Status
QLYWRTBI - Write Build Information
QLZAADDK - Add License Key Information
QLZACUEA - Change User Entitlement Attribute
QLZADDLI - Add Product License Information
QLZAGENK - Generate License Key
QLZAREQ - Request License
QLZARLS - Release License
QLZARTV - Retrieve License Information
QLZARTVK - Retrieve License Key Information
QLZASPAS - Set Application Server Support
QLZRTVWC - Retrieve Workload Group Information
QMHCHGEM - Change Exception Message
QMHCTLJL - Control Job Log Output
QMHLJOBL - List Job Log Messages
QMHLSTM - List Nonprogram Messages
QMHMOVPM - Move Program Messages
QMHOLHST - Open List of History Log Messages
QMHPRMM - Promote Message
QMHQCDQ - Change Data Queue
QMHQRDQD - Retrieve Data Queue Description
QMHRCVM - Receive Nonprogram Message
QMHRCVM and QMHRCVM1 - Receive Nonprogram Message for IBM PASE for i
QMHRCVPM - Receive Program Message
QMHRCVPM, QMHRCVPM1, and QMHRCVPM2 - Receive Program Message for IBM PASE for i
QMHRDQM - Retrieve Data Queue Message
QMHRMFAT - Retrieve Message File Attributes
QMHRMQAT - Retrieve Nonprogram Message Queue Attributes
QMHRMVM - Remove Nonprogram Messages
QMHRMVPM - Remove Program Messages
QMHRSNEM - Resend Escape Message
QMHRTVM - Retrieve Message
QMHRTVRQ - Retrieve Request Message
QMHSNDBM - Send Break Message
QMHSNDM - Send Nonprogram Message
QMHSNDM and QMHSNDM1 - Send Nonprogram Message for IBM PASE for i
QMHSNDPM - Send Program Message
QMHSNDPM, QMHSNDPM1, and QMHSNDPM2 - Send Program Message for IBM PASE for i
QMHSNDRM - Send Reply Message
QMHSNDSM - Send Scope Message
QMOCRTCV - Create Container Volumes
QmrRtvAttributeNames - Retrieve Attribute Names
QmyProcessRequest - Process Request
QmyRegisterParameterSpaces - Register Parameter Spaces
QmyRegisterSpace - Register Space
QmyUnregisterSpace - Unregister Space
QNMCHGMN - Change Mode Name
QNMDRGAP - Deregister Application
QNMDRGFN - Deregister Filter Notifications
QNMDRGTI - Deregister APPN Topology Information
QNMENDAP - End Application
QNMRCVDT - Receive Data
QNMRCVOC - Receive Operation Completion
QNMREGAP - Register Application
QNMRGFN - Register Filter Notifications
QNMRGTI - Register APPN Topology Information
QNMRRGF - Retrieve Registered Filters
QNMRTVMN - Retrieve Mode Name
QNMSNDER - Send Error
QNMSNDRP - Send Reply
QNMSNDRQ - Send Request
QNMSTRAP - Start Application
QOCCTLOF - Control Office Services
QOGCHGOE - Change Office Program
QOGRTVOE - Retrieve Office Programs
QOKADDDP - Add Department
QOKCHGDP - Change Department
QOKDSPDP - Display Directory Panels
QOKDSPX4 - Display Directory X.400 Panels
QOKRMVDP - Remove Department
QOKSCHD - Search System Directory
QOLDLINK - Disable Link
QOLELINK - Enable Link
QOLQLIND - Query Line Description
QOLRECV - Receive Data
QOLSEND - Send Data
QOLSETF - Set Filter
QOLTIMER - Set Timer
QP0FPTOS - Perform Miscellaneous File System Functions
QP0LCHSG - Change Scan Signature
Qp0lCvtPathToQSYSObjName() - Resolve Integrated File System Path Name into QSYS Object Name
QP0LFLOP - Perform File System Operation
Qp0lGetAttr() - Get Attributes
Qp0lGetPathFromFileID() - Get Path Name of Object from Its File ID
Qp0lOpen() - Open File
Qp0lProcessSubtree() - Process a Path Name
Qp0lReaddir() - Read Directory Entry with Extensions
Qp0lRenameKeep() - Rename File or Directory, Keep new If It Exists
Qp0lRenameUnlink() - Rename File or Directory, Unlink new If It Exists
QP0LROR - Retrieve Object References
QP0LRRO - Retrieve Referenced Objects
QP0LRTSG - Retrieve Scan Signature
Qp0lSaveStgFree() - Save Storage Free
Qp0lSetAttr() - Set Attributes
Qp0lUnlink() - Remove Link to File
Qp0msRtvSyncObjInfo() - Retrieve Synchronization Object Information
Qp0sDisableSignals() - Disable process for signals
Qp0sEnableSignals() - Enable process for signals
Qp0wChkChld() - Check status for child processes
Qp0wChkPgrp() - Check status for process group
Qp0wChkPid() - Check status for process ID
Qp0wGetJobID() - Get qualified job name and ID for process ID
Qp0wGetPgrp() - Get process group ID
Qp0wGetPid() - Get process ID
Qp0wGetPidNoInit - Get process ID without initializing for signals
Qp0wGetPPid() - Get process ID of parent process
Qp0zAdjTime() - Adjust Software Clock
Qp0zControlTerminal() - Control a Generic Terminal
Qp0zCvtToMITime() - Convert Timeval Structure to _MI_Time
Qp0zCvtToTimeval() - Convert _MI_Time to Timeval Structure
QP0ZDIPC - Delete Interprocess Communication Objects
Qp0zDltEnv() - Delete an environment variable
Qp0zDltSysEnv() - Delete a system-level environment variable
Qp0zDump() - Dump formatted storage trace data
Qp0zDumpStack() - Dump formatted stack trace data
Qp0zDumpTargetStack() - Dump formatted stack trace data of the target thread
Qp0zEndTerminal() - End a Generic Terminal
Qp0zGetAllSysEnv() - Get all system-level environment variables
Qp0zGetEnv() - Get value of environment variable (extended)
Qp0zGetSysEnv() - Get value of system-level environment variable
Qp0zGetTerminalPid() - Get Process ID for a Generic Terminal
Qp0zGetTimeofDay() - Get Current Software Clock Time
Qp0zInitEnv() - Initialize environment for variables
Qp0zIsATerminal() - Determine Whether Descriptor Is Connected to a Generic Terminal
Qp0zLprintf() - Print formatted job log data
QP0ZOLIP - Open List of Interprocess Communication Objects
QP0ZOLSM - Open List of Semaphores
Qp0zPipe() - Create Interprocess Channel with Sockets
Qp0zPutEnv() - Change or add environment variable (extended)
Qp0zPutSysEnv() - Change or add a system-level environment variable
QP0ZRIPC - Retrieve an Interprocess Communication Object
Qp0zRunTerminal() - Run a Generic Terminal
Qp0zSetTerminalMode() - Set Modes for a Generic Terminal
Qp0zSetTimeofDay() - Set Software Clock
Qp0zStartTerminal() - Start a Generic Terminal
Qp0zSystem() - Run a CL command
Qp0zUprintf() - Print formatted user trace data
Qp2CallPase and Qp2CallPase2 - Call an IBM PASE for i Procedure
Qp2dlerror - Retrieve IBM PASE for i Dynamic Load Error Information
Qp2dlopen - Dynamically Load an IBM PASE for i Module
Qp2dlsym - Find an Exported IBM PASE for i Symbol
Qp2EndPase - End an IBM PASE for i Program
Qp2errnop - Retrieve IBM PASE for i errno Pointer
Qp2free - Free IBM PASE for i Heap Memory
Qp2jobCCSID - Retrieve Job CCSID for IBM PASE for i
Qp2malloc - Allocate IBM PASE for i Heap Memory
Qp2paseCCSID - Retrieve IBM PASE for i CCSID
Qp2ptrsize() - Retrieve IBM PASE for i Pointer Size
Qp2RunPase - Run an IBM PASE for i Program
Qp2setenv_ile - Set ILE Environment Variables for IBM PASE for i
QP2SHELL and QP2SHELL2 - Run an IBM PASE for i Shell Program
Qp2SignalPase - Post an IBM PASE for i Signal
QP2TERM - Run an IBM PASE for i Terminal Session
QPARTVDA - Retrieve Data
QPASTRPT - Start Pass-Through
QPDETCVT - Convert Format of Service Information
QPDETHNG - Collect Hung Job Service Documentation
QPDETPOL - Set User Policy
QPDETRTV - Retrieve Policy Data
QPDETSND - Send Service Request
QPDETWCH - Start Watch Command or API Exit Program
QPDLOGER - Log Software Error
QpdReportSoftwareError - Report Software Error
QPDWRKPB - Work with Problem
QpmCloseMgtcol - Close Management Collection Object
QpmCloseMgtcolRepo - Close Management Collection Object Repository
QPMLPFRD - List Performance Data
QpmOpenMgtcol - Open Management Collection Object
QpmOpenMgtcolRepo - Open Management Collection Object Repository
QpmReadMgtcolData - Read Management Collection Object Data
QpmRtvActiveMgtcolName - Retrieve Active Management Collection Object Name
QpmRtvMgtcolAttrs - Retrieve Management Collection Object Attributes
QPMWKCOL - Work with Collector
QPQAPME - Add PDF Map Entry
QPQDLTPM - Delete PDF Map Object
QPQOLPM - Open List of PDF Map Information
QPQRAFPI - Retrieve AFP Information
QPQRPME - Remove PDF Map Object Entries
QPRCRTPG - Create Program
QPTRTVPO - Retrieve Prompt Override
QPZCPYSV - Copy Program Temporary Fix to Save File
QpzCreatePtfGroup - Create PTF Group
QPZCRTFX - Create Program Temporary Fix
QpzDeletePtfGroup - Delete PTF Group
QPZGENNM - Generate Program Temporary Fix Name
QpzListPTF - List Program Temporary Fixes
QpzListPtfGroupDetails - List PTF Group Details
QpzListPtfGroups - List PTF Groups
QPZLOGFX - Log Program Temporary Fix Information
QPZRTVFX - Retrieve Program Temporary Fix Information
QqfEnvironment - WebFacing Environment
QQQCSDBM - Clear SQL Database Monitor Statistics
QQQDSDBM - Dump SQL Database Monitor
QQQESDBM - End SQL Database Monitor
QQQQRY - Query
QQQQSDBM - Query SQL Database Monitor
QQQSSDBM - Start SQL Database Monitor
QQQVEXPL - Visual Explain
QRCVDTAQ - Receive Data Queue
QRZCHGE - Change Resource Entry Information
QRZCRTH - Create Handle
QRZDLTE - Delete Resource Entry
QRZDLTH - Delete Handle
QRZRRCA - Retrieve Resource Class Attributes
QRZRRSI - Retrieve Resource Information
QRZRTVR - Retrieve Hardware Resource Relative
QRZSCHE - Search Hardware Resource Entry
QSCCHGCT - Change Communications Trace Configuration
QSCCHKCT - Check Communications Trace
QSCEWCH - End Watch
QSCJOINT - Join Trace
QSCRWCHI - Retrieve Watch Information
QSCRWCHL - Retrieve Watch List
QSCRXMLI - Retrieve XML Service Information
QSCSWCH - Start Watch
QSMGSSTD - Get System Service Tools Data
QSMRTVBTC - Retrieve IOA Cache Battery Information
QsnBeep - Generate a Beep
QsnChgEnv - Change Low-Level Environment
QsnChgSsn - Change Session
QsnChgWin - Change Window
QsnClrBuf - Clear Buffer
QsnClrFldTbl - Clear Field Table
QsnClrScl - Clear Scroller
QsnClrScr - Clear Screen
QsnClrWin - Clear Window
QsnClrWinMsg - Clear Window Message
QsnCpyBuf - Copy Buffer
QsnCrtCmdBuf - Create Command Buffer
QsnCrtEnv - Create Low-Level Environment
QsnCrtInpBuf - Create Input Buffer
QsnCrtSsn - Create a Session
QsnCrtWin - Create a Window
QSNDDTAQ - Send Data Queue
QsnDltBuf - Delete Buffer
QsnDltEnv - Delete Low-Level Environment
QsnDltFldId - Delete Field ID Definition
QsnDspSclB - Display Scroller Bottom
QsnDspSclT - Display Scroller Top
QsnDspWin - Display Window
QsnEndWin - End a Window
QsnGetAID - Get AID
QsnGetCsrAdr - Get Cursor Address
QsnGetCsrAdrAID - Get Cursor Address with AID
QsnInsCsr - Insert Cursor
QsnInzEnvD - Initialize Low-Level Environment Description
QsnInzSsnD - Initialize Session Description
QsnInzWinD - Initialize Window Description
QsnMovWin - Move Window
QsnMovWinUsr - Move Window by User
QsnPrtScl - Print Scroller Data
QsnPutBuf - Put Command Buffer
QsnPutGetBuf - Put Command Buffer and Perform Get
QsnPutInpCmd - Put Input Command
QsnPutOutCmd - Put Output Command
QsnPutWinMsg - Put Window Message
QsnQry5250 - Query 5250
QsnQryColorSup - Query Color Support
QsnQryModSup - Query Display Mode Support
QsnQrySclWrp - Query If Scroller in Line Wrap Mode
QsnReadImm - Read Immediate
QsnReadInp - Read Input Fields
QsnReadInvited - Read from Invited Device
QsnReadMDT - Read Modified Fields
QsnReadMDTAlt - Read Modified Alternate
QsnReadMDTImmAlt - Read Modified Immediate Alternate
QsnReadScr - Read Screen
QsnReadSsnDta - Read Data from Session
QsnReadSsnDtaCC - Read Data from Session with CCSID
QsnRollDown - Roll Down
QsnRollSclDown - Roll Scroller Down
QsnRollSclUp - Roll Scroller Up
QsnRollUp - Roll Up
QsnRstScr - Restore Screen
QsnRszWin - Resize Window
QsnRszWinUsr - Resize Window by User
QsnRtvAvailData - Retrieve Available Data
QsnRtvBufLen - Retrieve Buffer Data Length
QsnRtvBufSiz - Retrieve Buffer Size
QsnRtvCurWin - Retrieve Current Window
QsnRtvDta - Retrieve Pointer to Data in Input Buffer
QsnRtvDtaLen - Retrieve Length of Data in Input Buffer
QsnRtvEnvD - Retrieve Low-Level Environment Description
QsnRtvEnvDta - Retrieve Low-Level Environment User Data
QsnRtvEnvWinMod - Retrieve Low-Level Environment Window Mode
QsnRtvFldCnt - Retrieve Number of Fields Read
QsnRtvFldDta - Retrieve Pointer to Field Data
QsnRtvFldDtaLen - Retrieve Length of Field Data in Buffer
QsnRtvFldInf - Retrieve Field Information
QsnRtvMod - Retrieve Display Mode
QsnRtvReadAdr - Retrieve Cursor Address on Read
QsnRtvReadAID - Retrieve AID Code on Read
QsnRtvReadInf - Retrieve Read Information
QsnRtvReadLen - Retrieve Number of Bytes Read from Screen
QsnRtvSclNumRoll - Retrieve Number of Rows to Roll Scroller
QsnRtvSclNumShf - Retrieve Number of Columns to Shift Scroller
QsnRtvScrDim - Retrieve Screen Dimensions
QsnRtvSsnD - Retrieve Session Description
QsnRtvSsnDta - Retrieve Session Data
QsnRtvSsnLin - Retrieve Session Line to Input Line
QsnRtvWinD - Retrieve Window Description
QsnRtvWinDta - Retrieve Window Data
QsnSavScr - Save Screen
QsnSclBS - Backspace on Scroller Line
QsnSclCR - Go to Start of Current Scroller Line
QsnSclFF - Start New Scroller Page
QsnSclLF - Start New Scroller Line at Current Position
QsnSclNL - Go to Start of Next Scroller Line
QsnSclTab - Go to Next Tab Position in Scroller Line
QsnSetCsrAdr - Set Cursor Address
QsnSetCurWin - Set Current Window
QsnSetEnvWinMod - Set Low-Level Environment Window Mode
QsnSetErr - Set Error State
QsnSetFld - Set Field
QsnSetFldCC - Set Field with CCSID
QsnSetOutAdr - Set Output Address
QsnSetWinAtr - Set Window Services Attributes
QsnShfSclL - Shift Scroller Left
QsnShfSclR - Shift Scroller Right
QsnStrWin - Start a Window
QsnTglSclWrp - Toggle Line Wrap/Truncate Mode
QsnWrtDta - Write Data
QsnWrtDtaCC - Write Data with CCSID
QsnWrtPad - Pad for N Positions
QsnWrtPadAdr - Pad between Two Screen Addresses
QsnWrtSclChr - Write Characters to Scroller
QsnWrtSclChrCC - Write Characters to Scroller with CCSID
QsnWrtSclLin - Write Line to Scroller
QsnWrtSclLinCC - Write Line to Scroller with CCSID
QsnWrtSFMaj - Write Structured Field Major
QsnWrtSFMin - Write Structured Field Minor
QsnWrtTDta - Write Transparent Data
QsnWTD - Write to Display
QsoCancelOperation() - Cancel an I/O Operation
QsoCreateIOCompletionPort() - Create I/O Completion Port
QsoDestroyIOCompletionPort() - Destroy I/O Completion Port
QsoGenerateOperationId() - Get an I/O Operation ID
QsoIsOperationPending() - Check if an I/O Operation is Pending
QsoPostIOCompletion() - Post I/O Completion Request
qsort() - Sort array
Start of changeQsoRtvTLSA - Retrieve TLS AttributesEnd of change
QsoStartAccept() - Start Asynchronous Accept Operation
QsoStartRecv() - Start Asynchronous Receive Operation
QsoStartSend() - Start Asynchronous Send Operation
QsoWaitForIOCompletion() - Wait for I/O Operation
QSPBOPNC - Build Open Time Commands
QSPBSEPP - Build Separator Pages
QSPCHGOQ - Change Output Queue
QSPCLOSP - Close Spooled File
QSPCRTSP - Create Spooled File
QSPEXTWI - Extract Writer Status
QSPGETSP - Get Spooled File Data
QSPMOVSP - Move Spooled File
QSPOLJBQ - Open List of Job Queues
QSPOLOTQ - Open List of Output Queues
QSPOPNSP - Open Spooled File
QSPPUBPI - Publish Print Information
QSPPUTSP - Put Spooled File Data
QSPRILSP - Retrieve Identity of Last Spooled File Created
QSPRJOBQ - Retrieve Job Queue Information
QSPROUTQ - Retrieve Output Queue Information
QSPRWTRI - Retrieve Writer Information
QSPSETWI - Set Writer Status
QSPSNDWM - Send Writer Message
QSPSPLI - Retrieve Spool Information
QSQCHGDC - Change Dynamic Default Collection
QSQCHKS - Syntax Check SQL Statement
QSQGNDDL - Generate Data Definition Language
QSQPRCED - Process Extended Dynamic SQL
QSRCRTMD, QsrCreateMediaDefinition - Create Media Definition
QSRDLTMD, QsrDeleteMediaDefinition - Delete Media Definition
QSRLSAVF - List Save File
QsrRestore - Restore Object
QSRRSTO - Restore Object List
QSRRTVMD, QsrRetrieveMediaDefinition - Retrieve Media Definition
QsrSave - Save Object
QSRSAVO - Save Object List
QsxAddProblemLogEntry - Add Problem Log Entry
QsxChangeProblemLogEntry - Change Problem Log Entry
QsxCreateProblemLogEntry - Create Problem Log Entry
QsxDeleteProblemLogEntry - Delete Problem Log Entry
QsxEndProblemLogServices - End Problem Log Services
QSXFTRPB - Filter Problem
QsxRetrieveProblemLogEntry - Retrieve Problem Log Entry
QsxStartProblemLogServices - Start Problem Log Services
QsyAddServerEntry - Add Server Authentication Entry
QSYADDUC, QsyAddUserCertificate - Add User Certificate
QsyAddValidationLstEntry() - Add Validation List Entry
QSYADDVC,QsyAddVldlCertificate - Add Validation List Certificate
QSYADVLE - Add Validation List Entry
QsyChangeServerEntry - Change Server Authentication Entry
QsyChangeValidationLstEntry() - Change Validation List Entry
QSYCHFUI, QsyChangeFunctionUsageInfo - Change Function Usage Information
QSYCHGDS - Change Service Tools User ID
QSYCHGID - Change User Profile UID or GID
QSYCHGPR - Change Previous Sign-On Date
QSYCHGPW - Change User Password
QSYCHKTU, QsyChkPrfTknUser - Check Profile Token User
QSYCHKVC, QsyCheckVldlCertificate - Check Validation List Certificate
QSYCHVLE - Change Validation List Entry
QSYCKUFU, QsyCheckUserFunctionUsage - Check User Function Usage
QSYCUPWD - Check Encrypted User Password
QSYCUSRA - Check User Authority to an Object
QSYCUSRS - Check User Special Authorities
QSYCVTA - Convert Authority Values to MI Value
QSYCVTVL - Convert Validation List
QSYDRGAP, QsyDeregisterAppForCertUse - Deregister Application for Certificate Use
QSYDRGFN, QsyDeregisterFunction - Deregister Function
QSYFDVLE - Find Validation List Entry
QsyFindFirstValidationLstEntry() - Find First Validation List Entry
QsyFindNextValidationLstEntry() - Find Next Validation List Entry
QsyFindValidationLstEntry() - Find Validation List Entry
QsyFindValidationLstEntryAttrs() - Find Validation List Entry Attributes
QSYFNDCU, QsyFindCertificateUser - Find Certificate User
QSYGENFT, QsyGenPrfTknFromPrfTkn - Generate Profile Token From Profile Token
QsyGenPrfTkn - Generate Profile Token
QsyGenPrfTknE - Generate Profile Token Extended
QSYGENPT - Generate Profile Token
QsyGetEIMConnectInfo() - Get EIM Connect Information
QsyGetEIMHandle() - Get EIM Handle Connected For System
qsygetgroups() - Get Supplemental Group IDs
QSYGETPH - Get Profile Handle
QsyGetProfileHandle - Get Profile Handle
QsyGetProfileHandleNoPwd - Get Profile Handle No Password
QSYGETPT, QsyGetPrfTknTimeOut - Get Profile Token Time Out
QSYINVPT, QsyInvalidatePrfTkn - Invalidate Profile Token
QSYLATLO - List Objects Secured by Authorization List
QSYLAUTU - List Authorized Users
QSYLOBJA - List Objects User Is Authorized to, Owns, or Is Primary Group of
QSYLOBJP - List Objects That Adopt Owner Authority
QSYLSTUC, QsyListUserCertificates - List User Certificates
QSYLSTVC, QsyListVldlCertificates - List Validation List Certificates
QSYLUSRA - List Users Authorized to Object
QSYOLUC - Open List of User Certificates
QSYOLVLE - Open List of Validation List Entries
QSYPARSC, QsyParseCertificate - Parse Certificate
QSYRAUTU - Retrieve Authorized Users
QsyRemoveAllPrfTkns - Remove All Profile Tokens
QsyRemoveAllPrfTknsForUser - Remove All Profile Tokens For User
QsyRemovePrfTkn - Remove Profile Token
QsyRemoveServerEntry - Remove Server Authentication Entry
QsyRemoveUserApplicationInfo - Remove User Application Information
QsyRemoveValidationLstEntry() - Remove Validation List Entry
QSYRESPA - Reset Profile Attributes
QsyRetrieveDigitalIDConfig() - Retrieve Digital ID Configuration Information
QsyRetrieveUserApplicationInfo - Retrieve User Application Information
QSYRGAP, QsyRegisterAppForCertUse - Register Application for Certificate Use
QSYRGFN, QsyRegisterFunction - Register Function
QSYRLSPH, QsyReleaseProfileHandle - Release Profile Handle
QSYRMVLE - Remove Validation List Entry
QSYRMVPT - Remove Profile Tokens
QSYRMVUC, QsyRemoveUserCertificate - Remove User Certificate
QSYRMVVC, QsyRemoveVldlCertificate - Remove Validation List Certificate
QSYRTFUI, QsyRetrieveFunctionUsageInfo - Retrieve Function Usage Information
QSYRTUFI, QsyRetrieveUserFunctionInfo - Retrieve User Function Information
QSYRTVAI - Retrieve Authorization List Information
QSYRTVFI, QsyRetrieveFunctionInformation - Retrieve Function Information
QSYRTVSA - Retrieve Security Attributes
QSYRTVSE, QsyRetrieveServerEntries - Retrieve Server Authentication Entries
QSYRTVUA - Retrieve Users Authorized to an Object
QSYRUPWD - Retrieve Encrypted User Password
QSYRUSRA - Retrieve User Authority to Object
QSYRUSRI - Retrieve User Information
QsySetDigitalIDConfig() - Set Digital ID Configuration Information
qsysetegid() - Set Effective Group ID
QsySetEIMConnectInfo() - Set EIM Connect Information
qsyseteuid() - Set Effective User ID
qsysetgid() - Set Group ID
qsysetgroups() - Set Supplemental Group IDs
QSYSETPT, QsySetToPrfTkn - Set To Profile Token
qsysetregid() - Set Real and Effective Group IDs
qsysetreuid() - Set Real and Effective User IDs
qsysetuid() - Set User ID
QSYSUPWD - Set Encrypted User Password
QsyUpdateUserApplicationInfo - Update User Application Information
QsyVerifyValidationLstEntry() - Verify Validation List Entry
QSZCHKTG - Check Target Release
QSZCRTPD - Create Product Definition
QSZCRTPL - Create Product Load
QSZDLTAF, QszDltRegAppFiles - Delete Registered Application Files
QSZDLTPD - Delete Product Definition
QSZDLTPL - Delete Product Load
QSZLSTRA, QszListRegAppInfo - List Registered Application Information
QSZMPRLS - Map release
QSZPKGPO - Package Product Option
QSZRTVPR - Retrieve Product Information
QSZSLTPR - Select Product
QSZSPTPR - Add or Remove Product Support
QSZUPDRA, QszUpdRegAppInfoRepository - Update IBM i Registered Application Information Repository
QTACJMA - Change Job Media Library Attributes
QTACTLDV - Control Device
QTADMPDV - Dump Device
QTAFROBJ - Free Object
QTARCGYL - Retrieve Category List
QTARCTGF - Retrieve Cartridge Filter
QTARCTGI - Retrieve Cartridge Information
QTARDCAP - Retrieve Device Capabilities
QTARDINF - Retrieve Device Information
QTARDSTS - Retrieve Device Status
QTARJMA - Retrieve Job Media Library Attributes
QTARTLBL - Retrieve Tape Labels
QTASCTGF - Set Cartridge Filter
QTAUPDDV - Update Device Microcode
QteAddBlock - Add Block
QteAddBreakpoint - Add Breakpoint
QteAddSourceRegionDescription - Add Source Region Description
QteAddSymbolList - Add Symbol List
QteAddTypeList - Add Type List
QteAddViewDescription - Add View Description
QteAddViewFile - Add View File
QteAddViewMap - Add View Map
QteAddViewText - Add View Text
QteChangeCurrentThread - Change Current Thread
QteChangeThreadStatus - Change Thread Status
QteDumpModuleVariables - Dump Module Variables
QteEndSourceDebug - End Source Debug
QteEndViewCreation - End View Creation
QteMapViewPosition() - Map View Position
QteRegisterDebugView - Register Debug View
QteRegSrvEntPntStpHdlr - Register Service Entry Point Stop Handler
QteRemoveAllBreakpoints - Remove All Breakpoints
QteRemoveBreakpoint - Remove Breakpoint
QteRemoveDebugView - Remove Debug View
QteRetrieveDebugAttribute - Retrieve Debug Attribute
QteRetrieveDebuggedThreads - Retrieve Debugged Threads
QteRetrieveModuleViews() - Retrieve Module Views
QteRetrieveSourcePathName - Retrieve Source Path Name
QteRetrieveStatementView - Retrieve Statement View
QteRetrieveStoppedPosition - Retrieve Stopped Position
QteRetrieveViewFile - Retrieve View File
QteRetrieveViewLineInformation - Retrieve View Line Information
QteRetrieveViewText() - Retrieve View Text
QTERTVPV - Retrieve Program Variable
QteSetDebugAttribute - Set Debug Attribute
QteSetDecryptionKey - Set Decryption Key
QteSetEncryptionKey - Set Encryption Key
QteSetWideCharacterCCSID - Set Wide Character CCSID
QteStartSourceDebug() - Start Source Debug
QteStartViewCreation - Start View Creation
QteStep - Step
QteStopDebuggedJob - Stop Debugged Job
QteSubmitDebugCommand - Submit Debug Command
QTHMCTLT - Control Thread
QtmhCvtDB - Convert to DB
QtmhGetEnv - Get environment variable
QtmhPutEnv - Put environment variable
QtmhRdStin - Read from Stdin
QtmhWrStout - Write to Stdout
QtmmSendMail - Send MIME Mail
QtmsCreateSendEmail - Create and Send MIME E-mail
QTNADDCR - Add Commitment Resource
QTNCHGCO - Change Commitment Options
QTNCLRLU - Clear LU6.2 Partners
QTNRBRQD - Rollback Required
QTNRCMTI - Retrieve Commitment Information
QTNRMVCR - Remove Commitment Resource
QTNRTNLU - Return LU6.2 Partners
QTOCC4IF - Change IPv4 Interface
QTOCCCNA - Change Connection Attribute
QtocCvtIfcID - Convert Interface ID
QTOCLPPJ - List TCP/IP Point-to-Point Jobs
QtocLstNeighborTbl - List Neighbor Cache Table
QtocLstNetCnn - List Network Connections
QtocLstNetIfc - List Network Interface
QtocLstNetRte - List Network Routes
QtocLstPhyIfcARPTbl - List Physical Interface ARP Table
QtocLstPhyIfcDta - List Physical Interface Data
QtocLstPPPCnnPrf - List PPP Connection Profiles
QtocRmvARPTblE - Remove ARP Table Entry
QtocRtvNetCnnDta - Retrieve Network Connection Data
QtocRtvNetIfcDta - Retrieve Network Interface Data
QtocRtvPPPCnnPrf - Retrieve PPP Connection Profiles
QtocRtvTCPA - Retrieve TCP/IP Attributes
QtooRtvOSPFDta - Retrieve OSPF State Information
QtoqDeleteQoSMonitorData - Delete QoS Monitor Data
QtoqEndQoSMonitor - End QoS Monitor
QTOQIDSC, QtoqIDSControl - Control Intrusion Detection and Prevention
QtoqListSavedQoSMonitorData - List Saved QoS Monitor Data
QtoqSaveQoSMonitorData - Save QoS Monitor Data
QtoqStartQoSMonitor - Start QoS Monitor
qtoq_accept() - Accept QoS Sockets Connection
qtoq_accept_ex() - Accept QoS Sockets Connection
qtoq_close() - Close QoS Sockets Connection
qtoq_connect() - Make QoS Sockets Connection
qtoq_connect_ex() - Make QoS Sockets Connection
qtoq_ioctl() - Set QoS Sockets Control Options
qtoq_ioctl_ex() - Set QoS Sockets Control Options
QtqIconvOpen() - Code Conversion Allocation
QTQRCSC - Resolve Client Server CCSID
QTQSMXC2 - Get Short Form with Maximal CS for Specified ES and CP
QtqValidateCCSID() - Validate CCSID
QtrcGetActiveLevel() - Get Active Trace Level
QtrcWriteHexDump() - Write Hexadecimal Dump Trace Data
QtrcWriteHexDumpF() - Write Hexadecimal Dump Formatted Trace Data
QtrcWriteStack() - Write Call Stack Trace Data
QtrcWriteText() - Write Text Trace Data
QtrcWriteTextPPrintF() - Write Text Trace Data Using Pointer-based Print Formatted
QtrcWriteTextPrintF() - Write Text Trace Data Using Print Formatted
QtrcWriteTextVPrintF() - Write Text Trace Data Using Variable Argument List Print Formatted
QTRXRLRL - Retrieve Lock Space Record Locks
QTRXRLSA - Retrieve Lock Space Attributes
QTRXRLSL - Retrieve Lock Space Locks
QTVCLOVT - Close Virtual Terminal Path
QTVOPNVT - Open Virtual Terminal Path
QTVRDVT - Read from Virtual Terminal
QTVSNDRQ - Send Request for IBM i Function
QTVWRTVT - Write to Virtual Terminal
QTWAIDSP - Aid Spelling
QTWCHKSP - Check Spelling
quantexpd128() - Compute the Quantum Exponent
quantexpd32() - Compute the Quantum Exponent
quantexpd64() - Compute the Quantum Exponent
QUANTIZE128 - Quantize 128-Bit Decimal Floating-Point by Example
QUANTIZE128I - Quantize 128-Bit Decimal Floating-Point by Value
QUANTIZE64 - Quantize 64-Bit Decimal Floating-Point by Example
QUANTIZE64I - Quantize 64-Bit Decimal Floating-Point by Value
quantized128() - Set the Quantum Exponent of X to the Quantum Exponent of Y
quantized32() - Set the Quantum Exponent of X to the Quantum Exponent of Y
quantized64() - Set the Quantum Exponent of X to the Quantum Exponent of Y
QUHDSPH - Display Help
QUHPRTH - Print Help
QUHRHLPT - Retrieve Help Text
QUIADDLE - Add List Entry
QUIADDLM - Add List Multiple Entries
QUIADDPA - Add Print Application
QUIADDPW - Add Pop-Up Window
QUICLOA - Close Application
QUIDLTL - Delete List
QUIDSPP - Display Panel
QUIGETLE - Get List Entry
QUIGETLM - Get List Multiple Entries
QUIGETV - Get Dialog Variable
QUILNGTX - Display Long Text
QUIMVLE - Remove List Entry
QUIOPNDA - Open Display Application
QUIOPNPA - Open Print Application
QUIPRTP - Print Panel
QUIPUTV - Put Dialog Variable
QUIRMVPA - Remove Print Application
QUIRMVPW - Remove Pop-Up Window
QUIRTVLA - Retrieve List Attributes
QUISETLA - Set List Attributes
QUISETSC - Set Screen Image
QUIUPDLE - Update List Entry
QUSADDEP, QusAddExitProgram - Add Exit Program
QUSADDUI - Add User Index Entries
QUSCHGPA - Change Pool Attributes
QUSCHGUS - Change User Space
QUSCMDLN - Display Command Line Window
QUSCRTUI - Create User Index
QUSCRTUQ - Create User Queue
QUSCRTUS - Create User Space
QUSCUSAT - Change User Space Attributes
QUSDLTUI - Delete User Index
QUSDLTUQ - Delete User Queue
QUSDLTUS - Delete User Space
QUSDRGPT, QusDeregisterExitPoint - Deregister Exit Point
QUSLFLD - List Fields
QUSLJOB - List Job
QUSLMBR - List Database File Members
QUSLOBJ - List Objects
QUSLRCD - List Record Formats
QUSLSPL - List Spooled Files
QusMaterializeContext - Materialize Context
QusMaterializeJournalPortAttr - Materialize Journal Port Attributes
QusMaterializeJournalSpaceAttr - Materialize Journal Space Attributes
QUSPTRUS - Retrieve Pointer to User Space
QUSRGPT, QusRegisterExitPoint - Register Exit Point
QUSRJOBI - Retrieve Job Information
QUSRMBRD - Retrieve Member Description
QUSRMVEP, QusRemoveExitProgram - Remove Exit Program
QUSRMVUI - Remove User Index Entries
QUSROBJD - Retrieve Object Description
QUSRSPLA - Retrieve Spooled File Attributes
QUSRTVEI, QusRetrieveExitInformation - Retrieve Exit Information
QUSRTVUI - Retrieve User Index Entries
QUSRTVUS - Retrieve User Space
QUSRUIAT - Retrieve User Index Attributes
QUSRUSAT - Retrieve User Space Attributes
QVOIFMG - Fill Image Catalog
QVOIRCLD - Retrieve Image Catalog Details
QVOIRCLG - Retrieve Image Catalogs
QWCADJTM - Adjust Time
QWCCCJOB - Change Current Job
QWCCHGJP - Change Job Pool
QWCCHGPL - Change Pools
QWCCHGPR - Change Processor Multitasking
QWCCHGTN - Change Pool Tuning Information
QWCCJITP - Change Job Interrupt Status
QWCCTLTS - Control Temporary Storage
QWCCVTDT - Convert Date and Time Format
QWCLASBS - List Active Subsystems
QWCLOBJL - List Object Locks
QWCLSCDE - List Job Schedule Entries
QWCOLTHD - Open List of Threads
QWCRCLSI - Retrieve Class Information
QWCRDTAA - Retrieve Data Area
QWCRIPLA - Retrieve IPL Attributes
QWCRJBLK - Retrieve Job Locks
QWCRJBST - Retrieve Job Status
QWCRLCKI - Retrieve Lock Information
QWCRLRQI - Retrieve Lock Request Information
QWCRNETA - Retrieve Network Attributes
QWCRSSTS - Retrieve System Status
QWCRSVAL - Retrieve System Values
QWCRTVCA - Retrieve Current Attributes
QWCRTVPR - Retrieve Processor Multitasking Information
QWCRTVTM - Retrieve System Time Information
QWCRTVTZ - Retrieve Time Zone Description
QWCSETTM - Set System Time
QWDCSBSE - Change Subsystem Entry
QWDLSBSE - List Subsystem Entries
QWDLSJBQ - List Subsystem Job Queues
QWDRJOBD - Retrieve Job Description Information
QWDRSBSD - Retrieve Subsystem Information
QWPZHPTR, QwpzHostPrintTransform - Host Print Transform
QWSQRYWS - Query Keyboard Buffering
QWSRTVOI - Retrieve Output Information
QWSSETWS - Set Keyboard Buffering
QWSSPRST - Suspend or Restore Display File
QWTCHGJB - Change Job
QwtClearJuid() - Clear Job User Identity
QWTCTJBS - Create Job Structures
QWTCTLTR - Control Trace
QWTDMPFR - Dump Flight Recorder
QWTDMPLF - Dump Lock Flight Recorder
QWTDTJBS - Delete Job Structures
Start of changeQWTRAPJS - Retrieve Active Prestart Jobs StatusEnd of change
QWTRMVJL - Remove Pending Job Log
QWTRTVPX - Retrieve Profile Exit Programs
QWTRTVTA - Retrieve Thread Attribute
QwtSetJuid() - Set Job User Identity
QWTSETLF - Set Lock Flight Recorder
QWTSETP, QsySetToProfileHandle - Set Profile Handle
QWTSETPX - Set Profile Exit Programs
QWTSETTR - Set Trace
QWTSJUID - Set Job User Identity
QWVOLACT - Open List of Activation Attributes
QWVOLAGP - Open List of Activation Group Attributes
QWVRCSTK - Retrieve Call Stack
QxdaBlockEDRS - Block EDRS Access
QxdaCallProgramEDRS - Call Program
QxdaCancelEDRS - Cancel EDRS Request
QxdaCheckEDRSBlock - Check EDRS Block Status
QxdaCheckEDRSStatus - Check EDRS Block Status
QxdaCommitEDRS - Commit EDRS Server
QxdaConnectEDRS - Connect to EDRS Server
QxdaDisconnectEDRS - Disconnect from EDRS Server
QxdaFindEDRSJob - Find EDRS Job
QxdaProcessCommand EDRS - Process Command
QxdaProcessExtDynEDRS - Process Remote Extended Dynamic SQL
QxdaProcessImmediateEDRS - Process Immediate SQL Statement
QxdaRollbackEDRS - Roll Back EDRS Server
QxdaSetConnection - Set Connection
QxdaSetOptions - Set XDA Options
QxdaXACommit - Commit XA
QxdaXAForget - Forget XA
QxdaXAPrepare - Prepare XA
QxdaXARecover - Recover XA
QxdaXARollback - Rollback XA
QXXCHGDA() - Change data area
QXXDTOP() - Convert double to packed decimal
QXXDTOZ() - Convert double to zoned decimal
QXXITOP() - Convert integer to packed decimal
QXXITOZ() - Convert integer to zoned decimal
QXXPTOD() - Convert packed decimal to double
QXXPTOI() - Convert packed decimal to integer
QXXRTVDA() - Retrieve data area
QXXZTOD() - Convert zoned decimal to double
QXXZTOI() - Convert zoned decimal to integer
QYASCHGDDD - Change Device Domain Data
QYASEDMO - End Disk Management Operation
QYASEDMS - End Disk Management Session
QYASPCHGAA - Change ASP Activity
QYASPCTLAA - Control ASP Access
QYASPOL - Open List of ASPs
QYASPPRBDY - Set Pointer Reset Boundary
QYASRDI - Retrieve Disk Information
QYASRDMS - Retrieve Disk Management Status
QYASRTVDDD - Retrieve Device Domain Data
QYASRTVINF - Retrieve ASP Copy Information
QYASSDMO - Start Disk Management Operation
QYASSDMS - Start Disk Management Session
Start of changeQycdAddCACertTrust - Add CA Certificate TrustEnd of change
Start of changeQycdCheckCACertTrust - Check CA Certificate TrustEnd of change
Start of changeQycdRemoveCACertTrust - Remove CA Certificate TrustEnd of change
Start of changeQycdRemoveCertUsage - Remove Certificate UsageEnd of change
Start of changeQycdRenewCertificate - Renew a Digital CertificateEnd of change
Start of changeQycdRetrieveCertUsageInfo - Retrieve Certificate Usage InformationEnd of change
Start of changeQycdUpdateCertUsage - Update Certificate UsageEnd of change
QYCUGSUC - Generate and Sign User Certificate Request
QYCURTVCI, QycuRetrieveCertificateInfo - Retrieve Certificate Information
QYCUSUC - Sign User Certificate Request
QYDOADDV, QydoAddVerifier) - Add Verifier
QYDOCHKS, QydoCheckSystem - Check System
QYDORTVO, QydoRetrieveDigitalSignatures - Retrieve Object Signatures
QYDOSGNB, QydoSignBuffer - Sign Buffer
QYDOSGNO, QydoSignObject - Sign Object
QYDOVFYB, QydoVerifyBuffer - Verify Buffer
QYDOVFYO, QydoVerifyObject - Verify Object
QYHCHCOP - Perform Hardware Configuration Operation
QYKMEXPK, QykmExportKeyStore) - Export Certificate Store
QYKMGDKI, QykmGetDefaultKeyItem - Get Default Key Item
QYKMIMPK, QykmImportKeyStore) - Import Certificate Store
QYPEADDT, qypeAddTracePoint - Add Trace Point
QYPEENDT, qypeEndTransaction - End Transaction
QYPELOGT, qypeLogTransaction - Log Transaction
QYPERPEX, qypeRetrievePexInfo - Retrieve PEX Information
QYPESTRT, qypeStartTransaction - Start Transaction
QypsAddCollectorNotification - Add Collector Notification
QypsChgColSrvAttributes - Change Collection Services Attributes
QYPSCSCA, QypsChgSysCollectorAttributes - Change System Collector Attributes
QYPSCYCC, QypsCycleCollector - Cycle Collector
QypsDeregCollectorDataCategory - Deregister Collector Data Category
QYPSENDC, QypsEndCollector - End Collector
QypsRegCollectorDataCategory - Register Collector Data Category
QypsRmvCollectorNotification - Remove Collector Notification
QYPSRSCA, QypsRtvSysCollectorAttributes - Retrieve System Collector Attributes
QypsRtvColSrvAttributes - Retrieve Collection Services Attributes
QYPSSTRC, QypsStartCollector - Start Collector
QZCAADDC, QzcaAddClient - Add Client
QzcaGetClientHandle - Get Client Handle
QZCAREFC, QzcaRefreshClientInfo - Refresh Client Information
QZCARMVC, QzcaRemoveClient - Remove Client
QZCAUPDC, QzcaUpdateClientInfo - Update Client Information
QZDASNID - Assign SNADS File Server Object Access ID
QZDCRFSO - Create SNADS File Server Object
QZDLSTID - List SNADS File Server Object Access IDs
QzdmClosePath - Close Path
QzdmCloseStream - Close Stream
QzdmOpenPath - Open Path
QzdmOpenStream - Open Stream
QzdmReceiveControl - Receive Control
QzdmReceiveRequest - Receive Request
QzdmReceiveResponse - Receive Response
QzdmSendRequest - Send Request
QzdmSendResponse - Send Response
QzdmWaitMessage - Wait Message
QZDRDFSO - Read SNADS File Server Object
QZDRTVID - Retrieve SNADS File Server Object Access ID
QZDRVKID - Revoke SNADS File Server Object Access ID
QZDWTFSO - Write to SNADS File Server Object
QzhbAddGroupToList - Add a new group to the end of a group list
QzhbAddUserToGroup - Add a new user to the end of a group
QzhbCgiParse - Parse QUERY_STRING environment variable or post stdin data
QzhbCgiRecvState - Receive the CGI stateful data
QzhbCgiSendState - Send or save the CGI stateful data
QzhbCgiUtils - Produce full HTTP response
QzhbCloseGroupList - Free group file from memory
QzhbCreateGroupList - Create a new group file
QzhbFindGroupInList - Locate a named group in a group list
QzhbFindUserInGroup - Locate a user in a group
QzhbGetGroupName - Retrieve the name of a group
QzhbGetNextGroup - Retrieve the next group in the group list
QzhbGetNextUser - Retrieve the next user in the group
QzhbGetUserString - Retrieve the name of a user
QzhbOpenGroupList - Read a group file into memory
QzhbRemoveGroupFromList - Remove a group from a group list
QzhbRemoveUserFromGroup - Remove a user or element from a group
QzipUnzip() - Decompress Files and Directories
QzipZip() - Compress Files and Directories
QZLSADFS - Add File Server Share
QZLSADPS - Add Print Server Share
QZLSCHFS - Change File Server Share
QZLSCHPS - Change Print Server Share
QZLSCHSG - Change Server Guest
QZLSCHSI - Change Server Information
QZLSCHSN - Change Server Name
QZLSENDS - End Server
QZLSENSS - End Server Session
QZLSLSTI - List Server Information
QZLSOLST - Open List of Server Information
QZLSRMS - Remove Server Share
QZLSSTRS - Start Server
QzmfAddMailCfg - Add Mail Server Framework Configuration
QzmfChgMailMsg - Change Mail Message
QzmfCrtCmpMailMsg - Complete Creation Sequence
QzmfCrtMailMsg - Create Mail Message
QzmfLstMailCfg - List Mail Server Framework Configuration
QzmfQryMailMsgId - Query Mail Message Identifier
QzmfRmvMailCfg - Remove Mail Server Framework Configuration
QzmfRsvMailMsgID - Remove Reserved Mail Message Identifier
QzmfRsvMailMsgId - Reserve Mail Message Identifier
QzmfRtvMailMsg - Retrieve Mail Message
QZNFNFSO - Perform NFS Options
QZNFRTVE - Retrieve Network File System Export Entries
QZRUCLSP - Call Service Program Procedure
QzuiAddConfigObject - Add config object
QzuiChangeConfigObject - Change config object value
QzuiChangeInstanceData - Change apache server instance data
QzuiCloseConfig - Close apache config file
QzuiCreateInstance - Create apache server instance
QzuiFindConfigObject - Find config object
QzuiGetInstanceData - Get apache server instance data
QzuiGetInstanceNames - Get server instance names
QzuiGetInstanceType - Get instance type
QzuiOpenConfig - Open apache config file
QzuiRemoveConfigObject - Remove config object


Back to top
raise() - Send signal
rand() - Generate Random Number
rand_r() - Generate Random Number
rapi_dispatch() - Dispatch the RAPI message handling routine defined in the rapi_session() call
rapi_fmt_adspec() - Format a RAPI Adspec into a string suitable for printing
rapi_fmt_filtspec() - Format a RAPI Filter spec into a string suitable for printing
rapi_fmt_flowspec() - Format a RAPI Flowspec into a string suitable for printing
rapi_fmt_tspec() - Format a RAPI Tspec into a string suitable for printing
rapi_getfd() - Get a descriptor to wait on before dispatching the RAPI message handling routine
rapi_release() - Release the currently active RAPI reservation and close the open sessions
rapi_reserve() - Make, modify, or delete a RAPI reservation
rapi_sender() - Identify a RAPI sender
rapi_session() - Create a RAPI session
rapi_version() - Retrieve the current RAPI version
Rbind() - Set Remote Address for Socket
read() - Read from Descriptor
readdir() - Read Directory Entry
readdir_r() - Read Directory Entry
readdir_r_ts64() - Read Directory Entry
readlink() - Read Value of Symbolic Link
readv() - Read from Descriptor Using Multiple Buffers
REALCHSS - Reallocate Activation Group-Based Heap Space Storage
realloc() - Change reserved storage block size
receiveDPIpacket() - Receive a DPI packet from the SNMP agent
recv() - Receive Data
recvfrom() - Receive Data
recvmsg() - Receive a Message Over a Socket
REFRESH TABLE - Refresh a materialized query table
regcomp() - Compile regular expression
regerror() - Return error message for regular expression
regexec() - Execute compiled regular expression
regfree() - Free memory for regular expression
RELEASE (Connection) - Place one or more connections in the release-pending state.
RELEASE SAVEPOINT - Release savepoint within unit of work
REM - Remainder
remove() - Delete file
RENAME - Rename a table, view, or index
rename() - Rename file
rename() - Rename File or Directory
RESIGNAL - Resignal an error or warning condition
res_close() - Close Socket and Reset _res Structure
res_findzonecut() - Find the Enclosing Zone and Servers
res_findzonecut2() - Find the Enclosing Zone and Servers
res_getservers() - Get Name Server Addresses
res_hostalias() - Retrieve Host Alias
res_init() - Initialize _res Structure
res_mkquery() - Place Domain Query in Buffer
res_nclose() - Close Socket and Reset _res Structure
res_ninit() - Initialize _res Structure
res_nisourserver() - Check Server Address
res_nmkquery() - Place Domain Query in Buffer
res_nmkupdate() - Construct an Update Packet
res_nquery() - Send Domain Query
res_nquerydomain() - Send 2-String Domain Query
res_nsearch() - Search for Domain Name
res_nsend() - Send Buffered Domain Query or Update
res_nsendsigned() - Send Authenticated Domain Query or Update
res_nupdate() - Build and Send Dynamic Updates
res_query() - Send Domain Query
res_search() - Search for Domain Name
res_send() - Send Buffered Domain Query or Update
res_setservers() - Set Name Server Addresses
res_xlate() - Translate DNS Packets
RETCA - Retrieve Computational Attributes
RETEXCPD - Retrieve Exception Data
RETINVF - Retrieve Invocation Flags
RETTHCNT - Retrieve Thread Count
RETTHID - Retrieve Thread Identifier
RETTSADR - Retrieve Teraspace Address From Space Pointer
RETURN - Return from a routine
REVOKE - Revoke sequence privileges
REVOKE - Revoke table privileges
REVOKE - Revoke function or procedure privileges
REVOKE - Revoke type privileges
REVOKE - Revoke package privileges
rewind() - Adjust current file position
rewinddir() - Reset Directory Stream to Beginning
rexec() - Issue a Command on a Remote Host
rexec_r() - Issue a Command on a Remote Host
rexec_r_ts64() - Issue a Command on a Remote Host
rexec_ts64() - Issue a Command on a Remote Host
RINZSTAT - Reinitialize Static Storage
rmdir() - Remove Directory
RMVINXEN - Remove Independent Index Entry
ROLLBACK - End a unit of work
rpcb_getaddr() - Find the universal address of a service
rpcb_set() - Register the server address with the RPCBind
rpcb_unset() - Unregister Their Addresses
rpc_call() - Call a remote procedure on the specified system
rpc_reg() - Register a procedure with RPC service package
RSLVDP - Resolve Data Pointer
RSLVSP - Resolve System Pointer
RTNEXCP - Return From Exception
RTX - Return External


Back to top
samequantumd128() - Determine if Quantum Exponents X and Y are the Same
samequantumd32() - Determine if Quantum Exponents X and Y are the Same
samequantumd64() - Determine if Quantum Exponents X and Y are the Same
SAVEPOINT - Set a savepoint within unit of work
SCALE - Scale
SCAN - Scan
scanf() - Read data
SCANWC - Scan with Control
SCANX - Scan Extended
sched_yield() - Yield Processor to Another Thread
SEARCH - Search
SELECT - Execute a query
SELECT INTO - Assign values to host variables
select() - Wait for Events on Multiple Sockets
semctl() - Perform Semaphore Control Operations
Start of changesemctl64() - Perform Semaphore Control Operations (64-bit time64_t enabled)End of change
semget() - Get Semaphore Set with Key
semop() - Perform Semaphore Operations on Semaphore Set
sem_close() - Close Named Semaphore
sem_destroy() - Destroy Unnamed Semaphore
sem_getvalue() - Get Semaphore Value
sem_init() - Initialize Unnamed Semaphore
sem_init_np() - Initialize Unnamed Semaphore with Maximum Value
sem_open() - Open Named Semaphore
sem_open_np() - Open Named Semaphore with Maximum Value
sem_post() - Post to Semaphore
sem_post_np() - Post Value to Semaphore
sem_trywait() - Try to Decrement Semaphore
sem_unlink() - Unlink Named Semaphore
sem_wait() - Wait for Semaphore
sem_wait_np() - Wait for Semaphore with Timeout
send() - Send Data
sendDPIpacket() - Send a DPI packet to the SNMP agent
sendmsg() - Send a Message Over a Socket
sendto() - Send Data
send_file() - Send a File over a Socket Connection
send_file64() - Send a File over a Socket Connection
SET CONNECTION - Set connection to establish server
SET CURRENT DEBUG MODE - Assign a value to the CURRENT DEBUG MODE special register
SET CURRENT DEGREE - Assign a value to the CURRENT DEGREE special register
SET DESCRIPTOR - Set items in an SQL descriptor
SET ENCRYPTION PASSWORD - Assign a value to the default encryption password and hint
SET PATH - Assign a value to CURRENT PATH special register
SET RESULT SET - Identify result sets in a procedure
SET SCHEMA - Assign value to CURRENT SCHEMA special register
SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION - Assign a value to the SESSION USER and USER special registers
SET TRANSACTION - Change isolation level for unit of work
SET transition-variable - Assign values to a transition variable
SET variable - Assign values to a host variable
SETACST - Set Access State
SETALLEN - Set Argument List Length
SETBTS - Set Bit in String
setbuf() - Control buffering
SETCA - Set Computational Attributes
setdomainname() - Set Domain Name
SETDP - Set Data Pointer
SETDPADR - Set Data Pointer Addressability
SETDPAT - Set Data Pointer Attributes
sethostent() - Open Local Host Table
sethostent_r() - Open Local Host Table
sethostid() - Set Host ID
sethostname() - Set Host Name
SETHSSMK - Set Activation Group-Based Heap Space Storage Mark
SETIEXIT - Set Invocation Exit
SETINVF - Set Invocation Flags
SETIP - Set Instruction Pointer
setitimer() - Set value of interval timer
setjmp() - Preserve environment
setlocale() - Set locale
setnetconfig() - Initialize the pointer in the netconfig file
setnetent() - Open Network Database
setnetent_r() - Open Network Database
setpgid() - Set process group ID for job control
setprotoent() - Open Protocol Database
setprotoent_r() - Open Protocol Database
setrlimit() - Set resource limit
setservent() - Open Service Database
setservent_r() - Open Service Database
setsockopt() - Set Socket Options
setsourcefilter() - Set a Socket's Multicast Filter
SETSPFP - Set System Pointer from Pointer
SETSPP - Set Space Pointer
SETSPPD - Set Space Pointer with Displacement
SETSPPFP - Set Space Pointer from Pointer
SETSPPO - Set Space Pointer Offset
settimeofday() - Set System Clock
setvbuf() - Control buffering
shmat() - Attach Shared Memory Segment to Current Process
shmctl() - Perform Shared Memory Control Operations
shmctl64() - Perform Shared Memory Control Operations (64-Bit Enabled)
shmctl64_time64() - Perform Shared Memory Control Operations (64-bit time64_t enabled)
shmdt() - Detach Shared Memory Segment from Calling Process
shmget() - Get ID of Shared Memory Segment with Key
shmget64() - Get ID of Shared Memory Segment with Key (64-Bit Enabled)
shutdown() - End Receiving and/or Sending of Data on Socket
sigaction() - Examine and change signal action
sigaddset() - Add signal to signal set
sigdelset() - Delete signal from signal set
sigemptyset() - Initialize and empty signal set
SIGEXCP - Signal Exception
sigfillset() - Initialize and fill signal set
sigismember() - Test for signal in signal set
siglongjmp() - Perform nonlocal goto with signal handling
SIGNAL - Signals an error or warning condition
signal() - Handle interrupt signals
sigpending() - Examine pending signals
sigprocmask() - Examine and change blocked signals
sigsetjmp() - Set jump point for nonlocal goto
sigsuspend() - Wait for signal
sigtimedwait() - Synchronously accept a signal for interval of time
sigwait() - Synchronously accept a signal
sigwaitinfo() - Synchronously accept a signal and signal data
SIN - Sine
sin() - Calculate sine
SINH - Sine Hyperbolic
sinh() - Calculate hyperbolic sine
size_ILEarglist - Compute ILE Argument List Size for IBM PASE for i
sleep() - Suspend processing for interval of time
snmpDiscover_v3() - SNMP Version 3 Discovery
snmpFreeAuthCB_v3() - SNMP Version 3 Free Authentication Control Block
snmpGet() - Retrieve MIB objects
snmpGetbulk_v3() - Retrieve bulk MIB objects using SNMP version 3
snmpGetnext() - Retrieve next MIB object
snmpGetnext_v3() - Retrieve next MIB object using SNMP version 3
snmpGet_v3() - Retrieve MIB objects using SNMP version 3
snmpSet() - Set MIB objects
snmpSet_v3() - Set MIB objects using SNMP Version 3
snprintf() - Print formatted data to buffer
SNSEXCPD - Sense Exception Description
socket() - Create Socket
socketpair() - Create a Pair of Sockets
spawn() - Spawn process
spawnp() - Spawn process with path
sprintf() - Print formatted data to buffer
SQLAllocConnect - Allocate connection handle
SQLAllocEnv - Allocate environment handle
SQLAllocHandle - Allocate handle
SQLAllocStmt - Allocate a statement handle
SQLBindCol - Bind a column to an application variable
SQLBindFileToCol - Bind LOB file reference to LOB column
SQLBindFileToParam - Bind LOB file reference to LOB parameter
SQLBindParam - Bind a buffer to a parameter marker
SQLBindParameter - Bind a parameter marker to a buffer
SQLCancel - Cancel statement
SQLCloseCursor - Close cursor statement
SQLColAttribute - Return a column attribute
SQLColAttributes - Obtain column attributes
SQLColAttributesW - Obtain column attributes (UTF-16 support)
SQLColAttributeW - Return a column attribute (UTF-16 support)
SQLColumnPrivileges - Get privileges associated with the columns of a table
SQLColumnPrivilegesW - Get privileges associated with the columns of a table (UTF-16 support)
SQLColumns - Get column information for a table
SQLColumnsW - Get column information for a table (UTF-16 support)
SQLConnect - Connect to a data source
SQLConnectW - Connect to a data source (UTF-16 support)
SQLCopyDesc - Copy description statement
SQLDataSources - Get list of data sources
SQLDataSourcesW - Get list of data sources (UTF-16 support)
SQLDescribeCol - Describe column attributes
SQLDescribeColW - Describe column attributes (UTF-16 support)
SQLDescribeParam - Return description of a parameter marker
SQLDisconnect - Disconnect from a data source
SQLDriverConnect - Connect to a data source (expanded)
SQLDriverConnectW - Connect to a data source (expanded, UTF-16 support)
SQLEndTran - Commit or roll back a transaction
SQLError - Retrieve error information
SQLErrorW - Retrieve error information (UTF-16 support)
sqleseti() - Set Client Information
SQLExecDirect - Execute a statement directly
SQLExecDirectW - Execute a statement directly (UTF-16 support)
SQLExecute - Execute a statement
SQLExtendedFetch - Fetch array of rows
SQLFetch - Fetch next row
SQLFetchScroll - Fetch from a scrollable cursor
SQLForeignKeys - Get the list of foreign key columns
SQLForeignKeysW - Get the list of foreign key columns (UTF-16 support)
SQLFreeConnect - Free connection handle
SQLFreeEnv - Free environment handle
SQLFreeHandle - Free a handle
SQLFreeStmt - Free (or reset) a statement handle
SQLGetCol - Retrieve one column of a row of the result set
SQLGetConnectAttr - Get the value of a connection attribute
SQLGetConnectAttrW - Get the value of a connection attribute (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetConnectOption - Return current setting of a connect option
SQLGetConnectOptionW - Return current setting of a connect option (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetCursorName - Get cursor name
SQLGetCursorNameW - Get cursor name (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetData - Get data from a column
SQLGetDescField - Get descriptor field
SQLGetDescFieldW - Get descriptor field (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetDescRec - Get descriptor record
SQLGetDescRecW - Get descriptor record (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetDiagField - Return diagnostic information (extensible)
SQLGetDiagFieldW - Return diagnostic information (extensible, UTF-16 support)
SQLGetDiagRec - Return diagnostic information (concise)
SQLGetDiagRecW - Return diagnostic information (concise, UTF-16 support)
SQLGetEnvAttr - Return current setting of an environment attribute
SQLGetFunctions - Get functions
SQLGetInfo - Get general information
SQLGetInfoW - Get general information (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetLength - Retrieve length of a string value
SQLGetPosition - Return starting position of string
SQLGetPositionW - Return starting position of string (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetStmtAttr - Get the value of a statement attribute
SQLGetStmtAttrW - Get the value of a statement attribute (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetStmtOption - Return current setting of a statement option (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetStmtOptionW - Return current setting of a statement option (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetSubString - Retrieve portion of a string value
SQLGetSubStringW - Retrieve portion of a string value (UTF-16 support)
SQLGetTypeInfo - Get data type information
SQLGetTypeInfoW - Get data type information (UTF-16 support)
SQLLanguages - Get SQL dialect or conformance information
SQLMoreResults - Determine if there are more result sets
SQLNativeSql - Get native SQL text
SQLNativeSqlW - Get native SQL text (UTF-16 support)
SQLNextResult - Process the next result set
SQLNumParams - Get number of parameters in an SQL statement
SQLNumResultCols - Get number of result columns
SQLOverrideCCSID400 - Override SQL CLI CCSID for IBM PASE for i
SQLParamData - Get next parameter for which a data value is needed
SQLParamOptions - Specify an input array for a parameter
SQLPrepare - Prepare a statement
SQLPrepareW - Prepare a statement (UTF-16 support)
SQLPrimaryKeys - Get primary key columns of a table
SQLPrimaryKeysW - Get primary key columns of a table (UTF-16 support)
SQLProcedureColumns - Get input/output parameter information for a procedure
SQLProcedureColumnsW - Get input/output parameter information for a procedure (UTF-16 support)
SQLProcedures - Get list of procedure names
SQLProceduresW - Get list of procedure names (UTF-16 support)
SQLPutData - Passing data value for a parameter
SQLReleaseEnv - Release all environment resources
SQLRowCount - Get row count
SQLSetConnectAttr - Set a connection attribute
SQLSetConnectAttrW - Set a connection attribute (UTF-16 support)
SQLSetConnectOption - Set connection option
SQLSetConnectOptionW - Set connection option (UTF-16 support)
SQLSetCursorName - Set cursor name
SQLSetCursorNameW - Set cursor name (UTF-16 support)
SQLSetDescField - Set a descriptor field
SQLSetDescFieldW - Set a descriptor field (UTF-16 support)
SQLSetDescRec - Set a descriptor record
SQLSetEnvAttr - Set environment attribute
SQLSetParam - Set parameter
SQLSetStmtAttr - Set a statement attribute
SQLSetStmtAttrW - Set a statement attribute (UTF-16 support)
SQLSetStmtOption - Set statement option
SQLSetStmtOptionW - Set statement option (UTF-16 support)
SQLSpecialColumns - Get special (row identifier) columns
SQLSpecialColumnsW - Get special (row identifier) columns (UTF-16 support)
SQLStatistics - Get index and statistics information for a base table
SQLStatisticsW - Get index and statistics information for a base table (UTF-16 support)
SQLTablePrivileges - Get privileges associated with a table
SQLTablePrivilegesW - Get privileges associated with a table (UTF-16 support)
SQLTables - Get table information
SQLTablesW - Get table information (UTF-16 support)
SQLTransact - Transaction management
sqludf_append() - SQL LOB Append to Locator
sqludf_ccsid() - SQL LOB locator CCSID
sqludf_create_locator() - SQL LOB Create Locator
sqludf_create_locator_with_ccsid() - SQL LOB Create Locator with CCSID
sqludf_free_locator() - SQL LOB Free Locator
sqludf_length() - SQL LOB Locator Length
sqludf_substr() - SQL LOB Substring Locator
sqrt() - Calculate square root
srand() - Set seed for rand() function
SSCA - Store and Set Computational Attributes
sscanf() - Read data
SSL_Create() - Enable SSL support for the specified socket descriptor
SSL_Destroy() - End SSL support for the specified SSL session
SSL_Handshake() - Initiate the SSL handshake protocol
SSL_Init() - Initialize the current job for SSL
SSL_Init_Application() - Establish the SSL security information
SSL_Perror() - Print SSL error message
SSL_Read() - Receive data from an SSL-enabled socket descriptor
SSL_Strerror() - Retrieve SSL runtime error message
SSL_Write() - Write data to an SSL-enabled socket descriptor
stat() - Get File Information
stat64() - Get File Information (large file enabled)
stat64_time64() - Get File Information (large file and time64_t enabled)
statvfs() - Get File System Information
statvfs64() - Get File System Information (large file enabled)
STPLLEN - Store Parameter List Length
strcasecmp() - Compare strings without case sensitivity
strcat() - Concatenate strings
strchr() - Search for character
strcmp() - Compare strings
strcmpi() - Compare strings without case sensitivity
strcoll() - Compare strings
strcpy() - Copy strings
strcspn() - Find offset of first character match
strdup() - Duplicate string
strerror() - Set pointer to run-time error message
strfmon() - Convert monetary value to string
strftime() - Convert date/time to string
stricmp() - Compare strings without case sensitivity
strlen() - Determine string length
STRLENNULL - Compute Length of Null-Terminated String
strncasecmp() - Compare strings without case sensitivity
strncat() - Concatenate strings
strncmp() - Compare strings
STRNCMPNULL - Compare Null-Terminated Strings Constrained
strncpy() - Copy strings
STRNCPYNULL - Copy Null-Terminated String Constrained
STRNCPYNULLPAD - Copy Null-Terminated String Constrained, Null Padded
strnicmp() - Compare substrings without case sensitivity
strnset() - Set characters in string
strpbrk() - Find characters in string
strptime() - Convert string to date/time
strrchr() - Locate last occurrence of character in string
strset() - Set characters in string
strspn() - Find offset of first non-matching character
strstr() - Locate substring
strtod() - Convert character string to double
strtod128() - Convert character string to decimal floating point
strtod32() - Convert character string to decimal floating point
strtod64() - Convert character string to decimal floating point
strtof() - Convert character string to float
strtok() - Tokenize string
strtok_r() - Tokenize string (restartable)
strtol() - Convert character string to long and long long integer
strtold() - Convert character string to long double
strtoll() - Convert character string to long and long long integer
strtoul() - Convert character string to unsigned long and unsigned long long integer
strtoull() - Convert character string to unsigned long and unsigned long long integer
strxfrm() - Transform string
STSPPO - Store Space Pointer Offset
SUBLC - Subtract Logical Character
SUBN - Subtract Numeric
SUBSPP - Subtract Space Pointer Offset
SUBSPPFO - Subtract Space Pointers For Offset
svcerr_decode() - Send information to client for decode error
svcerr_noproc() - Send information to client for procedure number error
svcerr_systemerr() - Send information to client for system error
svcerr_weakauth() - Send Authentication Error Indication to a Client
svc_create() - Create a server handle
svc_destroy() - Destroy an RPC service transport handle
svc_freeargs() - Free data allocated by the RPC or XDR system
svc_getargs() - Decode the arguments of an RPC request
svc_getrpccaller() - Get the network address of the caller
svc_reg() - Associate program and version with dispatch
svc_run() - Wait for RPC requests to arrive
svc_sendreply() - Send the results of a procedure call to a remote client
svc_tli_create() - Create a server handle
svc_tp_create() - Create a server handle
svc_unreg() - Delete an association set by svc_reg()
swprintf() - Format and write wide characters to buffer
swscanf() - Read wide character data
symlink() - Make Symbolic Link
SYNCSTG - Synchronize Shared Storage Accesses
sysconf() - Get System Configuration Variables
system() - Execute a command
systemCL - Run a CL Command for IBM PASE for i


Back to top
taddr2uaddr() - Translate a local address
takedescriptor() - Receive Socket Access from Another Job
TAN - Tangent
tan() - Calculate Tangent
TANH - Tangent Hyperbolic
tanh() - Calculate hyperbolic tangent
TESTAU - Test Authority
TESTEAU - Test Extended Authorities
TESTEXCP - Test Exception
TESTINTR - Test Pending Interrupts
TESTPDC - Test Performance Data Collection
TESTPTR - Test Pointer
TESTRPL - Test and Replace Bytes
TESTSUBSET - Test Subset
TESTTOBJ - Test Temporary Object
TESTULA - Test User List Authority
time() - Determine current time
time64() - Determine current time
tmpfile() - Create temporary file
tmpnam() - Produce temporary file name
toascii() - Convert character
tolower() - Convert character case
toupper() - Convert character case
towctrans() - Translate wide character
towlower() - Convert wide character case
towupper() - Convert wide character case
TRIML - Trim Length
TSTBTS - Test Bit in String
TSTBUM - Test Bits Under Mask
TSTINLTH - Test Initial Thread
TSTRPLC - Test and Replace Characters


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uaddr2taddr() - Translate a universal address
ulimit() - Get and set process limits
umask() - Set Authorization Mask for Job
ungetc() - Push character onto input stream
ungetwc() - Push wide character onto input stream
UniNextCompChar() - Advance to Next Composite Character Sequence
UniQueryCompChar() - Number of Composite Character Sequences
UniQueryCompCharLen() - Composite Character Sequence Code Element Count
UNLCKTSL - Unlock Teraspace Storage Location
unlink() - Remove Link to File
UNLKMTX - Unlock Pointer-Based Mutex
UNLOCK - Unlock Object
UNLOCKSL - Unlock Space Location
UPDATE - Update values of columns in rows of a table
usleep() - Suspend processing for interval of time
utime() - Set File Access and Modification Times
utime_time64() - Set File Access and Modification Times (time64_t enabled)


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VALUES - Provide method to invoke function
VALUES INTO - Specify a result table
va_arg() - Access function arguments
va_copy() - Handle Variable Argument List
va_end() - Access function arguments
va_start() - Access function arguments
VERIFY - Verify
vfprintf() - Print argument data to stream
vfscanf() - Read formatted data
vfwprintf() - Format argument data as wide characters and write to a stream
vfwscanf() - Read formatted wide character data
vprintf() - Print argument data
vscanf() - Read formatted data
vsnprintf() - Print argument data to buffer
vsprintf() - Print argument data to buffer
vsscanf() - Read formatted data
vswprintf() - Format and write wide characters to buffer
vswscanf() - Read formatted wide character data
vwprintf() - Format argument data as wide characters and print
vwscanf() - Read formatted wide character data


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wait() - Wait for child process to end
waitDPIpacket() - Wait for a DPI packet
waitpid() - Wait for specific child process
WAITTIME - Wait On Time
wcrtomb() - Convert a wide character to a multibyte character (restartable)
wcscat() - Concatenate wide character strings
wcschr() - Search for wide character
wcscmp() - Compare wide character strings
wcscoll() - Language collation string comparison
wcscpy() - Copy wide character strings
wcscspn() - Find offset of first wide character match
wcsftime() - Convert to formatted date and time
wcslen() - Calculate length of wide character string
wcslocaleconv() - Retrieve wide locale information
wcsncat() - Concatenate wide character strings
wcsncmp() - Compare wide character strings
wcsncpy() - Copy wide character strings
wcspbrk() - Locate wide characters in string
wcsptime() - Convert wide character string to date/time
wcsrchr() - Locate last occurrence of wide character in string
wcsrtombs() - Convert wide character string to multibyte string (restartable)
wcsspn() - Find offset of first non-matching wide character
wcsstr() - Locate wide character substring
wcstod() - Convert wide character string to double
wcstod128() - Convert wide character string to decimal floating point
wcstod32() - Convert wide character string to decimal floating point
wcstod64() - Convert wide character string to decimal floating point
wcstok() - Tokenize wide character string
wcstol() - Convert wide character string to long and long long integer
wcstoll() - Convert wide character string to long and long long integer
wcstombs() - Convert wide character string to multibyte string
wcstoul() - Convert wide character string to unsigned long and unsigned long long integer
wcstoull() - Convert wide character string to unsigned long and unsigned long long integer
wcswcs() - Locate wide character substring
wcswidth() - Determine the display width of a wide character string
wcsxfrm() - Transform a wide character string
wctob() - Convert wide character to byte
wctomb() - Convert wide character to multibyte character
wctrans() - Get handle for character mapping
wctype() - Get handle for character property classification
wcwidth() - Determine the display width of a wide character
wfopen() - Open files
wmemchr() - Locate wide character in wide character buffer
wmemcmp() - Compare wide character buffers
wmemcpy() - Copy wide character buffer
wmemmove() - Copy wide character buffer
wmemset() - Set wide character buffer to a value
wprintf() - Format data as wide characters and print
write() - Write to Descriptor
writev() - Write to Descriptor Using Multiple Buffers
wscanf() - Read data using wide character format string


Back to top
xa_close() - Close an XA Resource Manager (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_commit() - Commit an XA Transaction Branch (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_complete() - Test Completion of Asynchronous XA Request
xa_end() - End Work on an XA Transaction Branch (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_forget() - Forget an XA Transaction Branch (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_open() - Open an XA Resource Manager (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_prepare() - Prepare to Commit an XA Transaction Branch (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_recover() - Recover XA Transaction Branches (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_rollback() - Roll Back an XA Transaction Branch (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_start() - Start an XA Transaction Branch (Transaction Scoped Locks)
xa_start_2() - Start an XA Transaction Branch, Extended Version (Transaction Scoped Locks)
XCTL - Transfer Control
xdr_array() - Translate between arrays and their XDR
xdr_bool() - Translate between Booleans and their XDR
xdr_bytes() - Translate between counted byte arrays and their XDR
xdr_char() - Translate between characters and their XDR
xdr_double() - Translate between double-precision and XDR
xdr_double_char() - Translate between two-byte characters
xdr_enum() - Translate between enumeration and XDR
xdr_float() - Translate between floats and their XDR
xdr_free() - Generic freeing function
xdr_int() - Translate between integers and their XDR
xdr_long() - Translate between long integers and their XDR
xdr_netobj() - Translate between netobj structures and their XDR
xdr_opaque() - Translate between fixed-size data and its XDR
xdr_pointer() - Provide pointer chasing within structures
xdr_reference() - Provide pointer chasing within structures
xdr_short() - Translate between short integers and their XDR
xdr_string() - Translate between strings and their XDR
xdr_union() - Translate between unions and their XDR
xdr_u_char() - Translate between unsigned characters and their XDR
xdr_u_int() - Translate between an unsigned integer and its XDR
xdr_u_long() - Translate between an unsigned long and its XDR
xdr_u_short() - Translate between an unsigned short and its XDR
xdr_vector() - Translate between arrays and their XDR
xdr_void() - Supply an XDR function to the RPC system
xdr_wrapstring() - Call the xdr_string() function
XFRLOCK - Transfer Object Lock
XLATE - Translate
XLATEB - Translate Bytes
XLATEB1 - Translate Bytes One Byte at a Time
XLATEMB - Translate Multiple Bytes
XLATEWT - Translate with Table
XLATWTDS - Translate with Table and DBCS Skip
XOR - Exclusive Or
XORSTR - XOR (Exclusive Or) String


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YIELD - Yield


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_CVTERRNO - Convert ILE errno to IBM PASE for i errno
_CVTSPP - Convert Space Pointer for IBM PASE for i
_CVTTS64 - Convert Teraspace Address for IBM PASE for i
_C_Get_Ssn_Handle() - Handle to a C session
_C_Quickpool_Debug() - Modify Quick Pool memory management characteristics
_C_Quickpool_Init() - Initialize Quick Pool memory management
_C_Quickpool_Report() - Generate Quick Pool memory management report
_C_TS_malloc_debug() - Determine amount of teraspace memory used (with optional dumps and verification)
_C_TS_malloc_info() - Determine amount of teraspace memory used
_fputchar() - Write character
_gcvt() - Convert floating-point to string
_GetExcData() - Get exception data
_getlong() - Get Long Byte Quantities
_getshort() - Get Short Byte Quantities
_GETTS64 - Get Teraspace Address for IBM PASE for i
_GETTS64M - Get Multiple Teraspace Pointers for IBM PASE for i
_GETTS64_SPP - Get Teraspace Address (from Space Pointer) for IBM PASE for i
_ILECALL and _ILECALLX - Call an ILE Procedure for IBM PASE for i
_ILEKILL() - Send ILE Signal for IBM PASE for i
_ILELOAD - Load an ILE Bound Program for IBM PASE for i
_ILELOADX - Load an ILE Bound Program for IBM PASE for i
_ILESYM - Find an Exported ILE Symbol for IBM PASE for i
_ILESYMX - Find an Exported ILE Symbol for IBM PASE for i
_itoa() - Convert integer to string
_ltoa() - Convert long integer to string
_MEMCPY_WT and _MEMCPY_WT2 - Copy Memory With Tags for IBM PASE for i
_OPEN_CCSID - Open With CCSID for IBM PASE for i
_PGMCALL - Call an IBM i Program for IBM PASE for i
_putlong() - Put Long Byte Quantities
_putshort() - Put Short Byte Quantities
_Racquire() - Acquire a program device
_Rclose() - Close a file
_Rcommit() - Commit current record
_Rdelete() - Delete a record
_Rdevatr() - Get device attributes
_RETURN - Return without Exiting IBM PASE for i
_Rfeod() - Force the end-of-data
_Rfeov() - Force the end-of-file
_Rformat() - Set the record format name
_Rindara() - Set separate indicator area
_Riofbk() - Obtain I/O feedback information
_Rlocate() - Position a record
_Ropen() - Open a record file for I/O operations
_Ropnfbk() - Obtain open feedback information
_Rpgmdev() - Set default program device
_Rreadd() - Read a record by relative record number
_Rreadf() - Read the first record
_Rreadindv() - Read from an invited device
_Rreadk() - Read a record by key
_Rreadl() - Read the last record
_Rreadn() - Read the next record
_Rreadnc() - Read the next changed record in a subfile
_Rreadp() - Read the previous record
_Rreads() - Read the same record
_Rrelease() - Release a program device
_Rrlslck() - Release a record lock
_Rrollbck() - Roll back commitment control changes
_RSLOBJ - Resolve to an IBM i Object for IBM PASE for i
_Rupdate() - Update a record
_Rupfb() - Provide information on last I/O operation
_Rwrite() - Write the next record
_Rwrited() - Write a record directly
_Rwriterd() - Write and read a record
_Rwrread() - Write and read a record (separate buffers)
_SETSPP - Set Space Pointer for IBM PASE for i
_SETSPPM - Set Multiple Space Pointers for IBM PASE for i
_SETSPP_TS64 - Set Space Pointer for IBM PASE for i
_STRLEN_SPP - Determine Character String Length for IBM PASE for i
_STRNCPY_SPP - Copy Character String for IBM PASE for i
_Ultoa() - Convert unsigned long integer to string
_wcsicmp() - Compare wide character strings without case sensitivity
_wcsnicmp() - Compare wide character strings without case sensitivity