What's new for IBM Navigator for i

Read about new functions that are now available within the IBM® Navigator for i application in IBM i 7.4.

  • Start of changeMonitors enhancements End of change
  • Start of changeStart Monitor ServerEnd of change
  • Start of changeWhen the monitor server is ended, it can be started by clicking the Start Monitor Server action button on System Monitors or Message Monitors panel through IBM Navigator for i. Besides, you can set target to other system to start the monitor server of it.End of change
  • Start of changeCopy Monitor Definitions to Target SystemEnd of change
  • Start of changeSystem monitor and message monitor definitions can be copied to any of the target systems if the user profile of the target system has enough authority.End of change
  • Start of changeTape enhancementsEnd of change

  • All the tape functions currently available on the System i Navigator client have now been made available for IBM Navigator for i. Prior to this, IBM Navigator for i only supported a subset of the tape functions available on the client application.
  • Start of changeNetwork enhancementsEnd of change
  • Start of changeSMTP distribution listEnd of change
  • Start of changeIBM Navigator for i supports Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) distribution list now. A distribution list contains a list of email addresses or distribution lists to simplify sending emails to a group of users. This feature is to support the new CL commands for supporting SMTP distribution list under *SMTP and *SMTPMSF mode.End of change
  • Start of changeCRTSDSTL (Create SMTP Dist List)End of change
  • Start of changeCHGSDSTL (Change SMTP Dist List)End of change
  • Start of changeDLTSDSTL (Delete SMTP Dist List)End of change
  • Start of changeRNMSDSTL (Rename SMTP Dist List) End of change
  • Start of changeDSPSDSTL (Display SMTP Dist List)End of change
  • Start of changeWRKSDSTL (Work with SMTP Dist Lists)End of change
  • Start of changeADDSDSTLE(Add SMTP Dist List Entry)End of change
  • Start of changeRMVSDSTLE(Remove SMTP Dist List Entry)End of change
  • Start of changeAuthority Collection enhancementsEnd of change

  • Start of changeFor IBM i 7.4, Authority Collection support is enhanced to allow it to be activated for 1 or more objects, regardless of the thread effective user profile running when the authority checks are made. (Note: In 7.3, authority collection could only be performed per user profile). This object-level support will capture authority data for specific objects in libraries, document library objects (*DOC and *FLR object types), and objects in the "root" (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined file systems.End of change
  • Start of changeObject-level authority collection: Data related to authority checks is activated and collected for selected objects regardless of the thread effective user profile running when authority checks are made.End of change
  • Start of changeBeginning with V7R4, IBM Navigator for i provides the interfaces to:End of change
  • Start of changeStart and stop authority collection for objectsEnd of change
  • Start of changeDisplay the current authority collection status for the system End of change
  • Start of changeChange authority collection for an object or objectsEnd of change
  • Start of changeDisplay the results of authority collection for an objectEnd of change
  • Start of changeDelete the authority collection for an objectEnd of change
  • Start of changeTo do this, the following has been added to IBM Navigator for i for V7R4: End of change
  • Start of changeA new node, Authority Collection for Objects, has been added under the File Systems navigation node.Under this node, all the authority collection tasks are available. .Also, a new action group, Authority Collection, will appear when actions are displayed for any file systems object. From here, you canEnd of change
  • Start of changeChange collection for the objectEnd of change
  • Start of changeDisplay collection dataEnd of change
  • Start of changeDisplay collection data using ACS client windowEnd of change
  • Start of changeDelete collection data End of change
  • Start of changePerformance enhancements End of change
  • Start of changeGraph History End of change
  • Start of changeGraph History allows you to view and analyze Collection Services Historical Data.End of change

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:

  • The Start of change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End of change image to mark where new or changed information ends.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.