The CONTAINS function searches a text search index using criteria that are specified in a search argument and returns a result about whether or not a match was found.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramCONTAINS (column-name,search-argument,search-argument-options)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramQUERYLANGUAGE = valueRESULTLIMIT = valueSYNONYM = OFFON1
  • 1 The same clause must not be specified more than once.
Specifies a qualified or unqualified name of a column that has a text search index that is to be searched. The column must exist in the table or view that is identified in the FROM clause in the statement and the column of the table, or the column of the underlying base table of the view must have an associated text search index. The underlying expression of the column of a view must be a simple column reference to the column of an underlying table, directly or through another nested view.
An expression that returns a character-string data type or graphic-string data type that contains the terms to be searched for. It must not be the empty string or contain all blanks. The actual length of the string must not exceed 32 740 bytes after conversion to Unicode and must not exceed the text search limitations or number of terms as specified in the search argument syntax. For information on search-argument syntax, see Text search argument syntax.
A character string or graphic string value that contains the search argument options to use for the search. It must be a constant or a variable.
The options that can be specified as part of the search-argument-options are:
Specifies the language value. The value can be any of the supported language codes. If QUERYLANGUAGE is not specified, the default is the language value of the text search index that is used when the function is invoked. If the language value of the text search index is AUTO, the default value for QUERYLANGUAGE is en_US. For more information on the query language option, see Text search language options.
Specifies the maximum number of results that are to be returned from the underlying search engine. The value must be an integer from 1 to 2 147 483 647. If RESULTLIMIT is not specified, no result limit is in effect for the query.

CONTAINS may or may not be called for each row of the result table, depending on the plan that the optimizer chooses. If CONTAINS is called once for the query to the underlying search engine, a result set of all of the ROWIDs or primary keys that match are returned from the search engine. This result set is then joined to the table containing the column to identify the result rows. In this case, the RESULTLIMIT value acts like a FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY from the underlying text search engine and can be used as an optimization. If CONTAINS is called for each row of the result because the optimizer determines that is the best plan, then the RESULTLIMIT option has no effect.

Specifies whether to use a synonym dictionary associated with the text search index. The default is OFF.
Do not use a synonym dictionary.
Use the synonym dictionary associated with the text search index.

If search-argument-options is the empty string or the null value, the function is evaluated as if search-argument-options were not specified.

The result of the function is a large integer. If search-argument can be null, the result can be null; if search-argument is null, the result is the null value.

The result is 1 if the column contains a match for the search criteria specified by the search-argument. Otherwise, the result is 0. If the column contains the null value, the result is 0.

CONTAINS is a non-deterministic function.


Prerequisites: In order to use the CONTAINS and SCORE functions, OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2® for i must be installed and started.

Rules: If a view, nested table expression, or common table expression provides a text search column for a CONTAINS or SCORE scalar function and the applicable view, nested table expression, or common table expression has a DISTINCT clause on the outermost SELECT, the SELECT list must contain all the corresponding key fields of the text search index.

If a view, nested table expression, or common table expression provides a text search column for a CONTAINS or SCORE scalar function, the applicable view, nested table expression, or common table expression cannot have a UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT at the outermost SELECT.

If a common table expression provides a text search column for a CONTAINS or SCORE scalar function, the common table expression cannot be subsequently referenced again in the entire query unless that reference does not provide a text search column for a CONTAINS or SCORE scalar function.

CONTAINS and SCORE scalar functions are not allowed if the query specifies:

  • a distributed table,
  • a table with a read trigger, or
  • a logical file built over multiple physical file members.


  • The following statement finds all of the employees who have "COBOL" in their resume. The text search argument is not case-sensitive.
       WHERE RESUME_FORMAT = 'ascii'
          AND CONTAINS(RESUME, 'cobol') = 1
  • Find 10 students at random whose online essay contains the phrase "fossil fuel" in Spanish, that is "combustible fósil", to be invited for a radio interview. Since any 10 students can be selected, optimize the query to using RESULTLIMIT to limit the number of results from the search.
        WHERE CONTAINS(TERM_PAPER, 'combustible fósil',
                      'QUERYLANGUAGE = es_ES RESULTLIMIT = 10 SYNONYM = ON') = 1
  • Find the string 'ate' in the COMMENT column. Use a host variable to supply the search argument.
    char search_arg[100];
        WHERE CONTAINS(COMMENT, :search_arg) = 1
    strcpy(search_arg, "ate");