Setting up your system to use ObjectConnect

After you have installed ObjectConnect, you must set up your systems to run ObjectConnect. You perform some tasks only once. You perform other tasks regularly to prepare for ObjectConnect commands.

Do these things initially: Configure one of the communications connections. See the following information to assist in these configurations.

Do these things before you run ObjectConnect commands: Whenever you start your system, you must also start the ObjectConnect environment. You can include these tasks in your startup procedures, or you can perform them manually.

Start of change

ObjectConnect runs over IP

If ObjectConnect runs over IP network, follow these steps:
  1. Setup ObjectConnect server, including configure ObjectConnect server using Command Line CHGOBJCA, assign certificate to using Digital Certificate Manager (DCM). If Kerberos is enabled, also configure a service principal using Network Authentication Service (NAS) and identity using Enterprise Identity Mapping. See ObjectConnect Server for more information in setting up ObjectConnect server.
  2. Using Digital Certificate Manager (DCM) to trust the Certificate Authority (CA) which issued the certificate assigned to the ObjectConnect server for the client application QIBM_QSVR_OBJC_CLIENT. The detailed steps can be found in Defining a CA trust list for an application.
  3. If Kerberos protocol is used
    1. Configure Network Authentication Service, see the details in Configuring network authentication service
    2. Acquire Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) from Kerberos server with the steps in Obtaining or renewing ticket-granting tickets
End of change

Start of changeObjectConnect runs over SNAEnd of change

Start of changeIf ObjectConnect runs over SNA network, follow these steps:End of change

  1. Ensure that the QCMN subsystem is started.
  2. Ensure that the connection is varied on and active.
  3. Start the mode description by typing the following lines:
    Note: This command is only required when the QSOCCT mode has been ended with the ENDMOD command.