Authority displays

This section describes some characteristics of the displays that show object authorities.

Four displays show object authorities:
  • Display Object Authority display
  • Edit Object Authority display
  • Display Authority display
  • Work with Authority display

Figure 1 shows the basic version of the Display Object Authority display:

Figure 1. Display Object Authority display
                           Display Object Authority
Object . . . . . . :   CUSTNO    Owner  . . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library. . . . . :   CUSTLIB   Primary group  . . . :   DPTAR
Object type  . . . :   *DTAARA   ASP device   . . . . :   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list  . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
User        Group       Authority
*PUBLIC                 *EXCLUDE
PGMR1                   *ALL
DPTAR                   *CHANGE
DPTSM                   *USE
F3=Exit F11=Display detail object authorities F12=Cancel  F17=Top

The system-defined names of the authorities are shown on this display. F11 acts as a toggle between this and two other versions of the display. One shows detailed object authorities:

                           Display Object Authority
Object . . . . . . :   CUSTNO          Owner . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library. . . . . :   CUSTLIB       Primary group . . . :   DPTAR
Object type. . . . :   *DTAARA         ASP device  . . . :   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list   . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
                        Object    ----------Object-----------
User        Group       Authority  Opr  Mgt  Exist  Alter  Ref
*PUBLIC                 *EXCLUDE    X
PGMR1                   *ALL        X    X     X      X     X
DPTAR                   *CHANGE     X
DPTSM                   *USE        X
F3=Exit F11=Display data authorities F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom

The other shows data authorities:

                           Display Object Authority
Object . . . . . . :   CUSTNO      Owner  . . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library. . . . . :   CUSTLIB     Primary group  . . . :   DPTAR
Object type. . . . :   *DTAARA     ASP device   . . . . :   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list. . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE

                        Object     ---------------Data---------------
User        Group       Authority  Read  Add  Update  Delete  Execute
*PUBLIC                 *EXCLUDE
PGMR1                   *ALL        X     X     X       X       X
DPTAR                   *CHANGE     X     X     X       X       X
DPTSM                   *USE        X                           X

If you have *OBJMGT authority to an object, you see all private authorities for that object. If you do not have *OBJMGT authority, you see only your own sources of authority for the object.

For example, if USERA displays authority for the CUSTNO data area, only public authority is shown.

If USERB, who is a member of the DPTAR group profile, displays the authority for the CUSTNO data area, it looks like this:

                           Display Object Authority
Object . . . . . . :   CUSTNO      Owner  . . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library. . . . . :   CUSTLIB     Primary group  . . . :   DPTAR
Object type. . . . :   *DTAARA     ASP device   . . . . :   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list. . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
User        Group       Authority

If USERB runs a program that adopts the authority of PGMR1 and displays the authority for the CUSTNO data area, it looks like this:

                           Display Object Authority
Object .. . . . . . :   CUSTNO      Owner  . . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library   . . . . :   CUSTLIB     Primary group  . . . :   DPTAR
Object type. . . . :   *DTAARA      ASP device   . . . . :   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
User        Group       Authority
*ADOPTED                USER DEF
*PUBLIC                 *EXCLUDE
PGMR1                   *ALL
DPTSM                   *USE
The *ADOPTED authority indicates only the additional authority received from the program owner. USERB receives from PGMR1 all the authorities that are not included in *CHANGE. The display shows all private authorities because USERB has adopted *OBJMGT. The detailed display looks like this:
                           Display Object Authority
Object . . . . . . :   CUSTNO       Owner  . . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library. . . . . :   CUSTLIB      Primary group  . . . :   DPTAR
Object type. . . . :   *DTAARA      ASP device   . . . . :   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
                        Object     -----------Object-----------
User       Group       Authority  Opr  Mgt  Exist  Alter  Ref
*ADOPTED               USER DEF         X     X      X     X
*PUBLIC                *EXCLUDE
PGMR1                  *ALL        X    X     X      X     X
*GROUP     DPTAR       *CHANGE     X
DPTSM                  *USE        X
F3=Exit F11=Display data authorities F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom
If the user option (USROPT) field in USERB's user profile includes *EXPERT, this is how the display looks:
                           Display Object Authority
Object . . . . . . :   CUSTNO     Owner  . . . . . . . :   PGMR1
  Library. . . . . :   CUSTLIB    Primary group  . . . :   DPTAR
Object type. . . . :   *DTAARA    ASP device  . . . . .:   *SYSBAS
Object secured by authorization list . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
                 OBJECT     -----Object------   ------Data--------
User    Group    Authority   O   M   E   A   R   R   A   U   D   E
*ADOPTED         USER DEF        X   X   X   X
PGMR1            *ALL        X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X   X
*GROUP  DPTAR    *CHANGE     X                   X   X   X   X   X
DPTSM            *USE        X                   X               X