Restore Performance Collection (RSTPFRCOL)
Where allowed to run: All environments (*ALL) Threadsafe: No |
Parameters Examples Error messages |
The Restore Performance Collection (RSTPFRCOL) command restores to the system a performance collection or a group of performance collections in a single library that were saved in a save file with the Save Performance Collection (SAVPFRCOL) command.
- This command is shipped with no public authority (*EXCLUDE).
- You must have add (*ADD) and execute (*EXECUTE) authorities for the specified library and save file library.
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Keyword | Description | Choices | Notes |
COL | Collection | Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 300 repetitions): Generic name, name |
Required, Positional 1 |
SAVLIB | Saved library | Name, QPFRDATA, *ANY | Optional |
COLTYPE | Collection type | Single values: *ALL Other values (up to 10 repetitions): Character value, *CSFILE, *CSMGTCOL, *DWFILE, *JWFILE, *PEXFILE, *PEXMGTCOL |
Optional |
SAVF | Save file | Qualified object name | Optional |
Qualifier 1: Save file | Name | ||
Qualifier 2: Library | Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB | ||
RSTLIB | Restore to library | Name, *SAVLIB | Optional |
RSTASPDEV | Restore to ASP device | Name, *SAVASPDEV | Optional |
RSTASP | Restore to ASP number | 1-32, *SAVASP | Optional |
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Collection (COL)
Specifies the names of one or more performance collections to restore.
If the save file does not contain all of the performance collections you specify, diagnostic messages will be issued for the performance collections not found. The completion message will contain a count of performance collections restored and performance collections not restored.
If the Collection type (COLTYPE) parameter is not specified when the command is run, all the collection types listed in the description of that parameter are restored, if they are in the specified library on the save file, and if they have the specified names.
This is a required parameter.
Single values
- *ALL
- All the performance collections saved from the specified library are restored, depending on the values specified for the Collection type (COLTYPE) and Option (OPTION) parameters.
Other values (up to 300 repetitions)
- generic-name
- Specify one or more generic names of groups of performance collections in the specified library to restore. A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*). If an asterisk is not specified with the name, the system assumes that the name is a complete performance collection name.
- name
- Specify one or more names of specific performance collections to restore. Both generic names and specific names can be specified in the same command.
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Saved library (SAVLIB)
Specifies the library that contained the saved performance collections. If *SAVLIB is specified or defaulted for the Restore to library (RSTLIB) parameter, this is also the name of the library to which the performance collections are restored.
- The saved performance collections were located in the IBM-supplied performance library, QPFRDATA.
- name
- Specify the name of the library to restore. The name of the library being restored must be the same as the name that was used when the library was saved.
- *ANY
- Restores performance collections from the saved library.
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Collection type (COLTYPE)
Specifies the type of collections to be restored.
Single values
- *ALL
- All types of performance collections with the same name as the one located in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored. This includes file-based collections and object-based collections.
Other values (up to 10 repetitions)
- Only the Collection Services file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Collection Services object-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Disk Watcher file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Job Watcher file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Performance Explorer file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Performance Explorer object-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Batch Model file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- Only the Historical file-based collections specified in the Collection (COL) parameter are to be restored.
- type
- Specify the type of collections to be restored.
Valid values depend on the performance collections supported by the system. You can press F4 while prompting this command parameter to see a list of valid collection type values.
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Save file (SAVF)
Specifies the save file used to restore the performance collections. This is a required parameter.
Qualifier 1: Save file
- name
- Specify the name of save file to be used.
Qualifier 2: Library
- All libraries in the library list for the current thread are searched until the first match is found.
- The current library for the thread is used to locate the save file. If no current library entry exists in the library list, the QGPL library is used.
- name
- Specify the name of the library where the save file is located.
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Restore to library (RSTLIB)
Specifies whether the performance collections are restored to a different library or to the same library where they were saved.
- The performance collections are restored to the same library from which they were saved.
- name
- Specify the name of the library to which the saved performance collections are restored.
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Restore to ASP device (RSTASPDEV)
Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device to which the data is to be restored.
Note: You can specify either the RSTASPDEV parameter or the RSTASP parameter, but not both.
- The data is restored to the same ASP from which it was saved.
- name
- Specify the name of the ASP device to be used.
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Restore to ASP number (RSTASP)
Specifies whether objects are restored to the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) from which they were saved or to the system ASP (ASP number 1) or to a basic user ASP (ASP numbers 2 through 32).
Some objects cannot be restored to user ASPs. More information about object types which can be restored to user ASPs is in the Recovering your system book, SC41-5304. If the library exists in, or is being restored to the system ASP, journals, journal receivers, and save files can be restored to basic user ASPs. All other object types will be restored to the ASP of the library.
ATTENTION: System or product libraries (libraries that begin with a Q or #) must not be created in or restored to a user ASP. Doing so can cause unpredictable results.
- The objects are restored to the ASP from which they were saved.
- 1-32
- Specifies the ASP number. When the specified ASP is 1, the specified objects are restored to the system ASP, and when the specified ASP is 2 through 32, the objects are restored to the basic user ASP specified.
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Example 1: Restoring all types of Performance Collections
This command restores to the IBM-supplied performance data library, QPFRDATA, all the performance collections with name PFRCOL. The save file MYSAVF in library QGPL is used to restore to the system the performance collection.
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Error messages
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF3706
- &2 &1 not restored to library &3.
- CPF3707
- Save file &1 in &2 contains no data.
- CPF3730
- Not authorized to &2 &1 in library &3.
- CPF3731
- Cannot use &2 &1 in library &3.
- CPF3733
- &2 &1 in &3 previously damaged.
- CPF3739
- Database file &1 member in &3 damaged.
- CPF3743
- File cannot be restored, displayed, or listed.
- CPF3748
- Object information for library &1 damaged.
- CPF374C
- No objects restored to ASP &2.
- CPF3770
- No objects saved or restored for library &1.
- CPF3773
- &1 objects restored. &2 not restored to &4.
- CPF3781
- Library &1 not found.
- CPF3782
- File &1 in &2 not a save file.
- CPF3793
- Machine or ASP storage limit reached.
- CPF3794
- Save or restore operation ended unsuccessfully.
- CPF3796
- Storage limit exceeded for user profile &4.
- CPF37A5
- RSTASP &1 is not online.
- CPF37B8
- Not authorized to restore private authorities.
- CPF3805
- Objects from save file &1 in &2 not restored.
- CPF3812
- Save file &1 in &2 in use.
- CPF384F
- &2 &1 not restored to library &3.
- CPF38A2
- ASP device &1 not correct.
- CPF9810
- Library &1 not found.
- CPF9812
- File &1 in library &2 not found.
- CPF9814
- Device &1 not found.
- CPF9820
- Not authorized to use library &1.
- CPF9825
- Not authorized to device &1.
- CPF9829
- Auxiliary storage pool &1 not found.
- Device description &1 not correct for operation.
- CPFC773
- Specified performance collection for library &1 not found.
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