Syntax Check SQL Statement (QSQCHKS) API

  Required Parameter Group:

  Default Public Authority: *USE

  Threadsafe: Yes

The Syntax Check SQL Statements (QSQCHKS) API calls the DB2® for IBM® i SQL parser to check the syntax of an SQL statement. If a specific language is specified, the parser will scan the source records passed according to the rules of the language. If a language is not passed, the parser will scan an SQL statement using the Interactive SQL syntax rules.

Authorities and Locks

No additional authority is required and no locks are acquired.

Required Parameters

Source records containing SQL statement

The SQL statement that is to be parsed. This parameter can be passed as source text records for an HLL or as an SQL statement.

If the statement is contained in source text records for an HLL, the SQL statements must be in the form required by the precompiler for the specified language. For example, in COBOL, the statements must be preceded by EXEC SQL and followed by END-EXEC. Multiple statements will be processed. All the records will be processed as long as enough storage is provided for the statement information.

If a language is not specified, a single SQL statement must be passed without any additional delimiters (such as EXEC SQL or ;).

Record length

The length of each record or the length of the SQL statement if language is *NONE. If language is *NONE the length must be between 1 and 65535. The record length must be between 1 and 32754 if language is free-form ILE RPG. The record length for other languages cannot be less than the right margin and cannot be greater than 100.

Number of records provided

The number of source records to scan for the statement. This must be 1 if *NONE is specified for the language. If a language is specified, the number of records must be between 1 and 32767.


The programming language for which the syntax check is to be performed. Valid values include the following:


The options required by SQL to parse the statement. The options must be specified as keys. The first part of the template is the number of keys passed, followed by variable length records for each option specified. For a description of the option data and keys, see Format for Options.

Statement information

The structure in which to return statement information for all statements processed. For the format of the structure, see Statement Information.

Length of area for statement information
Input; BINARY(4)

The length of the area in which to return statement information. This length must be at least 68 for information to be returned for statement. If a syntax error occurs, the length must be long enough to also contain the replacement text for the message. If more than 1 statement is processed, each statement after the first requires 44 bytes plus the length of the replacement text for any syntax errors.

Number of records processed
Output; BINARY(4)

The number of records processed. If the number of records processed is less than the number of records provided, the either an error occurred or there was not enough room in the statement information area to continue. This would never be greater than the number of records provided.

Error code
I/O; CHAR(*)

The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error code parameter.

Format for Options

The following table defines the format for the options.

If the length of character data is longer than the key field's data length, the data will be truncated at the right. No message will be issued.

If the length of character data is smaller than the key field's data length, the data will be padded with blanks at the right. No message will be issued.

If the same key is specified more than once, the last value for the option is used.

Field Descriptions

Data. The option used by SQL to scan the source and syntax check the SQL statement.

Key. Identifies a field of the options parameters. See Keys for the list of valid keys.

Length of data. The length of the data specified for the option.

Number of keys. The number of keys passed. This specifies the number of key arrays following this field. The arrays contain the key, length of data, and the data.


The following table lists the valid keys and the corresponding option.

Field Descriptions

CCSID. The CCSID to use for the source. The CCSID must be a valid CCSID. If not specified, the job CCSID will be used.

Character for delimited host strings. The character that is to be used to delimit host character strings. This parameter is not valid if the language is C or *NONE, and must be apostrophe if specified for FORTRAN, PL/I and RPG. If not specified for COBOL, the default is the quotation mark. Valid values include the following:

Character for delimited SQL strings. The character that is to be used to delimit character constants within an SQL statement. If the language is COBOL, either value can be specified and the default is quotation mark. If *NONE is specified for the language, either value can be specified and the default is apostrophe. For other languages, only the apostrophe can be specified. Valid values include the following:

Character for the decimal point. The character that is to be used for the decimal point. This parameter is valid for all languages. If not specified, the system value (QDECFMT) will be used. Valid values include the following:

Left margin. The left margin for the source. This parameter is only valid if language is PL/I, C, or free-form ILE RPG. The valid values are from 1 to 80 for PL/I and C. The valid values are from 1 to 32754 for free-form ILE RPG. If not specified, the default for PL/I is 2 and the default for C and free-form ILE RPG is 1. The left margin for other languages is defined by the language and cannot be modified.

Naming convention. The naming convention used to qualify table names in the SQL statement. If this parameter is not passed, the default is *NONE. Valid values include the following:

Operation. The operation indicates what operations are to be performed by SQL. For performance, work areas can be reused across calls to the syntax checker, but SQL must be called eventually to terminate. The default is to syntax check the statement and terminate (2). However, for performance it is recommended that operation 0 be used in most cases when more than 1 SQL statement is to be checked. In this case, SQL must be called eventually to terminate. Valid values include the following:

Right margin. The right margin for the source. This parameter is only valid if language is PL/I, C, or free-form ILE RPG. The valid values are from 1 to 80 for PL/I and C. The valid values are from 1 to 32754 for free-form ILE RPG. The right margin must always be greater than the left margin. If not specified, the default for PL/I is 72, and the default for C and free-form ILE RPG is 80. The right margin for other languages is defined by the language and cannot be modified.

Target release. The target release for which the statement should be syntax checked. If the statement cannot be taken back to the release specified, SQL7906 will be returned in the statement information. The default is the current release. The format VxRxMx is used to specify the release, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R3M0 is version 5, release 3, modification 0.

Statement Information

Field Descriptions

Column number of first byte of statement. The column containing the first byte of the beginning delimiter for the SQL statement. This would be the EXEC SQL in COBOL. This is blank if language is *NONE.

Column number of last byte of statement. The column containing the last byte of the ending delimiter for the SQL statement. This would be the END-EXEC in COBOL. If the record and column number of the first byte of the statement is set and the record and column number of the last byte of the statement is not, then we were processing a statement but did not find the end. No more records would be processed. This is blank if language is *NONE.

Column number of the syntax error. The column containing the syntax error if one was found.

Length of information returned for this statement. The length of the information returned for a single statement. This can be used as a displacement to the next statement.

Length of message replacement text. The length of the replacement text associated with the SQL message ID. If this is 0, then there is no replacement text for the message.

Message file library name. The library containing the SQL message file.

Message file name. The SQL Message file containing the message for the syntax error returned.

Message replacement text. A The replacement text for the message.

Number of statements processed. The number of statements processed. If called with language *NONE, this would always be 1 if enough space was provided for the statement information area.

Record number of first byte of statement. The record containing the first byte beginning delimiter for the SQL statement. This would be the EXEC SQL in COBOL. This is blank if language is *NONE.

Record number of last byte of statement. The record containing the last byte of the ending delimiter for the SQL statement. This would be the END-EXEC in COBOL. This is blank if language is *NONE.

Record number of the syntax error. The record containing the syntax error if one was found. If this is 0, then no error was found. If an error is found when language is *NONE, this value would be 1.

SQL message ID. If an error or warning is found, the message ID is set to th name of the message corresponding to the syntax error that occurred.

SQLSTATE. The SQLSTATE is additional information corresponding to the SQL return code. The SQLSTATEs are common across IBM SQL products for errors. For detailed information on this, see the SQL programming topic collection.

Error Messages

API introduced: V3R1

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