GET_JOB_INFO table function

The GET_JOB_INFO table function returns one row containing the information about a specific job.

Authorization: None required to for a job where the caller's user profile is the same as the job user identity of the job for which the information is being returned.

Otherwise, the caller must have either *JOBCTL special authority, or QIBM_DB_SQLADM or QIBM_DB_SYSMON function usage authority.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramGET_JOB_INFO(V_JOB_NAME => job-name ,V_IGNORE_ERRORS => ignore-errors)
The schema is QSYS2.
A character or graphic string expression that identifies the name of a job. Two forms of a job name are supported.
  1. A fully qualified job name in the form job-number/job-user/job-name.
  2. The first 10 characters are the job name, the second 10 characters are the user name, and the last 6 characters are the job number.
The special value of '*' indicates the current job.
A character or graphic string expression that identifies what to do when an error is encountered.

An error is returned. This is the default.

A warning is returned. No row is returned when an error is encountered.

The result of the function is a table containing a single row with the format shown in the following table. All the columns are nullable.

Table 1. GET_JOB_INFO table function
Column Name Data Type Description
V_JOB_STATUS CHAR(10) Status of the job.
Job is active. It could be a group job, system request job, or disconnected job.
Job is currently on job queue.
Job has completed running but has output on an output queue or the job log has not yet been written.
V_ACTIVE_JOB _STATUS CHAR(4) The active status of the initial thread of the job.

For the list of values see Work Management API Attribute Descriptions in Application Programming Interfaces and search on "Active job status".

Returns null if the job is in transition or is not active.

Start of changeV_ACTIVE_JOB_TYPEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(3)End of change Start of changeType of active job.
Batch Immediate
Started by a procedure start request
Advanced 36 server job
Multiple requester terminal
Print driver job
Prestart job
Spool reader
Subsystem monitor
Spool writer

Returns null if the job type is not available for jobs that are no longer active.

End of change
V_RUN_PRIORITY INTEGER The highest run priority allowed for any thread within this job.
Start of changeV_AUTHORIZATION_NAMEEnd of change Start of changeVARCHAR(10)End of change Start of changeThe user profile under which the initial thread is running at this time. For jobs that swap user profiles, this user profile name and the user profile that initiated the job can be different. End of change
V_SBS_NAME CHAR(10) Name of subsystem where job is running.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_CPU_USED BIGINT The amount of CPU time (in milliseconds) that has been currently used by this job.
V_TEMP_STORAGE_USED_MB INTEGER The amount of auxiliary storage (in megabytes) that is currently allocated to this job.
V_AUX_IO_REQUESTED BIGINT The number of auxiliary I/O requests performed by the job across all routing steps. This includes both database and nondatabase paging.
V_PAGE_FAULTS BIGINT The number of times an active program referenced an address that was not in main storage during the current routing step of the specified job.
V_CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME CHAR(255) Value of the SQL CLIENT_WRKSTNNAME special register.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_CLIENT_APPLNAME CHAR(255) Value of the SQL CLIENT_APPLNAME special register.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_CLIENT_ACCTNG CHAR(255) Value of the SQL CLIENT_ACCTNG special register.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_CLIENT_PROGRAMID CHAR(255) Value of the SQL CLIENT_PROGRAMID special register.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_CLIENT_USERID CHAR(255) Value of the SQL CLIENT_USERID special register.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_SQL_STATEMENT_TEXT VARCHAR(10000) Statement text of the last SQL statement to run or the SQL statement that is currently running.

Returns null if the job is not active.

V_SQL_STMT_STATUS CHAR(8) The status of SQL within this job.
An SQL statement is currently running
At least one SQL statement has run and has completed
The SQL status is not known
Returns null if no SQL statement has been run.
V_SQL_STMT_START_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP The timestamp of the execution start for an active SQL statement. If there is no active SQL statement, the null value is returned.
V_QUERY_OPTIONS_LIB_NAME CHAR(10) The name of the QAQQINI options library in use for this job.
V_CLIENT_IP_ADDRESS VARCHAR(45) Client IP address being used by the job.

Returns null when no client IP address exists or the job is using IPv6.

Start of changeV_PJ_REUSE_COUNTEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe number of times the prestart job has been used. The prestart job reuse count is incremented when a disconnect is processed for a prestart job. When the prestart job reuse count exceeds the prestart job maximum number of uses, the job is ended.

Returns null if the job is not active or if the job is not a prestart job.

End of change
Start of changeV_PJ_MAXUSE_COUNTEnd of change Start of changeINTEGEREnd of change Start of changeThe maximum number of times the prestart job can be used before it is ended. A value of -1 is returned for *NOMAX.

Returns null if the job is not active or if the job is not a prestart job.

End of change


Return information about job 347117/QUSER/QZDASOINIT.