Example field procedure program

Add field procedure FP1 to column C1. The Field Procedure FP1 takes one parameter which indicates the number of bytes of the column the field procedure should operate on.


The following two field procedure programs demonstrate the same operations being done first in ILE RPG and then in C. These programs illustrate how a field procedure program could use the IBM i Cryptographic Services APIs to encrypt and decrypt fixed length character, variable length character, or character LOB data.

The program demonstrates some of the possibilities with field procedure programs but does not attempt to handle every possible situation and error. Note how the following items are handled:
  • Changing of the encoded data type from the decoded data type
  • The addressing differences required for fixed length character, varying length character, and CLOB data.
  • Usage of the optional parm structure (sqlfpOptionalParameterValueDescriptor_T).

More information about IBM i Cryptographic Services APIs, see Cryptographic Services APIs

Start of change

Example field procedure written in ILE RPG

For a field procedure written in ILE RPG, you should consider the following items:
  • For better performance, ACTGRP(*CALLER) and STGMDL(*INHERIT) is recommended when you compile your program. This example has these keywords in the Control statements (H specs).
  • The THREAD keyword must be specified on the Control statements. This example has THREAD(*CONCURRENT), but THREAD(*SERIALIZE) could also be used.
       ctl-opt main(SampleFieldProcProgram);
       ctl-opt option(*srcstmt);
       ctl-opt stgmdl(*inherit);
       ctl-opt thread(*concurrent);
       /if defined(*crtbndrpg)
          ctl-opt actgrp(*caller);


       dcl-pr Qc3EncryptData extproc(*dclcase);
          clearData pointer value;
          clearDataLen int(10) const;
          clearDataFormat char(8) const;
          algorithmDesc likeds(QC3D0200);   // Qc3_Format_ALGD0200
          algorithmDescFormat char(8) const;
          keyDesc likeds(T_key_descriptor0200) const;
          keyDescFormat char(8) const;
          cryptoServiceProvider char(1) const;
          cryptoDeviceName char(10) const;
          encryptedData pointer value;
          lengthOfAreaForEncryptedData int(10) const;
          lengthOfEncryptedDataReturned int(10);
          errorCode likeds(QUSEC);

       dcl-pr Qc3DecryptData extproc(*dclcase);
          encryptedData pointer value;
          encryptedDataLen int(10) const;
          algorithmDesc likeds(QC3D0200);   // Qc3_Format_ALGD0200
          algorithmDescFormat char(8) const;
          keyDesc likeds(T_key_descriptor0200) const;
          keyDescFormat char(8) const;
          cryptoServiceProvider char(1) const;
          cryptoDeviceName char(10) const;
          clearData pointer value;
          lengthOfAreaForClearData int(10) const;
          lengthOfClearDataReturned int(10);
          errorCode likeds(QUSEC);

       // Constants from QSYSINC/H QC3CCI
       dcl-c Qc3_AES                      22;
       dcl-c Qc3_ECB                      '0';
       dcl-c Qc3_Pad_Char                 '1';
       dcl-c Qc3_Bin_String               '0';
       dcl-c Qc3_Key_Parms                'KEYD0200';
       dcl-c Qc3_Alg_Block_Cipher         'ALGD0200';
       dcl-c Qc3_Data                     'DATA0100';
       dcl-c Qc3_Any_CSP                  '0';

       // Constants from QSYSINC/H SQL
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_CLOB           408; // CLOB - varying length string
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NCLOB          409; // (SQL_TYP_CLOB + 1 for NULL)

       dcl-c SQL_TYP_VARCHAR        448; // VARCHAR(i) - varying length string
                                         // (2 byte length)
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR       449; // (SQL_TYP_VARCHAR + 1 for NULL)
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_CHAR           452; // CHAR(i) - fixed length string
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NCHAR          453; // (SQL_TYP_CHAR + 1 for NULL)
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_BLOB           404; // BLOB - varying length string
       dcl-c SQL_TYP_NBLOB          405; // (SQL_TYP_BLOB + 1 for NULL)

       // Other constants
       dcl-c KEY_MGMT_SIZE 16;
       dcl-c MAX_VARCHAR_SIZE 32767;
       dcl-c MAX_CLOB_SIZE 100000;

       dcl-ds T_key_descriptor0200 template qualified;
           desc likeds(QC3D020000);
           key char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);

       // T_DECODED_VARCHAR is the same as a VARCHAR field in RPG
       // but it is convenient to define it as a structure
       // for this purpose
       dcl-ds T_DECODED_VARCHAR qualified template;
          len int(5);
          data char(MAX_VARCHAR_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_DECODED_CLOB qualified template;
          len int(10);
          data char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_ENCODED_VARCHAR qualified template;
          len int(5);
          keyManagementData char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
          data char(MAX_VARCHAR_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_ENCODED_CLOB qualified template;
          len int(10);
          keyManagementData char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
          data char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE);

       dcl-ds T_DECODED_DATA qualified template;
          varchar likeds(T_DECODED_VARCHAR) pos(1);
          clob likeds(T_DECODED_CLOB) pos(1);

       dcl-ds T_ENCODED_DATA qualified template;
          varchar likeds(T_ENCODED_VARCHAR) pos(1);
          clob likeds(T_ENCODED_CLOB) pos(1);

       dcl-ds T_optional qualified template;
          bytes uns(10);
          type_indicator char(1);

       // Main procedure
       dcl-proc SampleFieldProcProgram;

          dcl-pi *n EXTPGM('FP_EXV1RPG');
             FuncCode uns(5) const;
             OptionalParms likeds(T_optional);
             DecodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             DecodedData likeds(T_DECODED_DATA);
             EncodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             EncodedData likeds(T_ENCODED_DATA);
             SqlState char(5);
             Msgtext varchar(1000); // SQLFMT DS in QSYSINC/SQLFP is an RPG VARCHAR

          dcl-ds ErrCode likeds(QUSEC) inz;

          dcl-ds ALGD0200 likeds(QC3D0200) inz;
          dcl-ds T_key_descriptor0200 qualified inz;
             desc LIKEDS(QC3D020000);
             key char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
          dcl-ds KeyDesc0200 likeds(T_key_descriptor0200) inz;

          dcl-s DecryptedDataLen int(10);
          dcl-s DecryptedData char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE) based(Decrypted_Datap);
          dcl-s Decrypted_Datap pointer;

          dcl-s EncryptedDataLen int(10);
          dcl-s EncryptedData char(MAX_CLOB_SIZE) based(Encrypted_Datap);
          dcl-s Encrypted_Datap pointer;

          dcl-s RtnLen int(10);
          dcl-s KeyManagement char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE) based(KeyMgmtp);
          dcl-s KeyMgmtp pointer;

          ErrCode = *allx'00';
          ErrCode.QUSBPRV = %size(QUSEC); // Bytes_provided

          if FuncCode = 8; // create or alter time
             FieldCreatedOrAltered (%addr(OptionalParms)
                                  : DecodedDataType
                                  : EncodedDataType
                                  : SqlState
                                  : Msgtext);

          // Initialize the Algorithm Description Format
          ALGD0200 = *allx'00';
          ALGD0200.QC3BCA = Qc3_AES;        // set block cipher algorithm
          ALGD0200.QC3BL = 16;              // set block length
          ALGD0200.QC3MODE = Qc3_ECB;       // set mode
          ALGD0200.QC3PO = Qc3_Pad_Char;    // set pad option

          // Initialize the Key Description Format
          KeyDesc0200 = *allx'00';
          KeyDesc0200.desc.QC3KT = Qc3_AES;         // set key type
          KeyDesc0200.desc.QC3KSL = 16;             // set key string length
          KeyDesc0200.desc.QC3KF = Qc3_Bin_String;  // set key format

          if FuncCode = 0;   // encode

             // Get the actual length of the data depending on the type
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedData.varchar.len;
                Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.varchar.data);
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedData.Clob.len;
                Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.Clob.data);
             other;  // must be fixed Length
                 // for fixed length, only the data is passed, get the
                 // length of the data from the data type parameter
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedDataType.SQLFBL; // byte length
                Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData);

             // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on
             // the optional parameter information that was saved at create time.
             if OptionalParms.type_indicator = '0'; // encoded data is varchar
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.data);
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.keyManagementData);
             else; // encoded data is CLOB
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.data);
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.keyManagementData);

             if DecryptedDataLen > 0; // have some data to encrypt.
                 // get the encrypt key
                 getKeyMgmt('E' : KeyManagement : KeyDesc0200.key);
                 // Set the number of bytes available for encrypting.  Subtracting
                 // off the bytes used for "key management".
                 EncryptedDataLen = EncodedDataType.SQLFBL - KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
                 // Encrypt the data
                              : DecryptedDataLen
                              : Qc3_Data
                              : ALGD0200
                              : Qc3_Alg_Block_Cipher
                              : KeyDesc0200
                              : Qc3_Key_Parms
                              : Qc3_Any_CSP
                              : ' '
                              : Encrypted_Datap
                              : EncryptedDataLen
                              : RtnLen
                              : ErrCode);
                 RtnLen += KEY_MGMT_SIZE;  // add in the Key Area size
             else; // length is 0
                 RtnLen = 0;
             // store the length (number of bytes that database needs to write)
             // in either the 2 or 4 byte length field based on the encrypted
             // data type
             if OptionalParms.type_indicator = '0';
                 EncodedData.Varchar.len = RtnLen;
                 EncodedData.Clob.len = RtnLen;
          elseif FuncCode = 4;   // decode
             // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on the
             // optional parameter information that was saved at create time. Set
             // pointers to the key management data, the user encrypted data, and
             // the length of the data.
             if OptionalParms.type_indicator = '0'; // varchar
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.keyManagementData);
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Varchar.data);
                 EncryptedDataLen = EncodedData.Varchar.len;
             else; // CLOB
                 KeyMgmtp = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.keyManagementData);
                 Encrypted_Datap = %addr(EncodedData.Clob.data);
                 EncryptedDataLen = EncodedData.Clob.len;
             // Set the number of bytes to decrypt.  Subtract
             // off the bytes used for "key management".
             EncryptedDataLen -= KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
             if EncryptedDataLen > 0;  // have data to decrypt
                 // Set the pointer to where the decrypted data should
                 // be placed.
                when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR
                or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
                   Decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.varchar.data);
                when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB
                or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
                   decryptedDataLen = DecodedData.Clob.len;
                   decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData.Clob.data);
                other;  // must be fixed Length
                   decrypted_Datap = %addr(DecodedData);

                // get the decrypt key
                getKeyMgmt('D' : KeyManagement : KeyDesc0200.key);
                // get the maximum number of bytes available for the
                // decode space
                DecryptedDataLen = DecodedDataType.SQLFBL;
                // decrtype the data
                             : EncryptedDataLen
                             : ALGD0200
                             : Qc3_Alg_Block_Cipher
                             : KeyDesc0200
                             : Qc3_Key_Parms
                             : Qc3_Any_CSP
                             : ' '
                             : Decrypted_Datap
                             : DecryptedDataLen
                             : RtnLen
                             : ErrCode);
             else;     // 0 length data
                 RtnLen = 0;
             // tell the database manager how many characters of data are being returned
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
                DecodedData.varchar.len = RtnLen;
             when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB
             or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
                DecodedData.clob.len = RtnLen;
                // must be fixed Length and the full number of characters must be
                // returned
         else; // unsupported option -- error
             SqlState = '38003';

         if ErrCode.QUSBAVL > 0; // Something failed on encrypt/decrypt
              // set an error and return the exception id
            SqlState = '38004';
            msgtext = ErrCode.QUSEI; // Exception_Id

       end-proc SampleFieldProcProgram;

       // procedure FieldCreatedOrAltered
       dcl-proc FieldCreatedOrAltered;
          dcl-pi *n extproc(*dclcase);
             OptionalParms_p pointer value;
             DecodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             EncodedDataType likeds(SQLFPD); // sqlfpParameterDescription_T
             SqlState char(5);
             Msgtext varchar(1000);

          // Note that while optional parameters are not supported on input into
          // this fieldproc, it will set information into the structure for
          // usage by encode/decode operations. The length of this
          // structure must be at least 8 bytes long, so the length is not
          // reset.

          // The optional parameter as it is passed in to this program
          dcl-ds inputOptionalParms likeds(SQLFFPPL) // sqlfpFieldProcedureParameterList_T

          // The optional parameter as it is modified by this program
          // to later be passed for Encrypt and Decrypt
          dcl-ds outputOptionalParms likeds(T_optional)

          dcl-c errortext1 'Unsupported type in fieldproc.';

          if inputOptionalParms.SQLFNOOP <> 0; // sqlfpNumberOfOptionalParms
             // this fieldproc does not handle optional parameters
             SqlState = '38001';

          when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CHAR    // Fixed char
          or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCHAR;
             // set the encode data type to VarChar
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
             // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
             // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
             // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
             outputOptionalParms.type_indicator = '0';
          when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR // Varying char
          or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR;
             // set the data type to BLOB */
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
             // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
             // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
             // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
             outputOptionalParms.type_indicator = '0';
          when DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CLOB   // CLOB
          or   DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCLOB;
             // set the data type to BLOB */
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_BLOB;
             // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
             // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
             // Indicate that the encode type is CLOB.
             outputOptionalParms.type_indicator = '1';
             // this field proc does not handle any other data types
             SqlState = '38002';
             msgtext = errortext1;

          // finish setting the rest of encoded data type values

          // the null-ness of the encoded and decoded type must match
          if %bitand(DecodedDataType.SQLFST : x'01') = 1;
             EncodedDataType.SQLFST = %bitor(EncodedDataType.SQLFST : x'01'); // set to null capable

          // Determine the result length by adding one byte for the pad character counter and
          // rounding the length up to a multiple of 15-- the AES encryption alogrithm
          // will return the encrypted data in a multiple of 15.
          // This example also shows how additional data can be stored by the fieldproc
          // program in the encrypted data.  An additional 16 bytes are added for use by
          // the fieldproc program.
          // Note that this fieldproc does not check for exceeding the maximum length for
          // the data type.   There may also be other conditions that are not handled by
          // this sample fieldproc program.
          EncodedDataType.SQLFL =
             (%div(DecodedDataType.SQLFL + 16 : 16) * 16) + KEY_MGMT_SIZE; // characters
          EncodedDataType.SQLFBL = EncodedDataType.SQLFL; // Byte
          // result is *HEX CCSID
          EncodedDataType.SQLFC = 65535;

          if DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_CHAR
          or DecodedDataType.SQLFST = SQL_TYP_NCHAR; // fixed length character
             // need to set the allocated length for fixed length since the default value
             // must fit in the allocated portion of varchar.  Note that if the varchar or
             // CLOB had a default value of something other than the empty string, the
             // allocated length must be set appropriately but this fieldproc does not
             // handle this situtation.
             EncodedDataType.SQLFAL = EncodedDataType.SQLFL;
       end-proc FieldCreatedOrAltered;

       // procedure getKeyMgmt
       dcl-proc getKeyMgmt;

          dcl-pi *n extproc(*dclcase);
             type char(1) const;
             keyMgmt char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
             keyData char(KEY_MGMT_SIZE);

          // This is a trivial key management idea and is used to demonstrate how additional
          // information may be stored in the encoded data which is written to the table and
          // be used to communicate between the encode and decode operations.
          if type = 'E';   // encoding, set the current key
              keyMgmt = 'KEYTYPE2';
              keyData = '0123456789ABCDEG'; // end in G
          elseif keyMgmt = 'KEYTYPE1';  // decoding, determine which key to use
              keyData = '0123456789ABCDEF'; // end in F
          elseif keyMgmt = 'KEYTYPE2';
              keyData = '0123456789ABCDEG'; // end in G

       end-proc getKeyMgmt;
End of change
Start of change

Example field procedure written in C

For better performance for a field procedure written in C, ACTGRP(*CALLER), TERASPACE(*YES) and STGMDL(*INHERIT) are recommended when you compile your program.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <QC3CCI.H>
#include <QUSEC.H>
#include <QC3DTAEN.H>
#include <QC3DTADE.H>
#include <SQL.h>
#include <SQLFP.h>

#define KEY_MGMT_SIZE 16
typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned short int len;
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned long len;
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned short int len;
    char keyManagementData[KEY_MGMT_SIZE];
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned long len;
    char keyManagementData[KEY_MGMT_SIZE];
    char data[];

typedef _Packed struct
    unsigned long bytes;
    char type_indicator;
    char not_used[3];

typedef struct KeyDescriptor0200
    Qc3_Format_KEYD0200_T desc;
    char key[KEY_MGMT_SIZE];
} T_key_descriptor0200;

static void fieldCreatedOrAltered(void *argv[]);
static void KeyMgmt(char type, char *keyMgmt, char *keyData);

main(int argc, void *argv[])
    short *funccode = argv[1];
    T_optional *optionalParms = argv[2];
    char *sqlstate = argv[7];
    sqlfpMessageText_T *msgtext = argv[8];
    sqlfpOptionalParameterValueDescriptor_T *optionalParmPtr;
    T_VARCHAR *VarCharStrp;
    T_CLOB *ClobStrp;
    T_ENCODED_VARCHAR *VarCharEncodedStrp;
    T_ENCODED_CLOB *ClobEncodedStrp;
    char *Encrypted_Datap;
    char *Decrypted_Datap;
    int EncryptedDataLen;
    int DecryptedDataLen;
    int RtnLen;
    char *keyMgmtp;
    char Qc3_Any_CSP_Flag = Qc3_Any_CSP;
    Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T *ALGD0200;
    T_key_descriptor0200 *KeyDesc0200;
    Qus_EC_t ERRCODE;

    memset(&ERRCODE, '\x00', sizeof(Qus_EC_t));
    ERRCODE.Bytes_Provided = sizeof(Qus_EC_t);

    if (*funccode == 8) // create time

    // allocate space and initialize space for Algorithm Description Format
    ALGD0200 = (Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T *)malloc(sizeof(Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T));
    memset(ALGD0200, '\x00', sizeof(Qc3_Format_ALGD0200_T));
    ALGD0200->Block_Cipher_Alg = Qc3_AES;
    ALGD0200->Block_Length = 16;
    ALGD0200->Mode = Qc3_ECB;
    ALGD0200->Pad_Option = Qc3_Pad_Char;

    // allocate space and initialize space for Key Description Format
    KeyDesc0200 =
      (T_key_descriptor0200 *)malloc(sizeof(T_key_descriptor0200));
    memset(KeyDesc0200, '\x00', sizeof(T_key_descriptor0200));
    KeyDesc0200->desc.Key_Type = Qc3_AES ;
    KeyDesc0200->desc.Key_String_Len = 16;
    KeyDesc0200->desc.Key_Format = Qc3_Bin_String;

    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *decodedDataType = argv[3];
    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *encodedDataType = argv[5];

    if (*funccode == 0) // encode
        // Address the data and get the actual length of the data.
            case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
            case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
               // varchar data is passed with a 2 byte length followed
               // by the data
               VarCharStrp = argv[4];
               DecryptedDataLen = VarCharStrp->len;
               Decrypted_Datap = VarCharStrp->data;
            case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
            case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
               // CLOB data is passed with a 4 byte length followed
               // by the data
               ClobStrp = argv[4];
               DecryptedDataLen = ClobStrp->len;
               Decrypted_Datap = ClobStrp->data;
            default:// must be fixed Length
               // for fixed length, only the data is passed, get the
               // length of the data from the data type parameter
               DecryptedDataLen = decodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength;
               Decrypted_Datap = argv[4];
        // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on
        // the optional parameter information that was saved at create time.
        if (optionalParms->type_indicator == '0') // encoded data is varchar
            VarCharEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            Encrypted_Datap = VarCharEncodedStrp->data;
            keyMgmtp = VarCharEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
        else // encoded data is CLOB
            ClobEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            Encrypted_Datap = ClobEncodedStrp->data;
            keyMgmtp = ClobEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
        if (DecryptedDataLen >0) // have some data to encrypt.
            // get the encrypt key
            KeyMgmt('E', keyMgmtp, KeyDesc0200->key);
            // Set the number of bytes available for encrypting.  Subtracting
            // off the bytes used for "key management".
            EncryptedDataLen = encodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength - KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
            // Encrypt the data
                 (char *)ALGD0200,
                 (char *)KeyDesc0200,
                 "          ",
            RtnLen += KEY_MGMT_SIZE;  // add in the Key Area size
        else // length is 0
            RtnLen = 0;
        // store the length (number of bytes that database needs to write)
        // in either the 2 or 4 byte length field based on the encrypted
        // data type
        if (optionalParms->type_indicator == '0')
            VarCharEncodedStrp->len = RtnLen;
            ClobEncodedStrp->len = RtnLen;
    else if (*funccode == 4) // decode
        // Determine if the encoded data type is varchar or CLOB based on the
        // optional parameter information that was saved at create time. Set
        // pointers to the key management data, the user encrypted data, and
        // the length of the data.
        if (optionalParms->type_indicator == '0') // varchar
            VarCharEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            keyMgmtp = VarCharEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
            Encrypted_Datap = VarCharEncodedStrp->data;
            EncryptedDataLen = VarCharEncodedStrp->len;
        else // CLOB
            ClobEncodedStrp = argv[6];
            keyMgmtp = ClobEncodedStrp->keyManagementData;
            Encrypted_Datap = ClobEncodedStrp->data;
            EncryptedDataLen = ClobEncodedStrp->len;
        // Set the number of bytes to decrypt.  Subtract
        // off the bytes used for "key management".
        EncryptedDataLen -= KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
        if (EncryptedDataLen > 0)  // have data to decrypt
            // Set the pointer to where the decrypted data should
            // be placed.
            switch (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType)
               case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
               case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
                   VarCharStrp = argv[4];
                   Decrypted_Datap = VarCharStrp->data;
               case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
               case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
                   ClobStrp = argv[4];
                   Decrypted_Datap = ClobStrp->data;
               default:  // must be fixed Length
                   Decrypted_Datap = argv[4];
            // get the decrypt key
            KeyMgmt('D', keyMgmtp, KeyDesc0200->key);
            // get the maximum number of bytes available for the
            // decode space
            DecryptedDataLen = decodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength;
            // decrtype the data
                 (char *)ALGD0200,
                 (char *)KeyDesc0200,
                 "          ",
        else      // 0 length data
            RtnLen = 0;

        // tell the database manager how many characters of data are being returned
        switch (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType)
           case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
           case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
               VarCharStrp->len = RtnLen;
           case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
           case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
               ClobStrp->len = RtnLen;
               // must be fixed Length and the full number of characters must be
               // returned
    else  // unsupported option -- error
        memcpy(sqlstate, "38003",5);

    if (ERRCODE.Bytes_Available > 0) // Something failed on encrypt/decrypt
         // set an error and return the exception id
         memcpy(sqlstate, "38004",5);
         msgtext->sqlfpMessageTextLength = 7;
         memcpy(msgtext->sqlfpMessageTextData, ERRCODE.Exception_Id, 7);
    // free allocated storage

static void fieldCreatedOrAltered(void *argv[])
    char *sqlstate = argv[7];
    sqlfpMessageText_T *msgtext = argv[8];
    char *errortext1="Unsupported type in fieldproc.";

    // Note that while optional parameters are not supported on input into
    // this fieldproc, it will set information into the structure for 
    // usage by encode/decode operations. The length of this 
    // structure must be at least 8 bytes long, so the length is not
    // reset.     	
    sqlfpFieldProcedureParameterList_T *inputOptionalParms = argv[2];
    T_optional *outputOptionalParms = argv[2];

    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *decodedDataType = argv[3];
    sqlfpParameterDescription_T *encodedDataType = argv[5];

    if (inputOptionalParms->sqlfpNumberOfOptionalParms != 0)
        // this fieldproc does not handle input optional parameters
      case SQL_TYP_CHAR: /* Fixed char */
      case SQL_TYP_NCHAR:
          // set the encode data type to VarChar
          encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
          // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
          // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
          // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
          outputOptionalParms->type_indicator = '0';
      case SQL_TYP_VARCHAR:
      case SQL_TYP_NVARCHAR:
          /* set the data type to BLOB */
          encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType = SQL_TYP_VARCHAR;
          // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
          // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
          // Indicate that the encode type is varchar.
          outputOptionalParms->type_indicator = '0';

      case SQL_TYP_CLOB:
      case SQL_TYP_NCLOB:
          /* set the data type to BLOB */
          encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType = SQL_TYP_BLOB;
          // This example shows how the fieldproc pgm can modify the optional parm data area to
          // store "constant" information to be used by the fieldproc on encode and decode operations.
          // Indicate that the encode type is BLOB.
          outputOptionalParms->type_indicator = '1';
          /* this field proc does not handle any other data types */
            errortext1, sizeof(errortext1));

    // finish setting the rest of encoded data type values

    // the null-ness of the encoded and decoded type must match
    if (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType % 2 == 1)
        ++encodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType; // set to null capable

    // Determine the result length by adding one byte for the pad character counter and
    // rounding the length up to a multiple of 15-- the AES encryption alogrithm
    // will return the encrypted data in a multiple of 15.
    // This example also shows how additional data can be stored by the fieldproc
    // program in the encrypted data.  An additional 16 bytes are added for use by
    // the fieldproc program.
    // Note that this fieldproc does not check for exceeding the maximum length for
    // the data type.   There may also be other conditions that are not handled by
    // this sample fieldproc program.
    encodedDataType->sqlfpLength =
      (((decodedDataType->sqlfpLength + 16) /16) * 16) + KEY_MGMT_SIZE;
    encodedDataType->sqlfpByteLength =  encodedDataType->sqlfpLength;
    // result is *HEX CCSID
    encodedDataType->sqlfpCcsid = 65535;

    if (decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType == SQL_TYP_CHAR ||
        decodedDataType->sqlfpSqlType == SQL_TYP_NCHAR) // fixed length character
        // need to set the allocated length for fixed length since the default value
        // must fit in the allocated portion of varchar.  Note that if the varchar or
        // CLOB had a default value of something other than the empty string, the
        // allocated length must be set appropriately but this fieldproc does not
        // handle this situtation.
        encodedDataType->sqlfpAllocatedLength = encodedDataType->sqlfpLength;

// This is a trivial key management idea and is used to demonstrate how additional
// information may be stored in the encoded data which is written to the table and
// be used to communicate between the encode and decode operations.
static void KeyMgmt(char type, char *keyMgmt, char *keyData)
    if (type == 'E')   // encoding, set the current key
        memcpy((char *)keyMgmt, "KEYTYPE2        ", KEY_MGMT_SIZE);
        memcpy(keyData, "0123456789ABCDEG", 16);
    else     // decoding, determine which key to use
    if (memcmp(keyMgmt, "KEYTYPE1        ", KEY_MGMT_SIZE) == 0)
        memcpy(keyData, "0123456789ABCDEF", 16);
    if (memcmp(keyMgmt, "KEYTYPE2        ", KEY_MGMT_SIZE) == 0)
        memcpy(keyData, "0123456789ABCDEG", 16);
End of change