What's new for IBM Navigator for i

Read about new functions that are now available within the IBM® Navigator for i application in IBM i 7.3.

  • Usability and Performance Improvements

    Usability and performance improvements have been made to the IBM Navigator for i application: Quick path

    Start of changeWith new added quick path search field, a feature list will be shown up after input keywords. Then users can click the specific feature to jump into the feature page directly. End of change

  • Start of changeDB2 for i enhancements End of change

    Start of changeIBM Navigator for i continues to be enhanced for the database user. In IBM i 7.3, DB2 for i is enhanced to allow the database to automatically maintain the history of a table. This temporal table support is reflected in Navigator's database dialogs.End of change

  • Start of changeAuthority Collection for a User End of change

    Start of changeThe key reason behind this enhancement is to provide tooling to collect authority information that allows a customer to "lock down" security on their objects. There is often excessive authority today on many customer systems, and many customers are hesitant to change the object level authority in fear of breaking an application. With this enhancement, we provide the support that will allow the customer to trace/collect authority lookups over a period of time, have the system capture the data, and then the customer (or ISV) can analyze the data after it has been captured. This support will allow the customer to better secure their objects with the appropriate level of authority, as they will now have the authority data needed to make the object level authority changes. This support will give the system administrator the infrastructure support needed to make informed decisions related to changing authority. End of change

    Start of changeTo support this new feature, the following areas of the Navigator for i application have been updated for V7R3:End of change

    • Start of changeNew nodes in the console navigation area for starting, ending, displaying, and deleting authority collection for a user. End of change
    • Start of changeNew tasks available for a user within the User list to start, end, display, and delete authority collection.End of change
    • Start of changeA new Authority Collection tab on the Capabilities page of the User properties panel that shows the current authority collection status for the user. End of change
    • Start of changeA new table view of the items included in the authority collection. This can be viewed in a web table, or in a new client viewer if IBM i Access Client Solutions (ACS) is installed on the PC. The web table will also support Properties and Permissions actions for each object that appears in the list.End of change

    Start of changeNote: Since the number of items in this list can be quite large (depending on number of objects being searched, and how long the collection is active), it is recommended to use ACS to display the collection list, since this client table view will perform better than the web version. End of change

    Start of changeBy investigating the objects returned by the display authority collection task, the system administrator can discover what object authorities are required versus what the user actually has, so that the authorities can be set to the minimum required authority for the objects. End of change

    Start of changeLink to more detailed information on Authority Collection in the Security sectionEnd of change

  • Start of changeSystem monitorsEnd of change

    Start of changeIn IBM i 7.3, 12 new metrics for http server are supported. Users can monitor the performance for http server such as requests received rate, http response sent rate and http request process time.End of change

  • Start of changeQoS IPv6 SupportEnd of change

    Start of changeIn IBM i 7.3, IPv6 address is supported fully. User can create policy based on IPv6 address. End of change

  • Start of changeTape enhancementsEnd of change

    Start of changeIn IBM Navigator for i, the action "Make available" for cartridges is added. The users can select one or more cartridges which is in inserted status to make available. End of change

  • Start of changeNTP enhancementsEnd of change

    Start of changeNTP is a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network to a common timebase (usually UTC).In order to achieve higher accuracy and reliability of time than IBM i Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client, IBM i 7.3 can implement Network Time Protocol (NTP) client by porting the NTP version 4 which is a significant revision of the previous NTP standard, and is the current development version.Users can configure NTP server or Client in IBM Navigator for i.End of change

  • Start of changePerformance task enhancementsEnd of change

    Start of changePlease see the What's new in IBM i 7.3 in the performance topic for detail on the following enhancements: End of change

    Start of change- New charting for System Monitor - Visualize Monitor Data will provide a panel with a chart for each metric being monitored with that monitor. End of change

    Start of change- Graph History - Visualize Summary and Detail data in the Historical Data collection. End of change

How to see what's new or changed

To help you see where technical changes have been made, this information uses:

  • The Start of change image to mark where new or changed information begins.
  • The End of change image to mark where new or changed information ends.

To find other information about what's new or changed this release, see the Memo to users.