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Regression functions

The regression functions support the fitting of an ordinary-least-squares regression line of the form y = a * x + b to a set of number pairs. The first element of each pair (expression1) is interpreted as a value of the dependent variable (that is, a "y value"). The second element of each pair (expression2 ) is interpreted as a value of the independent variable (that is, an "x value").

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramREGR_AVGXREGR_AVGYREGR_COUNTREGR_INTERCEPTREGR_R2REGR_SLOPEREGR_SXXREGR_SXYREGR_SYY(expression1,expression2 )
An expression that returns a value of any built-in numeric, character-string, or graphic-string data type. If the argument is a character-string or graphic-string, it is cast to DECFLOAT(34) before evaluating the function.
An expression that returns a value of any built-in numeric, character-string, or graphic-string data type. If the argument is a character-string or graphic-string, it is cast to DECFLOAT(34) before evaluating the function.

The REGR_COUNT function returns the number of non-null number pairs used to fit the regression line.

The REGR_INTERCEPT function returns the y-intercept of the regression line ("b" in the equation y = a * x + b).

The REGR_R2 function returns the coefficient of determination ("R-squared" or "goodness-of-fit") for the regression.

The REGR_SLOPE function returns the slope of the line ("a" in the equation y = a * x + b).

The REGR_AVGX, REGR_AVGY, REGR_SXX, REGR_SXY, and REGR_SYY functions return quantities that can be used to compute various diagnostic statistics needed for the evaluation of the quality and statistical validity of the regression model.

The data type of the result of REGR_COUNT is bigint. For the remaining functions, if either argument is DECFLOAT(n), the data type of the result is DECFLOAT(34); otherwise, the data type of the result is double-precision floating-point. If either argument is a special decimal floating-point value, the rules for general arithmetic operations for decimal floating-point apply. See General arithmetic operation rules for DECFLOAT for more information.

The result can be null. When not null, the result of REGR_R2 is between 0 and 1, and the result of both REGR_SXX and REGR_SYY is non-negative.

Each function is applied to the set of (expression1, expression2) pairs derived from the argument values by the elimination of all pairs for which either expression1 or expression2 is null.

If the set is empty, REGR_COUNT returns zero and the remaining functions return a null value.

If the set is not empty, the functions return results defined as follows:

The number of non-null pairs in the set
If VARIANCE(expression2) is positive:
  REGR_SLOPE(expression1,expression2) =
If VARIANCE(expression2) is equal to zero, returns the null value.
If VARIANCE(expression2) is positive:
  REGR_INTERCEPT(expression1, expression2) =
      AVG(expression1) - REGR_SLOPE(expression1, expression2) * AVG(expression2)
If VARIANCE(expression2) is equal to zero, returns the null value.
If VARIANCE(expression2) is positive:
  • If VARIANCE(expression1) is positive:
      REGR_R2(expression1, expression2) =
          POWER(CORRELATION(expression1, expression2), 2)
  • if VARIANCE(expression1) is equal to zero:
      REGR_R2(expression1, expression2) = 1 
If VARIANCE(expression2) is equal to zero, returns the null value.
REGR_AVGX(expression1, expression2) = AVG(expression2)
REGR_AVGY(expression1, expression2) = AVG(expression1)
REGR_SXX(expression1, expression2) =
      REGR_COUNT(expression1, expression2) * VARIANCE(expression2)
REGR_SYY(expression1, expression2) =
      REGR_COUNT(expression1, expression2) * VARIANCE(expression1)
REGR_SXY(expression1, expression2) =
      REGR_COUNT(expression1, expression2) * COVARIANCE(expression1, expression2)

The order in which the values are aggregated is undefined, but every intermediate result must be within the range of the result data type.

The usual diagnostic statistics that accompany a linear-regression analysis can be computed in terms of the above functions. For example:

    Adjusted R2
        1 - ( (1 - REGR_R2) * ((REGR_COUNT - 1) / (REGR_COUNT - 2)) )
    Standard error
    Total sum of squares
    Regression sum of squares
    Residual sum of squares
        (Total sum of squares)-(Regression sum of squares)
    t statistic for slope
        REGR_SLOPE * SQRT(REGR_SXX) / (Standard error)
    t statistic for y-intercept
       REGR_INTERCEPT/((Standard error) * 


Syntax alternatives: REGR_ICPT can be specified as a synonym for REGR_INTERCEPT.


  • Using the EMPLOYEE table, compute an ordinary-least-squares regression line that expresses the bonus of an employee in department (WORKDEPT) 'A00' as a linear function of the employee's salary. Set the host variables SLOPE, ICPT, RSQR to the slope, intercept, and coefficient of determination of the regression line, respectively. Also set the host variables AVGSAL and AVGBONUS to the average salary and average bonus, respectively, of the employees in department 'A00', and set the host variable CNT (integer) to the number of employees in department 'A00' for whom both salary and bonus data are available. Store the remaining regression statistics in host variables SXX, SYY, and SXY.
           :RSQR, :CNT,
           :AVGSAL, :AVGBONUS,
           :SXX, :SYY,
      WHERE WORKDEPT = 'A00'
    When using the sample table, the host variables are set to the following approximate values:
    SLOPE:     0.018363799188747826
    ICPT:      69.8388031396513
    RSQR:      0.9526220829162935
    CNT:       5
    AVGSAL:    40850.0
    AVGBONUS:  820.0
    SXX:       4.74575E8
    SYY:       168000.0
    SXY:       8715000.0
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