Proxy server types and uses for HTTP Server
This topic provides information about proxy server types and uses for the IBM® HTTP Server for i Web server.
Proxy servers receive requests intended for other servers and then act to fulfill, forward, redirect, or reject the requests. Exactly which service is carried out for a particular request is based on a number of factors which include: the proxy server's capabilities, what is requested, information contained in the request, where the request came from, the intended destination, and in some cases, who sent the request.
The two most attractive reasons to use a proxy server are its ability to enhance network security and lessen network traffic. A proxy server enhances network security by providing controls for receiving and forwarding (or rejecting) requests between isolated networks, for example, forwarding requests across a firewall. A proxy server lessens network traffic by rejecting unwanted requests, forwarding requests to balance and optimize server workload, and fulfilling requests by serving data from cache rather than unnecessarily contacting the true destination server.
HTTP Server has proxy server capabilities built in. Activating these services is simply a matter of configuration. This topic explains three common proxy concepts: forward proxy, reverse proxy, and proxy chaining.
Forward proxy
A forward proxy is the most common form of a proxy server and is generally used to pass requests from an isolated, private network to the Internet through a firewall. Using a forward proxy, requests from an isolated network, or intranet, can be rejected or allowed to pass through a firewall. Requests may also be fulfilled by serving from cache rather than passing through the Internet. This allows a level of network security and lessens network traffic.
A forward proxy server will first check to make sure a request is valid. If a request is not valid, or not allowed (blocked by the proxy), it will reject the request resulting in the client receiving an error or a redirect. If a request is valid, a forward proxy may check if the requested information is cached. If it is, the forward proxy serves the cached information. If it is not, the request is sent through a firewall to an actual content server which serves the information to the forward proxy. The proxy, in turn, relays this information to the client and may also cache it, for future requests.
The following image shows a forward proxy configuration. An intranet client initiates a request that is valid but is not cached on Server A (Proxy Server). The request is sent through the firewall to the Internet server, Server B (Content Server), which has the information the client is requesting. The information is sent back through the firewall where it is cached on Server A and served to the client. Future requests for the same information will be fulfilled by the cache, lessening network traffic (proxy caching is optional and not necessary for forward proxy to function on your HTTP Server).

For information on how to configure a forward proxy, see Setting up forward proxy for HTTP Server.
Reverse proxy
A reverse proxy is another common form of a proxy server and is generally used to pass requests from the Internet, through a firewall to isolated, private networks. It is used to prevent Internet clients from having direct, unmonitored access to sensitive data residing on content servers on an isolated network, or intranet. If caching is enabled, a reverse proxy can also lessen network traffic by serving cached information rather than passing all requests to actual content servers. Reverse proxy servers may also balance workload by spreading requests across a number of content servers. One advantage of using a reverse proxy is that Internet clients do not know their requests are being sent to and handled by a reverse proxy server. This allows a reverse proxy to redirect or reject requests without making Internet clients aware of the actual content server (or servers) on a protected network.
A reverse proxy server will first check to make sure a request is valid. If a request is not valid, or not allowed (blocked by the proxy), it will not continue to process the request resulting in the client receiving an error or a redirect. If a request is valid, a reverse proxy may check if the requested information is cached. If it is, the reverse proxy serves the cached information. If it is not, the reverse proxy will request the information from the content server and serve it to the requesting client. It also caches the information for future requests.

The above image shows a reverse proxy configuration. An Internet client initiates a request to Server A (Proxy Server) which, unknown to the client, is actually a reverse proxy server. The request is allowed to pass through the firewall and is valid but is not cached on Server A. The reverse proxy (Server A) requests the information from Server B (Content Server), which has the information the Internet client is requesting. The information is served to the reverse proxy, where it is cached, and relayed through the firewall to the client. Future requests for the same information will be fulfilled by the cache, lessening network traffic and load on the content server (proxy caching is optional and not necessary for proxy to function on your HTTP Server). In this example, all information originates from one content server (Server B).
For information on how to configure a reverse proxy, see Setting up reverse proxy for HTTP Server.
Proxy chaining
A proxy chain uses two or more proxy servers to assist in server and protocol performance and network security. Proxy chaining is not a type of proxy, but a use of reverse and forward proxy servers across multiple networks. In addition to the benefits to security and performance, proxy chaining allows requests from different protocols to be fulfilled in cases where, without chaining, such requests would not be possible or permitted. For example, a request using HTTP is sent to a server that can only handle FTP requests. In order for the request to be processed, it must pass through a server that can handle both protocols. This can be accomplished by making use of proxy chaining which allows the request to be passed from a server that is not able to fulfill such a request (perhaps due to security or networking issues, or its own limited capabilities) to a server that can fulfill such a request.
The first proxy server in a chain will check to make sure a request is valid. If a request is not valid, or not allowed (blocked by the proxy), it will reject the request resulting in the client receiving an error or a redirect. If a request is valid, the proxy may check if the requested information is cached and simply serve it from there. If the requested information is not in cache, the proxy will pass the request on to the next proxy server in the chain. This server also has the ability to fulfill, forward, redirect, or reject the request. If it acts to forward the request then it too passes the request on to yet another proxy server. This process is repeated until the request reaches the last proxy server in the chain. The last server in the chain is required to handle the request by contacting the content server, using whatever protocol is required, to obtain the information. The information is then relayed back through the chain until it reaches the requesting client.

The above image shows a proxy chaining configuration. The intranet client makes a request to Server C (Content Server FTP). Server A (Proxy Server HTTP) does not contain the requested information in cache, so the request is passed through the firewall to Server B (proxy server HTTP/FTP). Server B has both HTTP and FTP protocols and is able to change the HTTP request to an FTP request. Server C receives the FTP request and passes back the requested information to Server B. Server B, in turn, passes the fulfilled request back to the intranet client using the HTTP protocol. The request is sent through the firewall and Server A where the request is cached and given to the intranet client.
For information on how to configure proxy chaining, see Set up proxy chaining for HTTP Server.
Reasons for passing requests through a proxy chain vary. For example, you may use proxy chaining to pass information through multiple networks where a client on one network cannot communicate directly with a proxy server on a different network, and it needs a second proxy to relay its requests. You may also use it to cache information in multiple locations or to allow certain protocols to be used outside a firewall which are not allowed through a firewall.