Configuring the Windows server to trust SHIPDEPT.MYCO.COM
Now that you have configured System B to trust the ORDEPT.MYCO.COM realm, you need to configure the Windows server to trust the SHIPDEPT.MYCO.COM realm.
Follow these steps to configure the Windows server:
- Log on to your Windows server with your administrator account.
- From the Start menu, expand .
- On the Active Directory Domains and Trusts page, right-click the ORDEPT.MYCO.COM realm (sometimes referred to as a Windows domain within the Windows interface) and select Properties.
- On the Trust tab, click Add on the Domain trusted by this domain table.
- On the Add Trusted Domains page, in the Trusted domain field enter SHIPDEPT.MYCO.COM. Enter shipord1 as the password.
- The Active Directory dialog box is displayed indicating that the MYCO.COM domain cannot be contacted. Because the MYCO.COM domain is an interoperable domain other than Windows and you want to set up this side of the trust, click OK to close the dialog box.
- On the Trust tab, click Add on the Domain that trust this domain table.
- On the Add Trusted Domains page, in the Trusted domain field enter SHIPDEPT.MYCO.COM. Enter shipord2 as the password.
- The Active Directory dialog box is displayed indicating that the MYCO.COM domain cannot be contacted. Because the MYCO.COM domain is an interoperable domain other than Windows and you want to set up this side of the trust, click OK to close the dialog box.
- Click OK.