Network authentication service errors and recovery

While using the Network Authentication Service wizard or when you are managing network authentication service properties in IBM® Navigator for i, you might encounter these errors. Use the corresponding recovery methods listed here to troubleshoot.

Table 1. Network authentication service errors and recovery
Error Recovery
KRBWIZ_CONFIG_FILE_FORMAT_ERROR: The Format of the Network Authentication Service configuration file is in error. Reconfigure network authentication service. See Configuring network authentication service for details.
KRBWIZ_ERROR_READ_CONFIG_FILE: Error reading Network Authentication Service configuration file. Reconfigure network authentication service. See Configuring network authentication service for details.
KRBWIZ_ERROR_WRITE_CONFIG_FILE: Error writing Network Authentication Service configuration file. The service used to write the configuration file is unavailable. Try again later.
KRBWIZ_PASSWORD_MISMATCH: New password and confirm new password not the same Re-enter new password and confirm new password.
KRBWIZ_PORT_ERROR: The port number must be between 1 and 65535. Re-enter a port number between 1 and 65 535.
KRBWIZ_ERROR_WRITE_KEYTAB: Error writing key table file The service used to write the keytab may be temporarily unavailable. Try again later.
KRBWIZ_NOT_AUTHORIZED_CONFIGURE: Not authorized to configure Network Authentication Service. Ensure that you have the following authorities: *ALLOBJ and *SECADM.
KrbPropItemExists: Item already exists. Enter a new item.
KrbPropKDCInListRequired: Must have a KDC in the list. Specified Kerberos server does not exist in the list. Select a Kerberos from the list.
KrbPropKDCValueRequired: A KDC name must be entered. Enter a valid name for the Kerberos server. The Kerberos server must be configured on a secure system in the network.
KrbPropPwdServerRequired: A password server name must be entered. Enter a valid name for the password server.
KrbPropRealmRequired: A realm name must be entered. Enter the name of the realm in which this system belongs.
KrbPropRealmToTrustRequired: A name must be entered for the realm to trust. Enter the name of the realm for which a trust relationship is being established.
KrbPropRealmValueRequired: A realm name must be entered. Enter a valid name for the realm.
CPD3E3F: Network Authentication Service error &2 occurred. See the specific recovery information that corresponds with this message.