Configure Perf Collection (CFGPFRCOL)

The Configure Performance Collection (CFGPFRCOL) command changes certain collection attributes and determines how Collection Services will manage data collection. Some attributes changed with this command will take effect immediately, while others will take effect the next time a collection object is created. See the parameter help to determine how each attribute will be handled. The Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL) can be started or cycled by using the Start Performance Collection (STRPFRCOL) command.


Keyword Description Choices Notes
INTERVAL Default interval *SAME, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 15.0, 30.0, 60.0 Optional, Positional 1
LIB Collection library Name, *SAME Optional
CYCTIME Cycle time Time, *SAME Optional
CYCITV Cycle interval 1-24, *SAME Optional
RETPERIOD *MGTCOL retention period Single values: *SAME, *PERM
Other values: Element list
Element 1: Number of units 1-720
Element 2: Unit of time *HOURS, *DAYS
ENBSYSMON Enable system monitoring *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
CRTDBF Create standard database files *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
CRTPFRSUM Create standard summary data Single values: *SAME, *NONE, *ALL, *NO, *YES
Other values (up to 2 repetitions): *PFRSUM, *SYSMON
CHGPMLIB Change PM Agent library *SAME, *YES, *NO Optional
STDDTARET Standard data retention (days) Integer, *SAME, *PERM Optional
SYSMONRET System monitor data retention Integer, *SAME, *PERM Optional
SYSMONCGY System monitor categories Single values: *SAME, *SYSMONDFT
Other values (up to 30 repetitions): Element list
Element 2: Time interval (in minutes) 1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0

Default interval (INTERVAL)

Specifies the default collection interval (in minutes). This value is used by most data categories as the collection sample interval. When a category has a minimum or maximum interval size associated with it and it also uses the default collection interval, the default interval will be used as long as it does not conflict with those other settings. When there is a conflict, the minimum or maximum will be used. For example the maximum interval size is five minutes for *DISK, *IOPBASE, and *IPCS. If the default collection interval is set to a value larger than five minutes, the category will still collect at five minute intervals. This change will take effect immediately.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the interval will be 15 minutes.
The default collection interval will be 15 seconds.
The default collection interval will be 30 seconds.
The default collection interval will be 1 minute.
The default collection interval will be 5 minutes.
The default collection interval will be 15 minutes.
The default collection interval will be 30 minutes.
The default collection interval will be 60 minutes.

Collection library (LIB)

Specifies the library where the management collection object (*MGTCOL) will reside. This change will take effect the next time a collection object is created. If you change the collection library, you should be aware of the folowing: PM Agent and collection services use the same collection library. PM Agent will not be able to process any data which was collected in the previous library. In addition collections will automatically be removed from the new library based on the standard collection file retention period you have specified.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the library will be QPFRDATA.
Specify the name of the library where the management collection object should be created.

Default collection profile (DFTCOLPRF)

Specifies the default collection profile. This determines which categories will be included in the system-level collection. This change will take effect the next time a collection object is created.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the default collection profile will be *STANDARDP.
The minimum data collection recommended. Includes the following categories: *SYSBUS, *POOL, *HDWCFG, *SYSCPU, *SYSLVL, *JOBMI, *JOBOS, *DISK, and *IOPBASE.
The standard profile includes all categories which are typically needed by the IBM Performance Tools for i, with the exception of communications data. It includes all categories in the *MINIMUM profile, as well as the following categories: *POOLTUNE, *SUBSYSTEM, *SNADS, *LCLRSP, *APPN, *SNA, *TCPBASE, *USRTNS, *LPAR, *EXTSTG, *SYSINT, *RMVSTG, and *SQL. The category *DOMINO will be included if the product IBM Domino for i has been installed on the system. The category *HTTP will be included if the product IBM HTTP Server for i (powered by Apache) has been installed on the system.
The standard plus profile includes all categories which are typically needed by the IBM Performance Tools for i, including communications data. It includes all categories in the *STANDARD profile, as well as the following categories: *IPCS, *CMNBASE, *CMNSTN, *CMNSAP, *TCPIFC, and *DPS.
The enhanced capacity planner profile includes all categories in the *STANDARDP profile, with the addition *INTPEX.
The custom profile includes categories as defined by the user. This profile must be defined using the Configure Collection Services task within the IBM Systems Director Navigator for i.

Cycle time (CYCTIME)

Specifies the base time at which the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL) will end the current collection and begin collecting data in a new management collection object (*MGTCOL). This change will take effect immediately.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the cycle time will be midnight.
Specify the time of day at which the collector will cycle. Although the CL command allows you to enter a time value that contains seconds, Collection Services supports only the hour and minute to cycle. Any value entered for seconds is ignored.

Cycle interval (CYCITV)

Specifies the time period after which the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL) will end the current collection and begin collecting data in a new management collection object (*MGTCOL). This parameter controls the maximum amount of data (based on time) that will be stored in a single collection object. This value will take effect immediately.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the cycle interval will be 24 hours.
Specify the number of hours after which the collection will be cycled.

*MGTCOL retention period (RETPERIOD)

Specifies how long the management collection objects (*MGTCOL) should be retained on the system. The retention period is used to calculate an expiration date and time that is stored in the collection object. After the retention period has expired, the object will be automatically deleted by the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL). Expired collections are removed from the system each time a collection starts or cycles. Collection objects will be automatically deleted only when they exist in the system's configured collection library. This change will take effect immediately and will apply to the current and future collection objects.

Single values

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the retention period will be 24 hours.
The object will not be automatically deleted.

Element 1: Number of units

Specify how long the management collection object should be retained in hours or days. The collection object may be retained for up to 30 days.

Element 2: Unit of time

Specify whether the retention-time value specified for the Number of units element should be treated as a number of hours or a number of days.

The retention period is specified in hours. The valid time period range is 1 through 720.
The retention period is specified in days. The valid time period range is 1 through 30.

Enable system monitoring (ENBSYSMON)

Specifies whether or not Collection Services provides support for system monitoring. A cycle is required for changes to take effect.

To support system monitoring, Collection Services will collect certain data categories more frequently than that configured for the profile collection and it will submit a second batch job (CRTPFRDTA2) to produce a second database file collection in support of system monitoring requirements.

The categories and the associated collection intervals can be configured via the SYSMONCGY parameter if you wish to change the system monitoring defaults. The system monitor file collection has the same name as the standard collection except it begins with an "R". Only files associated with the system monitoring categories are produced.

Collection services also support a unique retention period for system monitor data via the SYSMONRET parameter. Expiration is handled similar to standard data.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the system default value is *NO .
System monitoring support is enabled.
System monitoring support is not enabled.

Create standard database files (CRTDBF)

Specifies whether or not to submit the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) job. This job will create the standard database file collection and process the data in the current management collection object as it is collected. The CRTPFRDTA job will end when the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL) ends or cycles. If this option is set to *YES, a new CRTPFRDTA job will be submitted for every management collection object (*MGTCOL) created. A cycle is required for changes to take effect.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the system default value is *YES.
The CRTPFRDTA job is submitted.
The CRTPFRDTA job is not submitted.

Create standard summary data (CRTPFRSUM)

Specifies whether or not to create additional summary type data for the standard database file collection. A cycle is required for changes to take effect.

Single values

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the system default value is *NONE.
*NONE or *NO
Summary file data is not generated.
*ALL or *YES
All Summary file data is generated.

Other values (up to 2 repetitions)

This option creates additional logical files as supported by the CRTPFRSUM command to improve the SQL performance of functions like the Performance Data Investigator.
This option causes additional system monitoring database files to be created with the standard database file collection. These files summarize various category data and are necessary to use the system monitoring perspectives within the Performance Data Investigator. Creating these files allows the use of those perspectives with standard data collections.

Change PM Agent library (CHGPMLIB)

Specifies whether or not to change the PM Agent library to match the library used by Collection Services.

This parameter is no longer supported. It exists solely for compatibility with the releases earlier than Version 5 Release 5 Modification 0 of the operating system.

Standard data retention (days) (STDDTARET)

Specifies the retention period for standard database file collections.

Standard database file collections consist of data that is normally created by the CRTPFRDTA job in the configured collection library. The collection name (begins with a "Q") is the same as the name of the *MGTCOL the data was exported from.

The standard file data retention period is used to determine how long standard database file collections should be retained on the system. When standard data in the configured collection library is older than the current retention period setting, it will automatically be deleted by the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL) the next time the collector is started or cycled.

The retention period is specified in days.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the system default value is 10 days.
The standard database file collections are not automatically deleted.
The number of days standard database file collections are retained before they become eligible to be deleted.

System monitor data retention (SYSMONRET)

Specifies the retention period for system monitor database file collections.

These collections are produced when system monitoring is enabled via the ENBSYSMON parameter. System monitor database file collections consist of data that is normally created by the CRTPFRDTA2 job in the configured collection library. Files produced are limited to those categories identified for system monitoring data. The collection name is the same as the name of the *MGTCOL the data was exported from except that it begins with a "R".

The system monitor retention period is used to determine how long system monitor database file collections should be retained on the system. When a system monitor data in the configured collection library is older than the current retention period setting, it will automatically be deleted by the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL) the next time the collector is started or cycled.

The retention period is specified in days.

The value does not change. If the value has never been modified, the system default value is 2 days.
The system monitor file collections are not automatically deleted.
The number of days system monitor file collections are retained before they become eligible to be deleted.

System monitor categories (SYSMONCGY)

Specifies the categories used for system monitoring. Each category can have an independent collection interval. A cycle is required for changes to take effect.

There may be up to 10 category/interval element list combinations specified for this parameter.

Element 1: Categories to process

Single values

The list does not change. If the value has never been modified, the system default value is *SYSMONDFT.
The category list is reset to those categories specifically supported for system monitoring. These include: *SYSLVL, *POOL, *DISK, *JOBMI, *JOBOS and *CMNBASE. All are collected at 1 minute intervals.

Other values

Specify the names categories for system monitoring support.

Note: The *SYSLVL category must be included in the list.

Valid category names are:

  Name              Description
  -------------     ---------------------------
  *APPN             APPN
  *CMNBASE          Communications (base)
  *DISK             Disk storage
  *DOMINO           IBM Domino for i
  *DPS              Data port services
  *EXTSTG           External storage
  *HTTP             IBM HTTP Server for i (powered by Apache)
  *IOPBASE          Input/output processors (base)
  *IPCS             Network server
  *JOBMI            Jobs (MI tasks and threads)
  *JOBOS            Jobs (operating system)
  *JAVA             Java
  *LCLRSP           Local response time
  *LPAR             Logical partition
  *POOL             Memory pool
  *POOLTUNE         Memory pool tuning
  *RMVSTG           Removable storage
  *SNA              SNA
  *SNADS            SNADS
  *SYSBUS           System bus
  *SYSCPU           System CPU
  *SYSINT           System internal data
  *SYSLVL           System-level data
  *SQL              SQL
  *TCPBASE          TCP/IP (base)
  *TCPIFC           TCP/IP (interface)
  *USRTNS           User-defined transaction data
  *WAS              Websphere Application Server

Element 2: Time interval (in minutes)

The collection interval will be 1 minute. for this category.
The collection interval will be 15 seconds for this category.
The collection interval will be 30 seconds . for this category.
The collection interval will be 5 minutes for this category.


Example 1: Configuring Default Interval and Collection Library


This command will cause the default interval at which most sample data is collected to be changed immediately to 5 minutes. In addition, the library where data is collected will change to QMPGDATA the next time a management collection object (*MGTCOL) is created.

Example 2: Configuring Cycle Time and Cycle Interval


This command will change the cycle time and cycle interval of the collection. The base cycle time will be 3:00 a.m. and the collection will cycle every six hours from the base time. New management collection objects (*MGTCOL) will be created at the following times: 3:00, 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, 3:00, 9:00, and so on.

Example 3: Configuring Retention Period


This command will cause the current and future collection objects to be retained on the system for 25 days before being automatically deleted by the Collection Services server job (QYPSPFRCOL).

Example 4: Configuring Default Collection Profile and Create Database Files


This command causes changes that will take effect the next time a management collection object (*MGTCOL) is created. At that time, the collection profile will change to *STANDARD and the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) job will be submitted.

Example 5: Configuring System Monitoring Support

                                    (*JOBMI 1) (*JOBOS 1))

This command enables system monitoring support the next time the collection is cycled or the collector is started. Data associated with the *SYSLVL category is collected at 15 second intervals, *DISK category data is collected at 30 second intervals, and job data (*JOBMI and *JOBOS categories) is collected at one minute intervals.

The CRTPFRDTA2 job will be submitted creating a system monitor collection that includes only these categories. The QAPMSMSYS, QAPMSMDISK, QAPMSMJMI, and QAPMSMJOS files will also be produced.

Error messages

*ESCAPE Messages

Error(s) occurred during running of &1 API.
Library &1 not found.
Not authorized to use library &1.