Adding realms

Before you can add a realm to the IBM® i configuration, you need to configure the Kerberos server for the new realm. To add a realm to the IBM i network authentication service task, you need the realm name, the name of the Kerberos server, and the port on which it listens.

To add a realm to the network authentication service, follow these steps:

  1. In IBM Navigator for i, expand IBM i Management > Security > All Tasks > Network Authentication Service.
  2. Click Realm and select Add Realm on the Actions pull-down.
  3. In the Realm to add field, enter the host name of the realm that you want to add.
    For example, a valid realm name might be: MYCO.COM.
  4. Enter the name of the Kerberos server for the realm that you are adding in the KDC field.
    For example, a valid name might be:
  5. Enter the port number on which the Kerberos server listens for requests. A valid port number can be 1-65535. The default port for the Kerberos server is 88.
  6. Click OK.