Display station pass-through options

Display station pass-through is an example of an application that uses APPC. You can use display station pass-through to sign on to another system that is connected to your system through a network.

The Sample pass-through sign–on requests table shows examples of pass-through requests (STRPASTHR command) and how the target system handles them. For display station pass-through, the system uses the basic elements of APPC and the remote sign-on (QRMTSIGN) system value.

Table 1. Sample pass-through sign-on requests
Values on STRPASTHR command Target system
User ID Password SECURELOC value QRMTSIGN value Result
*NONE *NONE Any Any The user must sign on to the target system.
A user profile name Not entered Any Any The request fails.
*CURRENT Not entered *NO Any The request fails.
*YES *SAMEPRF An interactive job starts with the same user profile name as the user profile on the source system. No password is passed to the remote system. The user profile name must exist on the target system.
*FRCSIGNON The user must sign on the target system.
*VFYENCPWD *SAMEPRF An interactive job starts with the same user profile name as the user profile on the source system. The source system retrieves the user's password and sends it to the remote system. The user profile name must exist on the target system.
*FRCSIGNON The user must sign on the target system.
*CURRENT (or the name of the current user profile for the job) Entered Any *SAMEPRF An interactive job starts with the same user profile name as the user profile on the source system. The password is sent to the remote system. The user profile name must exist on the target system.
*FRCSIGNON The user must sign on the target system.
A user profile name (a name different from the current user profile for the job) Entered Any *SAMEPRF The request fails.
      *VERIFY An interactive job starts with the same user profile name as the user profile on the source system. The password is sent to the remote system. The user profile name must exist on the target system.
      *FRCSIGNON An interactive job starts with the specified user profile name. The password is sent to the remote system. The user profile name must exist on the target system.