HyperSwap + LUN switch environment
Most of our customers that use HyperSwap® in an IASP environment combine HyperSwap with the PowerHA® logical unit (LUN) switching technology.
- Near-zero downtime for a planned storage server outage
- Minimal downtime for an unplanned storage server outage (seconds to minutes)
- PowerHA switchover capability for a planned IBM® i, firmware, server upgrade, or outage
- PowerHA failover capability for an unplanned IBM i, firmware, server outage
The above diagram represents a combination HyperSwap plus LUN switching environment. If the production DS8000® has a planned outage, a HyperSwap switch can be initiated to the target DS8000 with near zero downtime. This type of switch does not involve switching access of the IASP from IBM i A to IBM i B or a vary off and vary on of the IASP.
The above diagram represents a combination HyperSwap plus LUN switching environment. If the production DS8000 has an unplanned outage, a HyperSwap failover is automatically initiated to the target DS8000 with minimal downtime (seconds to minutes). This type of switch does not involve switching access of the IASP from IBM i A to IBM i B or a vary off and vary on of the IASP.
The above diagram represents a combination HyperSwap plus LUN switching environment. If the production partition (IBM i A) has a planned outage, a LUN switch switchover can be initiated to the target partition (IBM i B) with near zero downtime. If affinity has been defined, a HyperSwap switchover would also be initiated to switch data access from the production DS8000 to the target DS8000. This type of switch does involve switching access of the IASP from (IBM i A) to (IBM i B) and a vary off and vary on of the IASP.
The above diagram represents a combination HyperSwap plus LUN switching environment. If the production partition (IBM i A) has an unplanned outage, a LUN switch failover is automatically initiated to the target partition (IBM i B) with minimal downtime. If affinity has been defined, a HyperSwap switchover would also be initiated to switch data access from the production DS8000 to the target DS8000. This type of switch does involve switching access of the IASP from (IBM i A) to (IBM i B) and a vary off and vary on of the IASP.
Since HyperSwap and LUN switching are local technologies, these technologies would not protect against a site outage.