Product restructuring

The product options for Content Manager OnDemand for i have been restructured to make installation and maintenance easier. The individual product options for 7.2 (which install separately) are as follows:

  • *BASE for the Base Support (required for all others)
    • *BASE now includes Common Server (previously option 10) and Web Enablement Kit (ODWEK; previously option 11).
    • This option also includes the IBM® Navigator for i - Content Manager OnDemand component (previously named: IBM Navigator for i - OnDemand Administration).
  • 12 for PDF Indexer (optional)
  • 13 for Advanced Function Presentation Transformations for IBM i (optional)
  • 14 for Enhanced Retention Management (optional)

Product options 10 and 11 are now included in *BASE and no longer require installation of a separate option. Important: If product options 10 or 11 exist on your system, they are deleted during the upgrade process.

The System i® Navigator - OnDemand Archive plug-in is replaced by the web-based IBM Navigator for i - Content Manager OnDemand component that is included in the *BASE product option. Important: The System i Navigator - OnDemand Archive plug-in is not supported at 7.2 and is deleted during the upgrade process.

Product options 1 through 5 have not been supported since Content Manager OnDemand for iSeries 5.4 (licensed program number 5722-RD1). Important: If options 1 through 5 of licensed program number 5722-RD1 exist on your system during the upgrade to Content Manager OnDemand for i 7.2, they are deleted during the upgrade process.

The options are:
  1. Spool File Archive
  2. Object Archive
  3. Record Archive
  4. AnyStore
  5. Server (used with Spool File Archive)