End of support for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) APIs
Previous versions of Content Manager OnDemand for i supported the use of IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager (TSM) in addition to ASM or in place of ASM, or simply as another media choice for use in ASM migration policies. The Tivoli Storage Manager APIs for IBM i were withdrawn from support on April 30, 2015. This end of support affects customers using Tivoli Storage Manager as their storage manager and customers using Tivoli Storage Manager as a level within an ASM migration policy. Tivoli Storage Manager can no longer be used as a media choice in ASM migration policies. For customers using TSM as their storage manager, Tivoli Storage Manager can only be used with Content Manager OnDemand for i if you add a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms object server between your IBM i partition and your Tivoli Storage Manager server.
If you are currently using Tivoli Storage Manager or System Storage® Archive Manager (SSAM) with Content Manager OnDemand for i, you need to make changes to continue to access your archived data. If you want to begin using Tivoli Storage Manager with a Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms object server, you need to configure the object server. See the Content Manager OnDemand Read This First document for IBM i 7.2 for additional information.