Listing all profiles

You can use the Display Authorized Users (DSPAUTUSR) command to either print or display all the user profiles on the system.

The sequence (SEQ) parameter on the command allows you to sort the list either by profile name or by group profile.

                           Display Authorized Users
Group       User        Last         No
Profile     Profile     Changed   Password  Text
            ANDERSR     08/04/0x            Anders, Roger
            VINCENT     09/15/0x            Vincent, Mark
            ANDERSR     08/04/0x            Anders, Roger
            HOGANR      09/06/0x            Hogan, Richard
            QUINN       09/06/0x            Quinn, Rose
            JONESS      09/20/0x            Jones, Sharon
            HARRISON    08/29/0x            Harrison, Ken
            DPTSM       09/05/0x     X      Sales and Marketing
            DPTWH       09/18/0x     X      Warehouse

By pressing F11, you are able to see which user profiles have passwords defined for use at the various password levels.

                      Display Authorized Users
                    Password  Level      Level                   Local
User      Group     Last      0 or 1     2 or 3      Netserver   Pwd
Profile   Profile   Changed   Password   Password    Password    Mgt
ANGELA              04/21/0x    *YES       *NO        *YES       *YES
ARTHUR              07/07/0x    *YES       *YES       *YES       *YES
CAROL1              05/15/0x    *YES       *YES       *YES       *YES
CAROL2              05/15/0x    *NO        *NO        *NO        *NO
CHUCKE              05/18/0x    *YES       *NO        *YES       *YES
DENNISS             04/20/0x    *YES       *NO        *YES       *YES
DPORTER             03/30/0x    *YES       *NO        *YES       *YES
GARRY               08/04/0x    *YES       *YES       *YES       *YES
JANNY               03/16/0x    *YES       *NO        *YES       *YES